Page 73 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 73
T e~rors Claim Chil'mps"'" The Winter Season: Schmertsler, Scholl Shine; They Set the Place on Fire Lead Matmen in Tournament by Mlke Her'r The conflagration called winter good ball together, not just Indi- round wins: School on a 2:28 pin, Mason Dixon Tournament for win- sports is now cold ashes, but vldual ly, by M!keWard Conover on a 1-5 cectston. and ners Gary SchoU and Rick looking back, It was a hell of a However, Individual statistics Armed with an undefeated 9-0 Schmertzler 9-3 dectston •. Hard Schmertzler whose next stop was fire. were Impressive as Ralph Wilson, record In dual meets the Western luck feU to our other wrestlers the NCAA CoUege Dtvtston Cnamp- The Green and Gold Grapplers with 86 per cent accuracy from the Maryland wrestlers travelled to as they feU prey to first round ionships in Mankato, Minnesota. burned brightest of aU In com- charity line, and 55 per cent from Hopkins on the first and second of losses. Disaster struck in the SchoU started oIt in the big time pUing a 9-0 record and In send- the floor, lead the team In both de- the month to put forth their efforts second round as Conover dropped as he drew last year's champion ing two local champions to the partments as well as In rebounding, Massau Yatobi of Portland State, NCAA meeting In Michigan. Co- with 258. Ralph averaged 15points a foreign exchange student from captain Rich scnmerteter and per game. Mike Baker followed Tokyo, Japan, who last ye~r went freshman Gary Scholl made the with 15.1 and lead the team in as- on to almost win the university le- trip. Rick was Injured early and sists with 94. Jeff Davis' aver- vel competition of the NCAA. Yat- Gary finally found an opponent who age 12.5 and made almost half of obi won handily but Scholl, only could make him look like a fresh- his shots. Joe Smothers started a freshman, gained a maxi-dose of man, "but everybody on the Hill Is late, hut finished with a roar to experience for his first year of proud of our Mason Dixon champs, gather 233 rebounds and bring .college wrestling. Gary also lost his scoring average .uP nearly 8 to John Rembold of South Dakota other Individuals with out- pet game. standing records are Terry Con- The J. V. fared better with a state in the consolation match. over, who carried last yeares wm- 10-7 record. Bill Hutchinsln led Rick Scbmertz.ler started off streak through this season, Tom the squad in all departments but with a flash of brilliance In his . Fowler, (4-2-1), Art Blake (5-1-1), rebounding where sophomore Bill first round match against John Al starr (3_3), Barry Lambert Sherman set the pace with 199. Parsons of John Carroll by work- (4-2), Jim King (2-1), and Leon Billy pulled down 131 caroms to ing to a 4:15 pin. Schmertz un- Cronce (3-1). Starr and Fowler are place him Sherman, and fortunately Injured his knee sllgh- seniors whose value became ap- his brother behtnd 273 points ~Iy In the process and this ham- Randy's down a Washi.ngton coneee opponent. Gary Scholl takes parent as the season progressed. place him between Sherman's 222 In the hopes of securing the Mason a decision to Plsoni pered him In his efforts against Jim Warren of Nevada who cects- of Catholic U Terror basketbafl hurned with a and. brother am's team leading Dixon Tournament title. to ruin his chances for a tournment toned him 6-2 In their; prelim an- lOW'flame that occasionally erupted 352 markers. Bm's 53 assists Despite an overnight snowstorm win. Scholl and Schmertzler both ary match. In VOlcanic magnificence, and was a team high; This trio was people wondered why the whlstle- backed by Gene Grosh's 180 points ~::!:::::e:~g~~i:Sa::e t;:rt;:~ ~=~!:e~~2::dl~:::::i::e~ Spring Football batter-s couldn't find a midpoint and and Jim scbwerteteres 109. Jim arrived in' plenty of ttme to look 2:40, to give them the tournament even their 9-13 record could have Hobert and Marshall Adams sup- over the Hopldns athletic complex championships In their respective Drills Begin been Inverted. The preliminary pUed excitement and Bob Moore which looks similar to GUl Gym In weights. conover went on to win action of Mt. st. Mary's proved came off the bench to supply clutch its wide variety of facilities. The his final match and claim a third by Vince Festa that the green terrors could play baskets. seedlilg of the favorites followed place finish and Jay Leverton and Amid March snows and chUUng with Old Dominion College filling Tom Mavity battled to fourth place winds Western Maryland formally Track Team Sends Four four of the top slots and more or finishes. opened its 1968 football campaign, six they Although the first Old Dominion ran away wIth the setUng the pace that less game Is spring practice To Mason-Dixon Indoor would carry through the entire tournament a further reflection on months away, time for learning, Is their tremendous an important tournament, Western Maryland team which pta- grabbed two of the top slots with ced 6 men In the winners slots. retraining, and experImenting. by Mike Herr disappointing effort of 38'11" In Gary SchoU and Rick Sehmer'tz-. Western Maryland finished In a PrImarily designed to get a look Western Maryland College open- ed the 1968 track season last Sat- :~~SS:;f:I~I~~,:::: ::l~~:~:~; ~:~e;:;g ~~t::e:~; ~::o!~r t~~~~ :~~efO:o:~O~ct::~e:Uth:e~~:~ :io~e~:r ~~:~~a~~I: :rl~;:~r:~; urday by sending tour representa- school record by more than 5feet. led in a second seed. As predtc- us Into the higher echelons. lettermen and members of last tives to the Mason-Dixon Indoor 5~.~n:::d~nIC~~~~: ;;t.;;;d:,.• .::O"::.'..:th::,,:.: e..:~::e:.:d::.' .:=:::..n::'..:.":_....!~=:::!!!.!~=~~~C-_===O:::O,!;;P'::::ge~8)_--. Championships at Lextngtnn, Vir- pe~:~e St~=~f ginia. bins took the first step toward the The traveling terrors were Rick two mlnuteworkwlth a 206.8 clock- Robbins, competing In the mile and Ing In the haU. Rick also posted a the 880 yd run, John Skinner run- reluctant 4:58 in the mUe event. ning the 440, Clint de Witt in the Coach Ron Jones was pleased long and triple jump, and Barry with the preseason times, but he Plkolas In the shot put. expressed concern over the dearth The Green and Gold managed of pole vaulters and javelin thro- only 6 points with plkolas's sec- ond-place toss of 45'51/2" Inthe 4th a shot and by de Witt in the long Carroll Theatre leap of place 21'2 3/4" jump. Clint sustained a sprained ankle in this event resulting in a Mar. 13·19 9CelIyA Sidney Poitier Stationery TO SIR WITH LOVE STORE HOME, SCHOOL and Mar.20·23 FlTZWILLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 47 E. Main St. Dick Van Dyke
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