Page 87 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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THE GOLD BUG APRIL 26, 1968 PAGE 5 May Day Weekend Spotlights on Wagner to Head Orchestra And Band Plan Blues Singer And Dave BlumTrio '69 Aloha Staff Three Combined Concerts The Aloha stalffor next year-wtu Orchestra and band members at Maryland for a concert on Sunday. be as follows: Fred Wagner, eot- Western Maryland College have afternoon, May 5. The 3:00 p. m, tor-in-chief; Keith Thacker and three performances planned for the concert wtll openwlththefolli:lwing Anne Read, literary editors; John next few weeks. program by the Glee Club: "Sing Levy, layout editor; EllenvonDeh- Sunday, AprU21 at 3:00 p. M.ln We and Chant It," Morley: "The sen, art editor: Dave Weber, bus- The College Center, Goucher Col- Nightingale," Weelkes; "Father Iness manager; and Dave Hilder, lege, the orchestra will accompany Eternal" and "Sing Ye Praises to advertising manager. the PrlncetonUnlversityandGouc- the Highest," Brahms; four songs The new staff expects more her CoUege Glee Clubs In a con- from Op 17, Brahms; "Enchanting money for next year and plans to cert, Under the direction of Oeo- Song," Bartek: "May Day Carol," use it for more color pictures. In- ge R, Woodhead of the Goucher va- Taylor; and "A Song of MUSiC," eluded In their plans is a larger eulty , the three groups w1ll pre- Hindemith. opening than has been made In pre> sent Haydn's "Missa In AngustUs The orchestra portion of the vious years, and many minor teeh-' (Nelson Mass)," and Mozart's concert will include: "Prelude and meal improvements. "Vesperae solemnes de Domln- Fugue," Handel: "Variations ODa With more support of the junior tea." them," Handel; "Processional class, the officers expect to start The band wlllpresentaPopCon- and Fugue," Havahness, clarinet organizing the needed areas of cert at 8:00 P. M. Monday, April solo by Michael W. Smith. coverage this year, There are 29, at WMC in Alumni Hall. The 'Mr. Carl Dietrich Is diredor of positions to be ftlled next yeer , program will Include "English the Western Maryland orchestra and all interested students should Suite," Grundman; "Begin the Be- and band. Mrs. Neal Hering directs Marge Dodson, who will perfonn at Gill Gymn on May 4. see somebody on the staff for. gume," Porter: and otherS. the Women's Glee Club. Accom- Information. ' The orchestra will com Dine with pantst for the Glee Club Is Miss her voice, with none of the false Marge Dodson, with the accom- be~e ta~~:'~o:i~~~:l:~u~~ lt~h""~w:"om,",,,",o':::'~G,",I'::_'~C',",Ub:.:of~W:,.,","::.m:::__:A::'~Iee::n_:Ho=seec::m:::.:::'.:::'.,--- , paniment of the Dave Blum trio, huskiness - and the result Is de- wUl highlight May Day weekend on lightful sound moving nimbly from the first week in May There the Hill Saturday night, May 4. note to note with the smooth sure- will be a small sittinl': fee to A Blues singer. Miss Dodson ness of a professional. Her cover additional costs, brings her golden voice to WMC phrasing Is perfect, and she feels Look here, straight from Paul's Mall in Bos- ~~~:r~i~~ve~,I~~~I~so~~t~: Bach Society ton • the Blues Alley In D,C, • and a Europeontour. She has beenbarl- re~~~n~SC:n n:~:::::::o~Plans Concert ed as "the best of the unheralded songstresses In the country" and cabaret-nightclub atmosphere In The Bach SOCiety of Baltimore has had the honor of entertaining Gill Gym. Plans for decorations will presentaeonceriSunday April President Johnson at a state din- are extensive, and for those who 28 at7:15P.M.lnBakerMe~orlal like to dance as well as Usten, a ' ner. Miss DodsoncomestoWhim- see with the highest credenUals, local band will provide plenty of Chapel. and her easy tempo should appeal beat between Miss Dodson's per- The Bach Society of Baltfmor-e , to any listener ready for a change rormances, Don't make the mts- a non-profit and Independent or- of pace. There Is a slight rasp to take of missing It. ganlzation, was rounded In 1959 by Dr. WOlfr;:1nr:-Schroeder. SCRAPE Advocates Collins Poor Peoples March (Continued from Page 1) asked how he would handle this SCRAPE, the Western Maryland An opportunity to participate in new posltlon (Mr. Weber Is tree- organization formed to gain cam- the Poor People's Campaign span- surer of several other organlza- pus support for the Poor People's scree by S.C.L.C. is being of- Uons), he stated that hewas carry- March on Washington this spring, rered to Western Maryland stu- ing an underload ofcreditsandthls recently began a letter-writing dents. A march of college students would give him the needed time. campaign. Students andfaeultywho from Baltimore to WashlngtonwUl Cary WoUson, outgoing SGA ex- agree with the Southern Christian take place the weekend of May 10- ecutive noted that the election was Leadership Conference's goals for 12, On the 13th, the students w111 a close one, and that it had been well this march arebelngaskedtowrlte prepare handled. Generally, he was foundations for prarabrt- their Congressmen and the Presi- cated housing for participants In pleased with the turnout. He com- dent. The Poor People's March, the poor People's March. Trans- mented that Mr. Collins and Miss organized by the late Dr. Martin portaUon back from Washington Coleman would make an "excellent Luther King, .rr-,; will dramatize will be provided. Studentslnteres- team," Mr. WoHson clarified his the need for more jobs, better ted In joining this march should at- views on Mr. Weber's election by educational raenutas, more and tend theSCRAPEmeetingtobeheld pointing out that he "will make no better medical aid, low-cost open Immediately after chapel thlsSun- comment -on the new treasurer." housing, andmlnimumnatlonalwel- day night (April 28). Those who According to the Incumbent SGAof- fare standards. The death of Dr. cannot attend this meeting may ficers, The Choice '68 resuItswliI King has caused some delay but It come at 7:00 P, M. Monday In be available within the next two is expeded that the marchwlllbe- room 102 of the chapel. ,...w_"_'_,. -, gin In early May. The marchers plan to :;tay In Washington "until some definite and positive action of Dr. WTTR Is taken to provide jobs and Income ELDERSBURG for the poor." (statement King, December 4, 1967) RADIO SCRAP E suggests that concerned AM-1470KC persons write to the President, both RCA VICTOR of their Senators, andtheirRepre- FM-Steroo DUMONT - EMERSON sentative, voicing their agreement Fast Radio Service with the demands outlined above 185 E. Main and requesting that their repre- TI 8_3066 sentatives initiate the legislation WESTMINSTER Eldersburg Shopping Center required by those demands. 795·0210 The Reverend Andrew J. Young, MARYLAND a close associate of the late Dr. Sure you love your Wrangler· Jeans. But choice now Is between either mas- ~ ALITY CLEANERS& made you the Wrangler·phHe you are today. King, has commented, "We don't it's time you learned that Wrangler makes sportswear with the same knowing touch that's The to walt. year have another social \N tJ 1 So. Center Street. ~~~~~~!~~S sive change through non-violent de- Permanent press plaid shirt with soil release finish. Blue, bone, green $5. Canvas weave monstrations or destruction jeans in blue, whiskey, loden, banana, $4.50. through riots. Immediate Snap-front, 3D·inch jacket. Washable, adlon i.-:.the only way to avoid water·repellent. Navy, reel, green, $6. further confusion this summer." LAUNDERING· DRYCLEANING· TAILORING Wrangler"Sportswear SCRAPE concedes the urgency of Wrememberthe'W"issilent! Young's statement and proposes Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service these letters as a logical way to Service for Students in WMC Student Center begin action. A sample letter and information Monday through Friday THIHUB on names and addresses of Con- 9:00 O'clock Until 3:00 O'clock Daily gressmen are available from any SCRAPE member.
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