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WESTERN MARYLAND • The Gold Bug CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol. 44 No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND APRIL 12, 1968 Students Polled McGuire Opens Staging Unique For "Choi '68" Solo Art Show ~or Greek Play 01ce In Latest Work SGA and class elections will class elections. Choice '68 is the Patrick McGuire, antnnovator In be held Wednesday, April 24 inthe National Student Primary and Is sculpture and. painting, will open Grille. Choice '68, the National sponsored by Time Magazine. a one-man show on Wednesday, Student Primary, is also included This primary is most Important April lOth In Gallery One of the in the ballottlng along with several in that the results will reflect the Fine Arts BuUdlng. referendums. Voting will take views of students across the na- His works both in painting and place from 9 a. m , till 5:30 p. m. tton on national Issues and lead- sculpture can be compared to the Nominations for SGA and class ershlp. For exempse, the ballot works of Bosch, de Chirico, and officers are to be submitted by will include a choice of 13 can- Dall. in that they depict an awsome Wednesday, April 17. Nominees dtdates for President or a wrrta- world of fantasy permeated by for SGA offices should submit In and 3 referendums. Two of horror. their names to the SGA office. A these referendums concern Vlet- Mr. Palyczuk, special art In- nominee for president of SOA narn and one is on the crises in structor at WMC ,describedMc- must be a junior. Nominees for the cities. Guire's work as a "giant world- the vice president must be a soph- Referendums will also be In- Christmas garden," adding that more, at least. Anyone may sub- eluded on the SGA ballot at this you can get a "better Idea by seemg mit their name for the other of- election. One of these concerns "The result of the work," flees. a possible ten dollar surcharge It." "is a beauttful Jn- he continued, Nominees for class offices must on the student activity for next terrelation of form and space, one Sue Seibert practices an element of the choreography in the main stage submit a petition signed by 25 year to be used to obtain enter- with feeling." production of the Bacchae. members of their class to their tainment. A permanent enter- Mr. McGuire is one of the few Euripides' study of possession, Don stout; Cadmus: Rick McCall; class officers to be eleglble to run. tainment committee would be set artists to maintain a consistency in "The Bacchae," will appear April Telresius: Jerry Hoftman; Herds- This year, Choice '68 will be held up by the SGA with a chairman ap- his paintings and sculpture pieces. '26 & 27, Friday and Saturday man: Richard Hurley; Messenger: at the same time as the SGA and pointed by the SGA president. This After seeing his sculpture one has nights, at 8:15 p. m.lnAlumni Hall. Jeff Cohee; Guards and Attend- Cox Lectures chairman would serve for a year, no trouble identifying his paintings The matnstage production, directed ants Steve Grant, George Stover, to February:This from. February or drawings. by William Tribby, features several Alan Wlnik. Keith Thackez-, tcr- committee would ecntranee enter- Mr. Palyczuk stated that he assets of Greek Drama Including gave: MargItHorn;ChoralLeaders: Assembly On tainment on campus. The ten dollar thought the average student would a chorus, dancers (choreographed Lori Hale, Trudl Omanski, Su- surcharge would gO to this com- not like the exhibit because they by Cindy Groves), and masks (by zanne Pratt, Marj Richards: Peace Corps mittee. will be used would not understand McGuire's Jerry Solomon). An adapted stage Chorus Dancers: Chris Gets, Kathy James, Karen King, Amy setting designed by John Van Hart Voting machines for the SGA and class elections. intention. "It Is, however, a feel- will place the audience Lewla, Pat McNally, Joy Rld- ing rather than an understanding," Choice '68 will be voted on sep- he explained, adding that many stu- hind, around and in front of the ington, Sue Seibert, Elizabeth arately but at the same time. dents will find it a challenge. He actors In order to Increase Inver- Sullivan, Linda Sullivan, Uttle Anyone who will not be able pointed out that Van Gogh was not vement, Lighting of theactionwlll Wade, Linda Wiley, Pat Wilkin- to vote on Wednesday, AprU24 liked-In his time, but "that it must be byNed Landlswlthcostumes and son. should see Carry Wollson about be up to the artist to be purely him- make-up under the supervision of Due to the adaptation of the casting a proxy vote. self and to set the taste." Miss Esther Smith. stage, the tickets will be limited first-come basis The action of the last of Eurl- co go on sale the week of Monday, and will a prides' plays takes place circa 407 Dodson Wins D.C.; B. C. and deals with the Dfonystac April 22 for $1.00-at Alumnt , cult and the revenge of the god on 'I'he puntshment Ensor Lauded; the city of Thebes. Caps May Weekend of the guilty mortals who Insult his Recieves Gifts divinity heigbtensthecrueltyofthe gods whose demonic and divine as- pects are revealed in the produc- At Banquet Highlighting Spring Weekend on Marge Dodson concert is $4.50. tion. The god Dionysus is portrayed Mike Cox, Peace Corps volunteer, May third, fourth, andflfth,singer A weekend ticket covering both by L~ry Elsenburg; Pentheus: Westminster tcwnsepeople hon- lectured student body on his ex- Marge Dodson will perform in events, however, will be avail- ored president Lowell S. Ensor able lor $7.50 per couple. Wednesday night, March 27, In a periences in Turkey. nightclub atmosphere Saturday Honor Court 'rcwn-ccwn dinner paying tribute Serving as a highschool English night in Gill Gymnasium. Fresh Art Show Saturday to the college in its centennial teacher, Mike Cox accepted the from Paul's Mall In Boston, and The action Saturday afternoon year. Peace Corps challenge as a vol- Washington's Blues Alley, Miss focuses on an outdoor Art Show Elects Panel At the close of the banquet, the unteer in Turkey. He presented Dodson's reviews range from slated to take place in front of faculty and staff of the college hon- the opportunities available In this "refreshing" to "flawless". She Baker Chapel. The show, free The Western Maryland ColJege ored President Ensor for his 20 group, founded during the late pre- has been compared to Nancy WU· to all spectators, features mat- Honor Court will holdelectlonsfor years of service to the college. sident Kennedy's administration, son and Diahanu Carroll in style. erial by artists from the wash- new members to the Court on April The presentation consisted of a to WMC students during the week Her lilting voice and easy tempo Ington-Balttmore area, although 24, as a part of the GGA elections. trio of gifts, including a bound voi- of April 7-12. sutt ballads such as "Joey", anyone may exhibit his work for !J'his year the new procedure for urne of letters written by every Mr. Cox pointed out the warmth "He Never Metloned Love," "Do a $2 entrance fee. Artworkwill electing members will be based on class president since Dr. Ensor of per-sona! relationships and con- 1 Hear a Waltz?' and "U's Not be judged, and prizes awarded. a student-wide erection. The ap- has been head of the college. centrated his talk on the human Unusual", all of which she oIten During the afternoon, var-ious plicants are screened by the ex- The faculty and staff also had side of being a Peace Corps volun- sings. Also entertaining will be mustcat groups will perform on cutlve council oftheSGAalongwith a scroll made bearing the Citation: teers. Sponsored by Dr. Ralph B. various campus groups. the steps of the chapel. Any stu- the chairman, recorder, advisors "1947-1967 LowellS. Ensor, this Price, Peace Corps Hason, the Party Friday Night dents groups wishing to perform and three senior court members. centennial year of Western Mary- young educator was available for at this time are encouraged to do This new system will replace the land College marks also lor you private consultation with Interest- The Student Government As· previous close elections by in- and for us twellty years of wise ed students in the grill. sociation booked Miss Dodson and Student help needed cumbent honor court members. and dedicated leadership as its During his two year tour of duty, the trio accompanying her through The court has done much in the president. Under your guidance Mr. Cox traveled extensively in the National Student Association's Students or student groups who way of updating the present con- the college has grClW"fland con· Europe, visiting Greece, Yugos- Alliance for Campus Talent. wish to participate in the Satur- stitution and laws in an effort to lavia, Germany, Italy, Austria, Friday evening's entertainment day evening program, or in either keep up with growing demands of Unues to grow in size, in excel· and in stature lence of facilities, SwitZerland, Luxembourg, and inCludes Chet "Polson" Ivey and of the two phases of the Saturday the college community~ Each as aniadependent church-related France. His eastern visits Includ- his band from Annapolis, featured afternoon Art Festival are urged member of the WMC honor court college. ed Israel, Jordan, and Syria. He at an open party at Frock's, be- to contact Cary Wolfson or any sincerely hopes that the students spoke quite highly of the tremend- ginning at 7:30. The dance wiJl mem ber of the Student Government will realize the importance of the Your faith initslacultyandstaff ous personal growth that he ex- cost $4.00 per couple, while the for additional Information. freedom that t he honor system and loyalty to them is superceded perienced during his travels and gives each student. We hope also onlyby your loyaltyanddedlca- 24 years old, Mr. Cox received The Honor Court of Western SGA President wolfson. stated that students of Western Maryland lion to the college and to your his B,A. at Union University in 1965. Maryland College has clt!alt with that he lelt this year's Spring will have the maturity and respon· Master. On this occasion we He plans to continue both his educa· an infraction oI the Honor System. Weekend to be a significant change slbility to use their honor system honor you, beUevingthe phoenix to tlon and his career in community Two students were found guilty. from the standard May celebra- as an integral part of the campus be afitting symbol of your stature development. tions. life. and our esteem."
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