Page 74 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 74
PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG M~"~H 15, 1968 Terroreues Shock Towson Spring Preview As Successful Season Ends Track Jim Strach ...11and Dan Wiles pro- a hard mise to give the returnees The' Western Maryland Track tight for the six starting positions. by Muff Stasch team of 1968 boasts the depth and With fourteen men out, coachWray After playing a little better than enthusiasm that makes wtnner s, "The Kid" Mowbray can hall a .500 ball the Western Maryland There wUl also be more ability big improvement over last year's girls' varsity climaxed its season displayed In and around the cinder- squad. Watching one his typically with three consecutive wins, ed oval this spring. Regardless of murderous practice sessions, The bringing home a respectable 6-2 won-lost outcomes, school recor-ds Kid exclaimed, "This year we'll season record. wtn fall. Already,freshmanBarry have Depth" We,agree-Wray, if After bowing to Hood college hy Plkolas has eeltpsed the old shot we survive your practice. one, western Maryland took a mark. He is one ct many outstand- determined team to Mt. St. Agnes ing freshmen on the squad who have Golf College where tne Terrors out- jolned the old faithful In a quest to scored their opponent 49-39. Hav- t-nprove upon last years thin me- The Green Terrors goll team Is ing another successful night, for- diocre squad. out to prove that it is, indeed Little ward Sue Smith chalked up 21 Track candidates are so nurner- Houston. Dean Robinson plans to points, backed up by LaRue Ar- ous that _it is impossible to cata- get his boys startedbyvisitingMi- nold who posted ten. 13arah Led- logue the names In this limited ami, and playing in the Miami In- num put three baskets through the space, hence the only catalogue vitational Golf Tournament. hoop and Betsy Horton contributed Is that of shortcomings. Coach The Dean ahs made additions to five points to the effort. After Ron Jones needs a pole vaulter both the team and the coaching another outstanding defensive per- and somebody to toss the javelin, staff. Freshman 8m Dayton is formance under the opponent's but even with these faults the moving In In the number one slot. basket, guards Lynn Howard and trackmen could be the surprise Jerry Walters and John Nesbitt Gail Lentz were replaced by an- team of spring sports. will also make their presence felt. other team, Janet and Janice Bob Erb will Instruct the Zengel. left Baseball handers, and the other addition to Western Maryland made it two Look here, A tight ping Notre Dame 38-23. Holder who's duty is to make sure Fern Hitchcock's ballelub will the coaching staff ts Captain Hank in a row in its next contest, stern ~ Wrangler~philes _ do nothing unusual this year. It the goUers are well conditioned. Western Maryland defense held should be another normal year The returnees are Co-captains !,!otre Dame to only six fieIf! goals of winning and winning for the Tom cnencwetn and Les Carlson, for the enUre game whlfe the baseball Terrors. Al Feigelson, steve Jones, Tom Terror offense put fifteen on the The only question mark is pit- Trice, and Roger Wynkoop. This board, eight of these through the ching with Ralph Wilson (3-1), the group w11l carry the load, and they efforts of Sue Smith. A sueces- only returning mcundsman, John are optomistlc. Little Houston may snn free throw brought her game Johnson (3-1) and and Jack Ben- be a distant goal, hut this group total to 17 points. Betsy Horton thurn (5-2) are gone, but there is should definitely Impr-ove uponIast scored second with eight points, a flock of young arms w~Ung to year's 3-10 record. Atworst, they foUowed by Sarah Lednum with replace them. Freshmen Jim are getting a sprtng break in Ffort- six. Swertzler and lefty Bob Merry, da, With seven games down theWMC Gary wocnter and sopllomore .vl!rslty next made preparations to Jordan Lieb are loaded with po- Lacrosse face its final and most important tential. opponent, Towson College. Rival The infield 'and outfield are In- The Lacross team has scneou- Towson was highly favored In the tact although there may be some led seven meetings this spring, and contest, with an undefeated record surprises when they take their the sehedule Is a bit more ehalleng- to back up this concensus 01 positions. Jerry Borga roams ing than last year's. opinion. The Terrors, however, the outfield, at least until his Temporary captains have been were at an advantage. They were shoulder comes around. He named the practice season. scheduled to meet thi! opponent on led the team In batting last year Alan Kempske Is captain of de- the home court and were both pby- with a .429 average. Larry Su- tense, Sill Gibson Is captain of the stcalty and mentally prepared for der may get his chance to show midfield, and Cary Wolfson is cap- the battle. A surprised Towson what he can do in the outfield. tatn of attack. varsity saw Western Maryland take His .297 was second to Borga, Sever-al lreshmanwlllweeplenty control of the ball and the game and he led the team In Home runs of action this spring. Danny Wilson from the center jump. A couple with two. Jerry Teggas Is the wUl give Kernpske abattle for goal- 01 quick baskets giving Western other man in the outfield. te. Ed Smith and Pat Smith will Maryland an early lead proved to The infield will pro'lably con- aid the attack, andAlanMcCoyw1ll be an important psychological sist of Gary RudacUle at third, add speed at midfield. This group .vtctorv and the Terrors dictated Bruce Bayman at short, Earl wlll join the veterns ol last year's the play throughoutthe game. Five Dietrich at second, and RBlleader pioneer lacrosse squad, that looked of the six starters scored for West- 'Greg Getty at first. RIck Diggs surprisingly good. This year they ern Maryland in the first quarter, and Joe .c.dhony will be behind the should be better. as they jumped out ahead 14-2. The plate. Spring Football pace slowed a little In the second Tennis quarter, but the half time score of of 20-7 proved the effectiveness Don't look now, but this year's (continued from page"7) both the Western Maryland defense tennis team promises to shape up years squad. Few freshman ra- and offense. A charged up Towson as one of the best W. M. C. has main after the first weeks of pra- team took the floor for the start of "courted" In several decades. tice leaving mostly upperclassmen the third quarter and made things a Leading the netmen on their to polish up on basic fundamentals. llttle hectIc. for Western Mary- racket-raising rampage wUl be New faces are still present how- land who tried to keep the game Captain Charlie "Sarge" Schn1tz- ever, and Coach Ron Jones is ob- at a slow, steady pace. Towson lein. Top returning lettermen in- viously pleased with the discovery came through for fourteen points clude Junior Frank Bowe, Ken Ni- of two potential halfbacks in Barry eight more than the Terror lead. ball, Hans Vandrey, Dane Frank- Lambert andSlll CernigUa. Bob A finalanddetermlnedfourthquar- lorler, Alan Gober, and Jim Go- Moore has been switched from tereffort on the part Of both teams down. end to quarterback and defensive resulted In an eight point tie and Howeve'i-, the freshmen hot- saftey in hopes that his size and an excited Terror varsity walked shots form the big reason for this quickness can f1U part of the gap away with a 34-29 \'ictoryof this, years optimism. Joe Powell, Jtm created by the loss of both Don the season clincher. Shooting star Hobart, Gary Scholl,Nell Messick, Stout and Carroll Yingling. Sue Smith again lead in the scor- it's time you learned that Wrangler makes Sure you love your Wrangler" Jeans. But t!71l~L;!.~,~~~!E~~ finish. Blue, bone, green $5. Canvas weave sportswear with the same knowing touch that's today. Wrangler-phile you are LECKRON made you the press plaid shirt with soil release Permanent GULF SERVICE jeans Snap-front, whiskey, loden, banana, $4.50. in blue, 30·inch jacket. Washable, w. 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