Page 43 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 43
I r 7 ... . ~ Letters to the Editor - __ TO THE EDITOR: tlou, they inform smoems cr s.c.x I know you are Sick of henring man prot-tam rr on, the beginning In his article cnme o-ernoo i.n and WOmen's councn actf vttie s, "when I was vour age' pep talks, therefore Love is Dead, BllG, :-.'0,', 8) :\lr. :'Ifcirgan stales I don't give them. I know Dean in a g-lar-e thatll'erlon'tliketostare The previous a rtfcle also de- that, "Alter serving two rears. a Other members include the pre- Robinson say-s that none of us were into. 1lE' also provided the answer- scribed the rational truth of sidelltsofallthreewomen'sdorm_ in plain light ann 11lngllage. but we draftee wtth norma! intelligence ever your age. linn I believe bim, science which rnay replace reli- ltortes , the women rnembersofthe don't Jikethateithel'.Wf'hllVeal_ gion. But science really has little carl easily make $238 a !!Iotllli, The pressures Ofonedayarenel'er S.G,A. executive council, a French which .•• when quarters and'suhsis_ House repre seurattvs, and Dean those of another and )'et theloupar- ;:~:.,~;;::~e~l ,1;~~~.g~:~!;:!rl,I;~n~l~~~ to do with religion. Religon ans- lance allov,'ancesare'added."IJe_ lli\"ethellloreiknoll"thatthe.vare wers questtons for men that Latdlaw, her dO'i! mvseu' xvndrome ... but comes a substantial 31l10UIH.'· If. for any reason. Women's never basically very differ-ent Ilis answers lire the uuly ones He science or physical knowled~can It is Illy view that-after- serving Council feels unable cr unouattnao either, it is beside the will accept, Our determtnutton to never answer. Manyscien!istshave two rears, a draftee, \\'H~l_normaI to pass judgement. it may refer a point: we are here in flop n rounrt in OUi' OWIl messes, quite deep religious beliefs and can imelhgence reu'rnsrc ctvmenuro. fathom God in ways that most men case or an issue 10 another cam- this imperfect scctetv in par, neck deep :lIlOlarmed wilh strain- never have the chance to apprect- Eleanor,N: Richwine pus committee, such astheStuctent feet creation andwe hartletterstop er's . I'esults in rhaos wtthin us ami 'ate. Life Council or the Student Person- trring to shoot each other down. hetween us. God Himself sees to changes After religion from TO THE EDITOR: net Problems Committee. The more I read the GOI.D Bl'G th~I' dogma tu tole r-ance , it is suppus- that this I alii convinced Women's Council. that much Women'sCouncilmeetsonalter_ the more scream of "We wantnus- You!". nur. nllln'.~ adver-xa rv is ert to fade away to non-religion. constant maligned. much speculated auour nalellIondayeveningsat6:30inthe not the adnunt strution the evifs or according to the article. Certainly S.G.A. Senate room. and in special wer s!' and "Who shall answer"" Mwil:.'ty. thee.~tal'lish!llel\t.tlieoln_ and n!U(;h misunderstood repre- is kin to a »lx year old's lirade the Church has often been dogmatic sentative body has recently been trial seSSions. This year's Wo- ot ';W11)" nol-:" and "Gige me one 1:.'1" generation (who doesn't have and wrong in its stand.jiarttcujar , the target ofcau5ticcriticlsm.Re_ men's Council president Is Cindy good reason:" wilen hI' is denied . one':) or anyhumaninsUtution.Our 1.1' against scip.nce. But acceptance garded in somecirciesasacollec_ Groves. Anne Read access to tht' ("(luki!" jar fiflt'ell a(lversar.v. amlldonotexclurlemy_ of natural truth noes not cause lioll of the IllOst vindictive ogres TO THE EDiTOR: minutes before dillner. self. is God, Tidsisulicconfl"onta_ religion to deny its own existence. 'on campus, Women's Council nev- SOYOlidon'IHkethewll,I'lhings tion in wliicll"'l know thatlam sing- What is in dissolution today is, ertheless does not tunctionas a jun- The Women's Council has been are gaillg? Who does'.' So I'e- ularl_\" lllcking hoth in arllls and as mentioned, the dogmatic ac- YOII ior Inquisition. dedit'ated to rooting severely criticized for the outcome cognize that this is an imlwrfect annol". ceptance of religion and, hopf>- I hnve :1 well wurk out transgressors. of Dink\" Kuhn's trial. I think this society? Good for YOll:The wholt' ('ailed a Bible. II holds little all book !tIlly, the non-Chrbtian attitudes the The difficult.\" of passing judge- Is an Injustice because I would world Is tull of people screftllling of Illany Church members. Today ment is apparent to anyone with say that the Women's Council re- for answers. It alway,~ has. J ;Ying- answers, hut Illany are very pain- people lIIust see for themselves any senslti\"ity'tothevaryingneeds presents very accurateh' the atti- b the only galile in town though ful hecallse they alla('k the human tile Irlle lIlf'anlng of religion or and value.~ of individuals. Where tUde and maturity of the women on so we had better gel off thp. !Jench. IJrollJem lit its sOllrce. Amlthat, reject It. as many have done. ThIs rUles exist. however. enforcement thiS campus. We, thewomen, are to i!Q1'.' in love we are with ques_ dear Dun, is MI';! may calise the a]Jpearance of the becomes a necessity. be blamed. tions. The laziest, 1110.'<1 ignol'ant GOd does not insult my intelli- (lissolution of religion. But when- As stndents we are continually gence with silly questions. Hel<1Ys ever men have consciously tried as Gener~l1r. Women's Council asking for responsibilit},. I m~'selt and lImliSCiplined rniml 1::ln thillk the an~;we!"s lu mv qllestions UII a whole to tlo away with religion, it deals with the prOhlems of and the. ulJ questions. Answers huwever the line. Ifl do not l)ick them uP. has unly persisted or reappeared issues concerningwomen students. hal'e asked for it over and over always seem harder tu swallow. again, as in NaJX>leonic France or In this capacUy. it functions as a again. But last year I began notic- TRUTH is SOmething Ihat. since COIIIIIUlIlist Europe.l1uxley is men- ing something when girls got toget- Hason between students and admin- her totalkahouttheunlimiteddress the tirne of EVe, has "een sohl tioned as hO]Jing thai irratiunal re- istration. Curfew systems and code. then in (Juestion. "Oh [ think as a "relative" to he determined ligions will dIsappear, but how caD changes. and proposals fordormi_ it's a good idea. I mean I think I'm SUhjectively. Satan has:l!ways been they? Man is certainly not com- tory open house, as well as plans certainly old enough to know how to a master salesman. God however plt'tely rational, and rellglunhelps lor the annual dorm Christmas dress. Blit I just hope no one takes laughs because from !lIe heginning fill his irrational neetls. Religion party, and until recently, the dress advantage of it--you know. some He has made it plain that TRUTH has alwaySheenanirrationalthlng. code (which. incidentally, was abo- people are really slohby." Where Is His product amI is not deter- Por example, the concepts of God lished atthe·endoflastyear.large_ do we get the audacity to play "in mined by either personalorsocial and uf the hUman spirit are irra- Iy due to the efforts of Women's loco parentis" amOng ourselves? thinking. He has revealed it. "ut tional. Council) comprise the bulkolCoun- WhenwlUwe learntostandinstead it on the counter. Our only joh is Finally, Christianity is criticiz- cll business.Trlalsforsuchlnfrac_ of slink tor what we are? to recognize it. Didyoueverreally fOrIfor rejecting its literal beliefs tlons of rules as drInking in the think allOut what the word dJs- ill the Devil and the GeneslsCrea_ dorm and amassing a total ofthfrty tion account (where such rejectiOJl late minutes or more are Infrequent has occured). However it Is not and are conducted in the following relevant whether the Devil is a symhol of evil or a powerful being; . the important fact is that evil does Thedefendant(alaPerryMason, exist. And whether God created for lack of a betterwOrd),explalns everything insevendaysorthrough to Women's CounclJ the circumst_ an evolutionary process is irrele- ances of and reasons for her parti- vant; the important fact for the cular violation. Most cases involve Jews or Christian is that God did extenuating circumstances. In all create all that exists. Therefore cases, the attitude ot a girltoward the Church Is first condemned for authority, the rules and her behav- being dogmatic, and then when It lor, is of primary importance, both makes a rational change in the in determining the degree of guilt, light of the truth as revealed by and in deciding on a suitable pun- science, it is criticized for chang- ishment. All disciplinary action ing to "symbolic interpretation." taken by Women's Council is tail- Charles Horn ored to fit both the girl and her particular Situation, andisenforc_ TO THE EDITOR; ed and supervised by Council mem- I just interrupted my Latlnhome- bers. All details at trials, includ- work asslgnmenttowrite this mes- Ingtestimony, discussion and con- sage: clusions. are to be kept in strict Around 10:30 Friday evening a confidence (thereare,unfortunate_ snOWball came volleying through Iy, occasional lapses, Injurious the window pane behind the Editor's to both the Council and the Offen- desk. The flying glass for!unatel~ der), by Women's Council mem- didn't lacerate my skin. bers. Well ed., the GOLDBliG ratt'~ with the offices of Gro\'e Pre"" for being assualted. We lIIust 1'1' doing something right! (or It'll' Paciflstically, John Sloan WMC's Perennial M:lr~
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