Page 92 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG MAY 10, 1968 u.s. Cities: Problems Ahead: Actio'n Needed S.G.A. Dilemma Being a Anna Do/ina major and sociology Operation Hinge andSCLCassures Because this is the last edition of THE GOLD BUG in this semes- working with organizations such as ter, it seems appropriate that some space be delegated to the discussion me a number of opportunities to become familiar with the nature of of current campus problems, why they exist, and how they might be the current social problems of pov- solved in the next school year, assuming, of course, that they can be erty and racial stri!e.ICI've learn- solved. Unfortunately, .so many of the problems are a direct conse- ed anything about them, I've cer- quence of Western Maryland's size, afHliations.._ and traditions that lit- tainly come to realize that they tle can be done in the space of one year-or even four-to propagate ef- will not be solved tomorrow, or fective change. This does not mean, however, that solutions should not even the next day, no matter how be sought; it simply illustrates that in the past the student voice has not willing we may be to do so. But the most Important rea- perhaps been strong enough or united enough to command attention. Next year, lization for me has been that we things might change if the new SGA officers develop and utilize student atsc cannot afford to wait any lon- power on campus. ger for the forces of time and fate In order to accomplish such an end, the SGA must first solve to solve the problems for us. With the Southern Christian three of its own most difficult problems: planning, communication, i Leadership Conference's Poor and rapport. Better planning and coordination of activities is desparate- People's Campaign -now underway Iy needed at Western Maryland. In. the past few years so many activities In Washington, I feel that this is a have been piece-meal, last minute efforts and so many events have been Analysu: scheduled simultaneously that students find it difficult to support any- "ana Prl"mary ~~:c:I\a~~e:~:~~~~~a!:k;I::~~ thing with enthusiasm,-and their point is well taken. The SGA needs to Indl look'! the ,ondltlon, of pover-ty own com- in this country--one's plan events much further in advance, publicize more extensively and munity "may well be a good place develop more activities that the students have an interest in. Better communication between the students and the SGA is also Jerry Hopple date nas been assumedbr Kennedy, to start. desparately needed. Senate members all to often forget to discuss with we~~~I~~~ :~~~~cl:l:::lf:::d ~~: For the past few years, Kennedy Not time to quibble. students the proposals and plans of the SGA. Also, they frequently fail nature 01 the race for president. on ~~:::ti~d:\I::~dot~h:h~o~:~~~ qU~;l: ~~u~:~:~o;;la!~::s:~ to convey the real attitudes and opinions of students during SGA meet- ings. If the student government is to fulfill its responsibility of voicing; ~:m~:~U:I~~:~:'h:So;it~:~~ administration, and has acqutred demonstrations or marches; it Is and Gov. Nelson Rockefeller re- control hardly a time to worry about whe- undisputed almost of the student opinions to the admi.P.istration, and relaying administrative cently announced his candidacy. ~~~~~e:a~;~:::r~~~artha;~ ~~e;c::~:~t!~;t~: :~~~ic~ !~:n opinions to students, senate members will have to perform their jobs ~;~~n!:e ~::~~t~, :~es~~:~ Uberalism Is assuredly as ardent she becomes more concerned with mnre satisfactorily. President Humphreys decision to as Kennedy's, but the New York riot control rather than with riot Perhaps most important, better rapport between students and the SGA is needed. In recent years the Student government has established ~;: ~:o::;~~:~::~t~~~~st ': ::t:r;~ t:m~ot~:s~u~c~~~; ~o::~nf~~~iit::~~r:::~I~~u~I~~ an impressive record of £lop performances and inadequate evaluations essence, the recent withdrawals may be the "martyr" who first decent living condltions--lIke m- of student attitudes. creating among the students a feeling of contempt and entrances have made it im- 'challenged Johnson and paved the door plumbing on Charles Street candidacy. way for Kennedy's for a start or that rat control bUI towards the SGA Allegiance has tended towards the fraternity system, possible to present a clear and Secondly, one of the major ob- that was laughed through Congress and the SGA now finds itself in the position of least authority and deflnlt!ve analysts of the presi- jecuons to McCarthy has been last year, real job opportunltles, power on campus, when by all rights it should be the most powerful dential contest. Last Tuesday's that his candidacy Is based com- a guaranteed income for those per- primary In Indiana does IUUe to pletely on opposition to Vietnam. sonswhocannoiworkandwillnever body commanding the greatest student support. If the SGA is to develop help in any such assessment, but In actuality, McCarthy's campaign be able to do so, and an effective into the dynamic institution it is supposed to be, it must establish a may conceivably offer some Ideas is more than a mere appeal for a low-cost open-houstng policy. better image among students. With the new dormitory government aris- for future developments on the ing next year, this task will be that much more difficult. political scene. ~:a::c!~n~~~~::~~: :~~:!;McGee stresses urgency. Richard Nixon was unopposed In One way of alleviating the bad rapport seemed to develop when nation has been taking under John- When Senator Gale McGee spoke the Republican primary, and most son- the "personalization" of the at Western Maryland In the early the referendum was passed to assess students 10.00 to be used exclusive- 01 the interest in the Hoosier pri- presidency, the credibilltygap, the part of this year, he made It clear ly by the SGA to provide more activities for students. Unfortunately, mary therefore naturally centered efforts to blur the lines ot dlst1n- that the United States has the re- even though the referendum was passed, the $10.00 fee may not be around the three-way DeomocraUc etten among the three branches of sources to fight an effective "War collected. President Ensor, although in favor of the referendum, has race. The three Democratic can- government, the seemingly dell- on Poverty" and that what we need stated that the assessment cannot be added onto the college bill for next didates on the balotwere Governor berate dissipation 01 the spirit now is the moral commitment and putting year. A flat rate has already been approved by the Board of Trustees Roger Brandigan, Senator Eugene and hope which characterized tne ran- the the political will to start into this Kennedy some of those resources McCarthy and Senator Robert Ken- administration, and information concerning this vote has already been sent to all par- nedy. ure to deal effectively with urgent struggle. The American people ents of WMC students.1n light of this, the President said it would be The state's Democratic Gov. domestic problems. Nonetheless, don't seem to have that commlt- impossible to include the self-imposed levy in' the college bill. Next Brandigan ran as an avowed «ad- there is an almost general ac- ment or win. One wonders what it week he and the new SGA president will try to work out an alternative plan. It is hoped they will come up with one. Don Elmes ;~~;tr::~~~;dc:;:tid:;:~:i~a~::; :~~san~:wof ~~~ ~1~~~~~~~1,~:r:n~~=~~\lh~a::~~~c~:~et:i~~~~~:!~Ydi~: Choice '&8 Results: ~~a:di'::~~:~,ey:~~:::=~i~um~ :a~~s~;: :ot;:;:t:~I::c~~S~~:I~i~~ ;;;mt~'e WP::~I~~ h~~e,~:~:olt::~ phrey out" any longer; the time to begin could point out that the de- with our VIetnam po- satisfaction McCarthy Wins Nationwide ~:t c~ns~~~ut~nd!a~:p~~~:~I~~r d~~ !icy. ::S~:ti~~:::m:ol!~~:::rl: s~:~ his own candidacy, Brandlgan or- theK~:::~;~~;_p~:s~;ec:~:;:oe~ sort of solution may be effected. If With over ninety percent of the ballots tabulated in the Choice 68 election, the results are as follows: !~~:~!~::r:~~l~d :~~:i~~an!:~ nothing to guarantee his nomin- :~t ::~~ ~:~~~ho~:;:~~; t:~~ !:~e~~nsiderablY ~:;;:t anything. en- Nationwide with 1200 campuses participating -and 1,072,830 a genuine effort to obtain the no- ==-::::..==::_------'--~---- mination for president. Thisstra- students voting: tegy was abandoned when It became McCarthy 285,988 clear that most voters were re- THE GOLD BUG Kennedy 213,832 jecting this ludicrous effort to lend Nixon 197,167 credence to Brandigan's cand- Official student newspaper of Western Maryland Campuswideat WMC: Idacy. After this approach, Bran- lished "Thirteen times a in Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr.. May., Rockefeller 158 Kennedy 46 digan based his campaing on the ~:S~'~;~~.D:~~':~n!;~a~·a~~:~;;5s;,:~~~::a:c:":r:a~ht~~ McCarthy 130 J ohmon 34 premise that Kennedy and Mc- 1879. radicals were and out- SECOND-CLASSPOSTAGE PAID AT WESTMINSTER,MD. 21157 Nixon 108 Wallace 20 Carthy He appealed to the elec- ::;~~~ii~:iii2iii[iii2[!i[j~E:===: The nationwide opinion on the military action in Viet Narn was sIders. to send him to the conven- torate split as follows: tion as a favorite son so that In- 45% were for phased reduc;tion diana's delegation would be un- 18% were for immediate withdrawal committed. Although Brandlgan 21% were for an intensified campaign received extensive support from. The nationwide opinion of the bombing of North Viet Nam was the state's relatively influential reactionary forces and from the split as follows: Republican Old Guard, his crowds DavaWeber ..... BusinassManagsr 29% were for penn anent suspension were sparse and this was reflected Lisa Renshaw..... ..News Editor 29% were for temperary suspension in his poor showIng at the pons. Jerry Hoppla..... ......... Editorial Page Sports Editor 26% were for bombing intensification McCarthy's thIrd place finish in Mika Herr .. Features Editor Cary Wolfson,john Oouglas......... .....The nationwide opinion· on what area of urban development the Indiana primary may have per- Mike Weinblatt_....... .Adv rtising Manager should receive the greatest amount of federal support was split as fol- manenlly damaged his chance for Cliff King.............. .. ..Inside News the nomination. McCarthy faced Frank Bowu. . PublishingEditor lows: two particularly severe handicaps AlanWinik... . "HappeningPage .. 40% voted for education during his campaign. First of all, Pat Wilkinson... . . GreekPageEditor 39% for job training many Indiana voters apparently Photography ..... Cindy Treharne, Tom Van Sickl~,Gordon Shelton, Mike Shultz 12% for riot control were influenced by the popular as- Art Editor... ....Elhm Von Dehsen ..... JaneElicker 44% of the students participating in the poll will be elligible to \ote sumption that McCarthy's position Circulation and Exchange Editor ...... ........ Nancv~ecker Typing Editor... '·inNo>.;imber. " as- the-'fiJIU-adrAinistraUon eandl·
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