Page 64 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 64
PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG MARCH 1, 1968 Purification By Fire: ''l'd have wasted a lot of time Razing The Great Society and trouble be/ore I learned that the best way all people, to lake black or white, is to sake them. for by VIC McTEER own stores, busmesses, banks and what they think they then slums, while they suck the ghetto (In'. With deepest regrets to Benjamin dry of its wages. Any 01 you with leave them alone." Franklin. consciences--don't worry, the riot --William Faulkner will start soon alter the first night An ancient but powerful sage stick is swung. once claimed that he could form 5. When they do strike back after a great society from a crumbl1ng 4()O years of your atrocities, one. The statement that I, ayouth- send your most Incompetent, ill ....and what are you going to do about the fear ? ful simpleton, am about to add to trained troops Into the area, the already confusing situation, is This will further the black by John Douglas life ("your prvperty"--JOhn by giving them mansions in the the very reverse. I address myself man'slbeUef, he has no place In Locke) to maintain the status sides after they're dead" as to the great white liberal masses America and cause the riot to quo tn another land or to pro- Carl Sandburg accused them of who now find the Negro struggle become a war. tect a man's property when he doing? unenlightening and frightful, 6. Make political commitments what brothers these isn't even ready to let you on Did you ever look at yourself I. The American Negro makes around the world, promisingthings In the dark his property, to let you in his in the mirror and wonder? .. up 25 million of our total popula- of a thousand years? restaurant? "I'd have wasted a lot ofUme non.c-a Sizable addition to our In Southeast Asia that Negroes --Carl Sandburg and trouble before I learned that world force and as yet a great un- don't have in Southwest Georgia. What oo you do when your food the best way to take all people tapped resource. DiscrImination Be sureto cut all appropriations and drugs cost 10% more in the black or white, is to take them in unions and local employment to aid the Negro. The black inner city than they do in Pikes- for what they think they are, body, being the jungle, with u-s limits black advancement. Try to go So you don't understand re- ahead make them feel subordinate. head blown off, thanks you. volution and revolt, and its 7. Call the young black radical This way, negroes will know for a communist for screaming "Give chaos Imprisons you? But what [ sure nothing has really changed. me liberty or give me death." more can you expect? Before 2. Take care to propagate the- Call him "ungrateful nigger," the revolution comes the decla- ghetto, by giving Negroes poor Wonder, what ever happened to ration of rights, The rights are schools, by making housing codes conceived before they are en- flimsy In order to keep slumlords mammies and Uncle Toms, forced and the enforcing of the in business: be sure they don't get Then reflect upon your wonder- rights Is the revolution. The Ij enough education to compete equally ful heritage of white American revolution itself Is more conrtn- the I' with whites. They might make too power evidenced In the latter tng than the status quo but 18th century when a third-rate much of a contribution to the colony challenged a lirst rate outcome can be freedom, SOCiety. power and won. The reason Did Stokley Carmichael say 3. No matter how much Negroes "War showed de white folks dey crawl and cringe at whitefeetask- why, probably won't matter. cant git along widout de cunuc 8, If you are told of discontents Ing for fair housing, education and in the black ghetto due to rats, Uce, all the good things the socletyot- poor housing, -laek of taacx owner- man.... when de trouble bust fers, Ignore them, This will help ship, poor schools, police brutality, loose, hit's 'Please, sun, Mr. develop their sense cr hcpefessness poor city sanitation and services, Cullud Man; right dis way wnar and frustration. high rents,lack of effective housing de bugle blowIn.. .' And nOW" then leave them alone." gwlne reap de de cullud race 4. set up two unique standards of codes and ovart prejudtee; and won- benefits of de war," Wllllam was when I realised that a justice, One for white and one for der how anyone could Uve there, Faulkner wrote It--stokley nigger Is not a per-son so much blacks, Put prejudiced white police don't worry. We'll probably bur" didn't say OUt ne n; as a form of behavior; a sort 1t, IIIIHl.m; officers In the ghettoes, Tell them It down anyway. Would you? Would you risk your you burn their stores? If you of obverse reflection of the to defend all the good people who did you could hear the rabbis white people he lives among," canting abouteverythtngtheJew -cwm. Faulkner. has done for the NegroonlytObe So you still fearwlthoutceal- repaid with antt-semtnsm, izing that you're fearing people Did you ever think that many with the same desires and fears liberal ministers would chose as yourself? service to God over service to ManU such a choice was ever necessary? How many would really like to "tell people liv- "Then one day the old curse ot ing in shanties Jesus is goillg" his fathers, the old haughty an- to fix It up all right with them cestral pride based not on any value but on an accident ofgeo- gr'aphy, stemmed not from cou- Carroll Theatre rage and honor but from wrong him, and shame, descended to He dld not recogntzeUthen."-- wm. Faulkner. Thru Mar. 2 VALLEY 9(eIJ;fo OF THE DOLLS Mar. 3-5 Stationery STORE Wait Until Dark HOME, SCHOOL and starring OFFICE SUPPLIES Audrey Hepburn .f7 E. Main St. 848-5553 JelJlJe1tJ .'.·~'~'.i·f.".'- r-: r,c.c.:
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