Page 94 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 94
PAGE 4 THE GOLD.BUG MAY 10, 1968 s~:~!~~~:,r~::1, ~:~~¥i~:'2~::~~i~~~~Circus Most oIus do not aet rrom pure motives nor co we think unambiguously. ever, f~w people are aware of an- The cause for love and stuff· We make decisions as to better of goods or the lesser of evils and ortsn ~ther stgntrtcant trait of this amaa- I ,didn'~ know there was ~ne. find ourselves in a gray area hovering over a very nne line. It Is here that 109 compound. Acetylcholine has 1here IS, ~or exompte, did you heckle II conservative when he asked the greatest amount of rationalization takes place and where we most eas- been r:sponslble for many success- Father Bemgan heckle--I ily deceive ourselves. ful military campaigns. WhenNap- . No, I don't to do it. It's not a human qua- questIOns? can't bring myself lo:,o:"~:;~~i,:,:"~~:'::.~;~;;,~h~~:,,~::t::;n~~~'~:'p)';':;~~~~;~:;,~':~:~:'.':::":b;:::!';:,~:;~:~,G:~~kJ;':"~::'~::':':l~O:"~itBe:!':~~':'~~':'lo~i~~'~';'::::~! path because what they were "sure" was love turned out to be a subtle the birth of Zeus the Invisible and Father Berrigan and his Christian blood symbolism anyway so how form of prostitution? " Omnipotent, ,all of his troops had could I heckle [or him. The blood bit was a little too godly for me and In all!orms of protest, therelsan invisible nne between what is simply taken large doses of acetylcholine 1 alway,s ~~':,t~rred man over the gods. r.;P~;~;~a~:;~:;'~~'bi~:',~:'~~,~~~~::;;:~;,:::::::; ;:~i~:;~~~m~:~~:w'7:::;:i:;::::~:'~::1':::{;;:,~,~h;~:,;:,1was, 'rtrenon,doy1reajtzeu1eculdn"take moment and faddist. tory pver the powerful Thessalon- It anymore. These damn Christians give you the original sin Hne-- it ",~~~::~::,~l:::,,:ro::::'''oruswno attim"walkthattightco",~:~6;,'.~~'~:~~~':';~:1:~;;';;:~"::i~~'l~'::::;.,~,~~~'~o:h~i:t~~'!:a'u.~:I::::;:'';;t~~:;:~::~: We all UketothlnkthatouracUons are expressive of deeply held prin- Greco_Roman_Vlctorian army had blood of Martin Luther King on his hands. Jesus was a man ••••• ciples, butwe can move easily from principle across a hard-to-detect line a cartnarsts and-met their final So what have you done lately? ' to expediency. and ultimate doom in the face of I went to the circus. On May 7 the circus came to Westminster As students face professors In the next two weeks with their "hardship ridiculous odds, No one comment- and it was a very bad circus, but then Westminster has never been a cases", there will be probably be a dialectical crossing of that line which ed at the time, but Napoleon's aunt circus town. exists In each of between the honest man and the confidence man. later. told the Archduke Franz .It's like when you want to get away from all the obscene and evil I! believers are honest , they know the slender thread eJdsting between Ferdma~d that the Hapsbur'gs were thIOgs In the world like tsraeu marches through Jordan, race riots, God as man's projection and God as that mysterious reaUty which con- wierd and proceeded to stab him to broken plasUc martyrs, and guerilla warfare--then the circus is a fronts man. death for the good olAssyria.Sar- good thing! You see, people risked their lives there,in westminster, In mostpeoplewhoarealtruistic--thePeaceCorps--5OStype--there Is gon I, hearing the commotion, In the Sells-Gray Circus, and if they lost them, it would have been" probably a good mixture of self-serving as well as service to humanity. rushed in and threw up on Lady through failure of their own skills. They are In control. The counselor daily faces the tension of the sUght distance between Godiva as she was ntsmountlng Aside from spangled bathing suits and multi-colored tights, the only giVing advice and allOW'lngapersontobe free to make his own decisions. from T~lgg~r, and Roy Roger-s uniforms around were cops and two Western Maryland jackets, one It ts otten true that the only people who benefit from giving advice are smiled In ms, silly way, giving of which was gold and green. those who give it. Da1e Evans goose pimples but caus- One of the freaks there, a circus freak, didn't want to work and so he Human relationships disintegrate when we are not sensiUveto that at- ing everyone else to become nau- laid down on a couch and blew his stomach up with a bicycle pump. Once most transparent line between healthy self-affirmation and alienating seated. Such i~ the. law of lUe, he ~aid, he was ahigh class freak, touring with Ripley, and now he's jUst self-conceit. as Hitler said In a dIrective con- a SIdeshow freak on a one night stand in Westminster. For 1O~ he'U sell Jesus forced us to be cognizant of another imperceptIble 11newhen he cernlng the Swedish invasion of you a love beanwhichwill make you laugh, if you open the envelope it's In, asked us to be "as innocent as doves and as wise as ~erpents." Tenafly, New Jersey, an atrocity alone, and realize what you paid a dime for. And then all "reUgous" people after they have duttruUy beaten their which caused William HowardTaft Now that you've nihiloted everythmg that commitment stllndsfor, tell breasts (as the Publican did in our Lord'S parahle) seem'to be caught to retaliate by imposing a block~de me what do you believe in? moving across that thin Une to a "Tom TerrifiC Pharlsaism" and on Pago· Pago. "How could YOI\ do I'm not alraid to say I don't know. who SM' D .... l could easHywrite a hook enUtled "Humility AndHowI Achieved It." We It?," ~houted the Latvians, g. II· _epar~. R . become snobs ahout snobs and proud of our humility. were disgusted by the whole affair. t I suppose the only way to navigate this gray area without a paralyzing War ensued, and the Bulgarlansde- ancas er etlres preoccupation with motive is to know that we allUve by grace thatwe feated the hapless Lyblans, taking never measure up to the demands of life. If we are consclou; of this Ur, the Panama Canal, Nlnevah, we mIght be saved from the decision which Frank Lloyd Wright said h~ Byzantium, Cathay and the land of was constantly having to make between "hypocrlticalhumiUtyand honest Nod Including the Royal Deacylng Jim Mor_.!fan Irom the U. S. Army. In ending his arrogance." Domain of the Wizard of Oz and On Apr1130, 1968, Sergeant Ma- 21 yearso[serviCe; hewas awarded f!l1uJ Jtodei A f1'oJuI 1 ~""7"~......__ ...;;jo;;., .. G;;;,.;;,,~y..;K;;.• .;;La;n;,".'.t,.".,.ured the Army Commendation Medal for service at WMC. For the past 36 months, he has ~h ~ ~ vi
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