Page 39 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 39
H-Sydney Added to List of Vanquished; Yellow Jackets Sting Terror Title Hopes by Jordan Lieb It was a cold day when the Western Maryland Jerry Borga came right back with another long Green Terrors met with the Tigers of Hampden- run Into T.D,-ville, making the score 22-3. The Sydney on Hoffa Field. It was only a short while final score was made by Earl Dietrich In the fourth before Coach Jones and his team warmed up and quarter when he intercepted a pass and ran It In marched for their futh victory against no defeats. for another tally. The Terrors, led by the passing ot quarter- Last Saturday proved the warning of the coach back Bruce Bozman, and the running of Jerry as the Yellow Jackets of Randy-Macon, smarting Borga, couldn't be stopped as they rolled to a 29-3 trom last year's 35-3 humutaUon at the hands of the victory, and Insured themselves of a winning sea- Terrors, thri1led an over-capacity Homecoming son. In dOing so it was the first time they had bea- crov.rdwlth a 41-14 thrashlngotWesternMaryland. ten the quick, hard-hitting opponent since 1963. The yellow Jacket offense was centered around Jerry Borga, who totaled 150 yards on 14 car- the running of their spectacular sophomore half- back, Howard Stevens. The fast, slippery mlnlback In quarter on run. Later, the put the WM gridders a aa-yard ,~~~~~~~~~~'~~~1~~~~1..rtas, the first on the scoreboard early gained a total ot 223 yards and scored twice. man at the helm, Bruce Bozman, ran from a spr tnt- While the defense had to contend with the speedy out formation behind the blocks of Bill Farming and Stevens, the offense had to tangle with a brutally Gary Rudaorlte, This was followed by a two-point tough defensive unit which completely overwhelm- conversion to give the Terrors a 15-0 lead at the ed the Terrors in the nrst nair.rrne narrume score hall. was 2'7-0 favor Randy-Macon. Not to be counted out, Hampden _ Sydney came The Terrors finally got onthe scoreboat-d tn the back in the second half and mounted a drive deep third quarter, butbythenthegamewasout ot reaCh:... into Western Maryland territory only to be stop- Bozman scored the TO on a sneak, and Mavity's, ped by the Terror defense. Jim King and the Bunko kick was true, but by that tlme haUbackJerry Barga Squad, consisting of Dan Janczewski and Pete Mar- had leltthegamewithafracturedctavlCle,Jim King key at the ends, Tom Mavity and Vic xrc'reer at had been sideHned with a knee Injury, and Bob Moore at~tackle, King at Middle guard, Paul Mullen and was nursing a sore neck, Borga received his Injury Pete McGlaughlin backed by Keith Porter at line- on the first offensive play of the game. backer, Earl Dietrich and Rick Diggs at container, Earl Dietrich, seeing more than usual Offensive and sophomores Bob Moore and Art "Enakeat the action, scored the second touchdown with time near- Safe~ies stopped the drive, and the Tigers had to ly out in the final quarter. yOL})]3Uy fffJ/lJ!J Girls Groping for Win After Losing Three THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 8,1968 PAGE 7 by Muff Although still unable to break the Editorial Rumblings season losing streak, the girl's hockey team has had some pleasant And So It Went surprises the 'rerrcrs, Community Coll- this season. Alter losing 2-0 to catonsvme In their next ege, game, held rival Towson State to a It was a tired, battered, and somewhat bedazzled group of football play- scant three goals. ers that solemnly t"etreated lrom the playlngfJeldat Ashland last Satur- Even though Towson was vtctcr , day. Until the .bubble.burst the season had been a dream, unreal In that the ious, tne a-c scor-e was ourte antm- team which the local experts had barely acknowledged In the preseason provement over the 6-010ssWes- had made the trlpsouthwltha5-0record and a conference Championship tern Marylandsufferedatthehands In the ofttng. of the seasonal foe last year. In Until the Randolph-Macon game it had been a weird season. Injuries spite oftheO-3won-lossrecordfor to key players and questionable o!ticlaUnginatleast one contest had not the varsity there are stiJI sever-at kept the Terrors from roJUng up an average of 32 points per game as games remaining. compared with less than 12 points for the opposition. The junior var stty, also without However', the sign on the gymnasium said 'We're No. 1" and the veucw a win this season, has played some Jackets were out toprovelt.Asateam they were tough but the real difl- close games and boasts a some- erence In the outcome was that the Yellov.rjackets had a hell of a sting, what more successful record. Alter named Howard stevens, a sophomore scatback who combined quickness a 7-1 loss to 'towson State In Its and speedtogaln223 yards against the Terrors. The over-capacity crowd debut the J.V.'s forced Goucher of 6,000 cheered everything the hometeam did, whtle the WMC ZOO tried to settle for a I-I tie. It seemed vainly to trade upheavals. as though Western Maryland had But for Randolph-Macon It was a day of reckoning, Everybody from earned another tie until Gettys- the water-boy to the local supermarket had made that the YelJowjackets burg squeaked a goal Into the cage hadn't forgotten last year's 35-3 sheflacktng that the puny Yankee squad in the nnar seconds 'of play. had so generously dished outlast year at Hol1a Field. And besides, it was Homecoming. ~ , And, although they were definitely a superior team, they played as though it were the Superbowl and the retirement game lor each of them. be Carroll Theatre "Don't lose your head," said VInnie Festa on the sidelines, "they'll kicking!' They were kicking (and stomping) which was a little too much for lull_ back JohnSeaman. He retaliated. The events that followed were something that John would like to forget, but agreed Monday to talk about them. "Dead Fall" "They were home ornetajs, del1nifeJy ... they were the best team I've ever been onthel1eldw!th, butIwas disappointed to see a team that good resort to dirty play. There's no need for it." Nov. 3·5 Before his encounter- Seaman had played well, alter the fracas he watched from the sidelines. Alsowatchingfrom the bench were sophomore -- saretyman, Bob MoorewUh a neck Injury, and Sentcr s Jim King and Jerry Borga, nursing a broken collar bone. - King, wholeftthegamewlth,almeelnjury, may not miss more than one "For love of Ivy" Playtex-invents the first-day tampon m game. Butaqulcksummaryothlscarecrls that he Is a four year varsity ~!~e:O;~r;Ue;d :;C::sa~~:r~!~(:~~~ore~oud of this team than any other Nov. 6·12 (We took the inside out In four varsity seasons Jerry Borgahas averaged 4.6 yards per carry to show you how different it is.) In picking up 1443 yards rushingandga1ned690 yards on 48 pass recep- tions. He has racked up 9 TO's this year running h.l.scar-reer point total Outside: it's softer and silky (not cardboardy). to 174. But the first oftenslve play of the Macon game was his last, and It Inside: it's so extra absorbent ... it even protects on may sound unfair, but everybody knows that he has had shoulder pro- your first day. Your worst day! blems. Jerry vows he will play against Hopkins. ~ BusyB's Inevery lab test against the old cardboardy kind ••• On the other sldeotthe scalewere ....great 'two-way performances by .Art the PJaytex tampon was always more absorbent. Blake and Earl Dietrich. Studio Actually 45 % more absorbent on the average Also outstandIng In the Terror effort were Randy Klinger and Vinnie than the leading regular tampon. Festa on offense and Pete Markey on defense. Because it's different. Actually adjusts to you. Knitting,Needlepoint, The first loss is now in the record books, and although It was a let- Arts & Crafts Supplies It Howers out Ftu1Is out. Designed to protect every down, it lessened the tension of ('.ar.rying a perfect slate. The Terrors Free Instruction inside inch of you . So the chance of a mishap have a greater incentive to sweep the rest of the schedule. with Purehases is almost zero! OffenSive captain 8111 Fanning summed up this feeUng a few days Try it after the game: "We lost Jerry, but I thInk we're going to pull together Why nvem ."" .as1:l justr as muchl as we did betore ... and eight and or.e Isn't a bad season 4 Spruce Ave. 848-4968 either." ,_f
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