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LfBIl ~RY - WESTERN MARYlA~'D COLLEGE WESTERN MARYLAND • The Gora Bug CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol. 45 No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMIN~TER, MARYLAND . \ - NOVEMBER 22, 1968 Unlimited Curfew Begins Schaeffer Stops .. Key Installed Tuition Rumor' For Semor Women For the past week, the student yet reviewed the assessments of body of Western Maryland College the last school year. Mr. Schaef-.' After a year oldIScusslon,Wes_ of keys must be ordered. Also,the has been up-in-arms over a ler states, "Serious study of the tern Maryland College will Initiate system will not be in effect the night rumored tuition hike of four hund- projected budget is required be- a policy of unlimited curfew for during the weekthat the house mot- red dollars for the coming year. fore any recommendations can be senior women that will go into ef- her is out of the dorm (the house Phillip B. Schaeffer, treasurer, made to the Board of Trustees." fect alter Thanksgiving, or as soon mother has one night out of the states, however, that there Is pos- Somettma in December, the sit- as the key system arr-tves and can dorm). be installed. itively no basis for this rumor; as u~Hon will be reviewed and at The idea of unlimited curlew was To put the machine into opera- of now the administration has not that time the students will be de- promoted last year by Women's tion, a five dollar initiation fee is S.O.S. Plans Council and discussed more ser- required from those seniorwomen ~il:it~e~YfO;~~i:i~~m~;g;:~r~hangeS iously this fall. Dean Laidlaw made who wish to participate. Par-ttej-, Although a tuition raise of as the announcement last month that pants must also obtain written par- ental consent. Fund Haising ~o~c:nt;c~:~~~,hA~~~~:~a~~:~~r:e~~ the policy had been passed by the The system will operate on alack Music, Play The Student Opportunities ser-. Hated to say that such a raise in administration. vice is planning several new fund- fees is not imminent. He stated and key basis. A special device will raising projects for this school that the tuition of Western Mar y, be placed on the front doors of the year to help cover expenses for land College compares favorably three dorms. Inessence this device Planned for next summer's field teams. with that of other private instf-, Detail of "Gwynn", one of the unlocks the lock on the door lor In addition to having conces- tutions in the east. The students paintings by John Ireland which thirty seconds. A senior woman stons rights to aU home sports are reminded that a tuition rise are currently on exhibit in Gal- may sign a key out for the night. Christmas events this year, the SOS is pnot- does not mean improvements in lery One of the Fine Arts Build- She uses her key to get In and then Ing a candy sales program In all - the dorms or dining hall; tutition ing. places the key In a box designated Following WMC tradition, the residence halls. Scented candles raise means improvements with- for it. The next morning the keys annual Christmas Vesper Service will also e;oon sale as the Christ- in the academic facilities and pay Semi-Nudes, will all be accounted for. No one will be presented on Sunday, Dec- mas season approaches. Increases for the professors. may sign a key out for the night ember 15th at 4:30 P.M. in AlU- Conthiulng the traditional pub- "We Sincerely hope," concluded Realistic Art until all keys are accounted for. mni Hall as a collaboration of ltctty and money-making ventures, Mr. SChaeffer, "that this state- Therefore, the system will be fro- the Music and Dramatic Art de- the SOS remains available tor men! will relieve the anguish which Displayed_in Show zen any time a key is mts stng, If partments. A musrcat program speaking engagements to churches, such a rumor can cause. Wilen a key is nat found, a whole new set will be followed by a Christmas civic groups and other organtza , final action is taken on the adop- morality play in the service. Ap_ tions. Either a short fIlmor.sHdes non of fees, the information will Hopkins Game can be shown. Fruitcakes may be be available to all." in~~eS~~~~;~~~~:~~I~~/~~:~~ ~:~::i~~:~~ w~~1o~e:~n! t:!~e: purchased "at such lectures, or Will Highlight _ obtained at this Saturday's game. ~I:h~~~e ~:~:n~~~ld~~!, ~a:':~' st~~:~t:~1 ~;e:1:~ec:~~I~ietrlch, Although project sites for the The S.C.A. will be opened. It will continue through head Ofthe Music department, the coming summer have not yet been sponsoring a pre-Thanksgiv. December 7. Parents' Day _ Brass Ensemble will begin the selected, several new ideas are ing Cigif on Tuesday, Nov. being constder-ad in addition to ember 26, from 4:00 until lan~~~!~~~~:do~~Sr!:~~~! :!5~~:~~ Parent's Day activities this year ;~:;I~~. In~~~U::~e~:~~,~~~ ~;~. field areas Visited last year. curfew. has been a Dean of Division Since will again coincide with the tr ad- men's Glee Club will sing a spe- ~;~~~I~;e~fndAr;shOde~:~:i:~~ :ii: ~~~~~~:~tball game against Johns ~:;~c~~:;r:fm M~fs.C~:;~y:n~:;I~~~ Dramatists Enact Master of Arts degree from the Parent~ may become more crt- Among the selections 10 be sung University of Indiana, was born in ented to Weslern Maryland College by the Glee Club are Gordon's Pirandello's Genius Marion. Indiana, in 1925. in a series of activities beginning 16th Century carol Susani , The Ireland, who works in no other in McDaniel Lou- with registration Blessings of Mary, by Robert Page, style than the style presented in his nge between eight thi rty, and noon. and by Arthur FrackenpohI, Car- showtng, has been in the field of art Beginning at 9:00, there will be Ibbean Carol, a traditional nom- for the last twenty-two years. two sessions of meetings with the tmcan Republic Carol. The most striking feature about Academic Department in the same A Christmas morality play en- Richard Ireland's works In his et- location. An informal tea with the tlUed "The House By the Stable" feCtive use of bold, bright, brilliant faculty at 10:45 brings the acuv- by Charles Williams will be pre- colors. The human form-many Hies to an academic culmination sented. The cast will be: times semi-nude_andcaughtinlnti __ with an assemblyontheadjustment Man....•..•... Jeflrey Ludlow mate POSitions - in his favorite and of freshmen to college life. Dean Pride Patricia Wilkinson only SUbject. Ireland emphasizes Robinson and Dean Makosky will Hell. •..•...•.. Cll!ton Killmon his figures tzy placingthemagatnst speak. Gabriel .••.... David Hilder flat, monochromatic backgrounds. Joesph •....... Mark Stevens His ingenious masteringolllght and A buffet luncheon In the new cal- Mary ..•..•...• Jeanne Rfstig dark makes his subjects seem to eteria wil! follow the assembly. Miss Esther Smith will direct explode from the canvas. Meal tickets, at seventy-five cents the play. A Special soloist will Since 1951, Mr. Ireland has been each, may be purchased either at by Mrs. Julia HitchCock. Theset_ :~~b~t:~~n~~a:a~~;:~:rn:, ::~~: ~:rr.stration or in the cafeteria it- ~~n:pe~~~ve~i:~~~go~i~a~ H~~~d~~~ sylvania, MarYland, and the Dls- The game against Johns Hopkins Robert Gagnon. trict of ColUmbia. The Museum 01 begins at 2:00. A special section. Modern Art has purchased two of tor parents of football players will In honor of the annual his works. be reserved in the bleachers. The . celebration of Hopkins week. Keith Thacker, left, and Robert Julia appear in a dramatic scene A man who sees art as what the Student Opportunities Service will end and Parent's Day, the from the play, "Six Characters In Search Of An Author," by Luigi. artists dO,Rlchardlreland has been be selling concessions and lruit- Women's Council considered PirandeUo. Playing in Alumni HaU, the presentation will run until Sat- a consultant for the GroUer Pub- I cakes during the game. a motion Monday night con. lishing Company lrom 1962-1964 urday night. Other cast members include Rick McCall, Marjory Ric- on the minor arts (articles on All residence halls, both men's cerning open house for the hards, Margit Horn, Alan Winik, Stewart Stack, Margie Hering, Ann women's dorms. It was de- books, folk art, and tapestry, etc.) and women's, will have open house Schwartzmann, Little Wade, Robert Harris, Cindy Groves, Barbara lor the Book of Know-ledge. on Saturday afternoon from 3-6 cided tlwt Whiteford, Mosberg, Steve Grant, Dan Patrick, Joe Powell, Mike EUiott, Johnada This unusual exhibit will be on p.m. Blanche Ward, and McDaniel Elliott, Larry Sanders, Rowland Hill, Fred Miller, Marie Goldbloom display In the Art Building from Rounding out the proceedings, all Halls will Iwve an open and Beth Trott 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. on weekdays and tour fraternities areplalUlingclos~ house from 3-6 p.m. on Sat. , .; T T trom. 3:QO- .5:00 p.m. on Sundays. ed parties for Saturday night. urday, November 23.
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