Page 68 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 68
PAGE 2 TIlE GOLD BUG MARCH 15,1968 Girls Dormitory: The New Constitution A Rising Conflict A Chance to Vote to Ever wonder what happens petitions that Circulate naively a- As discontent over the proposed policy concerning the new dorm grows round these happy halls of higher learning? They're unusually lucky among the women on this campus, it has become more and more obvious that the issues Involved have not been clearly presented. The aurnmts- is they survive 'as long as did the tr anon has suggested that the women students are being emotional, but we fraternity abolition paper. But feel that,. In spite of the emotional element, our position is logical. Some once upon a time, believe it or not faculty members reet they should support the policy because they are a petition resulted In some real anti-Greek system, whenactuallythewomenarefighUngthe negative as- action, probably because it es- pects of sorority life that could result from the policy. other faculty caped the efflcil;mt commiUeesys- members are completelyunawareofthewomen'splatform. The following tern of WMC. This petition, if Is a statement of the women's position on the new dorm policy. you remember, Called for the Though the idea of sponsoring cultural activities through dormitories lowering of the voting age, a re- may be feasible at some schools, it is not here in our particular case. quest that was granted by the au- Centralization of such cultural events should beinthe S. G. A. The S.G.A. thors of the proposed constitution is supposed 'tobe the coordInating force and voice of the student body. The for the state of Maryland. The administration should be supporting this attitude, especially since the only hitch In this provision is that S.G.A. has been more active this year than it has In many recent years. the people of Maryland must ap- This central organization can be a unifying force between the already prove the convention's work on May numerous and fragmented groups on campus. The pro-verbtallyweak com- 14th of this year. momcattons can thus be strengthened. As for activities sponsored through On this matter of voting, the new the dorms, plans are already being unofficially formulated for activities constitution proposes: "Every for women through thewomen'scouncll, an arreadv establtshed group for citizen of the Untted States who has promoting women's Interests In dromitory groups. Working through al- seccneiy, the suggestion smde-. reached the age of nineteen years, ready organized groups, events can be Inltlatednot only In the new dorm, TO THE EDITOR: ly directed at Tribby and Soloman and who has been a resldentofthis but in all the dorms bringing more support from a larger group of women. However, the S. G. A. is much better equiped to handle cultural activities On March 3, Americans heard of choosing an easy prod~ction is !:t:ty !~rWh~~~h:::::sat~dv;!;~; for the entire student body including both men and women. Working throug!l already established organizations wUl strengthen these, setting :~~~:~:n~~mm~:~70nb~n_~~~I1~:: ~~a~:~~ e~frto::sl~:e de~~~U!e~ ~:~;Io~o:~:lln~teir~::~~~ot:: up more and more new, smaller, and therefore less effective groups will ~~:~~ ~h:;~wc:~::e~e::~;~~: ~~:~::e I;ea~!;. plays over the- and if r~gistered shal~ be qualified simply weaken the organizations already available to us. have been echoed byNegroleaders Perhaps I should be annoyed at to vote In that county In nat,I,Onal, As the women's dormitory sltuaUonnow stands, sorortty relatronshtps for many years. Men such asKing. the suggestion that my perform an- s~~te, alnd county elections. (It- are almost entirely divorced from dormitory We. Freshmen, indepen- Carmichael, Brown and numerous ce as "Tiger Brown" was "crlng- a ICSm ne). dents, and sorority members are now mingled In the dormitories. This others have spoken 01white Amer- Ingly" executed, but owing to the In most counties, a person may enables women students to make friendships outside of sorority relation- Ica in this same perspective all texture of Zivl's crlticism I am register to vote even before he Is ships. Isolating Independents ~d freshmen in one dormitory will pro- aJong. But their efforts to bring flattered that I moved her Insome legally old enough to vote, as long bably result tn the eventual polarization of sororities within the dormi- congress and local governments to way. After all you pays your money as his birthday comesbeforeelec- tory with sectlOningslmlIartothat In the men's situation. One needs only to consult the petition to abolish fraternities circulated two years ago to ::v:~t:ll;~ a:i~n e::~~ :!~~an!l;~~ ~l~~~ty;~~ ~~~r'eview by ~:st~:~uo:h:: ~:;~v~:\~f ~:; discover the obvious drawbacks of this system. It Is there stated that: ~~;~~lI~~~~S ~:m~~!~~~lla~:v~ ;e~rc; ~:~~:n (Jackie) ~!!:~:I:e;YW~:;:::n~:~~I:~tcn: The fraternity system creates barrlers which inhibit the power and influence to help The review was not a condemna- l~ge, except those freshmen whose personal and soclal Interaction and thus fragments the other Americans and' especially tion the point was exactly that it blrth~ay falls after November 5, college community. Fraternity sectioning Intensifies our congressional leaders to see was not an easy production. And election day, and who bother ,tore- the fragmentation of the male population into five dis- tinct factlons--the four fraternities and the freshman :~::Ult::::lei~:seV~~~b~~ot~: ;~~ ~ot1t;:r:;~;n!:: !~:~::~sus I; ~:~r :~:;i~~S~n this year sNo- crass ••••• rough careful and objective In;est- exactly what made the entire thing. So if you happen to think oJ it e igation the committee placed the I am sorry If the review was In- :::t =~~~::oo~:~y~~:i:: ;!:r As the sorority members, Independents and freshmen are greatly mb:ed blame for riots where it rightfully coherent. ot the new Constitution on May 14th in the women's dorms, this attitude has thus far been avoided among the belongs: In the fact that America DEAR EDITOR at this moment its chances ofpas- women students. The administration and faculty have long been concern- ~ dO~I~tehd by white racJsm; that One of the' surprising things sage are not bright. A few of the ed about the sectioning system for fraternities. Why do they support a e g ~ 0d as been created and about the afternoon session of proposed changes that have raised policy that will lead to the creation of a similar situation among the wo- men? This suggests the creationofa "clique" atmosphere for sororities. :~nta~:e :~~~~;: ~:!~=l~:~;Whine, Women, and WMC was the the hackles of ourpubUcguardlans This situation will be more obvious--more probable-Min a sectioned trolli~ riots are Inadequateandof- domination of ~lscusslon by the are the clause on reglonalgovern- dormitory. Furthermore, as the sororities polorlze, the Independents ten brgutal; that em 10 ment ed- girls. The subject was the hous- ment, which simpley give the le- the power to establish wUl necessarlly have to group together also. Most Independents are In- ucation and housln g !e ~ali g ~ant Ing proposal for the new dorms. gislature "popularly elected repre- tI Ith The girls In the audience mono- these dependents because they don't want to be In a "group" situation. ISOla- w Th:,:g:::rto:hould be a confes- pollzed most of the argument; sentatlve regional governments" tion Into a dormitory or into a dormitory section will defeat their pur- poses. ~i~n ~yeVeryw:lteAmerIC~Ofthe ~:~%:;:~~~~s:~~nh:::!:l:~ ~:~:n ~:!I:e~~::n:~:n~~~~~r~; There seems to be a general misconception on the part of both the faculty and the administration about the sorority system UseU--espec- wn;;~ ;~O:hl::~;~::l! ~ ~~ ;~et::~o::~o~~~ ::OS:~~e~:!~~ ::ttl::;te:, ~:~;:~e el~~te c~~::::~ tally In relation to dormitory faCilities. The sorority system is not at all similar to the fraternity system in this respect. Freshmen and In- ~:c~~y: :::a~~:;:~s~:~~i::t~~~ camps. member district argument). It dependents are not only permitted but are encouraged to use the SlY.'ority :~:e d;~I:e aC!hi:~~~la::!~'m;:= m:!e !~:~~;i~:i~~~ at~~t~:~~~ !~eln~::I~ !~en~~~:::;:~~t:: clubrooms and most take advantage of this situation. The only time sor- orities have exclusive use of these facilities is for perhaps two hours =~~~l': :~:I~I::edt:: ~~t:~s:~~~ ~:U~it~~~h:t~::~e:~~a~:om~~: ~o:a~~:e;~:~:' f:~~t~l~ t:c~:= on Tuesday evenings. If anyone finds the sorority clubrooms Inaccess- Ible, It Is not the freshmen and Independents as a group, but the Blanche the monetary cost. If we can find :~~I:l~ i~e:~OO!~f:i~I:' a~::e'n:: ;i~!~ d~I~~::c~I~~.~~: :~l~::~~ Ward and the Elderdice residents as a group. The administration Is off- erIng as a supposed innovation, facilities Similar to those already avall- :~~;hl:~~: l~n~h!i::~~O ~ui:::: confine his experimentation to the ;~:~i:::t:t J;~~,gt~!yS~~U~dOf~ abl!c'-to freshmen and independents. :~:st~~:n::'~~eft;;.:e~:m ~;~~~ TIM SMITH '71 exactly right. The proposed policy for the new dorm will destroy a natural environ- ment for college women. The present dormitory system, according to the own citizens within our ownnaUon. college catelogue: The responsibility to act is ours THE GOLD BUG now. weca.nnotconscientlouslyai_ provides a more unified campus' community and makes possible an environment when education Is not pursued !:~!;~:~:e~U;~:~ri::' t~~~~ PUbIi5h~~fi~!~irst:~~cnt~m~~w:p~~~~i~f Ja~~,st~:~.,M~~~~~n1pf~0~e!;:, In Isolation but In those hatural relationships which mand an honest and just solution. Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec." on Friday, Entered as second class matter at typify the democratic atmosphere of American life. For as the commission stated, the Post Office, Westminster,Maryland 21157. under Act of March ), Isolation of freshmen will only make the rush period a more tense and for "Therenational can be no higher priority :~1~87;9:.;:J~~~i2!iE!i£![]i::EEl~~C==:action and no higher arttt"icial exposure to·sorority members and sorority life. Most W.M.C. claim on the nation's conscience." independents are so by choice. Often this does not come from an anU- ~Ichard McCanna sorority attitUde, but rather because they prefer not to become a member ot an orgal)lzed social group. With the polarization of sororities, indepen- TO THE EDITOR: dent:; will be forced into a group situation. This policy wUl create almost I, read Barbara Zlvl's spirited a new sorority for Independents, contrary to their original convictIons. revue of Brecht's Three Penny For these and other reasons, most of the independents are opposed to the Opera; and, though completely bi-j~~~~;~j~~.:""~~~~i~"'~~~~~ proposed policy. ased as a member of a cast which In conclusion. the women are unified in their opposion to the pro- worked a.ver a month in "smooth- posed administration policy. According to the petition circulated and ing of! the rough edges", I must Qresented to the administration last year, ninety per cent of the women defend what she has so rudely con- on campus support open housing bysenior1tyforthe new dorm. Although demned. W.M.C. women agree that Dean Robinson Is justtl1ed In suggesting his policy, they feel that he Is not justified In forCing upon them a system against which they have so many reasonable objections. As of Tuesday night, March'12, thewomen are organized and are prepared to take action. The Committee Representing I •....4; w.tI.q. WomenL:l1J...1 J ~H"\...J~ .f ...... "rk' ..!'·' tl"rt..m·r .... ,... I • .r.•. .._ ....... , ,
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