Page 96 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG MAY 10, 1968 Iota Phi Alps Elect Officers; 9fJTe Gamma Sponsor Picni c for Hinge Delta Chi Int~~~:;~;:tSyd~dun~I~~e!~i~;fi~~t Pi The sisters of Phi Alpha Mu have be CindyTreherne.OurVi~-Presi_ Card Party. The party, which took kept themselves quite busy ttus dent is Amy Lewis; keeping the cows place In the Grill, was open to all Alpha On Tuesday, May 7, 1968 the snnos with a number women students, regardless of Jutes elected offlcers for next year. of dtffer-ent up to date on the minutes wUi be They are as follows: presiding over projects, OnSaturdayApril26ththey Krls Kaufman, and miserly Chris Greek arrtnauon. Unfortunately, the meetings will be Elaine Mentzer held a car wash at the shopping Kazmer will be in charge of fin- due to lack of organization, it was The results of this year'select- as President, ablyassistedbyVlce- center. In spite of the dismal, cold ances, The honor of welcoming new poorly attended, but those who did ions are as follows: President,Jim President Katy Cranford. Their weather, we managed to net a profit pledges and job of keeping meetings ~articipate seemed to have an en- King; Vice President, Barry fellow officers include Recording ol thirty-three dollars. _ quiet goes to our sge-ae-Arms, Pat [cyable time. . Teach; Recording Secretary, Earl The money made at the car wash Wilkinson. Social activities Next year, the ISC Will begin a Secretary--F.Ueen Kazer,Corres- will be Dietrich; Cor-responctng Secre- pondlng Secretary--Marcia Swan- didn't last long, however, for the handled by veteran Linda Wiley and series oJ card tournaments for all tary, Mike Hunt; Treasurer, Jeff sen, and Assistant Treasurer-- next afternoon the Phi Alphs gave a her new cohort, Norma Davis. women students, With prizes going wnue: House Chairman, Pete RObin Siver. The officers of Alumni picnic for the Hinge children at Spreading Sunshine wUi be Marcia to those wInning the Bridge, Can- Markey; Historian and Scholar- Business Manager, Historian, and Harvey Stone Park. Hot Dogs and Torovsky, while Patty Petry serves asta, and Pinnacle games. These ship. Shirl Husk; Chaplain, Dave Chaplain wHi be filled respectively cokes were consumed In large quan- as Chaplain. Alumni Secretary Carol will hopefully be started early In Weber; Social Chairmen. Jerry by rote Sisters Judy Massicott, titles, and with assistance from our Armacost and her assistant Scotty the school year so that tests and Borge and John Mosca; Pur-chas - Jane Fiesler, Pam Freeman, and Gamma Bete brothers, group sports Bagnal will be publishing the Udder papers won't hinder the attendance. ing Agent, Herb Shrives; Alumni Ann Swartzmann. Representlngthe were organized and played. This was Truth, while Torch co-editors Su On Saturday, May fourth, as part Pi, Rube Goldberg; Tri PI, Rick sisters at SGA will be Kay Craw- the second year that the sisters have Phillips and Bobbi Barkdoll are get- of Spring Weekend the ISC held a Corburn, Leon Cronce, Jerry ford, while at ISC meeting will be ;~l~::e~s~~:I: ~~~~~/~~:~:~~~ ~~;q~~~.y~~::~:e~d~;t:ef!~rl~ ~;:i~:~':~I::~~:~~o;il!ie~~l!~g Bcr-ga; Sargeant-at-Arms, John Carol Fleagle or her alternate, Seaman. Betsy Conner. Lorna Rump will be Ieee. Everyoneseemedtohaveagood Torch Is Janet Ellfn, Alice Berning had a twenty-five dollar goal, with Delta Pi Alpha wUi hold its sec- spreading sunshine, Lori Hale and time. and Karen MUlhauserw1llrepresent any excess profits being kept bythe ond annual Hell's angels Party to- her assistant Susanne Gilford will Nylon sa.les tn the dnrm have ended the sisters at SGA and mc respec- sorority, and the initial sum going morrow afternoon. This year's be editing the yearbook, and Bertha for the year, but this project will tively. to ISC's one hundred dollar contri- wild twelve hour celebration will Reese will be in charge of club- most likely be resumed again in the New officers will be installed at buting to the SGA. Arbitrary prices begin officially at I p. m, at the room maintenance. The Ranch in Fall. We hope that everyone who the Annual Spring banquet to beheld were set ahead of Ume for each type farm house residence of Joel Chambersburg wHl be the scene of benefitted from these sales wUl re- at the Country Fair Inn on May 14. of food so that competition would Kleeger, John VanHart and Larry the Spring banquet nextweek.toeai turn as a regular customer at that At this time the seniors wUl also be be kept to a minlmun. Each sorority Eisenberg. Several dedicatedfra- time. honored, and the announcement wUl had a specified place on campus to Pledge and Ideal Member will be New officers havebeenelectedfor be made of the gIrl receiving the set up their stand, and Barneymet ternity men will leave WMC cam- announced, and the yearbook, the pus to set up ear ly Saturday mor-n- Sabre, wUl be handed out. The next year _ and Head of the HerdwUl "Most Valuable Junior" award. his first outstanding competition in Ing. And It Is sale to say that any- Iotes are proud of their new officers Delta thing could happen-carter last and hope that next year wlll be as year's Incident. This year's new I Alpha Delta Sigma Kappa are: Little of Sadie Hawkins Party tell you what is pianned--you'll dirtydozen-- wonderful as this one was. Sigma Sigmas Prepare for breed at angels--the We just can't will attend their first big frat par- Pi ty of the season. Kappa ~~ hear about it Sunday. The newly elected officers Sigma Sigma wUl Tau again Mary Massey, Janet respecttvety, Alpha Wade for President; Sue Mawby, The Library Staff Hawkins Open of Chairman Social Party this Spring. Sue Stam- are and baugh, Recording Secretary; per and Janet Zengel •• Represen- so come on be better than ever, Jande Nancy Zengel, Treasurer. The newly ~lected officers of President-elect; Jane Butter- throw their Sadie It promises to ""chroeder, and Peggy Venzke. Western Maryland College tatives for SGA and ISC are Lisa gals and ask that gUy to the last Phi Alpha Alpha: Bob Davidson, Shh'k has been elected Sergeant at open party ot the year. No need Renshaw, and Nancy Cole with Librory President; -Jim March, Vice- Pre- Arms; Carol Berger, Chaplain; to worry about dress' cause any- Patty Moore filUng in as alter- invites you to attend an sident; RJchardShafta ..Treasurer; Wilma VanHart and Carol Harris, thing goes. The RogueswlUfurnIsh nate for Nancy. Linda Newtonwill Les Caplan, CorrespondingSecre- Social Chairmen; Pat Johnson, the beat 7:30 to 12:00 on Saturday hold the position of Assistant Tre- open house tary; John Trader, Recording Corresponding Secretary; Sue Rob- night, May 18, at the Taylorsville asurer, Penny WllUams Is Alumni in celebrotiOI1 of Secretary; Dave Moore, Chaplain ert'son and Pam Hausler,Buslness Hunt Club. Sigmas will provide Secretary, and Sgt-at-Arms is Ron Clawson, Historian; John Of- Managers; and Judy Parry, His- buses for transportation or direc- Girmy Stevens. Sue Siebert is The IOOth A nniversary of the ferman, Sargeant at Arms; Rab- torian. Sarah Lednum will be the tions for those who plan to drive. Chaplain, Patty Moore is Sun- COllege bi Blume, House Manager; and new mc Secretary and Ann Read And girls, for that special some- shine Chairman, and Historian is to be held in the Library Bill Dayton, Scholarship Chair- the new rsc Alternate. Margaret thing for your guy, buy him a ra- Carole Bailes. man. Pat FJeeharty and Francis Price, Nancy Higdon, and Barb dish rose or cauliflower carnation The SigmaswillholdthelrSpring Wednesday May fifteenth Sullivan are the social Chairmen. Thomas are the new Eavesdropping from any Sigma. Banquet at the Emmltsburglnn next The all-day Farm partyissche- Elves; Lynne Carothers, S.G.A. Looldng ahead to next year, the Tuesday. At this time the seniors from one to four 0 'clock duled to begin early tomorrow Representative; Sherry Swope, Sigmas elected the follOWing of- will be honored and Ideal Pledge afternoon in oder to provide the ParUamentarian. ficers: President will Judy w11lbe announced. lniUationofof- be participants ample opportunity to Tuesday, Mary 12, the Deltsw1ll Elseroad, and herVice-Pre.sident. flcers will highlight the evening. Refreshments will be served reach a Wordsworthlan epiphany hUd their Spring Banquet. The new SUPPORT SADIE HAWKINS!!! through profound communication officers wUl be installed and honor with nature. will be paid to this year's seniors Sue Ayres, Sue Eyler, and Gall Lentz. LECKRON GULF SERVICE A Medical Answer For MUSCULAR W. ¥,AIN a: PENNA. AVE. W_ .. IDSter,M4. Low Back Thin TI 8-I9D '!1 8-18'1' Road Go Where the Action is- Washington, L.A. or Rome, Promptly Relieves Pain Service anywhere in the world So Stiff Muscles Loosen Up and where there are IMPORTANTPEOPLE You're Back Into Action In politicS,diplomacy, big business, arts or BOWL professions, Executive Aides are needed. D~r:;j~SgW::cs~~~j~~;~C:e~~~~~e~::~~s~~! With WSS Girls with profes- which can go into painful spasm as you suddenly sional training get there! College women can ch.oose ~~d;~~t~~~~ ~~s~T~.;:llii:;~:~~u~~~;~~~ ::::===iil.!OIi!mI Chief from two courses: AnalgeSIC Tablets. And Anacin gives you more of this· • Executive Secretarial medication than any other leading tablet. Women College Pokomoke lor (complele career ~nacin·!S a special fortified formula. It promptly Iraining) refleves pam, helps reduce swollen tissues, and so re- • Business Orientalion leases pressure on sensitive back nerves'. Then notice Tenpins Seminar (10 weeks) how stiff muscles loosen up and you move around with greater ease. WESTMINSTER Only Anacin has this special fortified . LANES formula. It's not found in any other prod- in the Shopping CentH uct. See if Anacin's exclusive formula Students - Until 6:00 p.m. doesn't work better for you. $1.203 Gamel! Induding Shoes MoD. _ Fri. 848-6570
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