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WESTERN MARYLAND • The Gold Bug CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol. 44 No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND MAY 10, 1968 Cadets Recieve Pageant To Begin Tomorrow ROTC Awards Girls Will Present T nt The Presidential Review of the States Army Medal was presented Latest addition to the many pre- western Maryland College ROTC by Mr~Philip scnserter , treasurer Uminary pageants leading to the Cadet Battalion was held Tuesday, of Western Maryland, to Cadet coveted title of Miss Mar-yland is May 7, at nodn on Hoffa Field. Master Donald S. Elliott,Jr., Mau- the spectacle to take place 2 o'clock During the eer emony the Depart. gansville. Cadet Captain Lester E. on May 11 in whtmsee/s own Alu- ment of the Army honored Dr. Lo- Carlson received the Reserve 01- mm Hall. In that there were an well S. Ensor, president of Wes. {jeer's Association Gold Medal and even dozen contestants entered, tern MarylandCollege. He received Cadet Master Sergeant Harry M. no eliminatlons took place to dim- The Outstanding Civilian Service Collins, Jr., Woodstown, New .rer- uusn that number. The contest- Medal for completing hls'2oth year sey, the Silver Medal. Col. Henry ants in the order of their pr-eaenta- as president of the college. K, McHarg, III (USAR, Ret.) made tlon on Saturday are: Barb arem- Prior to the review in honor of the presentations. zer-, Ginny Stevens, Sue Seibert, Dr. Ensor, seventeen awards were American Legion Medals were Betsy Keith, Muff Sta sch, Rabble presented to distinguished cadets. presented by Maryland Depart- Robbins, Barb Thomas, Pat Mc· Cadet U. Col. Robert S. Hibbard, ment Commander Stanley W. King Nally, Lorraine Hale, Carole Merritt Island, Florida, received to Cadet CaptalnJamesW. Morgan, Ensor, Cindy Groves and Linda Ingrid introduces contestants in the WMC Pageant. Seated from the Baltimore Sun Medal. This Jr., Springfield, Pennsylvania,and Wiley; each is sponsored either left to right are Barb Brenizer, Sue Sibert, Betsy Keith and Muff medal is awarded annually to the Cadet Master Sergeant Harry M. by their class or some campus Stasch. Absent from photo are Ginny Stevens, Robbie Robbins, Barb most outstanding member of the Collins, Jr., Woodstown, New .rer- organization. Thomas, Pat McNally, Lorraine Hale, Carole Ensor, Cindy Groves and cadet battalion. Dr. Ensor made sy, the Silver Medals Cols Henr y K. On the Saturday of MayWeekend Linda Wiley. the presentation. Cadet Master Sergeant Peter C. the first step of many took place The award is based on academic Kinner, West Hempstead, New with a parade up Main Street tothe suit, and talent presentations will Jack Rosson. The origin of the achievement and military leader- York. The Veterans of Foreign campus from the Armory, ac- then occur under the direction of campus pageant stems no doubt of ship. Dean of the Faculty John D. Wars Medal was awarded to Cadet companied by the ROTC band and Grover Gouker, the charmtng Mas- having this year's Miss Maryland, Makosky made the presentations Master Sergeant Nor-val R. Sch- other dlverseentertainlng!eatures ter of Ceremonies for the occas- Ingrid Larson, as a student on of superior cadet ribbons to: sen- mertzler, Georgetown, Delaware. This Saturday the contestants will ion. The live judges, notable per- campus. lor-Cadet Captain Lester E.Carl- Post Commander David N.Clingan be interviewed and subjected to sonages from the Immediate vic- Despite the harried and hectic son, Westminster; junior-Cadet presented the medal. a luncheon prior to the start 01 the InUy and out of state, are: Tina rehearsals conducted aU week, Master Sergeant Joseph D. Smot- Each year the DAR presents a regular pageant competition. The Cunningham, Mrs. June Wagner, the final (dress) rehearsal tonight hers, Jr., Baltimore; sophomore- medal for leadership and ciuzen- standard procedureofgow~,swlm- Jack Myers, Warren Page, and should pre~ent astxong Indication to Cadet Captain D and Cadet First Sergeant Robert M. ship, Mrs. Paul M. Wimert made ME· h ' of the determination, poise, Credit of the contestants. ablltty 'rawes, Crisfield; freshman-Cadet the presentation r~ . lsen ower should also begiventoRobertGag- th~l:i~ra~tyU~:i'e~:: T H "IG John L. Ensor, Germany. Richard A. Gentny, Churchville. d non for the Ughtlng, to Dave Frank- - The ~ssociaUon of the United ~~:::;!~~f~ forter and Keith Thacker for the National Frat M.d'''"w"d.''o.
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