Page 38 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 38
PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 8,1968 Somebody Up There? Reopening the ~~or , The Poaitive ~~'~:nctof the Draft By Way of Definition art~~~:rln ~~:~~fOb!~ell:hn:~~~:~: ~::ed:mo:~rt:a~:hll~~~gf~~~Il:t,n::~ ;:~~~~;h::~b~~:~~~~t;~a~~~v~: t the GOLD BUG (Close the Door, \\ hlCh so many ot us today take for you the right to make such a rash IRA G. ZEPP, JR. Thele's a Draft), I observed the granted? generalization? Certainly some ot our men In Vietnam do not work In arguments Irrelevant You say that the draft would he urt- and unsup- ported theses that were presented, necessary if the service could be air conditioned offices, but you can- The most powerful verbal symbols ot any religion really purport to and sat back and complained,teel- made more attractive, and thus not convince me that any more than fescrtre human existence and experience. ing that this was' an extremely ef- lower the turnover rate. According a small minority ot our military In the Christian tradition, these cuutc and liturgical phrases may recttve means of expressing my to vour articles, this could be done personnel Is living In tax holes or appear "spiritual" and other-wortdy In content. On the contrary, how- opinion, and dtscour agtng you tr-orn b}'increasingthepayscaleandim_ stums, ever, their referent Is history (this world), because BlbHcal faith Is writing again on tile subject. proving the living conditions ot fundamentally historical in character, e.g., you do not find God In a Apparently my dormitory bftch- - military personnel. Nevertheless. I do agree that supematur aj realm, but in the movements of human de- ing did not get past the cock- For your information, a 71'( pay there are plenty ot people who are clslonsaremade,!reedom struggled for , and justice sought. roaches, for in the October 25th hike went Into effect this past June not in love with miJitary life. The Here Is a possible way, in the light of this fundarnantal referent, to issue you came right back ,dth for all rnemcer s of the armed for- most important reason for this ..e-uenne some welJ-worn rettgtous terminology. another winner (Closing the Door ce s, After serving two years, a however, is not the poor pay or the Klngdom of God-·where there is resolution ct conntct.where there \s on the Draft). I therefore conetun- draftee with normal intelligence "Spartan" living conditions. In- peace andhumanwellare (Shalom) _ eo that the only way to make my can now easily make $238. a month, stead, I would think what most to tind God .- to find one's seU. Remember the prodigal son who upon opinions knownwas t owr-rte rny cwn which is certainly not enough to people find objectionable in mnt- "comlng to himsell" was already on the way to the article, which I feel expresses the make him a millionaire, but when tar)' life is the relative lack of father? feelings of the Jittle heard majority. quarters and subsistence nuow- freedom. The right to go wherewe 'to be saved-etc be tully humamzad What I object to most are your a nces are added in, It becomes a want whenever we wantis a prtvt- to know cnrtst-cto know acceptance and possibility statements that the draft is unfree SUbstantial amount. lege that we are accustomed to to be born agafn-vto be delivered from bondage to the past and to be and unnecessary, and that military There are other advantages to inthe lInitedstates, but this tree- able to face the future without fear; the assurance life should be made more aurae- military life that ere onenror-gou , dom has no place in a military that you can always beg1n again tive in order to sfi mulate enough en. The servicemen gets me-neat establishment. For obVIOUSrea- to give your \ife to cnr+stv-to become a man tor others enlistments to eliminate the need care for himself and his family at sons, the military service has to wor sbtp coe-s to celebrate the gift of lUe and assume responsibility for the draft. practically no charge, has the use never been, and never will be, run for the world You say the draft is unfree be- of the PX, and is able to retire as a democracy, and it is tnts rac- to receive our humanity tr cm God cause "our Constitution expressly after only twenty years active duty. tor which alienates so many from the divinity of Chrt st __hls overwhelming and radical humanrty torblds.lnvoluntaryservitudewhlch To say the least, I was amused the ar mert services. Some men are Father, Son and Holy Splrit--Meanlng, Love and Power is exactly what the draftee faces." with your observation thai "theliv· not bothered by this fact, but a lot to love cod-etc love your neighbor; "But If a man has enough to live I suppose a good description oflhe ing conditionsofmilitarypersonneJ more are, which Is the source of on, and yet when he sees his brother in need shuts up his draftee'slifelsinvoluntaryservl· are unduly Spartan. even for of- the high turnover rate and the need heart against him, how can It be said that the love of God tude. But isn't it a crime that pee- rtcers.' I realize that from your forthefiraft. dwells in him?" I John 3:17 pie nowadays have to be coerced To paraphrase Erich Fromm, In the presence ot the experience de- into serving their country rather scribed, the symbols are secondaryandwithoulthe experience, the sym- than volunteerlnl!" to defend the bois are irrelevant. The Draft and A Theory on the the War of 1812 Dissolution -of Religion by John Douglas Wine Women and Washing Machines Despite the factual d~nunlcation above of Richard Anderson's art. by Mike Herr icleson the draft, I feel Mr. Mor· by Richard Anderson gan ha's missed tile point hoth of Today we are going to deal with the maxim that has alerted universal the arttcles and of the antl·draft apathy for eons: Thewaytoawoman'sheart is through her washing mac- -A leading trend In modern society as a symbol for evil. In the same movement. hine, But before we delve into the crux of the matter, it would be wise to :,as been the gradual dissolution way, the first book of the Old Testa- Of course there Isnothlngwrong up+Ughtenourselves on the cycle of the washing machine. of orthodox religion. This trend mentis now considered by most to with fighting for one's country if In the beginning, man wore no clothes. He covered himself with only a has accompanied the development be a myth that must be interpreted one believes it is right. Of course fig leaf, But as man grew and expanded his horizons, he sensed that he ;.Jtmodern science so that today the for symbolic meaning. Science has there is nothicg wrong with the needed more than a fig leaf. Thus clothing was invented. At first, man primary reJiglon In the west Is the given usamuChmorecrediblegen- military if one chooses to join it. did not wash his clothes, but discarded each piece as it became unbe'ar. mUdly·tolerant-multi-creed Pro- sis and rather than appeartoolish, It is the mass Impressment of able. Eventually, a hright earthling discovered that by beating them on testantism, and the rigidly dog- Chrls!lans responded byhavlngthe civilians into the military that Is the rocks by his proverbial stream he could clean his garments. On this ~natlc CathOlic Church has suffer- words of the Biblical account, but both unjust and unfair. basic premise the earliest washing machine was developed. Originally, ~d Increasing aUacksandrebellion changing the spirit. It is not unfair merely because the machine was merely a wooden tub with a crude washboard. Metal trom its followers because of Its This process-thetransforma!ion more of one race maybeimpress- tubs were a later development. The wealthy used pewter. resolute stands. Although this tact from dogma to broad Interpreta- ed but simply because it exists. Fully automated machines took over the bulk 01 the load during the of dissolution Is upsetting to the tion is the key to dissolution, and Even Mr. Morgan agrees that the middle of the twentieth century, and threatened to completely phase and many who believe strongly Inthelr will only end when the religion Is draft is "involuntary servitude" the relatively recent concept ot the wringer washing machine. But some religion, attempts to rejuvenate so generally ambiguous and toler· yet he feels he must defend it. diehard indivldualist.~ sllll preferred to do it by hand, disregarding the the antique religions of revelation ant that It will have become a non- Slavery is undefendable in any danger of getting their lingers caught. will ultimately fail. religion without realizing It. terms. The folly of their ways is obVIOUSby the presence of buildings on the They will fail because our major Although I have only mentioned main street of every American town, where, late into the night, the aver- rellg1ons, Christianity and Jud- the Inevitable dissolution of an AmeriQa is not in theoryacoun- age clothes washer can Inserthispennlesintothe slot of a modern mac- aism, were formed In primitive tique religions such as Christianity. try where the citizens should he hine. And it is not, contrary to the popular myths, unsanitary. These Urnes and therefore consist prl- It wi\l be seen that any revealed preoccupied with servlnganything. very establishments are weJlonthelrwaytodestroylng a tine old Amer· allow the individual Free countries marllly of primitive notions In re- religion will have the sa'lle fate. to make his own Choice. Since ican Lnstitution, that of doing the laundry at home with the family. gards to the sciences, interpreta· Communism is severely hampered World War II we have been de- But as of today, we are reinstituting the practice of discarding dirty tlon of history, and morality. As by the fact that it is based on re· ,Americanized and de-humaniz.ed clothes. With this in mind it is an exercise in wonderment to deduce the organized knowledge Increased, vealed economiC "truths" that have by a government which demands extremes of nakedness toward which earthlings are bound. With this, the more and more ot the statements proven to be Inadequate and pre· increased servitude. The very cycle Ofthe machine Is finished and the joys ot anarchy are spread betore and beliefs of these religiOUS be- mature. The result is will be that principles of American Indivldu· us with an open door. came Irrevelent and came under after a time of being dogmatic, lism have been challenged and crUical attacks. Rellg1ons, like articles of faith, will begin to be are being defeated, Today, in this very country, they are doing it everywhere. They take people, have detense mechanisms. interpreted and the dissolution of From' the whiskey rebellion to their load to shopping centers, bus termtnals~ and, yes, even to' motels, With a religion, the primary pro- the Maxlst faith begun. Coxe's army to the street corner Nobody knows where it is going to stop. Someday the machines m:iy be tective means Is Intolerance. As The probable result of the dis- speeches of Norman Thomas, the doing their work in our public parks. This is an Imposition on nature lr;mg as the religion can summon solution of revealed religion will essence of Americanism has been lovers. The park is not the place for the laundry. But tms widespread the power and credulity of enough be the retention of the value and both human and governmentally reliance on public laundering presents mitigating dlfflcuJtres. New pro- people, It will remain unharmed. moral systems relevant to modern cynical. To assume that we should blems have arisen. When Intolerance faUs as in the society. Already"situatlonethlcs" accept the imprisonment of a draft As people cease to use their old washers, what will be done to them? ease of the Church against the and existential ethics havereplac- is against the very people who built The old wringer types can remain useful. Some women plant flowers In :scientific astronomy of the 17th ed, or are in the process of re· America for themselves not for them. Others squeeze grapes. The tub is an excellent wine vat. But all century, then that religion must placing the strict legalism of old. LBJ, JFK, Nixon, GeneralHersey, these new machines know is rolling and tumbling. What can a person do rely on its "last resort" defense Julian Huxley has elicited hope or General Abrams. with one alter It has seen Its better days? It can possibly be kept In the II9'l!chantsm, thatlsthetransforma_ that as theirrationalreligionsdis_ Mr. Morgan also tells us that home to amuse the children, as what you could call a free baby-sitter. tlon of liberal belief to symbolic appear man will have the foresight freedom of movement, andwe may It can be .delivered to one of those places for old washing machines, or Interpretation, and the yielding of to continue to value the values assume other freedoms, are prl. most likely it will be dumped somewhere when nobody is lOOking. strlctdogmatofJexiblelnterpreta_ and moralprlnclplesthatwUl make viJeges. They are however rIghts, However, laundromats not Withstanding, the old maxim still holds true. tlon. Using Christianity as lin ex- him realize his responslblJIty to just as Is freedom from servttude Throughout their married \lte, hUsbands have learned that lor keeping !mple, we see that generally, the createh\sdestinyratherthanmud_ and the rlghttollfe.Anymlsunder. peace in the home they must make sure that the little woman's washing 1evtl Is no longer conceived to be dIe along with a destiny acquired standing that these are hot rights machine Is In good working order, and make the laundry the husbandfs 9Jl anthropomorphls!l1, but rather< Is the downtall_ol"•. affair as well as the wife's. We may yet, preserve our cloaks: . , ...... '~.-'..~~.., ,
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