Page 69 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 69
THE GOLD BUG MARCH 15, 1968 PAGE 3 Spring Pageant State Pro~os~s Right Choice Grows consutuuonar Conservattves U te Brings Glamour New Constitution •• nl Th, Mml'"' Convention opened in ennapolts September 12, and is now in its fin- on And it Is nothing less than that, al and most important steps. A If anyone makes a kUling through more the politics of charismathan believe me. As much as Broadway special election for Its ratification CHOICE 68, the National Colleg- any other political wing on the has its theater and Hollywood, its will be held on May 14,1968 In '64 it movte screen, Atlantic City, has its throughout the state. late Presidential Primary, it could American scene. was runway. An one-hundred fifty foot Since our present Constitution be the campus conservatives. Al- Barr Goldwater who hypnotically long platform •••that Is all. Itell you has been In use for over 100 years though caricatured endlessly as swayed campus conse rvattvesiand though ... there is none like it••• there are many alterations dedicated young fascists obessed this year the prophet's mantle to be anywhere In the world. With her made. The sections of the new with the mirage of exterminating rests on the shoulders of Ronald hands, tied behind her back, and insidious communism and related Reagan, Any sizeable student words, spoken only through her Constitution already released have socialist end products, the fact re- mobiltzatton behind Reagan wlll eyes, it Is a girl's be st Ir-iend•••a met with both hostile and friendly mains that as a semi-professional do the liberal cause severe dam- sort of community handshake when, receptions. Opposition Is being political machine in the narrow, age, and most campus conserva- the caused mainly be the high cost of A glance at tives know It. conventional sense of theword,the In that lovely split second, she the changeover but for the most student right is unequaled. CHOICE 68 ballot would tend to sweeps on to the runway and be- part the expanse is felt to be justi- This professionalism has de- justify optimism. Those liberals gins that long walk Into the crowd. ·fied. A new Constitutionisdefini- veloped, paradoxically enough, as dissatisfied with Lyndon Johnsones It Is magic. • tely warranted by the outdated a result of the incredible publicity performance as Chief Executive The Miss America Pageant Is not wordings of the present document that student leftists have received have several extremely attract- the Miss Universe LegShow.Let's and the unnecessary references from the national press. Their lve candidates from which to get that straight right now. The only made to no 10>lgerexistent issues, large and usually garish demon- choose. Predictably enough, the time we appear In swIm suit is slaves being a prime example. stranons have rudely thrust the liberal vote for presidentwiUpro- during our swim suit prelfmtnary ... A problem familiar to W.M.C. less flamboyant conservatives far hably be extensively fragmented that Is all. The only contestants Is also being encountered that of who are photographed in swim suit apathy. It Is strongly advl sed that into the background -- where, In with no over-riding numerical scenario, being enjoyed by any the leftist superiority they begetate are those who win their preUm- his.tlmelsgiventolecture voters read and compare the old in deserved obscurity. single individual •. inary •••that Is all speaking samtnars; If Bert and new versions before they vote. Rather the stress nere rs on scn- should everbeunabletodohls M.C. So while the leftists picket, agi- Conservatives, however, can job of tlie year, Mi". Gouker should olarshtp, a sales pitch if you be right behind him, I tell you. You Dr.Olds Talks tate, and alienate, the studentcon- ralfy inconvinclngly heavy num- please .. .for the colleges and un- servatives try to pack the polls bers around Reagan. True, some iversities across the country. The have never seen an M.C.workUke and churn out the vote. It's a extremists will back Wallace, and Miss America Pageant Is.the tar- this one. Special guests will be At Chapel simple, direct process, almost more moderate conservatives will gest scholarship program for young Miss Helen Delmaso, second run- mechanical in fact. But that, at- support Nixon, But the bulk will women In the world. Let's get that ner-up In the.1966 statef1nals,and Dr. Glenn A. Olds will speak ter all, Is how elections are vote for Reagan. The result could straight too. It's whole purpose Is Miss LlndaO'NeiIl, Miss Beltsvtlle Sunday, March 17, at 7:15 P, M. In won -- and campus conservatives be a surprisingly authoritative to helpgirlsthrough school. That Is 1967. Baker MemorIal Chapel, Western are out to win CHOICE 68. conservative victory, one that of doing so are chances Their why the emphasis here Is on the We need a program book and Miss Maryland College, Westminster. not as mtnlmal as some liberals would rock the leftists more than anything else. college campus. It is the number America publicity kits, money for Dr.Oldslsdeanforlnternational would like to believe. For the one contributor of the state queens. the judges and special guests. The politics of the right .today are ... -::~ This past year the total came to SGA Is the official sponsor of the seven million dollars In combined pageant but cannot possibly meet Wittenberg Choir Gives local and state pageant scholar- all Its expenses. ships. Quite a sum. Perhaps you The pageant committee needs Westminster Concert have wondered why MIss America donations from the fraternities and drinks Pepsi ... rldesanOldsmoblle sororities, from thE!English, his- Wittenberg University's 75- '98 ... uses Adorn halrspray? Now tory, drama, and other depart- voice choIr, which will make a you know. ...
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