Page 89 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 89
THE GOLD BUG APRIL 26, 1968 PAGE 7 TerrorsPlod ThruLoss Skein Stick men Win First Two; But Track Records Fall Fast ,Mike Herr Cr-tstaudo, Attackmen Near Perfection A midweek encounter with an un up to teammate Frank jernog Loyola gave a surprtze to the ltrst OI,_everalrunner:;he of wm Davis (5goals,4 assists) the Hoffa field Partisans as the "lapped" his teammates realized Cary Wolfson- ~~rl:gbe:~e!~t::~~a:;:~rm~:~ and near-perfect execution of the Visitors stomped Western Mary- that he held a .'>hot at the record After a winless malden season, led allgoalgetterswUhthree,whlle extra-man play, the Terror ten had land by a 79-56 score. and urged Crl,;taudo to pace him. the reborn WMC Lacrosse ~lub captain Joel Goldblatt had two goals buut a 10-5 advantage goinglntothe A win in the mile relay, with Max Frank corresponded with a burst has shifted gears and swept totm- Carrol, Johnson Bowie, and Pete of speed that la.tted through Garyts presslve victories in Its opening Kinner anchored by Rick Robbins entire seventh lap, and .~eljthlmto contests of the new campaign. An prevented the Terrors from being the record. affirmation of Its motto of "Stick shut out In the track events. Senior hurdler Jim Morrison e- Power", the club opened Its of- However the Terror's strength qualed the record in the 120-yard ficial season at home with a 12-7 in field events made the score at high hurdles, timed at IS,S. It was shellacking of Mt. St. Mary's be- least respectable. Barry Pikolas the third time that he has reached fore taking to the road to gain re- took a double win In the shot and this mark in his career at WMC. venge (two losses in 1967) over the discus as Western Maryland The fact that Jim is practlce- Gettysburg by an U-9 count. ' $Wept the latter event, with Bob teaching this semester and has Major Don Chapman's charges Hatfield and and Pete Markey in little time to practice makes this quickly established themselves as support. Hatfield also responded enort all the more satisfying. a first half team by racking up a to the call for a pole vaulter with Rick Robbins, in his best effort 6-1 lead after two periods. Larry a winning effort of 9 feet, Rube on the oval this spring, turned in Anderson's unassisted goal put the Goldberg took third place in the. an effortless 4.40.7 in the mile. Terrors on topl-O and from then on Joel Goldblatt picks up the ball in Terror stampede over Mounties. shot, The school record in this event Is th~n~~~~h~r~Sq~~:rC!~:eieadwas outplayed for three quarters of the fourth quarter. B111Hutchinson tied for second 3:39, set by Lloyd Muscleman in place In the high jump and CUnt. 1957. deWitt took second place honors other Terror winners Included ~:~~:gtOg:~I~I-~lm~:~:~ke W!:~ ~=e;e~:~~s~~r~ :::k~::f~, =~:i:r~~~:~!~~ht~~:::~::~; in the triple and long jump. Pete Kinner, 2:05.2 In the 880, ~:~~1:~ ff:~: ~~ t:~~~:t:S~d;:: ~~n! o:!~gi:~::: !t~h~res:~~~~.r 10-9, before Davis broke the back Barry Plkolas, 44'11" In the shot and 134" 2 1/2" in the dtcus, and placement Mike Bakerwasshocked two assists, and Eddie SmUh and ~::I~;e:i;~e~~e~d~:ln~ Jerry wotr, 9' 6" In the pole vault. for five goals In his first game test Al McCoy notched two goals apiece. for the noar tally with only two Johnson Bowie collected 3 points ~~~rtl:~~~ :o~t~~~~/~~r:~ M!~~~o~:o~~~s~~';:~:~n~I:~~~= minutes remaining. other score- In the 220 as did Billy xutcntnscn ers were Ed Smith {3goals),Gold- In the high jump with a leap 01 blatt (2 goals), and Spllnler Ying- 5'7", his best effort this year. Netmen In Woeful Slump; ling, with hls first goal of the year. Keith Porter turned In a credi- Tomorrow the team travels to enough for third place, Drop Four In. Succession table 141'1" In the iaveun. Thls Severna Park to play Anne Arun- was good del Community College. Not on and he has just begun to learn the hand wlll be Al Kempske, who has technique. Pete Markey claimed Frank Bowe fore bowing 6-2, 10-8. been called suddenly on a trip to ~~0!:1~ fa,~~~I,~nin the s~ot, with It was tough. You stood on the On Tuesday, Dickinson came to the mid-west, whUe middie (and town and duplicated Juniata's feat alternate back-up goalie) Danny Clint deWitt got off a leap of 20' ~~~I,c~:.~~gf!~ni ~~r:::~~; by defeating the Terrors 9-0. The WUson Is a doubtful starter due 3 3/4 In the' long jump, for his 'sun on the back of your neck, You first singles was again atnree-act to a severely bruised shoulder. affair as Greg Abelm declsioned Barry Pikolas completes the follow ::~:dtoPI~~:' asItww:,sh~~o~r,~::' felt helpless as you watched the Bowe by one service break in the Bill Veeck To Addreu l through of his record-breaking shot- In the triple jump. . :vn: ~~~~~:sio~:mO~mh::eJI~ ~~~~ ~:l::~t 3;;e~-~~!~~'0~~ntl~z::!~' AU..sporfA Banquet put. The Terrors took a dtsastarous ago and then It was all over. Mount The running events saw a sec---- Friday trip to Dickinson College St. Mary's had taken all three dou- Doug Smith. Powell dropped two BiU veeck, retired baseball club and place for Pete Kinner in the where they took a 97-48 drubbing. bles, erasing a 4-2 WMC lead, and' 6-4 sets to the steel racket owner, sports columlst, and one of 440, Rick Robbins In the 880,Gary The dark cloud had Us lighter winning the match, 5-4. acrobatics of Paul Kaplan. NibaU the most colorful and successful Mac WUUams In the mUe and two lines, however, as Barry Pikoias The day had started ausplc10usly lost by the close scoresof8-6,6-4, sports figures of his generation mUe, and a third place finish for set a new standaz ~ ;11 the shotput, enough four hours earUer. Frank and Godown took his man to three will be the after dinner speaker at Steve Pound in the 100. The dea- with a heave of 45'9 1/4". Bowe, Charles Schnitzleln, Ken sets before surrendering tn the the Western Maryland College, rth of first place finishes was the Pete Kinner continued to win the Nlba!1 and JIm Godown all won sixth singles. May All Spcrts Banquet, at downfall of the Terrors. 880 with a time of 2:07.2 and Bill their singles In straight sets. Only Abelm and Smith defeated Bowe Susquehanna came in on Tuesday Hutchinson went higher than ever Jim Hobart and Alan Gober lost at; and Hobart In the first doubles by to punish the Terrors by a wider with a high jump oJ 5'8". WMC stood within one point of the only one service break Inthe third. point spread of 88-57. The following day saw the Terror wIn with a 4-2 lead. Schnitzlein and Gober came close, However, the host team had much thinclads competing In the Mason- Then came the doubles. All three but dropped their match 10-8,7-5. to cheer about as one school record Dixon Relays at GaUaudet. The doubles went three sets and the SchoU and Messick were able to fell, one was tied, and another came Terrors took two second places In Mount took all three. Bowe and take only one game from Yutzer and within one second of being over- the relays with record breaking Hobart lost at 7-5 In the third, McClintock. taken. times of 8:26.2 in thetwo-mUere- NibaU--8chnltzlein at6-4lntheflnal The next visitor was arch-rival The new standard was set by lay, and 19:52.5 in the four-mUe. fume, and Neil Messick--Gary Johns Hopkins. Bowe went three freshman Gary MacWllllams with Scholl at 6-4 In the thlrd.Oneser- sets for the third straight match, a 10:24.5 clocklngln the two mile vice break In anyone ofthese mat- only to lose to Hopkins number one Mike Marcus. Schnitzlein dropped run. The old mark was held by ches would have reversed the final his match toBobFeldman6-0,6-4. Vaughn Smith whoreeledoffal0:29 5-4 score: The only Terror to win his singles in 1957. As MacWllllam.~ caught On April 13 Juniata College had was freshman Joe Powell, who play· Invaded the WMC courts for a Netgirls Show Promise Saturday afternoon, Juniata stood ed a brllliant third set to decision match. By the end of that sunny Marty Mertz 6-2, 3-6, 6-4. Hobart In Losing First Match 9-0, having lost only one set en ~:~:oal~C~0!0~~~8~n6~;:tt:;2~ Mr. Veeck, as owner of the St. route to victory. That set came In the number one sIngles as Bowe MuffStasch :~~tn;hr~~~~u::~e~~f:~~r~~::n: ~~,s a~~~~s'c~~~a~~e~!: ~~~: and Tom McAulay reMwed an in- The western Maryland girls' tense seven year-long rivalry to Ken Nlman 8-10, 6-2, 6-4. ~:~t::mo~I~~~ ;~:~~~~esinv:!!~ tennIs team is preparing for a which stretches back to the time Bowe and Hobart picked up the ed the exploding scoreboard In his comeback after a loss to a tough both were Juniors in Pennsylvania., second WMCpoint astheywontheir tenure at Chicago. Goucher team in its first match This time McAulaytookathreeset this spring. Facing very strong cliff-hanger after a long twO-hour ~1;:~lt~~~~~e~~~~:~'oPc~:~l s:~ .... --- ..... ----, opponents, CarolJesatkoandLinda battIe. to Zewig and Mertz8-6, 10-8.Nib- SulUvan, the two top players on the Schnltzlein 10sttoJuniata'sDave ali and Scholl lost to Horwitz and BOWL Western Maryland Team, dropped Peter Kinner breaks tape at Dlc"kin. Newcomen, 6-4, 7-5. Joe Powell, Hochman, 6-3, 4-6, 6-3 to give their singles matches while son to win the .880 in 2:07.2. playing In the third singles, dropp- Hopkins their final point In a 7-2 With Goucher also took the four doubles The partIcipants In the two-mile ed a6-1,6-! declsiontoJohnSolis- victory. matches. Even so, all the players race were Rick Robblns,2:04.7, Cohen. Juniata's Al Whttedefeated Chief looked good and show promise for Bob Moore, 2:07.6, Gary MacWiJ- Hobart, 6-3,6-1 whileNlballlostto the remainder of the season. Fol- IIams, 2:08.7; and Pete Kinnerwlth Paul Solis-Cohen 6-1, 6-2. Jim ~~ Pokomoke lowing Sully and Carol, nextlnUne a 2:05.2 anchor leg. Godown managed to deuce both his on the team are Sue Mawbyand La- MacWilliams led off the four- sets with Jay Petete before losing Rue Arnold, backed up by Susan mUe relay wltha 4:50 mUe. Pete 7-5, 7-5. ~ Tenpins Shull, Audrey Johnson, Pat Evans, Kinner followed with a 5:05.8, Bob The number one singles match Jeanne Robinette, Patti Moore, Moore clocked in with a 5:01, and was still in progresswhenthedou- Flowers For Faye Sledge, Joyce Wagner, Julie Robbins brought ithomewith41aps bles started, so Powell and Sch- WESTMINSTER LANES KI~n:I'I:~:l1~e:~!~~l:;,s match in i~!~;'Plkolas won two trop~ ~nt:l~!~bi::~~e~I~~tt:~e~:o~~ Any Occasion in the Shopping Center against Gettysbury, which Included with winning efforts of 45' 21/2" in en an\l..John Solis-Cohen 6-4, 6-3. Students - Until 6:00 p.m. three singles and two doubles, the the shot and 136' 4" in the discus. Hobart and Godown dropped the 114 Pennsylvonio Ave. $1.203 Games team has three matches remain- Bob Hatfield copped a fourth place second doublestoWhUe-PauISolis- Including ShGe!J ing, followed by a Western Mary- medal with a 125' 7" toss of the Cohen, 6-1, 10-8. Scholl and Gober 848·9350 Mon.· Fri. 848·6570 lana-Sports Day on May ll.~ liis-c«s. made.afighb>outo' ~a... ~
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