Page 88 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG APRIL 26, 1968 Opera 'Carmen' Presented _&WlImg..B= Phillips, Stevens At St.loseph College 20's Life Same as Today In High Positions Bizet's Carmen will be present- Dear Pop: a haircut. Just think, th1rty-Itve You have two alternatives: Your Two Western Maryland College ed at Saint Joseph College on May Here I am at college. I have met cents, and the barber didn't even professor Is either easy or hard. H faculty members have received 2 by members of the music and dra- quite a lot of new fellows here and put a bowl on my head. He asked he Is easy, you have nothing to postuons In academic organlza- rna departments at Catholic Unl- like them quite n lot. They have a me if I wanted a shave, but he worry about. It he is hard, you uons In recent weeks. ver stty, game here called foothall. Every- couldn't fool me, cause you told have two alternatives: Either you Raymond C. PhUlips,Jr.,assls- The CU players, directed byJo- body puts on 9 lot of 'Ieathe r and me once that you knew a man who study hard or you bluff. If you study tant professor of English, was re- sepb Lewis, will perform In Eng- chases the football on the field. It was anced killed by a barber when hard, you don't need to worry. If cently elected to a second term as 11sh ,uslngtheopera-comlque ver- does seem runny everybody plckiug the razor sUpped and cut his throat. you bluff you have two alterna- president of the Maryland Confer- ston. Opera-comlque, for which on a poor little football, \Jut even 0, say Pop, I can't use that old ttves: Either your bluff works or it ence of AAUP, an organization of Bizet originally wrote Carmen, so, I like It a lot. It i>; much eRS- iron I brought upher_e because they doesn't. un works, you don't need· the faculties from 26 Maryland col- consists in a combination of oper- ier than threshing wheat, so YOIl don't have stoves here to heat them to worry. It Udoesn't, youhave two leges and universities. auc and spoken dialogue. In the see I won't get hurt. on. I don't know how we are going alternatives: Either you are con- Dr. Ray Stevens, assistant pro- opinion of most critics, the dl sad- How Is Aunt Mariah, and Cou- to keep warm here, cause all I see ditioned or you flunk. If you are tessor of English, was recently ap- vantages of using the vernacular sin Della? Did Della ever marry here are some pipes which are conditioned, you don't need to pointed book review editor of Con- are amply compensated by per- that preacher fellow whowas rush- cold, and have crickets In them. worry. If you fiunk,youwon'thave radrana, a scholarly journal based mUting better participation of the ing her? How is Uncle Lam? Has The old boys say the pipes get to worry any longer. Therefore, at the University of Maryland. audience in the action of the play. he made any elder yet? Gee, I'd warm in winter, and if we wrap why worry?--Black and Blue Jay. Dr. John Paul, dean of the like to have some. I wish I was them up at night, they will keep 1926 The Junior-Senior Banquet will Catholic University School of Mu- back home now to have some of that way a long while. be held Friday evening, May 10 at sic, is conducting the four-act op- that pork we have in the store Well, I don't knowanymore news Frocks, beginning at 5:30 P. M. era. The chorus, also composed room. Ihaven't seen any good meat so I'll close till some other time. Cocktails will be served for the of students at CU, is under the since I left the farm, and alreadyI Yours loving son, A certain young lady, who was first hour, followed immediatelyby - direction of Dr. Michael cordo- have lost ten pounds. 'I'he dlettetau Johnathan. visiting the HtU over the weekend, dinner and later by an "OpenPar- vena, (that's the lady that buys the gruh 1926 was asked whether or not she would ty" type dance, highlighting a live Carmen is the story of a gypsy for us and gives It to bill (he's the like to be a student at W.M.C. Her band and refreshments. Cost for girl, played by KyungJaRyung, who chef wbo has It cooked and passes It has become a tradition at reply was "Take me into the the evening will be $1.00 per per- attempts to win the love of Don It to the walters (they are the western Maryland CoUege to steal. diningroom and I'll tell you." And son for cocktails and $2.00 tcr any Jose (Daniel Toni.aselli). After she college boys who are serving tab- Many of the students are klepto- our hearts sank! guest not in the Junior or Senior infatuates Don Jose, Carmen falls tes for aUttle spending money here maniacs. If anything is left loose May 19, 1924 class. In love with the toreador zscarnt- at college»), said that everyone at one end It is torn up and car- 110 (Dennis Striny). WhenDonJose loses weight when they first come ried off. Its value does not often lear-ns' about Carmen's unfaith- up here due to a change in the wea matter; it is taken "just for the fulness, he kills her, just as Es- ther-, thrill of taking." There Is on the eamnto returns victoriously from Ob , Pop, they have some par- Hill at this time a rather eIf1cient the arena. ties here too. I thought we wouldn't government. The efficiency of this be able to talk to the girls cause governing body is the savior o!the Uncle Jim told me that when he school. Petty thefts must be WMC Grill Bums went here, they had a big board stamped out. If drastic measures fence between the boys and girls are taken In time all wUl be well. To He-open Soon parties, but they haven't got that If these condldtions are allowed to My, I any more. was terribly sleepy the next morning, after a go on the whole school will be car- The college grUl Is closed due to party, and when I yawned In class, ted away piecemeal. a fire which nceur-ed Iast Saturday, the professor (that's what they 1927 The fire started on the hamburger call the teachers) asked me why When anact ts commtttac which' grUl and spread throughout thefood I was so sleepy, and when I told puts the Victim in such a predica- preparation section of the grill. him I had teen to the party and ment that no comeback of defense Firemen arrived on the scene didn't get into bed untu ten o· whatever can be made, It is plain promptly to extinguIsh the flames clock, everybody laughed at me that the act is cowardly. The but there was considerable damage I don't know why they laughed, "sport" of water ebaggfng Ia.lls In done. Mr. Rice spoke with Insur- cause home In Speonik, every- tnts category, this dastardly, and ance men and contracting person- body goes to bed at eight o'clock, pastime !;hould not nel on Wednesday. He said that a I only remember staying late once, pusntanrmous new celllng Is requIred. This re- that was when sister Mary was only be discouraged, hut should he pair job w1l1begin as soon as the married, and the train didn't come utterly abolished. Ilpoltroou,; who necessary materials arriVe. Mr. In tm quarter of nine. commit such deeds have nothing Rice could not state a deftn1te date Pop, that fifty cents you gave me else with which to occupy their for the grUl's reopening but said last week Is almost gone, because time, the student body should (illd or something for them todo--here that he hopes the repairs wUl be I had to get a haircut. I think it Is somewhere else! . completed soon. He said that It preposterous ( I learned that work Is possible the grlll may be ready In English) to charge so much for 1926 Tuesday. All You Need IsLove After all, it's what makes the world go 'round in that wonderful, onee-in-a-lifetime way. The en- A Medical Answer For gagement ring you choose says so much about your love ... and should it- be a Keepsake, the MUSCULAR word is "perfect." A_brilliant diamond of fine perfect (or cut guaranteed color and modem LowBacklhln replacement in the ring and on the tog at your assured). Just look for the name Keepsake, Keepsake Jeweler's store. He's in the yellow pages Promptly Relieves Pain under "Jewelers." So Stiff M useIes Loosen IJp and You're Back Into Action D~C~Sg~:C~~i:~i~eui:~:e~~~~~e~sr:r::s~?:! which can go into painful spasm as you suddenly bend, stretch or twist. To relieve such backache doc· ::::::c=iiiiLilIllllil tors recommend the pain-re1ief compound in Anacin· nl.Al~ UU. AUO sno. TO tl00. WEOOIMG!lIMe100. Analgesic Tablets. 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