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WESTERN MARYLAND IIThe Gold Bug CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol.44 NO. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMIt-fSTER, MARYLAND MARCH IS, 1968 Weekend Seminar Sparks New Controversy lobs To Stop Panic Co-Eds Oppose Deans' Dormitory Plans In Urban Ghettoes Girls Veto "Independents Only" Policy "Jobs with dignity, not as a The D. C. Campaign will begin A new experiment in Campus dole," Implored Southern Chris- In April, where 60 people from 15 Communications took place in tian Leadership Conference head, urban centers, representing both Decker Auditorium on Saturday, Rev. Mr. Walter Fauntr-oy, from the poor and SCLC leaders, wUl March 9. The format consisted of the Baker Chapel pulpit March 10. come to the city to-give the re- panels of students and faculty or Mr. Fauntroy viewed the present spective agencies their demands. administration which discussed problem In Negro urbaJ?-ghettos as If refused, the 60 will go back to issues of interest to the College. a vlscious, three-pronged cycle of their urban center-s, gather up Members of the audience could exploited housing, Inferior educa- 3000 unemployed poor trained in freely participate. There were four tion and_economlc deprivation. nonviolence, and camp in shanty- sessions: Changing Student Attit- The "pain of the ghetto," Faun- towns set up on unoccupied D. C. udes, at 9 A.M!, Student Govern- troy pointed out, is dlIficult to un- land to wait for legislative action. ment and Law, 10:40 A.M.; Wine, derstand without prior under- Asked to comment on Black Women, andWMCI, 1:10; and Wine, standing oIbothdlscrlmination and Power, Fauntroy replied that it Women, and WMC II, 3:10 P.M. the economic law of supply and de- was an attempt to deal with the The panel for the first group, mand. DlscrlminaUonhltsthepoc- humiliation of the Negro. On the Changing Student Attitudes. con- ketbook, as Negroes must often pay positive side, it has given the Ne- sisted of weu Michael; Rich Mc- more for dilapidated housing in the gro pride and has helped to alle- Call, chairman; Joan Dowell; inner city than do whites living In viate the problem of self-hatred. Rick Boswell; Gordon Shelton the- suburbs. Repairs often cannot More negatively, It has evoked and Mr. Tribby. They discussed most controversial of the Dean Robinson feels that the op- be made w'hen needed, and there fear among the whites, forcing the power students have over fac- seminars took place during the portun1ties for cultural and social are always 'more Negroes looking them to secure surroundings. In ulty and curriculum. The second afternoon sessions. The panel for for urban housing than there are scaring Ute whites, Black Power panel, Student Government and these was comprised of Kathy actIvity provided by the new build- quarters to rent. advocates have delayed positive .Law , consisted of Ralph Wilson, Moore, Chairman; Dean Laidlaw; lngs could enrich campus We for Education forms the secon phase housing measures. chairman: Linda suljtvan, Cary Dean Robinson; Dean Zepp; Jane years to come. The gIrls felt that of the cycle. "The reasoning be- F'auntr-cy looks upon violence WoUson and Harry Collins. This DeBernardo; Cary Wolfson: Anne this would destroy their unity and hind the bussing clamor," stated as "Impractical'. He wants non- group discussed the SG.'\., and the Cooney; and Kaye Grossnickle. further Jr agment the student body. F'auntr-ey, "Is not so much that violent demonstration, but ROTC program on campus. Both These sessions concerned the The Dean admitted that their ob- black people want their kids to go thinks there will be recurrences of these groups, held in the morn- housing poltcy in the new dormlt- jections were valid and perhaps to school with white kids, but that of summer riots. ing, had small but vocal audiences. ories, and curfews. Controversy stronger than his. He also stated they want their kids to have a ch- arose between Deans Robinson & that since theyaresoover-whelm- ance at better recuruee, newer Laidlaw and the female members Ingly against It the new roucvwcotc able teac- McCarthy Platform Aired; equipment, and more of the audience over the housing probably be changed for the girls hers." At present, the average policy. Girls were almost unan- at least. He still felt that his OII'n Negro high school graduate tstnree Students To Aid Campaign tmously opposed to the proposed ideas were right. "You haven't and a half years behind his white pollcy of houstng only Independents said anything that's convinced me counterpart in reading ability. A benefit party for Mar-yland Stu- anew" has come to the political and freshmen in the new dorm. I'm wrong." Witb this inferior education, he dents for McCarthy brought ap- front as a peace candidate and must compete for dwlndUng sem- proximately 300 studentstoanorth alternative to the re-nominatlonof iskilled jobs among tncreaalng nu- Charles Street apartment on Sat- President Johnson. Mr. Mc- to Yinger Ties Religion With this inferior education, urday eventng, March 2, in Baltf - Carthy's stand onthewarseems he must compete for dwindling more. The affair featured expla- be In IInewlththeorythatthere are' our To Modern Society semiskilled jobs among increas- nation of both Sen. McCarthy's no dominoes In Southeast Asia lng numbers of appUcants. Ideas and of the plans of the stu- (see the GOLD BUG, March 1,1968). As a result of automation, in- dent organization. Mr. Michael To quote him: "I believe that dtcated Fauntroy, there must be Burlingham, trea surer , authorts- Viet Nam policy Is misconceived a new concept of jobs. They must ed the event in order to raise and that It Is contrary to the na- Dr. J. Milton Yinger, professor be socially useful and needed, funds to aid in the New Hampshire tlonal interest. The only solution sociology at Oberlin College, Dr. Yinger graduated from De- and must impart dignity and a campaign. is to be found in reversing the of will be the speaker tor the Blake Pauw University. After receiving feeling of accomplishment. To A position paper compiled by the process of military escalation and Lectureship on Religion and High- his A.M. degree at LouislanaState alleviate the stab of the thl.rd ec- National aeadquarters tn; seeking a negotiated, political er Education on March 18 and 19. onomlc prong Is the purpose of vided answers to questions about settlement." The Blake Lecutres endowment the Poor People's Campaign soh- the candidate. Sen. McCarthy, A Western Maryland student, was established by !\IIr. and Mrs. eduled this spring In Washington. whose slogan is "let us begin present at the affaIr, and a mem- =.:_.:__:___::__---"------"-------'- ber of Maryland students for Mc- John V. Blake of Ardmore, Pen- in memory nslyvania, their of Members of Cast Rehearse Follie1l ~:::~;'l~:~':;~t"":~l:~,,h;~~~:~: years daughter, Virginia, four after she graduated with uiawest- This ....""'.,"U'::h ~:~:~Sa~~d ~~:~;:~g amOng ern Maryland class of 1950. The purpose of the lectures Is to The position paper points out bring to the campus a nationally Mr. McCarthy's response to the known layman who will relate recent change In selective ser- his particular disciplinf: to re- vice policy. The Senator believes ligion. that an individual ~hould not ab- Dr. Yinger is espcelaliy adept dicate his conscience to the at this task as he has written books government and that some form of In thIs field including Religion in alternative service should be avai- the Struggle for Power; Religion, lIbre to those who object to service Society, and the Individual; and So- in the army. He concludes his sec- ciology Looks Into Religion. He tion on the draft with the following will meet sociology classes on comment: "Gen. Hershe1, who Monday morning and will lecture does not seem to understand the that day at 4:00 P. M., "ASoclolo- University and his Ph.D. at the Un- First Amendment, ought to be re- gist Looks at Religion" and at tired." 7:30 P. M. on "The New Genera- IversUy of Wisconsin, he became a Wee the People, a Dave lIiider--Jean PrJeiderer Follies .o,rig~ Though results in the New Hamp- tion." The faculty wllI give a member ofthefacuityatOhioWes- inal, opens in Alumni Uall on March 15th and 16th:,. A p~htIcal shire primary demonstrate only reception for Dr. Yinger on Tues- leyan University. Since then he has satire, the play is relevant to the Johnson administratIOn. the feelings of registered Demo- day afternoon and he will speak at served as visiting professor at the It exposes some of the slip~ups that can occur in a democracy crats, Eugene McCarthy's 42% in- 4:00 P. M., on "rellglo_n and the Universities of Michigan, Wash- governed by extremely human hands. Tickets, at $1.25, can dicated that many are dissatisfied New Activism." All lectures will Ington, and Hawaii and has now be .... chased from any cast member, with LRJ's Viet Nam policy. be in Decker Lecture Hall. been at Oberlin since 1947.
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