Page 50 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 50
, Terrors Beat Gettysburg and Franklin & Marshall • rl ,j. f f "',,~Ill I Jr,~: "\ '" I I ) 1'_1f PAGE 10 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 22, 1968 Soccer Terrors Boot Home Winner .t To Insure Winning Season, Before Losing to Hopkins Mike Herr by with Franklin & Marshall, but a last- e r s were helped from the field dur-, minute switch of locations sent the Ing thefourthqUarteralt~rCOlllding Saturday contest to the drier play- with the Western Maryland goal surface at F & M. tender. However, this was no com- Terrors opened the game pensatto for the mud which aided with a goal h;.: Lindsay off a pass the Jays as they scored goals Inthe the mire and lost 3-0 visit- rrom Dorn Wagner, and added the second, third and fourth periods by ing Jays of Johns Hopkins in a clincher 13 minntes later as ROil Ron Rowe s, Art Guerin, and Den- Tuesday nnm -turz.zard. Ather fed the ba Il to Al Mccoy. nts McCartney respectively. Against G-Lmrg, the Green and The horne tea III scored their only Gold took a t-o lead fit 1.I:OS!nthe goal at I:0" of the first period. first quarter on a Ken Nibal i noat. Due to adverse ci rcumst ance s , Nibali Barely Misses The Bullets knotted thp. count in ineluding rreezmc temper atur e s , the middle of the serond period the officating was weak, and 31 with a goal hy Bob ~lcKee and the tillle_~, the game got out of control. The defense, which has been out- score stood at I-I iujhe firsthalf. Many infl·actions were missed and standing all year, was not able to The Terrors picked up two tal- manv were imnowfall almost he oroeeeoen til k])o('k xhotma ke r s at S-4-1, the firs! winning season Bob Tawes gets the ball out of the danger zone at Franklin & Marshall. forced a cancellation or u:e contest {lut of the game. Twollonkrus pla v- for WMC soccer since HIS8. Defense Makes Dietrich May Miss Hopkins 11 7 .t;ting Season As Jays Close Season at WMC The Green sor-eer squ~1l1 l!;'hScho"l in Baltimore hots, with mor", than halfback .Jerry Borga, Paul Weiss ami their quarterback was the press of Shippensburg, complicated by a matchbox-size gym. a couple coming on duhious calls who WllS Jost for the se~son lilll Feely. Coach Sisk has not worked against the press in practice and he dId not tllr",e w",eksag()withal,,'ukHnclav- Weiss was instrulllental in the seem to be disturbed 'by the first two tinal scores of 30-26 and 48-44. by the Officials. A penalty shot who was lost for the seaSon three Riue ,lays' B-1) win over ,the Ter- The single outstandlngplayerfortheTerrorswasJoe Smothers, main- by Washington College with less weeks llgU with a hrokeJI davic!e. rors Jast year, as he drove through stay on the Iront line. Hitting lor 19 points, many Irom the middle than a minute remainin!:" set up Another Grel"n Terror likely to the Wp.stern Marylauddefense for outside, grabbing 15 bounds, and blocking several shots, Joe's perform- an overtime loss for WMC. Loy- 19~ yards. ola gained a tie ,~core with a pen- ance was just short of amazing. Thisisthe type of game Coach Sisk and ally shot, and Mt.St. Mary's heat the Terrors will need If they are towln against the stronger conference teams. th", Terrors on a penalty kick. In the opener', a miraculous save Heisler Shows Improvement - by goalie Bill Schwindt prevent- ed a similar disaster at A, U,. Larry Suder, alter an Ice-Cold 2-10 shooting hall, came back to show If these hreaks had not gone against the Shippensburg foursome good solid basketball including a fantastic. the team a record could have IJe€n driving layup against several defenders. John Heisler, showing some out- 8-2. standing moves and tough defense turned ina solid performance. If Heis- Even more eneouragingthanthis leI' continues this tmprovedpJay he could gatna starting spot in the Ter- season is the potential of the soc- ror backcourt. Gregg Getty and Dave Lewis turned in respectable perf- eel' squa(L Only four seniors have ormances at forward, both rebounding and shooting in decent from for to IJe replaced. and altllough Al this early In the season. Mike Baker, Bill Dudley, and Randy Hutchln- Kempske, Norm Sartorius, Gary son played adequate games, but all three are capable of better play. Jeff Shapiro, and co-captain Ken Nibali Davis, who did not make the trip, might have made up the difference in wer", key faeiors· in this year's the score. success, there are e3pabl", players waiting to replace them. Cumulative Stats. Hutch and Hobart Break the Press The second stringers of both teams dueled in the third haU with the o Terrors winning by over adozenpoints.RandyHutchinson anci Bill Dud- Shots Asts, Goals Pts, , Anderson 9 1 ~ ley, both of whom has played inthe first two halves, played well but were Athev 38 8 12 relieved early. Billy Hutchinson and Jim Hohart managed to break the o 0 Bowie 1 half court press of Shippensburg withe no ugh consistency to lead the Ter. Eberhart 1 o 0 rors to victory. Latrell Jones, freshman center, shotwell from the out- Leverton B o 0 side and his development could meanmuchtothe Terrors. BUi Sherman Lindsav 31 6 99 McCoy 60 6 and Gene Grosh aided in the third haH victory with solid performances , o ,VlcFar!ane1 off the boards. McWitliams1f, 2 AU In all the trip was not unsuccessful. Despite the fact that Latrell Nibil.i 15 Jones walked into a polished marble wall,heshClW"ed great promise as a Tawes 11 scoring forward, Joe Smoth",rs should have a tremendous year and the Wagner 10 team does have a depth absent In recent years. A good team spirit also Young 1 0 0 appears present and this wIll be invaluable as the season progresses, Totals 203 18 24 42 Quote of the w",ek: Randy Hutchinson, speaking of the illegality for Pct, ,118 dunking the ball during a game, "Nothing Is illegal that doesn't I> a punlshmentfor it," What?! AlUmni Game this Friday, Be. there,
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