Page 36 - TheGoldBug1968-69
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PAGE 4 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 8,1968 Sister Alma Chapel Drama Faculty Announces Approval To Speak Gives Old Tale Of A.A.C.Recommendations On Evolution A Modern Look of November The chapel service On the recommendation The regular monthly meeting of of the 10 will consist of a choral drama, the faculty was held on Wednesday, AAC, The faculty also approved SIster Mary Alma will speak on CIrcle Beyond Fear by Darius November 6, during which several the following mOdification In the "TeUhard D'Chardin's Synthesis Leander- Swann. Both directed and recommendations presented by the reporting of mid-semester gra- 01 Evolution." performed by students, the drama Administrative Advisory Council des, which will take errect tne sec- Tellhard D'Chardin has been the employs a number or unosuanecn- were approved. The recommenda- and semester of this year: "Aquinas oI the atomic era" anda ntque s and should be of real Inter- lions were concerned with required a, No report Ofmid-semester gr-a- "new Galileo"; and he has stirred est. The characters wlil utnize the attendance at college events, mid- des for students above freshman up much controversy In the Cat- whole sanctuary of the cnurcn and semester grades, and increased rank. holic church. His fellow Jesutts costume is described as "jeans communication between the news- b. Mid-semester grades of D and did not allow him to publish his ,and sweatshirts," paper and eststtng college com- F wlU be reported for freshmen, "heretical" writings during nts The commentary evolves from mittee s , but there wlii be no report of A, lifetime. He believed that God Is the basis of a chorus, Only one The Faculty voted to eliminate B, and C grades. steadily bringing allrealttylnto Sister Mary Alma character, Cain, Is developed In the attendance requirement at all The purpose or uits change tn pro- oneess with hlmsell, depth. Members of the chorus do extra-curricular college events, cedure Is to recognize the matur- Sister Mary AlmaMcNlcholasls Aloha Shows assume some Individual roles, but unless such events are required as Ity of upperclassmen who should a proIessor of bIology at the College they quIckly melt back into the an integral part of a departmental be in a position to know whether of Notre Dame of Maryland where 'New Look' chorus. One might be reminded of program, Thts aetion does not rrun- or not their work In any course is she received her A.B. degree. the ancient mol-amy plays and the imize in the least the value of at- satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Il and other cur- The 1969 editionoftheAlohawlll WMC To Have feature a ('New Look" at Western use of one character to represent tendance at chapel but it expresses they have a question, they should Everyman. tur_al programs, consult the instructor. In the case Maryland College. . A three-part 'drama, the play the Faculty's belief ln the matur ity ot freshmen, coming out of varytng Parent's Day editor-In-chief, to Fred Wagner, the moves from an overview of human- theywili of their ownviolitiontake that hIgh school academic backgrounds, Maryland students of Western According It is believed that the reporting tty to the story of Cain, hts puntsh- this Alohawilluse Parent's Day, traditionally sche- as Its theme "Confrontation with ments, and his subsequent reunion advantage of the culturat opport- of unsatisfactory status at mto- duled for the day of the Johns Hop- Change." Included among these wlthhumanity.Thedramaisinher_ unities made available ontne cam- semester will assist them tn mak- enUy symbolic and has a point to kin's football game and sponsored changes are: the two new dormit- make. It utilizes dance movements pus. Ingnecessaryadjustments. by the Junior class, occursonNov- ories, the new 'extr a-Iaz-ge' Fresh- in places for a symbolic repre- A third recommendation that was ember 23, this year. Through meet- man class, changes in curriculum sentation of Cain. All thIs in one 'Yojimbo' Set approved concerned the suggestion Ings with the Academic Depart- and curfews, Increased commun- hour. that the GOLD BUG assign to one ment, an Informal tea, and an as- ication between the students and The cast of twelve students in- The eramanc art department of of Its starr the re sponsfbfjtty of r-a-, sembly on adjustment to college the administration, and the new cludes Dan Green, John Bennett, Western Maryland Col.lege , West- cetvtng from the var-Ious commit- life, parents wUl become better ac- questioning attitude towards such Dave Brown, Mary Lou Bembe, minster, will sponsor a Japanese tees Of the faculty and students in- quainted with Western Maryland things as R,O.T.C. and the COll- Dar-on Campayne , Mel Falr,Chuck film, "Ycjtmbo;" on Sunday, Nov- formation about matters under dis- College. ege's relations with the Negro Hor, Julie KlIne, Sue Schmidt, Sue ember 19, at 8:30 p.m , in Decker cussion for transmission to the community, The yearbook wlll Lecture Hall, total faculty and student body. ThIs Parents will register between focus on these dUferent confronta- Shermer, Betty Tokar , and Charlie Directed by Aklra Kurosawa, does not mean that the GOLD BUG 8:30 a.rn, and noon in McDaniel tions; students' reacuons and out- Wililams. Performing the chore- "Yojimbo" Is an acttcn-ruieo wes- represenlativewould attend meet- lounge. Beginningat9:00 a.m. there comes. Also, since there will be graphy wlll be Judy Biauce. tern about a hired killer samurai ings, but that he would recet ve school WMC Receives will be two sessions of meetings an early deadUne and to Insure a who pits two fighting gangs against from the chairman of a committee with the Academic Department, coverage of the remaining each other. The result is one of any actions that had been taken or also held in McDaniel lounge. Some year, a 16-page summer supple- the mostdevastatlngcomedlesever any discussions that, lntheoplnion Fred Wagner observedopUmist_ Kodak Grant upperclass departments whIch mentwlil be printed. made. of the COmmittee, were ready tor were previously excluded from The film, made InJapanln1962, release. these meetings, such as Economics Ically that, "The outlook for this Western Maryland College, has beencrltlcaUy acclaimed both and Psychology, will be represent- year's book Is very encouraging \l(e~tmip..,s~er. has received a grant as "a whamdinger 01 a thriller" Movie Scheduled ed this year at the first sessIon. In many aspects." He Is pleased of $2,400 from the Eastman Kodak 'and as "visuailyfault!ess." Time By SNEA In McDaniel lounge at 10:45 a.m. with the response of the student Company of Rochester, New York, called it a movie "that is both a 'i. there-wUI be an Informal tea with body and proud of his large staff. A total of 78 privateJysupported wow 01 a show and a masterpiece The Student National Education the faculty. Then an assembly on Heads of staIf Include: Business colleges and unlversltiessharedin of misanthropy, Kurosawa emer- Association will hold Its second the adjustment of freshmen to col- Manager, Dave Weber; ihoto Edi- the direct grants from Kodak. The ges as a bonecracklng satirist who meeting of the year on Monday, lege life will be held at 11:15 a.m. tors, Sarah Lednum and Peggy Ven- grants are based on the number of with red-toothed glee chews out November 11 in McDaniel Lounge In AlumnI Hall. Speakers will be zke; Lay-Out Editor, John Levy, graduates from these Instttutions his century as no dramatist has at 7 P.M, A film on a sociOlogical Dean Robinson and Dean Makosky. Literary Editors, Anne Read and who joined Kodak wtthln five years done since Bertoit Brecht." Issue will be shown. !twill be "Por- The game against Johns Hopkins Keith Thacker; and Art Editor, after graduation and are presently Tickets, w~ich are 75 cents, trait of a DlsadvantagedChild," or bei;.ns at 2:00 p.m. A special sec- Ellen Von Dehsen. complettng five years of company wili be available at the door onthe "A Ghetto Child." A discussion of tion for parent s offootball players Forms, requestlng information employment. night of the showing, the tilm will follow, will be reserv,ed Ir..the bleachers. for use In the yearbook, have been i The Kodakgrants are unrestrlct- Afterwards, therewlll be abuftet distrIbuted to all seniors. These ed and are deslgnedtohelpschools luncehon In the cafeteria. Meal tic- forms must be completed and re- and women now with the company PATIO .. a"uRn,11 be- fot the difference compensate kets will be ; 75 cents and may be turned to the Post Office In Win- tween actual cost of educating men purchased either at registration or SlOw student Center by Wednes- SHOP at the cafeteria. day, November 13. The yearbooks and the amounts the graduates may Open House will be from noon to will go on sale Monday, November have paid In tultlon and fees.Wes- Featurin!r 6:00 P.M. 11. . l;;c HamlJurll:fr~ tern Maryland has applied the Thick ..1ilk :;;hakl'~ So.c.Film Series money to its emergency campaign. rrl'nrh II.lmemaue _ Il,,·:'\uts Hoa!g i'illa~ ~uhs In 1968 EastmanKodakCompany Fries -.-"hri'!1fl will contribute $4.3 mUllon under its educational aid program. Inside 5'...a!in~ l'lu_, OthH ."'andwi~h<" Comes to. End Ht. 110 E. of W",qmin"(er Phon<' 8t~-.;~60 LECKRON The SOCiology Department wlll Considered by ·many critics to conClude Its series of fUms on the be Robert Flaherty's greatest GULF SERVICE THE MOVIE HOUSE past and present of man with "Sla- documentary film is "The Louisana very" and "New Mood" whlchwlll Story!' It contrasts theslmpleHfe W. MAIN a PENNA. AVE. be presented on November 14, "The of the Captns In the Loulsana Featuring: Psychedelic Hard Rock and LoUisiana Story" on November21, Swamp County with the industrlal_ Watlllm.ter, Mil. "Dr. Leaky and the Dawn of Man" ~lzation which is taldng place In the TI 8·6tD TI 8.-18T' a little Soul . on December 5 and lastly "Walk in my Shoes!' Road ·'Dr. Leaky and the Dawn of Man" Curtain Up: Every Saturday night at 8:00 P.M. "S"ravery" and "New Mood" are presents the life and work of the two 01 the films presented on the greatest living student of lossil Service starting on N_ovember 16th. history of the Negro people, "Sla- man. A revelation of the signI- very" Is a re_creatIon of the Ute ticance of finds made byDr. Leaky 01 Negro slaves In southern U.s. at Olduvai Gorge. Short Subjects: Admission fee of $1.75 ('Walk In My Shoes" 9(elf;;A prior to and during the Civil War. Finally, theSociologyfUm serIes This Isaseml-staged performance will present per person " In which realism Is achieved on December 12. This deals with through the use of the words olthe opinions expressed by leaders of s r nery Negro slaves. "New Mood" shows the Civil Rights Movement. Come- the changing role of the American dian Dick Gregory, the Black Mus- ta IOSTORE Negro by ouUin1ng the events lims, and the leaderslnmajorcit_ THE MOVIE HOUSE following the 1954 Supreme Court I!"s across the country, provide an HOME, SCHOOL and dectslou. Included are scenes of the Uislght into the world of the Amer- OFFICE SUPPLIES 1955 bUs boycott In Montgomery, Ican Negro. Alabama, the first sit-In, and other The series is being conducted WHERE THE ACTION IS signifIcant events. Narration Is by Dr. Griswold oltheSoc. Depart- 4.7 E. Main St. 848-5553 .taken largely from works of modern ment. They are shown on Thurs- Near,Corner of John and West Main Westminster Negro writers. days at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m, Westmiuter,·Md. r ).; ~ [.
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