Page 71 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 71
THE GOLD BUG MARCH 15,1968 PAGE 5 VOL. 1 NO.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTEk, MARYLAND MARCH 15. 1968 Bleak Power As the time Everyone is now It would be dif- won gains that had nears tor Martin theoretically hap- ficult for any been made. Luther King's pier and better off. thinking orfeeUng Instead of the march on Wash- However, the col- person to look "white manes bur-. Ington, a familiar lege students de- askance at thebe- den" it was now concept is once clde thattheyware ginnings of pride the white man's again being band- being unfairly dis- in a place where "guUt".Therant- led about. This criminated against it had never r esfd- Ing and raving hallowed tenet can in wages. What tot- ed before. How- could be heard be summar-artzed lows naturally Is a ever, when pride from coast to by the elegant huge march on becomes immers- coast. Through "gimme." While Washington to de- ed in a fantasy some very ques- screaming about mand more money world of demands tionable logic "400-yearsofYOur for college stud- nearly all the Ne- atrocities," time ents. Absolutely longer constr-ue- greets problems is always found to no attention can fuse to recognize ttve, If this path have been blamed hold out the hand be paid to ability their Influence on is followed, the on the white man's for the pocketbook. or work. That the League of Na- only logical con- repression of the This can be seen in wouldn't be fair! tions." He added King's demand for It would be dis- that balding pse- ~~~~!on i:e;f~;!= :~~:. a~tc:i!:\~ a guaranteed na- crimination. udo - intellectual tional income. One Perhaps the college Deans will :!:uc:~l~~;:i~~ ~la~:~to :.~la~~ might wonder If most discouraging be permitted to being faced by the ed on the Inertia King has stopped to part of King's cur- ~::~~i:i~~~et~:; I~~ii~ji:-'T"';:_:==:_::=-""=:_::='------- clacks ofAmerica. that Is foundinthe think where the rent drive is his When the Neg- Negro Communi- money is going to implied threats. have for the last roes began their ties. It would be a come from. Also, The end of peace- 'Ight for civil gross overstmp- it might be in- ful demonstra- rights they were I1!icatlontoblame teresting to spec- tions will appar- striking out on a everything on the urate on future de- ently be upon us new and difficult white man.rr some mands by Interest if King isn't given path. Millions of of the energy that groups. all he wants. It Americans watch- went Into the riot- Let us suppose seems ironic that ed In disbelief as Ing could be chan- for a moment (a Mr. King couldn't a 19th century neled in other short one) that aU speak here be- buffoon named Bull areas, the Negro of Mr. King's de- cause he was on a COIUlorshamed the might findhlmseIf, mands are met. mission. entire country. It much to his sur- was at this stage prise, a lot better that the Negro off. YetIfMr.Mc- movement had its Teer's assertion largest share of that "we'll pro- white support. un- bably burn it down fortunately, It was anyway" is to be :~~ :~eth!~_~t:lr- ~~I~~~, h,:;h~~: ed "radical lea- the blacks Is that ders' began to thef r most volatile make their pre- leaders will de- sence felt. Their cid,e to follow the. irresponsible sta- example of the tements and ae- Burldhlst monks nons undercut of S. Vietnam. much u, '''" '.. ,u . A division of Nassar is quoted black mercenary as saying, "They soldiers, under present no pro- the leadership of blem, a nigger Is Stokrey Carmie- only a Jew turned !:::Ilr :~:~st~~::et~ r""\~~'iw=--i tsrean Defense brave MInister Moshe Dayan in his pre- sent conflict against the United THE JEWS DID NOT Arab Reoubllc. When asked about the possible re- KILL CHRIST··IT WAS percussions of this occurence, THE PUERTO RICANS Egyptian Presi- dentl pamat Abdul
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