Page 97 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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THE GOLD BUG MAY 10, 1968 PAGE 7 Grinding Pace: Wilson and Merrey Stop A. U. Ralph Wilson's Four Years To Close Best Season Ever Mike Herr After four years of the active relationship between Ralph wnscn and With the northern division crown, Western Maryland College there is not much that parting praise can add Vince Festa four singles off of Balti- the Terrors are In Norfolk, Vir- to the quiet legend this man has left. Hence, this column will attempt only western Maryland's baseball nlq'e's Wayne Sharrar. ginia to play Old Dominion for the to clarify his athleUc achIevements and sneek a quick gUmpse at the per- team ended its regular season 'ine next day the Terrors suff-. Mason-Dixon championship In a son of Ralph Wilson. Important to the public are his schedule last Saturday as the Ter- erod one of their most humiliating best 2 out of 3 series. If the Ter- achievements on the basketball rors. played host to American Un- tocses in droping the first game rors win the title, there Is a strong court and the pUcher's mound. In iversity in a double header. But OJ their win bill with John's Hop- possibility that the team will re- a four year court career, marred with its twin victories the team kr .s, The victory was the first of ceive a bid to play in the N.C.A.A. by a lmgerfag illness that made was assured of at least two more tl,,' season for the Blue Jays as small college championships him a spectator through most of games, as they swept to the nor- dumped Western Maryland, his junior year, Ralph still manag- thern division crown or the Mason- In the second game Ralph WIl- ed a total of 743 rebounds and 908 Dixon conference with a 12 and 2 sun turned in his second consecu- Thinclilds End Season points. The mere 34 points of the record. nve shutout, blanking the Jays on 'M-'67 season are the reason that The crown was actually just ~ hits while fanning 15 In just 'i With liictory And Loss Ralph didn't win a membershi"p In about sewn up against 'rowsor. innings. the lOOO-point club. But the re- state as the Terrors won both In the final two games against The vtctorvor WMC's track team cords show that Ralph could have ends of the double header, and American the Terrors needed a over Lebanon Valley 92 - 53 con- scored his thousand If he really moved into a 1 1/2 game lead. ,;put to out distance league run- tributed to the overaU success of wanted to. In four years of var- Freshman Bob Merrey turned in ners up Towson and Balt.imore. sp!".lS events on May Day. sity competition (as a starter) another excellent performance as In the first game Ralph Wilson The big factor of the scortng was Ralph took a mere 716 shots. More he allowed just 4 hits, and struck kept the A. U. batters off balance the.o'surprisiog showing of the run- than half of those shots found the out five in winning 5-4. The game while waiting for some hitting to ners. For the first time in a long mark as he made 369 field goals, was marred by 13 miscues as back him up. The game's only run time, WMC won both the 440 and for better than 51%. His free throw both teams tried to give the game came in the bottom of the lastinn- the mile relay. Steve Pound, accuracy was equally impressive away. Gary Rudacille knocked Ing following two costly errors by Johnson Bowie, John Sldnner ...and Mike Shultz carried the 440 relay. at 83%. across two runs with a single and a American University infielders. Then Jim Morrison, Pet Kinner, HIs baseball record is much easier to summarize. The simple state- sacrifice ny, and Larry Suder had Greg Getty was cut down stealing Rick Robbins, and John Sklnner ment, 'f~e was magnificent," would sutnce, However, a list Is always the only two-hit performance of for the second out of the inning went on to win the mile relay. tmpressrve, As a freshman, Ralph won 4 games and lost 1 and came the day. In the second game Ralph to leave no one on. Earl Dietrich Steve Pound pushed ahead towln back with a 6-2 record the next year. HIs junior year, recov~rtng from Wilson recorded his second shut- drew a walk, and when the Amer- the 100 yard dash with his best lUness, he managed a 3-1 record. The eyepopper came this year. As a out of the season as he stopped lean pitcher over-threw first base time for this event, 10.4. Rick senior, Ralph wuscn notched a 7-0 record, including 4 shutouts, three Towson in just 3 hits. The Terrors Dietrich took off for second. How- Robbins broke the school record of which came In his last three outings. His earned run average was a got all four of their runs in the ever the A. U. first baseman had. in the mile with a time of 4.38, I sparkl1n~ 0.83. This brings his career record to 20-4, and with the first Inning, combining a single, trouble recovering the ball allow- second under the preVious school Mason-Dixon playoffs ahead. Ralph has a chance to win a few more be- a walk, an error, Greg uetty's log Earl to move all the way to record 4:39 held by Lloyd Muscle· fore he hangs up his cleats. triple, and Earl Dietrich's sac- third. With two strikes on him the man in 1957. other winning events But Ralph has a batter won-lost percentageoftthe field. He has never riflce to produce four runs. This next batter, Jerry Borga, hit a for WMC Include John sjanner in lost there. Activity on campus doesn't signify glory, it means only a was three more than Ralpll need- ground ball to the thirdbaseman the 440 yd. dash, Jim Morrison grinding pace. He is a member of ODK, the Fellowship of Christian ed as he coasted home with the which he couldn't handle for an for the high hurdles and Johnson Athletes, the Student LifeCounc1I, FAC,AGT(the Bachelors), and he has 4-0 triumph. _error, letting Dietrich score with Bowie winning the 2.20 yd. dash. worked on the President's Commission. This combined wIth his four years The Terror's sufleredtheirflrst the winning run. The Terrors excelled also In ... of hara work in SOS, including two summers spent in Puerto Rico, earn- shut out of the season the follow- In the night cap, the Terrors the field events, wt: ..'! Barry Ptk- ed him the recogn1tion of Who's Who in American College Students. All eras taking a first in the shot and this is fine, but the things for whlchwUl be remembered are not In led- Pete Markey following in second gers and clippings. place. Plkolas,Hatfleld and Mark- There's the name Zulma, which makes him blush. Another secret is ey following in second place. Pik- his first Impression on the erusens of Mohawk, west Virginia, as he ey swept the discus with a first, drove in with his sandals, long sideburns, and Bermuda shorts. Another second and third respectively. A w.Va. secret is the fact that he is one of the best "natfooters" that ever pit record was made by Clint De- graced a dance floor. One of yours trely's favorite recollections is of Witt with 20' 8 1/4" in the broad trying to keep Ralph's tailllghts in view as he calmly sped through the jump. Jerry WoU ctearee n' lor mountaln roads. But everybody has their favorite Ralph Wilson Story, rconttnued on page tI' both the funny and the warm. Thus I leave you, as the summer approa- -nes, with your memories. Stickmen Earn Two Wins, ~J One Tie, In Four Outings Buck Jones receives the handshakes. after launching homer, ~ ing Tuesday losing to Baltimore unloaded on A.D, for 12 hits and back with three goals tying it on University 4-0. Freshman Gary .12 runs as Bob Merrey limited Flowers For Cary Wolfson. The WMC Lacrosse Club's con- Will Davis' unassisted goal. ArWidel Wachter allowed just four hits in A.U. to just 3 hits. Roy Brown The rematch against vincing B-2 victory over Mercers- going the distance. B. U. tallied was the hitting star as he drove Any Occasion burg Wednesday not only assured proved sweet revenge fortheWMC all four runs In the eighth irming home 4 runs with a single and the team of a winning record, but club. The shocked visitors ex- as an error, two walks and two his fourth homer of the season. 114 Pennsylvania Ave. also wrapped up varsity status for pecting a replay of their easy vic- single proved fatal to the Terrors. Buck Jones socked a triple-and a tory of the week before, found the 1969 season. The team's log themselves down 6-1 after the first Western Maryland could muster single good for two more Terror 848.9350 rWis as the final was 12-4. now stands at 4-1-1, with only to- period, and traIling 11-5atthehalf. morrow's home contest against Hero of the 16-10 turnabout attack- 6irIs.: Frostburg (2 p. m., Hofla Field) mlln Will DaviS, who broke his own Win Volleyball; remaining. single game scoring record with WTTR ELDERSBURG The recent string of four games six goals and six assists. Dim- Winless In Tennis in twelve days got ofl to a hor- inutive creaseman Ed Smith Linda Sullivan ~endous start two Saturdays ago at pumped In five goals whUe running RADIO Anne Arundel Community College, circles around his defenseman, a Led by the serving of LaRue Ar- AM-1470KC with the WMC club ontheshortend plus-six-footer who happens to be nold and Sue Smith; the WMCTer- FM-Steroo RCA VICTOR of a 16-8 score. Eddie's brother. roreites swept by the UMBC and DUMONT - EMERSON The only bright spots of a CatonsvUle volleyball teams, to Fast Radio Servke Thirteen fouls committed by the game played in a constant down- Terror stickers set up 8 of their make theit season record a strong 185 E. Main pour were Joel Smith's first two opponents' 10 goals on extra man 4-0. WESTMINSTER TI 8-3066 career goals. The unified effort makes it im- Eldersburg Shopping Center Four days later things imporved plays. possible to select anyone out· MARYLAND 795·0210 The club cutitsfoulsdowntofive greatly even though the team was (none in the first half) In drubbing' standing player, so congratulations unable to notch a win, playing the Mercersburg, B-2, After the young are in order lor Eileen Kazer, Washington College Varsity "B" Pennsylvanians took an early 2-1 "Lash" LaRue Arnold, Linda Mc- team to a 4-4 double-overtime lead, the Big Green simply ran and Donald, Sue Smith, Gail Lentz, and ~ standoff in a great defensive bat- checked them into the ground, Jean Robinette. AL'rr CLEAl\'ERS & tle ~ Returning to the nets, Kem- scoring seven goals in the second It took Miss Fritz's Frauleins pske played what was probably the hal! while holding their opponents only two games in eacn match to best game of his career, coming up scoreless. Starring on the attack win: scores: WMC 15-UMBC3, UllJ1 So. Center Street, ~~~~~~~S with twenty-one saves,' several of again was the team's leading goal- WMC 15-UMBC 2; second contest the acrobatic one-on-one sit getter, Ed Smith with five goals, WMC 15-Catonsville 4, WMC 15- LAUNDERING. DRYCLEANrnG - TAILORING uations. Sharing standout honors one of them a fantastic backhand CCC 5.' was fledgling defenseman Bill Dud- The voUeyballers take their Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service shot Into an open net. Also play- ing a big part in the win was the flawless record against Notre Service for Students in WMC Student Center l'~ l"ne only Terror score of the Dame and Morgan on May 7 and first hall came when .Qan WUson unsung third midfield which put May 9 respectively. Regardless Monday through' Friday scooped up an errant Wolfson feed the victors ahead to stay with two of the outcomes, however, the and slapped a hard grounder into quick goals by Dan Gottlelb and volleyball team, with its unUted 9:00 O'clock Until 3:00 O'clock Daily the net, as the WMC men trailed Dave Millhauser after the starting (Continued on page 8) 3-1 at the half. But the Green came oClense had bogged down.
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