Page 66 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 66
PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG MARCH 1, 1968 Girls Split Four Decisions; Sue Smith Burns the Cords by Mulf Stasch Trailing fought A hard only by four when Since its first big Victory a- time ran out, western Maryland gainst Hood College struggle lost a- was gainst Essex, the Western fell victim to Goucher College Maryland girls' varsity has in Us first defeat, 28-24. In at the foul line as WMCcame out on the snort end of a 39-38 taken two laughers whlle drop- spite of their exhausting effort, contest. After a <)IJW start and ping two very close, hard-fought the Terror six could not play some second string replace- contests. their usual brand of ball and ments Western Maryland quick- Western Maryland walked a- arter a weak third quarter they -ened Its pace and advanced to way with a29-potnt victory over finished the game just a step tturd Catonsville Community College behind the Cast Goucher var- within one basket of Hood-s A heated final score. quarter in a fast paced game on the sity. Defensively, Western period saw the Terrors ahead home court. The 'rerrornr se Maryland held Its opponent to until the nnat two-minute war- string jumped ahead with the only twelve field goals. Al- ning when Hocdes leading shoot- tap, leading by ten points atthe though Sue Smith came through er managed to drawthreefouls, quarter. This pace was conttn- with twelve points with six more making five or the six shots a- ued throughout the game while credited to LaRue Arnold, the warded her. In spite of a 24- CatonsvUle failed to break offense could not matchltspre- point effort by Sue Smith, the through a strong Western Mary- winning performances. Terror offensehaditsproblems land defense, led by co-captains vtcus With a 41-15 comeback vic- and Hood got awaywithasquea- Lynn Howard and Gail Lentz. tory over st. Josephs College ker. Covering the basket area these the WMC varsity upkfi.Jditsun- two stationary guards form a defeated home record. Sarah Since Its rtr-st test agatnst Es- strong zone which allowed only Lednum and Sue Smith led the sex, the Western Maryland jun- eight Catonsville shots to reach offensive attack scoring eleven ior varsity has met two oppon- their target. Suder goes high and two points follow as Terror offense unwinds. and nineteen points respective- ents, dropping its first match Leading in the scoring col- ly. Substitute forward Linda to Goucher 15-7, then bouncing umn, offensive star Sue Smith _Terror Offense Sparkles -put ten shots through the hoop, Sullivan added lour points in back with a 33-9 smash over St. Josephs. her fourth quarter effort. adding three successrurrree tb- (continued from page 7) overcame an excellent western rows to her errort, Sarah Led- 80-74 victory. saser totaled27- Maryland effort 122 to 112. Jeff num , playing b~th offense and points and flnenoorleadershlp, Davis led WMC scoring with a defense, scored nine potnts while teammate Joe Smothers career high, 31 points, and was whlle Besty Horton chalked up grabbed 19 rebounds and tossed supported by Larry Suder with eight. A new team, replacing In 12. 23, Mike Baker with 22, and Ral- the first In the last quarter ad- A poor shooting night ham- ph Wilson with 21. ded five points to the 50-21 et- pered the Terror's efforts a- lort. Thefinalhadthe Grapplers gainst BalUmore UniversUY,as they netted a scant 28 of 75 shots from thefleld. Terrors down by 10,90 to 80, Joe Smothers had his best nIght (continued from page 7) of the season as he again grab- for the night netted us a 19-11 bed 19rebounds, and contributed score. 25 points to the Western Mary- The long trip up to Delaware land side. vauer for-the season's finale Brighter was the workforthe last Saturday was filled with Terrors next performance as the hope of a possible unde- they hosted oeneucet, The feated season but the trip back opening haUwas tighter than ex- was filled with reflections of pected as our roundballers see- a dream come true. - Myers. med a little over-conlident,and Scholl and Conover got our first went to the dressing room cling- 9 points before Delaware Val- Ing to a slim one point ad- ley registered ~ on the score- vantage. The second half saw board with a pin in the 145class. Improved Terror tactics, re- It was the 15th consecutive win sulting In a 100 to 86 victory. for Conover and further Lebanon "ailey Invaded Gill strengthened his hold on the DIC'Srugge9..pairof Gym In quest of a victory, but school record for most con- stick pens wins again the Terrors prevailed for their secutive victories. Jay Lever- in unending war third strfugi1t Win, 8£1 to 77. ton and Rick Schmertzlerthen against ball-point Ail You Need IsLove In the game against Rhode pushed the score to 15-5 before skip, clog and smear Island, Terror fans sawtwo the Aggies could muster 3 more Despite horrible high-powered offenses go at one points. At 177, Barry Lambert, punishment by mad After all, it's what makes the world go 'round in scientists, src sttll another. Rhode Island Is oneo! wrestling as aggressive a match first time, every that wonderful, once-ln-c-Hfetlme way. The en- the top scoring quints Inthe na- as he has done all season, en- time. And no wonder. gagement ring you choose soys so much about tion, averaging nearly 100points sured the win wltha 13-7 de- Inc's "Dyarnite" Ball your love ... and should it be a Keepsake, the per contest. Their reputation ctsron. is the hardest metal was not nt-rounced as they solid brass nose cone. word is "perfect." A brilliant diamond of fine made,encased ina perfect cut guoranteed (or color and modern STAMP IT! Will not skip, clog assured). Just look for the name WTTR ....."'..... what devilish abuse replacement in the ring and on the tog at your or smear no matter Keepsake, REGULAR is devised for them MODEL bysadistiestudents Keepsake Jeweler's store. He's in the yellow pages under "Jewelers." AM.1470KC 3L1I1E";~x'f2 Get the dynamic B1CDuo at your ThoflnIStINDESTRUCTIILEMn.tL FM-Steroo s.elld ehed: or mOll..,- order. Be campus store now rocI[EfRUaaER$T"'~_%".2". --- .ur .. to h",:ludoyour Zip Code. No KeeT1sEa.k:e~ :';"::x~rha"dlinlr ohar ...... 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