Page 37 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 37
( " THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 8, 1968 PAGE S Found Poems In Conclusion New Pop Art The Election WilHam Carlos Williams once wrote: "anything Is good material for poetry." All right. That means that the layman now has a chance to by Tracey Beglin be creative. AccordlngtoWllJIams and others some very exciting ra- Walking about our Whlmsee class ?r two on Wednesday before suits can be obtained from rewrtt- campus the last lew weeks, I the networks cautiously "project- Ingobituaries,adverUsements,tax have been accosted by many of the ed" a winner. forms, pin upcapUons and all kinds politically Interested students and Of "literature." lfyouhaveever violently condemned on my art. So now it's over. What happens', noticed some of the works of art tete that week which "spotttgbted The new Presldent·elect will be Inscribed onuiewaus oIrestrooms their favorite candidate. And there making little speeches urging us you w11lsee what Is meant. Some are those who were Inclined to all to get together and back our examples that come to mind are: blow kisses at me, and lay flowers country, and we must decide tr in- "Lie down, I think I love you," at my feet .when I attempted to deed we w lH, By now, our wounds "What if they had a war and no- tarnish the armor of their opp- trom Wednesday have healed or body came," "Walter W, died last osition. In my articles, I have our exhuberance has settled down, by John Douglas night/in his sleep/ he renee over perhaps pointed .out some of the and cectston time reus around a- To love W. C. Fields is too much to sayto say and just/ well he's dead now," weaker tendenctestn the tnrao ean , gain. Those who voted this year it and that feding is the onlywayto know. I must have known all my life The beauty of this type of re- didates In a sl1ghtly sarcastic tone. must begin now to prepare ttrem-, that a hangover Is a thousand pygmies walking on my tongue but I never search Is that the researcher has We must, however, forgive Mr. selves for 1972 by watching this thought about It till he said it. And a cup of mocatava still costs ten cents 'such an Interesting field In which Humphrey for hts lack of chin, and Pr-estdent, formIng political opln7 In the arme. to work.. The' possibilities are commend Mr. change Ions Of their own (not Mom's & We should also Did you see him run from the cops, wouldn't you, or did you see him nearly unlimited. Ideas can be of personality. the unifying force Dad's), keeping an eye on the rts- acknowledge ing political stars, gotten from telephone books, news- and tor Pete's 1rlnk moonshine with two burglars In "The Manon the Flylnf!: Trapeze?" papers, road signs. any , which Mr. Wallace has had on the sake··begin Nearty So what l! the race-conscious liberals tell us that he hated Negroes and where exceptinthehooksof"real" country •.• , on both sides. The see's little to break out of wfum- Shell and DISCOVER that's why they were always the ones skulking In the shadows behind him_? poetry. For instance you may walk time for decision arrived. Those THE OUTSIDE. And now to tbe tn- What's more logical to skulk In the shadows of a white man's mind? down the street someday and find a ot the voting age have now deter. teneetuat colieglate crowdwhowUi There's a lot ot shadows skulking around all of us. handbill proclaiming the virtues to And Godfrey Daniel did you seethewayhe stole that other guy's hat and be gained by voting for Wallace. mined which ot the three Is the best . be· voting in their veryllrstPresi_ how many suckers do you ever give an even break to? And if he's so sharp You could say, perhaps "I found/ qualified, or the least of three denttal election in '72 ... you,too, watch a news broadcast occ- and deceitful, how come he's always the underdog? walking down/ ahandbtU/astreet! evtts, should If time permits. Know asionally, Once he threw a movie producer out of his house tor being rude to a nothing." Maybe you spent Tuesday night your country, u's crrtees, and the servant and they say he died choking on liquor and drank three quarts a Finds can be found even In such glued to the tube (as the saying men seeking those offices, so that day because he couldn't stand the world. Buthe was too gentle for it and unliterary spots as the Gcldbug ott , goes) or perhaps you were con- he always acted hard and tried to take advantage of everyone because they Ice. An example of this type ofnt- tent to attain a restful night, and when you are greatly upset by one weren't man enough to know what was going on. eratcre follows. The author Is un- learn the results in the morning. of my political crtttctsms you can He'd have loved the London cab driver who said that the only time he known. lIThe lamp shades the man Either plan, curlouslyenough,y1e_ tell me exactly why. OK, so now had prideinbelngamaniswhenthls race ot little boys, conned by every- underneath. You look again and the lded the same product •.• like let's att get together and realty get thing from Capitalism toChrlstianitytoCommunlsm,exertsits manhood shadows dissolve into forms tha( myself, you probably attended a behind our new Pr'esf dent, old ••• "what's his name?" and has a revolution. Spontaneous, beautiful, anarchistic ashell, without you avoid in your mind. The light r-lr~iil~-::~;;2==:::-------;;;:] cause, not like the circular oneswe'vealwayshad. Every move he made casts its light and I try to melt I was a revolution. Ihto the shadow of Its brightness. And they all think he was a comedian instead of a clown and that they Beyond this light the void empties could turn him otf when they got uncomfortable, never knowing that such Into the bowels of nothing out ot bitterness comes rncm love of a mankind that never fell. Henry Miller :vh1ch and Into all. J;ifll,on.e¥th would have ceueo him a goo. ForW. C. Fields, "I hate you" and "I love resolves Into Its components and you" became so easy to say that they didn't have to be said. becomes a self. consuming para. Mark Twain said "A eunuch Is a person whose candle has been put dox-feetcng on the mind of my out" and W. C. Fields was gull1ble enough to believe him and think that years. he could make tun of both the eunuch and the candle. Even when he said What shapes come Into my head "It's not a fIt night out for man nor beast," he still went outside him. to mold It self my self every self self. into images, I look, I hear, I dis- And wasn't he beautiful with Mae West and even with David Copperfield Corporate." Another Day and Popple? And whether hewasagambler, a circus manager, a dentist, a pharmaclst,hewasstlllhuman.Hewasthe H. L. Mencken of the movies POEM FOR THE WEEK and didn't yo.u despise what he said and dig the reason and the way he Lite Is just Trust, Just Faith, sald It? Just Bluebirds In the Spring, Shot to Hell And he could Juggle. Christ! he could juggle hats, canes, lines, people Just Tenderness when Day begins, llke AO one else COUld.But all he really had to do was walk and tip that Just one sweet Song to Sing, damn hat with no top and smile and say "Good morning, ladies" when Just Play, just Work, just Love, by'Mike Shultz you knew he didn't mean It. It wasn't a good morning and they weren't Just sunset Gold, and Dew, Twelve o'clock··the polls closed about four hours ago. You can hear the ladies and you wish you could say It the same way. W. C. Fiel?s. And just a simple Prayer to God people waiting In the train, bus, airline terminals. In the snug suburbs and Deep In the Soul of You! in the crOWdedghettoes. Evenonthe mainline and on the farm. Sixty per- Fat Daddy cent of the American people repudiated the present administration. H,H.H. still has a chance. The electoral vote and the popular have never been so close. It's obvious that the workingmen's revolution has faUed. The dixle_ A SOUL TRIBUTE crat demagogue rally. Just goes to show that not everything Is "lUll mom and his American eagle that never took oIf have had a most successful apple-pie and the !lag. But remember, the election Is not vet over. How. ever theelectronicmarvelofthecomputeragels done. For the lIext half. by Jerry Hopple hour or so there won't be any-returns comln,1ln. ·Shame. It's now one "Up trom the ghettoes ••.out across the suburbanreg1ons •.. jumpingacross walls, so wide and tali, o'clock. What happened In California? It'_sgreat, wonderful, and all those giving out the soul call, here comes your soul leader, Fat Daddy." The soul bells ring, the choir things .- I mean that computer breaking down,. Wonderful. Yup. Just hums In the background and Baltimore wakes up to the sound of one of America's greatest rhythm think we could never live without It though. It controls our schedules. 'n' blUes disc jockeys, Paul "Fat Daddy" Johnson. For four solid hours, every morning from 6:00 Humphrey says he'll do well In CalifornIa. Hemlght remember that he to 10:00, Fat Daddy's voice "bounces across the alrways of Baltimore radio" and the fat man was once a great liberal leader. Never chased a commie red In his Ilfe. screams, shrieks, gyrates and lets out a barrage of Rand B poetry·· ..G1:lta grip on your lip and The rednecks don't really like him a bit. Damn yankee. He's moving don't let it sUp cause we're goona take a boss dip so be hip this Is your soul leader with the built- ahead now. Forty-two percent of the popular vote don't add up to a hllJ in soul heater and remember mama U's no sin to grin and the fun will definitely begin so we're ot political literature. Notwhen you don't have the electoral votes to back gonna move It and groove It with a golden blast from the past one with a star-studded cast (slight them up. pause) Gladys Knlght and the Ptps with 'A Letter Full of Tears.'" Everything Is said at an unbellev:, Alka Seltzer will soothe your stomach tonight especially il you happen- ably fast speed, and the pace never slows down. Record after record--golden blasts like "Big Legs, ed to go to a Chinese restaurant, which reminds me--why don't the South Tight Skirts" by John Lee Hooker and "Respect" by Otis Redding, present Rand B hits and hits Vietnamese want to sit down and talk? "And I have a little cue here ..... of the future--the "monsters" and "boss motorcycle" sounds. pool baUs react better than candIdates. They're logical anyway. Fat Daddy started out In radio In Virginia, where he met Kelsoll. "Chop Chop" Fischer, who Is Both candidates are really heroes, They came back. Greasy kids' • presently at WWIN in Baltimore. The exalted high priest of rhythm 'n' blues then went to WSID In stuff. That's politics for you, by damn, by damn. Only a kid could have Baltimore, where he and Billy Fox alternated during the day. Fat Daddy had a morning show for fun trying to figure It all out and a kid would have better sense. He'd be "swlngln' mothers" and an afternoon soul session. This was In the early sixties, the Age of the In bed. Kids are smart.AAAAAA! ValenUnos and the Bluebelles, when soul was soul. WSID at the time was a low budget Negro sta. People seem to forget that the dove season went out last week. Seems tion; and Fat Daddy and Fox eveh had to make all of the station promotions. Fat Daddy lost hIs job like it muststllJ be open season. The bombing halt is getting more black- at WSID after an unfortunate remark about howthe Supremes turned him on. He then went to WITH, lash than any Wallaclte ever dreamed of lashing any send'em back where which was a white rock 'n roll station which was losing out In the ratings race with WCAO. WITH they done come from. OnegoodthingforWallace·_he's regular. A regu. ~ became an R and B station with all white d.j.'s (except for Fat Daddy). The station continued to have largoy, regularly losing ground, must regularly take Hacks. For those problems and finally changed to an adult music format. Fat Daddy the;>.went to WWIN, where he who don't know what Hacks are I wllI exp!:J.ln. Hacks are a cough drop. was reunited with hIs old friend Chop Chop (who is affectionately called the "Chairman of the They have been described as Ex·Lax for the head. Board"--he was there when WWIN was whtte).Even R and B haS changed tremendously Since then. It's morning now and Nixon has won. Tricky little IroY.Should have tried the old disappearing act Qtough. On Agnew. There are still three the Lyric: uieny.bopperlsh music ~f the ClaSsy Supremes has replaced the blues of Etta James. uncommitted states. T~e;v don't matter now. What matters is.the fM'Jxt 'file SuprelJl's were J.tound then, .but they were. singing "Buttered Popcorn" Instead of "Renec- ~ij.ons." ., ~ lour years. The reaction In the cities. The reaction abroad., The"reac_ tlonin my stomach.
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