Page 98 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 98
Golfers Fail In Tournament PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG MAY 10, 1968 But Season Was Big Sul!cess The WMC Golf Team traveled to winning effort was credited to was credited with a win over the Mt. Pleasant Golf Club in Baltt-. Terry Waiters whose 78 scarted Baltimoreans while losing a tough more where Johns Hopkins was up 2 1/2 points. Saturday, May match to O.D. This double victory waiting to break the Green Ter- 4, was perhaps the greatest day closed out the season with a very tors' 6 match winning streak. A of the season for Dean Robin- respectable 9-3 record. rather disappointing performance son's golfers. In the final match The golf season ended almost allowed JHU to do just that, sur- of the '68 season, Loyola and a like it began, a poor tournament prising their opponents 131/2 to very sharp Old Dominion Team showing on a Souther-n trip. This 4 1/2. The only winner for WMC played the role 01 visitors in a time the tournament was the Ma- was Steve Jones defeating his man triangular affair. The WMC line": son-Dixon in Norfolk, va, where 2 1/2 to 1/2. Billy Dayton was low up consisted of 5 seniors playing most ot the six taken experienced man with an 84, which was Indica- in their last college match. A a power fa,illlre. tive of the calibre of play. record-breaking team effort of Those who made the trip were The following weekend Balti- 452 strokes brought home not only Dean Robinson, Le s Carlson, Tom This kind of aU out effort carried Junior Frank Bowe to a win over more U. came to Western Mary- a 16-2 rout of Loyola, but a StUIl- Chenowtth, John Nesbitt, Billy American's number one man, land to hand the Gol! Team its 7th nlng 10 1/2-7 1/2 victory over a Dayton, Roger Wynkoop, and Ter- Billy Dayton Netmen Earn Mayday Win; victory of the year. but this time surprised Old Dominionteam. Co- ry Walters. of the 1968.Golf captain Tom Chenowith went out In The highlights again was medalist Bowe, Schnitzlein Star for a 70 which brOke the course style, carding an excellent 71 for Team were many, most important Day- record of 73 set by Lester Car-l- medalist In taking a clean sweep of of which was the 9-3 record. son in 1966. Dayton's record- 6 points over his opponents. Les ton broke the home course record The fired-up Terror netmen Terror courts. The result was a breaking round earned him 2 1/2 Carlson likewise went out a winner, wity a 70, and also set the freshman manhandled visiting American Un- 9-0 shutout by the visitors who lost points, while Roger Wynkoop fired shooting a 75 and collecting 5 point scoring record with 22-14 iversity last Saturday by a 6-3 only one set in the nine matches. a 77 to pick up 3 more points. points, 3 of which were against Old season. The home and away team score. In the number one stce, Bowe That set came as Bowe andPoweU Terry Walters turned In 73 to Dominion. low was set with 452 against Old and Desenberg split the first two teaming together for the firsttime add 3 more points to the cause. Steve Jones came through with a Dominion and a 478 at Hershey sets. Then Bowe ran off a string this year, almost upset theIr num- against Elizabethtown. 'rerrvwat- of six straight games in nneen ber one double team, losing only tel's held the point markwitha25- minutes to take the final set e-c for one service break in the third set. 12 effort. the match. Schnitzlelnwas never in Girls trouble as he coasted to a 6-3,6-3 Thinclads triumph over Eckstern. Powell and (Continued from page 7) Hobart lost their singles, Hobart's and persistent play, has a good (Continued from page 7) going the three set limlt.Nlbalt and reason to be a proud team. his best effort to date in the pole Gober put the Terrors back In the The dlstalftennis team's raquet vault. wInners circle with apatr of strai- isn't the only thing with a lot of The midweek track meet was ght set wins. Schnltzleln--Powell guts these days. It takes a kind not quite as successrut as satur-, and NibaU--Godowntookthelr dou- 01 courage just to waIf onto the day's encounter. It resulted In a bles to make the final score 6-3. court it seems. Running aaatnst loss to Towson State 81 - 63. Earlier tntheweekWMCtravell- stUf competition at Goucher,Get- The discus event was agalntak- • ed to Gettysburg to face a strong tysburg, ToW-son, and Hood, thi; en by Barry Pikolas~ BobHattield, Bullet squad. Gettysburg's brilliant Weyer'y tennis team remains and Pete Markey. Hatfieldts jave - Rick Falk, one 01 the best number "matchle ss'"; Despite good play one men In tbe area, proved too on the part 01 number one player A silent moment for the Golf team?'! lin throw ot 156'6"was followed by a second place In the same event experienced for Bowe as he won Carol Jesatko, strong', skilled Next came Gettysburg ln ancther- his split auu a 3 pomt victorvover by Keith Porter. in stralght sets. Schnttzlein tried hustUng on the part of "Lash" home match. This time, however, Loyola, scoring 75. Billy Dayton Clint DeWitt got off a 20'6" leap rallying with his opponent, but LaRUe, and consistent play on the Gettysburg overcame a deficit at scored a 74 which was good for a to win the long jump. His 39'10" came out on the short end of a part of the doubles teams (Sue the halfway mark to downtheWMC 2 point win over both opponents. was enough to win the triple jump. 6-4, 6-0 score. Powell and Nibalt Mawby and Joyce Wagner; Patty boys 12-6. For the fourth consec- Terry Walters ajso shot 74, los- ' Gary McWilliams returned to lost in straight sets, but Hobart and Moore and Pat Evans), the wmm- tive match Billy Dayton turned in ing2 points to the Virginians while form in the 2 mile eventwinnlng Gober went the three set limit be- see women have yet towlnall. Re- the low score tor WMC, a 75 good winning 3 from Loyola. Playing in a time of 10:16.9. Bob Moore fore losing. Gettysburg took all ports have it, however, that Notre for a tie in his match. The only also in his last match, Al Ptegelscn placed second. three doubles to complete a 9-0 Dame better watch out as win-hun- shutout. gry Ter rorettes take the court on The seconc matcncr ancme-and- May 8at4P. M. home series with Johns Hopkins ,... ., was almost a repeat of the first. Hopkins won live 01 the six singles, SffiGMAN'S with only number six man Scholl winning. With the match sewed up, TEXACO SERVICE the Johnnies took all three doubles , tc wm a-j , On May 7, the netmen opposed Westminster Shopping str-ong squad from Delaware on the Center WestminflterTI 8·3460 Carroll Theatre TEXACO BAVOLINE GASOLINE OIL Staru Wedn .. da)' May 15-21 9(eIJ;;A Doctor Zhivago Wed. thru TUeI. Stationery STORE May 22-28 HOME, SCHOOL and Walt Disney's OFFICE SUPPLIES Blackbeard's Ghost 47 E. Main St. 848·5553
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