Page 42 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 42
pAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 21, 1~8 _Western Maryland Yes, Virginia Where the Action Ain't There Is a Santa Claus by John Bennett In the past few months the GOLD BUG has attempted Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. In fact, there are roughly to present to the people at Western Maryland an overview of 100,000 in the United States alone, the kinds of activities that are taking place on other college found on every street corner, de- campuses, by reprinting articles taken from their newspapers. partment store and shopping cen- ter in any urban area of America. These articles have covered a wide variety of topics ranging Quite possibly, by the time this from student representation on the board of trustees to cam- Christmas season is over, you will be sick of seeing Santa Claus, pus Controversies on the value of the SGA to course evalua- But that won't come for another tion polls, to free universities. This issue covers to changes ~Ix weeks. We still have this happy season ahead of us. By the way, in dress codes and compulsory ROTC req-uirements open Virginia, In case you missed him, house policies at several nearby institutions. Santa Claus arrived in Westmin- ster last weekend. Yes, I know Thanksgiving is still over a week No Reaction away. But no matter. You see, Santa Claus has changed a lot. Unfortunately, what was intended as a booster for It used to be that Santa Claus only 011 Christmas travelled Eve, activity at Western Maryland seems to have been a complete bringing his sack and then cutting failure. No one has expressed their sentiments towards these Academic Suspension? out before anyone spotted him, articles and more important, no one has taken the responsib- Then at -some time in the not so ility to try and impliment any of the fundamental changes The ROTC Letters distant past he decided that a .Ut- wouldn't hurt hlm-c- tie exposure that are taking place elsewhere. In half a semester's time, the by Jerry Hopple . 50 he volunteered to help out a only topics that have been approached at Western Maryland Dear __ few worthwhile charities. Nowa- can then have been improved communication, and compulsory ROTC . "The Admissionsand Stan- their grades be penalized by having days a person can get him to help with project or money any organization, cut. (Of course, and in both cases no definitive action has been taken. dardsCommitteehasnotedyour ROTC, this couldn't happen since making scheme one can dream up. Last year, the president of the SGA ran on a platform of ~i~~~::::i~;~~~:r~~:r~!~!~;r. the rour basic semesters must be Why this "new" Santa Claus? Bas- for these ically it has resulted student power. The SGA was to be the spokesman of the stu- gation notes that this grade is taken In the freshman and sopho- reasons: years. Apparently, more the in- aUenable right to fail is denied to L Santa no longer makes his dents. To date, the only thing the SGA has done in this capac- based '?;h:o~~t!e;~:ece'reminds us.) The fact that letters were sent own toys; labor costs are too high ity has been to discuss the cafeteria situation. Work has been you that successful completion out for ROTC and not for Use of and he can get them imported from done on a proposed course evaluation poll but again, no de- of this course is a pre-requisite to the Bible, EngUsh or Sociology in- Japan much more cheaply. Sobas- finitive action has been taken. graduation and should you will. dicates that playing soldier once a icaUy Santa has a lot of free time week is constoered more important that he can employ riding in heli- fully disregard this requirement than learning. copters and parades and kisslne: Momentum is Lost you are subject to academic sus- 3) The third conclusion wlll not babies--although this Is not to , pension at the conclusion of the appeal to anyone who viewed the imply that he is r-unning for any What started out looking like a great year of reform present semester. ROTC letter episode as an attempt public office. 2, It used to be that Santa Claus those seems to have subsided into another rypical-year at Western "We urge that you consult to "get" ROTC. After students who op- had to make out a master list to to a posed listening Maryland. Time seems to meander by, and before you know the Professor of Military Science few ROTC lectures,asthelnstruc- distinguish between those who had been cutUngROTC drills and mrss-. it, die year's up, and a few things have been accomplished but immediately L to determine ways tor extolled the virtues of tanks ,lng.
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