Page 93 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 93
THE GOLD BUG MAY 10, 1968 PAGE 3 Letters to the Editor TO THE EDITOR: dom demands that we allow him to (high moral and spiritual values) occurances and the number cr ter- cording to Richard Anderson'sre- I am distressed. The current be so morally wrong. Is that so r,e. lying, cheating, and stealtng, rortst assassinations of socially port, because we have private own- trend of political tntnklng seems shocking? since everyone in the college com- Productive people we can logically ership of wealth, "Instead oI echo- to Indicate that all power and I am ramer afr-aid, though, that munity might be asked to adhere to assume that for reasons of revenge ing the values of the people, our sovereign authority resides In I am kicking a dead horse. Many such a pollcy. and "political unity" the new gov- national policies are based on the wasmngton, and therefore the Fed- Americans a moral wrong, and Ira Klemons ernment would Uquidate any op- anti-Christian morality or capttat- eral Government is empowered to Liberals in their sincere desire position to their control. (Notable Ismv-greed," attempt to cure any social Ill. for a better United states are det- TO THE EDITOR: examples are the purge trials rot- Now, I believe that this is surely To my 19th century mind, gov- ermined to rectllywhat is conceiv- On Sunday, April 21 I went to lowing the rise to power of Hitler a gross distortion of history and oI ernment enforced segregation Is ed to be a moral wrong (discrim- Chapel and the talk-back with Fat- and Stalin.) Father Berrigan has fact. I was not aware that private just as wrong as government en- ination). That they will be far more her Berrigan. Alter Ustening to stressed' moral actions and soiu- property Is ann-chrtsnan. I be- forced Integration. But I must go wrong in enforcing their concep- him and his supporters make a tions In relation to an amoral pol- neve the evidence will show that further: There Is no present con- tions through law and government, travesty oI a supposedly free dis- it1cal world. no nation on this earth has practic- stitutional authority for one group they unfortunately do not see, and cussion I can understand the appeal J. R. Love ed more of the Christian ethic than of people to enforce their particu- of the leftist movement on this and has America, In spite of all her lar moral philosophy on their fel- I regretfully doubt that conserva- other campuses. They present the TO THE EDITOR: shortcomings. Our _:officfal loans lows through the vehicle of govern- tism presently has the ability to image of a world ruined by the I am sorry that I did not hear Fat- and grants since World War II have ment. Our government Is Umlted. show the necessity for tolerance United States. I can understand her BerrIgan when he was on the totaled over $100billion. They have But I am atr-atd that we have thrown ot difference of moral opinion if the appeal but I can not accept it campus, because so many students gone for reconstruction, rehahtltta-. that truth to the minds of time. To- Freedom Is to exist. nor can I accept the image they have raisedquestionsabouthlscav- tton, development. In addition, our day we seem tosaywhatoughttobe John C. Bartlett present. eats. It would appear from reports great foundations (created by cap- done in the cities and against pov- Father Berrigan used Libya as that there were distortions of fact ital1sts) have been lavish in their erty must be done. TO THE EDITOR: an example of American neo-colon- and prtncrple in his remarks about grants for all phasesofhumanbet- The distinction between "OUght" The "College Objectives" as ialism. He said that foreign based, the prtvata-proparty-market sys- terment anover eerreewcrie.ow and "must" Is vitally Important. laid down in the catalog has for privately owned, American 011 tem which most scholars would churches and private relief organ- To my morality, discrimination some time been a subject for' companies reap a 65% per year agree has created the freedom and Izatlons (exlstlngbecauseofprivate ought not to exist --yet I cannot amusement for whose who truly return on aninvestmentof$l,OOO,- wealth most of us In the West en- wealth) have added to this giving, prostitute government to enforce know the situation here at Western 000. However, according to Time, joy. Because I did not personally many beginning In the 19th century. my morality. The home-owner who Maryland. It is difficult to demand if an American firm (such as Oasis hear him I sha.l! reply to Richard Then there Is our support of the UN discriminates in the sale orrental a change In the wording or even to on Company of Libya, Inc. which Anderson's report carried In your agencies for aid and development, oI his house ought not to do so, but insist that these policies are not is the largest producer in that columns last week. e.g., UNTA, UNICEF, IBRD, etc.c- we as society and government do carrrec out because they are gen- country) receives $650,000 then, Professional economists are all originally sponsored by the not have the authorUy to tell him erally far too abstract in nature. III accordance with the standard skeptical of anyone who preaches United states and financed (taxes on that he must not discrimlnte, and However, the attitude of the admtn- contract, the Libyan government "Christian economics" just as I the "wealthy") In large part of her', so use the ultimate power of gov- tstrauon has reached the point would receive $I,950,OOO--hardly believe ·professlonl\l enemtete, bto- The United states Is always present ernment to effect that end. where any statement may be ap- a great -toss to the economy. In logists, physicists are skeptical (where it Is welcome) with its food This distinction is very nearly proved for publication in the cata- fact In the six years since 011was of "Christian chemistry," etc. In and medicine when famine strikes. lost today. The view that the pri- logs no matter howludicrous, since discovered in Libya the per-capita Communist countries there Is How can it do all of this? Because mary responsiblUty of government it can simply be classified as ad- annual income was tripled. Another "Communist economics," and the it is rich from what Father Berrig- is to maintain law and order has vertising and therefore excusable. area discussed by Father Berri- Soviet Union had a generation of an evidently called "capitalism-- been negated by the view that gov- How can a reUg1ously-altlUated gan was French oil production, He "Communist biology," which has greed." Because we work hard and ernment has the obligation to pro- eollege, which states In its catalog stated that Amerlcanol1 companies coutounded their progress for a creatively. Because we are so mote social and economic equal- that one of its major objectives is controlled 65% of this industry In generation. True science is a "greedy," one of our biggest in- Uy. And then the reasoning fol- to encourage in Us students "Rec- France. Statistics from Petroleum search for truth; truth does not dustries is that of giving-away our lows that the government owes Its ognition of the reaUty of moral and Facts and Figures 1967 and The violate anI ethic. Economic Income. It does not make sense does citizens that social and economic spiritual values," (p.4) print a Economic Almanac 1964 show that science Is concerned with the most it? Of course It does not! One has to equality. And then the reasoning statement In its summer catalog unteedStates capital investments elflclent allocation ot resources, be bUndtothe facts or be ideologic- follows that the government owes as rcucws, "The college has a amount to 29.9% of European on that allocation which wIll produce ally sick not to see that wealth and equaUty--wltness aguaranteed an- thoroughly up-to-date electronics Industries and only 15% of French. the maximum product. In a free, power are necessary to accomplish nual income. Yet when I look Into language laboratory"? It is ques- All of Father Berrigan's figuI'es competU1ve economy those who good In a world where the majority the enabling document (the Con- tionable whether the lab was truly lend credence "to his argument but contribute their property and/or is poor, UUterate, and tradition stitution) of our government, Hind up-to-data when It was bought a all the facts support mine. their labor will be paid according bound, and where danger abounds no such obligation. number oI years ago; the fact that Then he continued with an appeal to their productivity. Of course, from rampant nationalism. People I as a Citizen of this soelety do not It Is not up-to-date Is unquestion- for withdrawal of the United'States those who own property may get (except the blind, aged, orphans, personally or collectively through able. from Viet Nam to facilitate a policy more than those who do not; those widows, etc.) everywhere are poor government, r:NIe as an obligation It Is a fact that the lab is In a of moral self-determination bythe who have developed skills will re- because they are not productive. social or economic equality to any- almost total state of disrepair and Viet Namese. A similar situation ceive more than those who fall to And they w1il remain poor if they one; likewise none is owed me. That is almost useless in most areas arose in Finland after World War learn for one reason or another. do not become productive. We can I might wish to extend such, orthat for which It was designed. It is an I. To prevent a communist take- Out of this maximized product we only eliminate pcverty-c-Jcr'elgn I morally ought to extend such, Is exaggeral!on to state' that it is In_ over in 1918Germanregularswere can plow back some tor further and domesttc-eby helping raise the another matter--but a matter bey- deed useable for only one purpose-- requested to aid in the defense oIthe capital formation to create more productivity of people.We can help ond the legitimate reach of govern- to play tapes from the front of the country. Finland then went on to jobs and the good things of Ufe-- because we are rich and powerful. ment. We have no authority through room to many of the booths. Adeal form a constitutional monarchy material as well as spirUual--or We are not rich and powerful be- government to enfo~ce our concep- teacher would function almost as that had strong ties wUhGermany. we can democratically decide to cause we stole welath from the tion ofwhat morally ought to be done well. This in itself may mean Ut- When on November 30, 1939 the transfer some to our poor (un- backward people as Father Berrig- concerning discrimination and tle to you or me, but consider the Soviet Union attacked FlnlandGer- skilled) brothers here and abroad. an evidently implied. That kind of sodal equauty on members of this language majors who spend four many lost a third of its territory Perhaps the latter Is the Christian action does not create wealth; It It. Transferred transfers wealth society. years here taking 30r4languages. in the ensuing war.AfteranAmer- ethIc which father Berrlganhadin is impotent. We are wealthy be- Our freedom depends on the right The administration might be lean withdrawal South Viet Nam mind. If thlswashispolnt, noecon-· to use free judgement, and Illnthe thankful that the Honor Code was would be ina similar situation--un- omlst would quarrel with him as cause we created it. Creativity Is the key to power and wealth, not exercise of that tree judgement one not expanded, as recently propos- able todefendUseJfagainstastron- long as Incentives to be productive wishes to discriminate, then free- ed, to Include all aspects of honor , get' ext.ernal~,er.~lJ.dg10gQypast are not destroyed. However, ac· thievery. . . Ralph B~Price
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