Page 72 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 72
PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG MARCH IS, 1968 The Gamma Betes Pledge From the SLC: Alpha We, the members of Gamma Chi is an exact opposite. Example- Position on New Dorm Fraternity .•• The humble pledges elected Mac Gamma The membership was bolstered as president of the pledge class. last week with the arrival of 27 ... establish loyalty ••• Tau On Wednesday, the twenty-first dormitory. After much discussion, new pledges. The actives are To prove their Ioya.ltyto thefra- of February, the Student Life Coun- the council voted with the m~jorlty happy but worried about the size terruty, the pledge class offered cil met to dtscuss the womenrs pet- In favor of maintaining the propos- of the group. Who's going to to devote an afternoon helping IUon concerning placement of sor- ed administrative policy in regards get hell dur-Ing hell week _ the Sponsor Maj. Don Chapman with A small liberal arts college In ority girls in the new women's to the housing of women in the new pledges or the actives? chores around his house. Maj. the rolllnghU1ofwesternMaryland dorm. •••in order to form a more perfect Chapman responded bymovingto was the scene of an almost disas- The Council tried to look at the fellowship •••• an undisclosed location. trous riot last Saturday night. Only Delta problem objectively and listened What a fellowship! The diversity ... elevate sociability ••• quick thinking on the part of a cool- to arguments both for and against Pi student saved Western of GBX has become more evident The 1968 encore of the "Hungry bearded annual spring blood bath. Alpha the stated policy. of the Council that It was the gen- Maryland College from a repeat of For everytype,there I Alpha were social when the party ltwas cently enough as a Iarae eroup of the acceptance of the "Dirty Dozen" porary It is hoped that the proposed than ever. for an time' eral agreement Mother" established their Things although there might be some tem- the sociabUity of GBX. inno- began The- disturbance caused by the was discomfort Pi pcltcy, social when the grain planned, the long range resu}tswould members of Alpna and pledges far outweigh the transitory was purchased, ill re- and social when and Delta Tau fraternity Gamma sults. Delta Pi-Alpha proudly announces the grain started to now. Pi Alpha began throwing snow balls plan will foster a new birth of act- probably social after that, too but Those ivity among the independent group into the Preacher fraternity. at passing cars. The weather was nobody can remember Alpha for sure. twelve Barnes, ... insure honesty among the student of snow remained. body••• Leon Ted Glannechini , neglected. This is not an exclusive As the sun went down, the group plan for the independents alone, but The epitome at honesty was spring-like but still large amounts select Cronce, are: Jim Hunt, Shirl on campus that heretofore has been Bob Hatfield, Mike reached this week when Bro turned its attention towardthe PI Husk, Carl Gondolf, Jay Leverton, is rather to encompass the entire Pi Alpha Alpha is proud to an- Goldblatt finally admitted he Alpha Alpha fraternity house. Any Alan McCoy, Jim Patttucl , Barry campus with all interested persons nounce the addition of twenty- might be serious about Janie. fraternity brother attempting to Pikolas, and Bob Venables. being free to enter into the activities seven new members. Included The announcement was made at leave or enter the residence was After acceptance on Wednesday, made available through the new are: Jerry Adams, Marc Allen, 4:00 A. M. in Janie's apartment. mercilessly pelted with the white March 6, the fraternity journeyed dorm. This is in keeping with the Harold Baker, Howard Bond, Hugh mtssues. As PAA had a party to Frock's Country Club and Health proposals put forth In the peitltion Carew; Frank Charnasky, Bill ... promote the highest type at that same evening, they redoubled Resort for a night of spiritual re- to aboUsh fraternities and sorori- in -athletics ... Cernigl1a, BIIl Dayton, Dave Den- sportsmanship Butterworth re- their efforts to leave their be- velation. Highlights of the evening ties several years ago. It seemed ham, Kevin Fried, Rick Hollis, Bro "stretch" leaguered abode and call on their included a preliminary intramural that the tone of this paper was a Jerry Hopple, steve Kaplan, Keith cently showed to the world re- young ladies. However, a hail of wrestllng bout involving some plea Muller, Charles Moore, JohnNes- markable sportsmanship at a snowball drove back even the har- plea for a greater role on campus bItt, Joe Powell, Gary gchanche , basketball game. He took an In- diest ofthegrup. W1thcurfewonly twenty odd fun loving Preachers for the independents and this role Goldberg's Don Schenk, George SheHem, credible amount of verbal abuse a few hours away, they were des- and "Rube" of a drunken Inspiring can now be filled by the new dorm. Imitation Ch,_risSpencer, Marc Stevens, for three full periods, but in the perate. After recovering from Phar-oah, this On March 19,theAdminlstrat1ve fourth his wlil to withstand fin- Jim Strachan, Glen Wiggs, Danny ally crumbled under rage and Finally, a qu1ck-thinkingpledge shocking event, the pledges work- Advisory Council discussed the Wllson, and Mike Wright. Also of PAA by the name of Smythe de- ed diligently and have now almost issue and concurred in their ap- pledging as associate broters anger. In the resulting fight, cided that the best solution would completed their hell week activi- proval of the administrative posi- are Barry Dvorett, Ron Beutcke, Stretch lost 3 teeth. The cheer- be to call the police and stop all ties. The only things remaining in tion. and John Offerman. leader was uninjured. of this foolishness in short order. ... insure a higher scholastic stand- Bravely he dialed the State police their attempt to become Preachers Student Life Council Ing ... are their hell missions, pledge skit, The Pi Alpha Alpha Toga Party barracks and told of the impending and formal initiation. They are all happened, It began with a punch For the 7th consecutive se- disaster. . looking forward to tonight's pledge and ended with a bang. Casualties mester, GBX pulled in the high .. Two squad cars arrived on the party which Is shaping up to be an were numerous and included John est academic average of the fra- scene shortly thereafter and even bigger and better extravaganza The lnter-Sorority Council Nesbitt, DalU'lyPatrick, Jerry ternities. It Is irrelevant that troopers poured out, armed with than the acceptance night party. meeting held on March 12 was held: Hopple, Don Schenk, John Offer- GBX also has more party and shotguns and tear gas. The men to discuss the plans for the spring man, and Jack Baltzer-, who re- pinochle majors than any other of AGT and DPA sensed thattheir rush functions. There will be an ceived a purple heart for his ef- fraternity. missiles of snow would prove little After a great deal of rrustra- assembly for all freshmen girls forts on the front lines. St1ll miss- •••and promote a hearty co-opera- use against the ~lice swarming tlon, Delta Pi Alpha has finally Interested in joining a sorority on tng In action are Les Caplan and tion with the college and all of over the campus, left their gar- round a date and place for an open Monday, April I, at 6:45 P, M. In atu Cerniglia. Damaged from cor- Us Interests ••• rison and hurried to their young party, which promises to be the Decker Auditorium. Rush parties reston are one punch fountain and The traditional image of Whim- ladies stdas social event of the year. The Prea- will begin the same week. one heavy-duty galvanized trash see was strengthened recently Today the campus has returned chers proudly announce that on After spring vacation the ISC when GBX fashioned out of snow can. Local launderers have declar- a life size reproduction of a ty- to normal. The police have not April fifth, the Friday after Spring will sponsor a card tournament. ed a segment at Westminster tobe yet lowered their guard and have recess, they will sponsor their Sorority teams will play each other a disaster area, refusing to ser- pical Gamma Bete party. True assured the Dean of men that they annual open party at Frocks, fea- on a rotating basis. Various card vice certain sheets and blankets to form, some of the contingent are standing by with reserves, turing the New EndeUs. games will be offered' due to "a pressing engagement." statues quickly melted into ob- Notables attending the party in- scurity. clude the fish, the green radish, ••.do ordain and establish this con- Vlcture Mature, Steve Reeves, stitution for the Gamma Beta Chi Bacchus, and Sol Levtnsteln, a Fraternity at Western Maryland noted Baltimore mortician who College! referred to the bash as a "plea- A Medical Answer For sant undertaJdng." Everyone lov- STAMP ITI ed every minute of the party, and. "..""...., MUSCULAR many, for hours afterwards. REGULAR JUIE~I'f2 Low Back Thin MODEL SIEGMAN'S n. ......IIKIDIIIIICf1ILlIUJ 'I\ ... r. .... ...... POCUTRutaEl:5T ".. ........~ ....... So Stiff Muscles Loosen Up and TEXACO SERVICE Sead ebotek or moue!' order. Is. Promptly Relieves Pain Are to IIIdud. 70ur Zip CoM. 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