Page 95 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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THE GOLD BUG MAY 10, 1968 PAGE 5 Makosky Shares Art Exhibit Eighteen Participants Gold Bug Birth Gives Awards stabs ChosenFor Who's Who oJ tbe rnore errecuve 0", pernpas some of you have been the fall a meeting was held among aimed at modernizing the May Day Eighteen students at Western Thurmont; DouglasA.Smarte,Sea- wondering how the GOLD BUG the students to determine a suitable tradition at Whlmsee was the out- Maryland College, have been ford, Delaware; Cynthia D. Tre- evolved from Us meagerbegl.rming name for the paper. Althoughama- door art show given from 11-5 last selected for inclusion In Who's herne, Cbevy Chasej' L, Elizabeth in october 1923 until this day some jorlty of students wished to con- Saturday afternoon. Baker Chapel Who Among Students in American Wade, Port Tobacco; and Frederick 45 years hence. The birth of the tlnue with the name "Black and was the center- of Interest and enter- umverstttes and Colleges~ C. Wagner, Jr., Timonium. GOLD BUG Is intimatelyrelatedto White," It was judged that It would tatnment, Pieces of sculpture-were The 18, who have recently been Those selected for Who's Who the "Black and White" Fraternity, be more propiUous to designate exhibited In front of the chapelwhl1e notjned of their selection, w1l1be include theStudentGovernmentAs- plus the Initial work of three men: another name. The name Gold paintings and other works were dis- honored at a tea Monday on the soctatton officers, the edUors of the Sterling Edwards--creator and another name. The name GOLD played on the lawns around M(!Daniel campus. The Who's Who 'member-s year book and the newspaper, erne- ~~h~~~iI~;k~::;~"T~i:~:~I::: ~~I~(~~:.'~="~~i.~;:':~;:::;~:;~t~:,'::~~;~: ,~'rn::';~;.~;:;:~:;hC~:;;lt;,;~;:'C.R;~I~~~~: ~;: t~o:'~'o:~~:: :~,:~:':;~::: of men gave form, shape, and sub- of a long-time English professor of these were from off-campus. Camp Springs; Harry M. Collins, vice and academic organteaucns. stance to the growing need for an at the college. "Green and Gold Supplementing the art works, en- woodstown, New Jersey; Donald Whim8ee Presents informed student body. As all three Bug" has ceenprevtcustv sugeest- tertainers were_ provided on the S. Elliott, Jr.""MaugansvlUe; Don- members of the original staff were ed, but the name remained the way chapel steps __completewithgu1tars. aid L. Elmes, SUverSprtng;Stacla "Bloody" Movie members of the newly formed PI it Is today. Their folk-singing furnished a CO[l- L. Evans, Baltimore; Gregory H. The Japanese film, "The Throne Alpha Alpha Fraternity, the paper The history of the 45 year-old temporary background for the sculp- Getty, Lonaconing; DavidS. HUder, of Blood," will be shown at western was subsequently called the "Black paper is oneofconscienttouswork, ture, After lunch, a Chlldren'sHap- Cambridge. ' Maryland College, on Sunday, May and White." The "WW" club, generally able staff members, and pening was held for some of the Also, Richard W. Morgan, Anna- 1 at 8:30 P.M. in Decker Lecture which has since become Sigma approach to campus news mat rre- Hinge kids. It was on-art oUhe cen- poliS; Kenneth D.Nlball, Baltimore; Hall. Sigma Tau gorolty, helped the has been fresh and sUmu- . tur'y, as they threw paint bags and ~=:tz!:~~' :;;~~:k~r;:~;;~: paper in these first hectic weeks. lat.i;g. dTheqt",ality of leadership sq,wrtedwaterPistolsOnhllgeSheets Suder, Barton; Gary M. Shap'm. "Throne of Blood" is Shakes- Financing the venture w!.s ach- evr ence by e editor-s has been 0 wood. ' pearees "Macbeth" adapted to tell teved by securing advertising and unusually high. Many people who Mr. Patrick McGulre,whorecent- Senior Girls Satirized· the tale ofa power-bungrywar lord by selling the paper for 5y I copy. have headed or contributed to this Iy hadhisownexh\bitlnour artbuUd- In 16th century Japan. Directed by Later In the year of 1923, most of enterprise have gone on tobecorne Ing, judged the exhibits. He awarded Alma Mater ·Tradition' Akira Kurosawa, the film hasJap- ~heen:;~t~~n;~;s~~: h;:s~: ':~ :i:~~~s~e:n:a~~:~ own Individual :~~i~~~:d ~It!~t:~~~o~p~~~: On May 15 at 4 P.M., the tr ad- ::::. ~:;~~~aW;~neEdn!~I:~f:!; papers were distributed free to the This year the GOLD BUG is Jean ResUg wona$lO.OO gU'tcertlfl- 1U0nal Rose Cup ceremony wUl be In 1950withhis "Rashomon" and is students. proud to announce that It received cate for her first prize piece of sculp- held in Robinson Garden. Senior regarded s part of the new Wave The GOLD BUG ceased being a a First Class Rating from the As- ture. Two exhibitors from olf- girls, dressed in white and seated !lIm movement. The do~inant private venture of fraternity spon- soc1ated Collegiate Press for the campus, Phil Lipinski and Rose Dos- on blankets, will watch whUe they image of New Wave films Is "the sorshlp in the Fall of 1924. It was first semester's' pbul1cations. ter, also won gift certificates. are satirized by the Junior Girls principle of Indeterminacy." thought thatfactionalism and inter- This is the first time the newspaper The show, a unique Idea at Whim- In shori skits. Afterwards the In a review oUhe 1957film, Stan- fraternity squabbling would 00- has received this First Class Rat- see, was a success, and will be con- Senior girls, now formed In a c1r- ley Kauffman said of "Throne of stroy the ideals under which the ing, but in order to continue this tinued next year If Interest Is shown cle, will accept a sip from a sHver Blood" that "Every moment of the newspaper was instituted. During quaUty the staff needs more help. with more artists from the surround- urn as it Is presented to them bya fUm Is seen with an exquisite eye, ~ , ~n;ll~~:::r::O:::doft~;:::~:; ~ ~u;;;r SiC;:s: ~~f!~r~o~:e ~u:~ ~:~:::s::r:v~::I~:I::e~~:~~ t Junior, Senior Banquet f due to Ellen Von Dehsen and Will Senior as she is presented the urn. portraits and landscapes-- he f t I Friday, May 10, 5:30 P.M.-ll :30 P.M. I ~:~sws:~;::~~ ~~~;ts:~::l:; i:;:;~~~::ds;~o~o~:.l ;~!c:~:~m;~:~e~::~~t~u:~s~~le at the mony ends with everyone singing the original Idea, and to Mr. Wasyl door Sunday evening beginning at t ~~~a~:YC~~~~~d~~~~! LectureHall t rpa;:.IY~"'::"~k,::'o:::,'.:';::";.:::":,::IP:;'. .;t;;;".;A;;;lm;'.;Mat=.:.;'.-----.:.~.O::,O.::P:;:.M:; •.:A;:::dm::!'.::":!:'o:::."'::":':7::'5~":::"t~'. II' MissWMC Pageant I ...... ~ I I JlT:~~nQtionC11a:enterrJACQd"m-=::r~~ I ::~::~:~~'~:::M,:~::~:r:neofBlood" I ~-~ 1402CQMMONWEALTHAVENUE S""doy,M" 12,••30P.M.,D""""H.1I I Lantern Chain I BOSTON.'1ASSACHIISETTS02135 I Mo"d.y,M.y13,'.00 P,M.,Hoff. F"Id- I The International Center fo, Academic Rm",h i, Designed to help eve,y "udent I, wR..Ose",.~.UyP,M- 15,4.00P,M.,Oob;""" G.nI," It achieve hiS maXImum potential in the subject, or subjects, of their choice. _ ,,!,eat t~e International Center for Academic Research are proud that these outstanding -... _. I mstructlonal techniques have shown proven results for decades. f Trumpeter Tapping t t Wednesday,May 15,7:00 P. M.,tha President'slawn t QUR GUARANTEE t Student Art Exhibit t ~he International Center for Academic Research, after exhausting studies, is able to , Wednesday,May 15,7:00 to 9:00 P.M.•the Fine Art Building f gtve a co~plete money back g~arantee ..If after. following instructions faithfully you f 'Concert, the College Singers t nave not mcreased your scholastic stampmgs noticeably. Your money will be complete- t Thursday, May 16,8:00 P.M.,McOanieiLounge f ly refunded. I SGAMovie I t Friday. May 17,7:00 P.M.. DeckerHall t Special Introductory Offer Expires May 1, 1968. Pr~cethereafter $3.95 per Course. I Exams I For Personalized assistance send $1.00 per course to t Monday,May20-27 t I The International Center for Academic Research 1492 Commonwealth Ave. I Ends I Please Inelude Boxton, Course Last Semesters Average I ~:~;~M~~:ster Boston, Mass. 02135 "Make Love. Not Peace" Understage Production Wednesday,Fridav,May29·31.8:15 P.M.,AlumniHaILUndarstage t Name _ 1 _ I I Addrcss' _ I ~'::::~iJ~:'Y' I Citr'-- State _ _ 4 _ Zip Codc'- I I 5 _ t Baccalaurate I Coufse ord. _ Sunday,June 2. 10:30 A.M.,BakerMemorialChapel I Special Group Rates for Fraternities and SOToritie~ ROTC Commissioning Ceremony I Sunday. June 2. 1:15 P.M.,OeckerLecture HaIL 20% discount for groups of ten or morc. Please include organizational title I Graduation f Allow 4 to 6 weeks for processing and delivery. SUnday,J::.::::::n::~ ~J
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