Page 65 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 65
THE GOLD BUG MARCH 1, 1968 PAGE 7 'Mat Monsters Unconquered Editor's Comment ... Grapplers Earn Clean Slate e: /Yite uftaMm-(jj)ixon ~ltamfo-: With Record·Setting Sweep by Mike Herr Fortunately, records speak lor themselves or Sam Case and his grapplers would never receive proper plaudits for their record by Mike Ward February's fourth win 35-7. Rick scnmertater looked like shattering performance. The Baltimore press and GOLD BUG Finishing the season with a Three exhibition matches ser- he was a sure bet to beat the advertisements are hostile to WMC sports, 9-0 record in dual meet com- ved to set the tempo as Coe mark when he got a takedown petition, the wre stllng team now Sherrard and Dave Turner pin- in only 7 seconds, but he end- ranks as the Mason-Dixon ned their men at 3:28 and 5:30 ed with a lengthy 53 second champions. respectively and match. Al Starr ano -Bar-r-y The month ot February Tom Genna, a transfer student Lambert rounded out the pins proved kind to the Terror mat- from the Coast Guard Academy, with times of 7:13 and 3:26. men as they scarfed up 6 big went the route in a 15-3 rout. The final home match of the wins on their way to the first In the varsity matches, Tom season was against a strong Le- undefeated wrestling team tnthe Fowler and Jay Leverton pro- banon Valley team. The J.V. history 01 the school. Hopkins vided decisions while the rest provided a foreshadowing of Gafl audet , Catholic V., Wash- of the team was out trying to what was to come In the var-, ington College, Lebanon Valley and Delaware Valley provided the route on which the Terrors raced to the championship. Hopkins and oanaudet feU early in the month before the Terrors travelled to D.C. to take on the Cardinals of Catho- lic U. 31 -10. The Terrors for- AI Starr, one of three senior grapplers. enroute to a pin against feited 5 points In the flnal mateh the Sho'men. alter the win -was in the bag. Wrestling is still a closet sport at Western Maryland The Kenny Myers began things In an cheerleaders stay' home and the ZOO Is In winter quarters when exhibition match as he put his the Terrors take to the mats. But these problems may yet be man down for a 59 second fall solved. Good things are beginnf ng to happen to Green Terror before the C.V. fans has warm- wrestling. The freshman class brought a group of outstanding ed up thetr seats. Fowler, Blake high school grapplers that pushed last year's 3~9 team to a per- and Lambert rouowec with fect record. Last year's stars improved. Coach Case supplied decisions and Scholl, Schmert- a cheer-reader in his baby daughter, little Lauren Case. She aler , Starr and Conover follow- Rick Schmertzler gets a quick pin against Washington College. almost grabbed the GOLD BUG spotlight, but it now looks as if ed with pins, Conover needing nobody will steal the thunder ofthe Matmen. Three grapplers will only 27 seconds toshowhlsman beat each other to the pin. Gary slty matches as both Kenny My- graduate, and a great team attracts great athletes. It looks like a which way was dpwn, Scholl set the pace witha48se- ers and Tom Genna won cect- dynasty for Lauren's daddy, but how wUl he improve upon per- Washington College proved to cond fall. Terry Conover leU sive victories. Varsity victors fection? be a delighUul host lor the Mat- short of the markwhen he need- (continued on page 8) The football team will begin spring drills next.Monday. There men as they provided us with ed 4:23 to get his 5 pointer, will be an organizational meeting TONIGHT, March 1, at 6:30 in Gill Gym. Equlpmentw1l1 be issued tonight, tomorrow and Mon- .~ day. _&'lQI.I\:Ii.t;S: Terror Offense Sparkles; t'nCl~ionCll(l:enterSor.Acodpmic iffi.eSI!~:h'~- Disappointing Season Ends 1492 Cm.l~10~\:~ALTH AVENUE . BOSTON, 'IASSAOIUSE:TTS 02135 by VinCI! Fe-sta had ke-pt the Terrors in the lead Gill gym is now quiet, and unttt time was running out on the The International Center for Academic Research is Designed to help every student Mount. But tne outcome was tha another long campatng has achieve his maximum potential in the subject, or subjects, of their choice. come to a erose for Western usual Mount-WMC finish as late Maryland baskethall. Just for baskets by Fred Carter and Lou We at the International Center for Academic Research are proud that these outstanding the record,the squad finished Grilio propelled the Mounttoan instructional techniques have shown proven results for decades. the season on the short end, win- (continued on page 8) nIng 9 while dropping 13. The last two weeks were en- OUR GUARANTEE couraging even though we lost four of seven contests. Just as ELDERSBURG it did last season the team The International Center for Academic Research, after exhausting studies, is able to seemed to jell when it was too RADIO late. With no possible berth in give a complete money back guarantee. If after following instructions faithfully you the Mason-Dixon Tournament, RCA VICTOR have not increased your scholastic stampings noticeably. Your money will be complete- the Terrors played for re- DUMONT - EMERSON ly refunded. spectability, a .500 per-centage, Fast Radio Seretee and for next year. The last two 185 E. Main weeks began with the annual trip TI 8-3066 to Mount Saint Mary's with Its Eldersburg Shopping Center Special Introductory Offer Expires May 1, 1968. Price thereafter $3.95 per Course. surplus Air Force hangar. The 795,0210 For Personalized assistance send $1.00 per course to Terrors batUedto a 36-34half- time advantage in one ot their best efforts against the Em- The International Center for Academic Research m~tsburg zoo parade. The 1492 Commonwealth Ave. Green and Gold squad found BOWL Boxton, themselves engaged In adl1ter- Boston, Mass. 02135 ent type battle inthe second half. With KE'Y baskets by Mike Baker Please Include Course Last Semesters Average Chief Namc _ 1 ~ _ ~& Addressc.c, __ Pokomoke CitY- State _ fJlu,;M Tenpins Zip Code' _ Course ord. _ Flowers For WESTMINS1'ER Special Group Rates for Fraternities and Sororities LANES I Any Occasion in the Shopping Center Students - Until 6:00 p.m. 20% discount for groups of ten or more. Please include organiz.ational tide 114 Pennsylvania Ave. $1.203 Games Including- Shoes Allow 4 to 6 weeks for processing and delivery. 848-9350 Mon .• Fri. 848-6570
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