Page 40 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 40
· PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 8, 1968 Wins Balance Booter's Slate t~~:;~s;I:;~YC.c.Lycoming, Gallaudet Fall to WMC Upsurge T""d:~,J~~:'~::~"M"Yl,"d"But Loyola Claws Back to Tie with Terrors J.V. soccer team handed out an overpowering defeat to Allegany .",:, by Mike Herr ~~o~munity College by the score of ~~" .."" The Western Maryland soccer outstanding game against Loyola Goals were made bythefolJowing squad romped past ceneooet by a as the action was torrid around for Western Maryland: Phil Ens- t- 7-1 score Saturday, closing a the goal. tlce, two goals, Johnson Bowie, one r week's action that saw them win The Loyola goals came on a goal, Dane Eckart, one, Greg 4-2 over Lycoming and deadlock deflection and that old WMC bug- Barnes, one, and a penalty kick by Loyola College 2-2. aboo, a penalty kick. However, Roger Young. Mr , Earll said at- Gallaudet accomplished some- the Terrors blew a 2-0 halftime tar the game, "It has been a long thing by their visit to Western lead in this encounter. time since Western Maryland soc- Maryland because their one goal Against Lycoming the Terrors cer teams have scored thirteen was the first point ever scored by scored first and took a 2-1 halt- goals in two games and given up a Gallaudet team against WMC. It time lead into the second hall. the Warrlos _~nly one." - I came on a pentalty kick. In the third score period at 2-2, but the ties Four points hit the scoring col- the AGT Unbeaten umn for tbe Terrors, with Ron In the third period the Warriors the Athey collecting at 2-2. score and four- goals, ties In Intramurals Alan McCoy, Ve Lindsay, and co- The Terror record now stands eacn tallied Bob Tawes captain once. Tawes scored on a penalty at 3-3-1 with an excellent opport- Once again,' as every fall, kick. unity to consummate a winning Fern Hitchcock and Rick Diggs season vs, Gettysburg, F'r anklm & have organized the intramural Goalie Gary Shapiro played an Marshall, and Johns Hopkins. football competition. With the season all but over with only one game left, Alpha Gamma rA~%.~"1 Tau is the only remaining un- .•. defeated team, The Gamma Bete s were noted for their crtense until the basket- ~~'::::...~.".. bal l players became inellgibJe. ........ ~~;..~ The Preachers were famous tor Dom Wagner aims a pass against Gallaudet. tnetr unehaltnged, power and ~'.~ weight and the Black and Whites tor "~ .( r ~ their brutal blitzing technique. The ~- \ new dorm entered four teams who figured in the final standing, but ,.> they were no match for frats. Plitt Places 3rd In Loyola Loss by Brian Chaney , .' ?-" '<. ,~.- Terror cross country suffered Its third defeat last Wednesday at !./',~. i .:"-~. "the hands of Loyola. The conditions were invigorating, clear and cold, and' the four-mUe Loyola course Pel·reet sYlnhol was very fast; but the Terrors lack- Or the love you share ing depth, were trounced 18-42. Terror ace catvin Plitt finished Ikill:; with l":lch t.;WWllIf,:Jlllo pr{'Cloll' nud (,lldllrlllg 10\"C. l lappilv, seventh, Bernice Pheitfer ninth, :d~ 111[:.\t:("ht:rl\ht·(! 11]<11)1('111'> \nll lx- fort'nor s.\"1l1bohzn1 h~' yom Brian Chaney eleventh and John di:llIl()Jld t:llg:lgl.'llll'llt'rill!.; Skinner twelfth. Alan McCoy and Larry Anderson use their heads. If the 1I;IIIIC, KeqJ'>:lh', i, ill till" rillt.; nud (Ill tIle 1:lg, Hill :Hl' :!IId !:I\tillr,: _\:Iti\fadi()ll. The Mental Errors Costly final Bill Campbell continued to play :I_\\llrcd of fillc IjI1:dil\' of '>lIpe") COIOf,;lm1 prcci\l' lIlodern t:llg;lgelllent 28-8, read di;l!lIoll(1 i_\fl:!wk\\. Y()I1~ Clii. HI I!lakllll; vom .,dl'ctlllll Kt:ep'>:lke Jewcler win :1,>,,_\1rOil AsJ.V. Gridders lose spirited ball at tackle, while 150- BOWL in tIll' }dlo'l' 1':lI;C\, IIIl1kr "Jl'wckrs." fIe's lb. LB Jon Frank and ISO-lb. end Charlie Bowers battled a hitter, by Dave SampselJe stiff wind and a rough opponent to With The jayvees continued to show a standstill. . ~pE/ake0 Improvement the past two weeks, Chief but.the results remainedthesame. DIAMOND RINGS Against TowsonState and, most re- WTTR Pokomoke cently, SusquehannaJ.V.,lnconsls_ tencyand error conilnued to plaque the boys. AM·1470KC Tenpill5 Injuries to quarterback Jim Yates, tackles Steve Sweet and Roy FM-Stereo WESTMINSTER Shltes, adinfin1tum,forcedastart_ LANES Ing role on some inexperienced ill tlte: Shctppia .. Ceo.fAr players as Towson Invaded Holfa Stlldenu - Until ':00 p •..,. Field, QB David Solow responded WESTMINSTER Jl.20 3 GaRIN especially and passed for another JlIARYLAND Moll. • Fri. 848-1$70 well. He scored against Inc:ladiDI'Sb_ tally, gaining over lOOyardsover_ I;:=======::::!~;:::;:======: Towson Iron ManforCoachWhite'sforces, @A'L. ITr CLEANERS & ~;.~.;":;r:.:.~~~\~,~:~I:~I;:~;c:..;:rtn!~ ~:':7I~;tyof ~all, Fullback Dave Ross,backfrom I a shoulder separatJon, became the The occasional bright spotswere U LAUNDERERS iHOWTO-PLANYOU-R-ENGAGEMENTA-ND-WEDD'NGi ~;~:~h;!::ld~r~::v:~,bo~~ ~~d:; 1 So•.Center Street, or Englar Road I Please send new 20-page booklet, "How To Plan Your Engage- I I ment and Wedding" and new 12-page f~1Icolor folde.r, ~oth for of the line, The Terrors still J ! only 25c. Also, send special offer of beautJIul44-page Bride s ~s~. .J:!aven't jelled, Against a polished LAUNDERING. DRYCLEANING • TAILORING :.- ~ ~eu:~u:~~::~I:lvl:;~=:i;e~~~;~~;, Garment Storage & Linen Renta1 Sernee : I The ball was lost on 4 tumbles, 3 Senic:e for Students in WMC Student Center I Address Interceptions, a blocked punt, and J Clty J 2 mishandled falrcatches, while [ State ip r l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x_:.o-~~~_:r:E.~~~~~_:J ~~:::=::~~~~~~~~ec~e:~~. S~~~
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