Page 70 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 70
PAGE 4 THE GOLD BUG MARCH 15.1968 Open Window: Monday M, • D?~:~Lo?~,!!.~!L=: SOmebOll:"~~F.~~~re?~ He wasn't really very impress- one watching from the street some already atresttnrows,walt- I ~:r :::~;ut~~~ W~~ea::;h~: CO~~t~~~gonthe steps for the first ~t:~.he;~~e~o~t;p~t~o:~~on;::~ by IRAZEPP • walked suggested many hours of time In months felt good. It was gnant with seated slumped postures Amos: "I hate, I despise your feasts, and I take no delight in your solemn milUng through crowds, not really getting to be a little easier to be untU a professor appears, erect . assemblies." noticing very much abouttheworld young strong and out of work. Af- eerore the blackboard, and the Response: That Is much too negative. around tum. Yes, he has a beard ter all, you could play basketball noise wanes. Jeremiah: "The hear! is deceitful above allthlngs, and desperately cor- and his hair would never make it or just walk around without a heavy A guy sits cramped in the back rupt; who can understand it?" on Tuesday afternoon in certain used army jacket hampering your row and now as occupant he feels R. That is much too negative. parts of Westminster. I watched freedom. Butsomethlngnewwasin complacent. Smug. "Come on Isaiah: "Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of him walk through the library arms the air. Kind ofa kncwlng Iock pas - teach, give us a good show. 'pra- 'your doings from before my eyes." lull of disorganized attempts at ~Ing between "him" and the lellows dition says, you regurgitate in R. That Is much too negative. writing and he never even noticed the neighborhood. Kind of an un- class and I put forth on the test. Joel: "Rend your hearts and not your garments." that there was someone behind him. der-standing that the game was over You see my silence gives me the R. That Is much too negative. For years, why ever since she and soon the action would be hot benefit of the doubt--l could be a Jesus: "U,anymanwouldcome after me, let him deny himself and take up could remember she loved the and heavy. Hewaitedwaited,calm, repressed genius. And oh yeah, hIS cross and follow me." spring. The season when cashmere confident, even a little cocky. He it's a deal, don't encourage me to R. :hat is much too negative. sweaters and grey nannel bet-mu- saw me watching him and baby, question and I won't trip you up." .Amos: "Let Justice rolldownlikewatets, and righteousness like an ever- das were just perfect for rides he glared back. Elbows leanonfour-leUerwords flowing stream." to Lacrosse games In Tr 4 con- Each afternoon, she took the andGreeklettersandnamesetched R. But we want answers. verUbles. Blond hair in "gentle" if bus from the campus In the sub- into desks. Doodles fill the note- Jeremiah: "Thus says the Lord, 'I will forgive their iniquity, and I wlll «erunctar" cascades playing havoc urbs to the cnntc tnuie city. Often, book margins. Vague sounds _ "in remember their sin no more.' with sun-tanned (in March?) she had no time to consider what the mertzmatz of the eyebeenth R. But we want answers. shoulders, make-up that wasn't she was wearing, or the chance to centree you will recall a compor- Isaiah: "Cease to doevil,learnto do good; seek justice, correct oppres- even not!clble unless one ap- know how many people were killed tant event in the ah ail sklvUlZation ston, defend the fatherless, plead for the widow." preached to the intimate zone. that day In Southeast Asia. Hers of mandine." R. But we want answers. She sat at the game drinking a was a world of faces, cnncren's He's thinking of recess In grade Jesus: "You shall love the Lor-dyour Godwith all your heart, and with all beer, transforming an honest belch faces. These were often cold and school when he went out to play on your soul, and with all your mind. (And) you shall love your into a subtle bored yawn and she hungry faces, twisted in the fear that merry-go-round thing and he neighbor as yourself." . was aware that I was looking at that living in ahostileworld brings always wanted to tell them to stop . " R. But we ~ant answers. , , her whether I was or not. to the human spirit. Her eyes never because it was spinnIng too fast. Pauli Therefore, If anyone Is in Christ, he IS a new creation; the old picked my glances at her from a But he couldn't say anything be- has passed away, behold, the new has come." He had been a copfor a long time corner of the dank room, heavy with cause he was too dizzy from look- R. But we want answers. directing traffiC on the same the odor of human beings. tug at trees going through houses John: "No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God aotoes in corner for enough years so that he The mirror on the wall doesn't and houses dissolving into reds us and his love is perfected in us." recognized maybe half of the five bother me at all, for I'm not sure and yellows and whites. Bestdas, R. But we want answers. o'clock traffic. He enjoyed taking at all it's my reflection. I can't he too became blurred. Are B'If N· S k N 1 lEt ame pea ers ecessary. on the dock by the A R off the long blue coat and standing trust what I feel, I don't knowwhat Words float in one ear and out tne :.~t:::o~::,".~:.":o::h:'~iw~:;!~o~!::g;::~::;!,T~:;;,::~~Y~~Ot~:::::;dh:;~i~~t~;;.'o~:: ose by Any Other Name in the dusk until the chill told him Is real, so I'll hide beneath the pencil. snun' all different-he had no profound at all sure those are the right Iy- columns of information acquired by William Rldington riculum change in this direction understanding of the tense sttua- rtcs. But when you really think under March the 4th--IO~30 inthe would make sure that a college tion decried nightly In white-yel- about It, perhaps you can under- morning of another patterned day. Should a college person judge graduate would at least be exposed low paper each evening. He was stand why It doesn't matter. "Poverty? Certainly. Lack ofec- values by other criteria than the to some things every educated per- f~;~~~~~:~I~~·~~!~ Dr. Martin Luther "big name"? asnow son ~hould know abouttJust King had been scheduled to speak he IS exposed to a Iatoratory science, to a foreign language, or on March 10, and It seemed cer- tain that the chapel could not hold to English. pone his visit, Rev. Walter Faun- Pfarphdorfer him. When Dr. King had to post- ... hall and close notebook covers in all those who would try to hear anticipation of lunch. Ohyes,apa- troy dealt with the same Issues per next Friday, A bother to do to a small audience. Rev. Faun- Not Dead @ but safe enough. It's all there ona a troy has credentials very similar by Mike Herr . Itbrarv to those of Dr. King, and in some shelf somewhere. Feet shufntng out and minds closing b E T ene rls book In the back of the head. What ;l:~~y:~~~ ~:ifI:a:~'h~~~ ~~ b ~ecent rumors have proven to e rue as Clyde Pfarphdorfer has major leadership responsibilities the hell. did he say about.... gossips In the Southern Christian ~e~urned. Leader- Irresponsible In Luc Em Voco Nobody ship Conference. Both men have f a ~p;ea<\the tale that Clyde was ead among a typewriter, and ~un been active for some years In the leadershIp of the ci.vilrights rnOve- : nce he hasn't been his usual vio- ment. has been a Rev. Fauntroy ent pr~sence, the rumors took by Glenn R. Splegelhalder Although the playvascillated be- -Down Here Vice-Chairman of a recent \Vhile :mma~ • But he Is now backwlth Commedia dell'arte cascaded tween extremes of slapstick ses- by Mike Shultz ~yO~~:~~:~~:~I~ma:: ~~~~:r~~!: se:nex~ean~~~~~eth:ft :ety~!~~t:~: onto the Western Maryland stage sions and periods of barren mime trlct of Columbia City Council. He ~~~~ ht S alS~ b:OUght news from Friday night amid an assortment and soliloquy, the rather consis- The GOLD BUG recently inter- Is actively engaged in the planning gown. e and a friend are of boxes bearing lemons, lechers, tenUy good performance of the viewed the students with the ques- of the demonstrations scheduled ~: t :x~rlm~ntin: with an an- and an easily dismembered devil, CU,CkOld triology balanced the tion - "What do you think of the for Washington in the spring th a e t : age n w ich objects in all accompanied by a profusion of complacent coquetry of les fem- last Issue?" Should a college audience c'hoose n e se ave 0,akin g roles. "The flourishing phallic beards, brooms, mes and managed to sustain the We thought this interview would a speaker on the superficial basis c:~edap:oa~nil' ~aY~?IYde, "Is noses and swords. The presenta- action. The commedia dell'arte be appropiate because lately we'- of a big name,or onthe importance it works :;:aut;Cl~ e~, Ique and tlon Of The Three Cuckolds was a has been called "vulgar popular ve heard a lot of talk about the of the topic and the qualifications other big br:a~~g news tnvol- worthy sucessor to the recentpro,- comedy,' and the marital quag- paper, but little constructive cri- duct!on of Bertoli Brecht's Three mire Arlecchlno wades through ticism. of the speaker, s~ch,asexperience, vlng Clyde will soon reach the en- Penny Opera as expanded drama supports this descriptIon. The :~!~V~tI:ls'nif~;:nt~~I~h; in dealIng tire free world as England tries on our small Methodist stage. Van costume was reminiscent of a ho!:~e/::::stO!h:~:0;:;~e;';~~7~ . Some ~urrent crl~:~~ of educa- ::~~et~:::~r~~u:o~~'r CI~de has Dexter's players,unawarethatthey pair of "SWingers," wife swap- really read our paper, whlJeothers hon In this c,ountr,y thInk that the drawbridges. He IS the :lin:~tI~~ were performing before a small- pers, who appeared last year on really don't. Here are some typ- colle~ or university of th~ future several fine antique and modern protestant-ethic-related institu- a televisIon interview program Ical answers: _ must lllvolve itself more Immed- domestic pIeces but his I I Uon, favored us with the un-cut wearing comic masks to conceal la,tely In responding to and dealing to possess the 'soon.tQ-:-:uct~ ;:~~~: %rt~~~~rw~~~~::!~h!:~~ :::~ :ed::i~~yofa~a~~~~o~i;.cussed "I don't agree with a lot of the With the Issues of the larger com- ioned Lond B Id H ed audiences. The thin crowd 'or If nothing else, the commedia ::'!::;~~'"but I think it's got good :o~:ty o~ socIety. The Jiberal arts sently raist~ u: :;ess:r~sf~~~~ faculty and student spectators re- dell'arte, a theatre form with roots Chuck Horm this ;:S~:Si:li7i~~si:c:;V::~~~ ~~:o~sr:~~:t::~s:~i ~~t ;~ll h~ e =~~~~:~~:ll~h::~~;vl~ :r :: :~u!;::;~~:t;:ha~~:~:~~~~:~ I don't think I remember what was :no:;r y::rsPa:gto 0tfh~:: ~:~s::: :~:~::it~et~:;;:,~l~:v:fa~fo::ge, other large bwldlngonthe opposite fact that basic humanity hasn't in the last, GOLD BUG ." tenslve proposals considered by room In hIs hous yore ~~r;I::e~s~xep~::!~S~~~~~::~ ~:~~~!~~~~ mO~c~;i~:Z~:~~~:sz~~~ "It sucks. I like theJi:he~o~ the faculty which would hav:e given Clyde Is soon e;eturnin to the pleasure at the unusuallypersplca- athustra: "Man is something to of view besides that of the nitwits ::C i~mh:~e~:~~a~~~ cu~:!Cu~~: hUi in the form of Sni~S and clous reaction of the audience to be surpassed. What have ye done on this campus. They ought to proposal involved de~ing' with blurbs and may eventllally arrive the melange of concetti and lazzl to surpass man•••Once ye were :~: th~;t (t::~~:rfr)~~t.~,pstairs contemporary issues AS A FOR- ,~s a ,full ne~ged bound issue. which compose the drama. Per· apes, and even yet man is more MAL PART OF the curriculum But time won t tell," which is haps a few 01 the cultural clouds of an ape than any of the apes." Rube GOLDBERG with the same basis of required something Plarphdorfer said when "W.hat GOLD BUG?" '! .f!~delJt. participation require9 of t~:r:~~ li~s~~~his, and he wouldn't ~:~~~e~;':m~~;t~O~tS:l~eal are._~ll::s~r~:~~~~\we a~e our ~oy:r, ~-- EdS~ith' any college course.'Perhaps cur- • ~Ij
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