Page 90 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 90
PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG APRIL 26,1968 Dual Championship _within Reach of Terrors Golfers Fly High As Baseballers Sweep MAC & ~ason-Dixo~ Win Six Straight ov::t~';,;;:::f!~~t::'''r.:r;; once again. The Terrors sent veteran Ralph Wilson to defeat the College, and the visiting Ursinus big Western Mount 4 to 2. Ralph andhisbattery Maryland bats roar- ed mate Rick Diggs accounted for all Te"yWalters spoilation of the sinuous creek- winter. You probably said that be- freshman Gary Wachter to the the Terror runs, each driving in The fired-up WMC golfe~s ex- laden course by combining for an sides the teams almost constant mound and the tall right hander two runs. It was by the worst hit- job before turned in a creditable ting day of the season for theTer- tended their winning streak to six amazing total of only 478 strokes loses, the games were dull and being relieved by Jordan Lieb in rors but was still more fhan en- in a row, including two matches (that's a 79 2/3 average, tans), unexciting. Well if you fail to see the seventh inning. He aUowedjust ough when teamed with Ralph's which succeeded in adding a few On April 20th, Mt. St. Mary and the Western Maryland baseball five hits but walks hurt him as strong left arm. character Unes to Coach Robin- American U. invaded Western team this spring, start for Ursinus managed to score five The next couple of games showed son's brow, The victories look Maryland, bothteams,particularly new excuses. Winning is a habit runs in his six and one-third inn- a lot about the team's future. To- Uke nus: WMC 12- St. Francis American, hoping to ruin WMC's with the spring B bsnsrs as three .ing stint. morrow the Terrors play host to (Maine) 6, WMC 9 V2 - Eliza- first home match by ending the 4 consecutive MlddleAtlanUcCham- The Terror nine was also get- neIghboring Towson State In a bethtown 8 1/2, WMC 15_- Mt. match winning streak. AsH turned pionshlps show, and this year's ting good wood against Ursinus double header. The Tigers have Saint Mary 3 (heartbreaking), out, the match against the Mount. edition is certainly no exception. pitching, leading in the seventh, pinned costly losses on the Ter- and WMC 10 - American 9. soon became. a "!.augher", the Atter starting slowly during the when Watcher retired, by 9-5. rors In the past two seasons. St. Francis of Maine was spend- home team winning 15-2. On the early spring, the Terrors have Western Maryland added a single ing spring vacation in Hanover, run In the seventh and finished Lacrosse Begins; Pa., where they were defeated ~!::~te~~:'th!h:e:a~~~I~h':~~ :~:~~ t;em~ni~g f~~~~:ea!~d o~~ with four more in the bottom by Western Maryland 12-6 in a of the week. This one not onlywent both the Middle Atlantic and Mason half of the ninth to end up on top New Girls Sport well-balanced scoring effort by to the last hole-but needed a sudden Dixon conferences. The team has by 14-6. Jerry Borga and Greg Zorba by the Green Terrors. Number one death playoff to determine tnewtn- been bolstered by both excellent Getty both had three hits for the When twenty WMC coeds signed man, freshman sensation B1l1y nero pitching and fantastic hitting pre- afternoon, and Jerry also ccnece- up for lacrosse they thought it was Dayton, was medalist with an 80 on Had it notbeenfor Les caerson's ror-mances, that make prospects ed 3 R.BJ's in his first good hit- the rag-tag South H1l1s G.C., and clutch playing on the last hole, and for the remainder of the season ting day since his shoulder opera- going to be just like any other phy- sical education activity. Little did earned 3 pGints. Another fresh- especially Roger Wynkoop's fabu- look bright. tion. Larry Suder drove across they know that theyweretobecome -na», John Nesbitt, finished the last tous scrambling par on the 18th Last Tuesday the Western Mary- three more runs with a booming the nucleus of the new girls lac- 5 holes 2 under par to shell shock there neverwouldhavebeenaplay~ land Terrors traveled to Dickin- triple and a sacrtnce fly. Earl rosse taam, - his opponent and win 2 points with off. Wynkoop, playing in his first son College and. displayed that Dietrich, Art Blake, and Rick Diggs Together with the coaching class a fine round of 81. match, hit a poor drive oft the tee, combination of e~cellent pitching all had two hits apIece in the 17 they will meet teams from Catons- Terry Walters managed 2 points then recovered with a fine wedge and fantastic hitting. The Terror hit Terror attack. ville, Towson, and Notre Dame. AI_ playing out of the number 3 position shot near the nag and dropped the nine collected 21 hits oIl of 5 Dick- Double headers are always a pro- though the sport is new to most of and co-captains Chenoweth and. putt. The pressure was too much inson pitchers and sent 23 runs a- blem but the Terror nine handled Carlson added I POint each to sew far the A. U. man, who couldn't cross the plate to rout the Indians its twlnbUlw1th MountSalnt Mary's the girls, much enthustam ts tetng sncwn and the plays are being pick- up the victory. The -scormg was pull himself together in time to by the score of 23-2. Ralph Wilson In the usual manner, ed up pretty qulckly.l!nothingelse combtntng rounded out by Al (Vegas) Fiege- save the hole. The match was gave up just 6 hits in the nine inn- strong hitting and good pitching. the season shouldbefun,andanex- Ison picking up a forfeit in tas deadlocked 9 to 9. ings he was on the hill and record- The Terrors buried the Mounties pertence tor all involved. first outing of the year. The sudden-death play-off was ed his third victory of the regular in a fourteen hU, twelve run at- Along with coach and teacher The fourth victory in the-pre- to involve Terry Walters and his season. LeadlngtheWesternMary- tack in the first game that also Joan Weyers members for the '68 sent win skein was the first of the opponent from American because land hitting parade were Larry saw freshman Bob Merrey record season are: Eileen Katzer, Carol . halr-raising matches mentioned they played their match all even- Suder, Art Blake and Gary Rud- his fourth victory on a neat six- Haegle , Bobby Eskjornson, Sara earner, The WMC boys were up. The tense play-off never got acme. Between them they accou~- hit effort. Greg Getty, Earl Die- Lednum, Audie Johnson, Carol on the road for the fifth straight past the first hole. After a shaky- ed for 12 runs batted In, and 10 trtch, and Rick Diggs each collect- .jesajko, Joyce Wagner, Scotty match, this time traveling to drive and approach shot, Walters base hIts. Larry had his second ed three nns for the Terrors. Earl Bagnall", Norma Davis, Marty Rom- Hershey to play EUzabethtown at chipped to within 3feet andwatched four-hit. Slay of the young season crashed a two-run homer and a ano' Alice Berning, Karen Mill- the beautiful Hershey park course. his opponent take a bogie 5. He then as he went four for six. triple to also pick up three runs hauser, Marie La Porte, AnnHeath, With 50f6 playersfinished,West- confidently holed out for a par 4 and Freshman Art Blake added three batted In the first game and Roy Peggy Pragel, Pat Collins, Jerry ern Maryland was a few points 1 point to ciarm tne matcnror wes- more base. hits among them as Brown also socked hIs thIrd homer Johnson, Sally Meyers, Pat John- shy of the 9 1/2 needed for a vic- tern Maryland 10-9. three run homer and accounted for of the regular season and chased son, Meriam ReendoUar, Jean Rob- tory. On the 18th hole all eyes three runs across the slate torthe inette, JanetSnader, BrendaShues, were on Steve Jones, on whose un:; ~~ir~:::~~r:~~ti~ s~o~:~ ~;1~1:!:~e!e:i:o~.~u;~;sG:~ ~~~: Terrors. Carol Hoerlcks, Linca McDonald, shoulders the whole match rode. :!~0:~M6~:t::~e.v~~I~;~~~~ :!~ba~~~ble, and home run in four In the second game the Terrors Patty Moore, Sharon Gilyard, and Exhibiting exceptional poise, he relled on the slick 4 hit pitchIng of Janis Wright. finished a chip-shot down the sUck was medalist with 74, followed Next in the Terror~s list was green and made the putt to win the match. ~1~i~~YC::tu::r~ou~i:kO~~~r~:~ ~--------------------------- Medalist Tom Chenoweth (77) and Billy Dayton (78) were also and six big points. Les Carlson very ImportanYln the 9 1/2 - 8 1/2 (77) also won both matches for 5 contest. Chenoweth fired his best points, 3 of which were against round of the year to defeat hiS op- American. Walters (77) gained pent 2 1/2 - 1/2 _ finishing with a 5 1/2 points for .WMC , whIle strong backside (that refers to the Chenoweth and Nesbitt each add- last 9 holes, having nothing to do ed victories over the Mount, and with anatomy), Dayton again held valuable points to the American his own, playing number one, match. claiming 2 1/2 points. LesterCar- Ison and Terry Walters were both defeated, but added Ivaluable point Carroll Theatre ChaUenged by the reputation of the Hershey Park Course-the siz- WED thru SAT zling sixsome succeeded In the APRil 24-27 9(eIf;fo STAY AWAY, JOE ELVIS PRESLEY Stationery SUN thru TUE STORE APRil 28-30 HOME, SCHOOL and Richard Burton OFFICE SUPPLIES Elizabeth Taylor THE COMEDIANS 47 E. Main St. 848·5553 PATIO Sandwich SHOP Featuring 15c Ihrnburgen Thick )Iilk Shllkes Pizzas _ Subs French Fries - Shrimp Boal~ 1I0rnl'matle Do·~uls Inside Seating Plu~ Other Sand,,"iche~ Ht. HO E. of Westminstt'r Phone 8.18·5860
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