Page 49 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 49
The Gold Bug, Apr. 24. 1959 Character And Abilities BUG'S-EYE VIEW '}1 Week In The life Of The Gold Bug" Evaluated By Prof. delong The self orally and in writing with sin- lies questionnaire unan- by Catherine Bond BUG'S-EYE VIEW swered on my desk. A former stu- cerity, conciseness, force, per- dent of mine has given my name suasiveness, clarity, interest, gram- as a reference. He is aspiring to matical structure, language, and Semi-monthly (or bi-weekly if of two unlocked doors. In the the same confusion. The galleys you prefer) a group of dedicated bathtub soaks the glue because have come back to be proof-read a position of management and I organization?) souls manages to produce four someone left the top ofL Punch and glued in place to the dummy must confinn his qualifications. HOW DO YOU CHARACTERIZE pages of literary genius, more fa- cups are stacked in the sink from sheets to insure their fitting. Pin- I stare at the questions and my THE CANDIDATE AS TO MOTI- miliarly known as the GOLDBUG. the'latest staff party, and all of the ning the scraps of copy to the mind is tortured with a sense of VATION, INITIATIVE, AND VI- The purpose of said newspaper is fallen drapes are heaped in the dummy sheet so that it is meaaur., inadequacy. How does one take a TALITY? to inform the college community of corner. able to the last line is not always test for a student without knowing lConsider his energy and ability Important events including the Every other week, the staff as- the easiest job. Deletions must be the answers? I am flunking this to pursue issues on his own as well dances, speakers, elections, the cends to the bat chamber to made to get the story shorter: exam. I stare in disbelief at the as simply to carry out assign- status of dining hall food, the straighten out at least four pages heads must be changed to fit or to questions. Who compiled this ments; his capacity to follow sports record, peraonalitles, tradi- worth of confusion. Monday night coincide with the newly arranged monstrous inquiry _ a bishop or a through on assignments without tions, and "subtle" gossip. is the copy deadine, for ideally page plan. The top editors spend business-man? Searching words prodding and push his work It hopes to be both opinionating speaking, all the copy is at the half the night picking up bent pins lccm up at me: motivation, stabili- through to conclusion and solution; and stimulating, informative and pr-inters at 8 :30 the next morning. from the floor so the wind can't ty, integrity, maturity, reliability. the extent and strength of his mo- receptive. With a glance at the This means filling 300 inches of blow the copy away. Changes, cor- I want to keep the boy. Where are tivation; his ambitions; his loyal- sports page to see who made it or a space in some new and different rections, continuations are yelled the easy questions about academic ties; his efforts to advance; his few chuckles from page two, some way, fourteen times a year. That's into the copy readers, as the editor accomplishment, athletic prowess, stamina and doggedness.) tack it upon a bulletin board or 13650 words (minus a few for insists that the corrections should or extra-curricular accomplish- WHAT IS YOUR OPINION or toss it in a wastebasket and com- heads, pictures, and ads). have been made on the original ment? HIS PERSONAL AND INTEL- plain that they never know what is Pront page editors take time out copy. "This is where WE lose our I begin to rationalize--the ques- I,ECTUAL INTEGRITY? going on. And they're right! to find the stories they assigned to money!" tiona are unfair--or are they? I (Consider whether others trust They don't know what has gone on reporters who have either forgot- The page editors vie for the two light my pipe and walk around the him; whether he acts on principle, to make such a publication possi- ten, been unable to find the infer- available paint brushes hoping to room. There must be a way to bluffs, makes excuses for his fail- ble. mation, or written ill much too get out early, but again closing give helpful answers. I feel ing, assumes credit which he does The GOLDBUG has a suite of "J'eatury" a style. Rewritfng, re- time rolls around. Leaving the top trapped. Returning to the desk I not deserve, or seeks to ingratiate offices perched p recarrously atop typing, rereading, and recounting (Iff the glue, the girls dash for the stare at the questions and blow himself at the expense of his per- the back stairway of Old Main. are necessary. With pictures in dorms. clouds of smoke at them. Perhaps sonal honesty?) Ill-lighted and unbalanced, these mind, page plans are drawn up, re- Who are these editors? They I can hidq them. They leer at me stairs offer a challenge to anyone drawn, torn up, and drawn again. are the people who have Fz-iday through the haze - sharp words: DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE ACTIVI- OF ANY BEHAVIOR, so bold as to attempt their ascen- The editors compose headlines to tests too, but they sacrifice much motivation, stability, integrity . sion. Once inside, you are con- fit, in the right type, and with the time for the good of better com- I read the questions again: TIES, OR ASSOCIATIONS fronted by a most organized mess proper form of the verb. The copy muutcetion. They ere in the Jun- WHAT ARE THE CANDI- ';VHICH TEND TO SHOW THAT RELI- PERSON THIS IS NOT of cigarette stubs, papers, paint is headed and marked for the ior Follies too and so paste up be- DATE'S MENTAL QUALITIES? brushes, clippings, rumpled copy, printer. hind stage that night or in the (Consider his ability to grasp ABLE, HONEST, TRUSTWOR- THY, AND OF GOOD CONDUCT empty Coke bottles, pica rulers, Sports Page Adds to Difficulty dorms in the wee hours of the new things; the depth of his under- AND CHARACTER? chewed pointless pencils, and pull- morning. Some one of these per- standing; the manner in which he has many page Sports of the ed hair, wherein if you are looking sante problems but meets addition, sons must cut classes all day on applies his knowledge; his creativ- Odd lhoughts enter my mind. for something, you, yell! al difficulties when planning' the Friday to stay with the paper at ity, vision and imagination; his 'Vhy are not courses in these vir- 'I'here are desks piled high with arrangement of the ads. Dead- the printer's to authorize deletions, common sense and practicability; tues included in the college curric- copy and old election posters, lamps lir-es are harder to meet because insertions, and to check on all the his desire to learn; his capacity for ulum? Why has not the student which light occasionally, and type- necessary corrections. These are logical thinking.) used his four years of college life writers which after you discover the athletic department does not the people who have great faith in HOW STABLE IS HE EMO·· in developing and practicing these schedule games with the publishing the b and y stick, work quite well. schedule in mind. The business the U. S. Mail, sending off cuts to TIONALLY, AND HOW WELL- traits? Would not a devotion to Mounted on the walls are headline be made on Wednesday, expecting attaining a measure of these quali- the incluaion charts, press ratings, mottoes of manager vetoes because the budget of them by return mail on Friday in ADJUSTED SOCIALLY? ties solve most of our so-called more pictures wisdom, and a bulletin board list- time for the press deadline, and (Consider his maturity and the campus problems? If the world ing pertinent dates and informa- can not take it, so more copy must this usually happens. Always op- control he exercises over his emo- expects these things to be the tion. be written. on their timistic, they sing to keep cheerful tions; his stability, self-sufficiency, fruits of education, who do we fail The inside pages carry Bed Is Removed and clean the office once a year adaptability; his ability to take ad- so miserably? The Inner Sanctum houses the traditional rivalry over what copy when the spirit moves them. verse criticism; his cooperation I gaze hopelessly at the question- editor's and business manager's belongs to whose page. The editor and the abilityto follow as well as naire. What answers can I give? calls for suggestions lor a new and They work best under pressure, desks as well as the only wastebas- different editorial, and no one can bearing well the scars from the- lead; his habits of punctuality; his What could tho applicant honestly ket Behind the double-locked door understand why the typist hasn't concern for the rights of others; expect me to say? also is the telephone, the most vag- finished typing all the copy.. All editor's bullwhip. They keep se- the various pleasant and unpleas- I see him standing alone in the crets when the paper is allowed a waving his di- rant member of th~ f'laff, 'which she ever has to do is read the hand- "scoop" in the news. Not so much ant aspects of his personality.) world pathetically that is the better Perhaps ploma. comes and goes with the budget. writing and punch the keys. Of WHAT IS YOUR JUDGMENT Files of picture outs dating the course she must see through the talented as persevering, patient, OF THE CANDIDATE'S ABILI- way. With a. sigh of regret I take my in what happens to and interested faculty by twenty year" and show- arrows, deletions, and insertions. TY TO MAKE CONTACTS EAS- group ing 1920 cartoons strangely re- The word counters lose their the school, to this produce these manages ILY? pen and place a. check mark in the four somehow sembling- the Western Maryland of places, people dash in and out pages of print. Perhaps some day (Consider his tact, poise and box provided for such contingen- cies. The caption reads: I FEEL 1959 stand in the corners. On the from choir, Follies practice, French confidence; his ability to sell editor's desk amongst the rejected club, or from chasing people in you will venture to climb the stairs ideas; the long range effect on THAT I AM NOT QUALIFIED and see the miracle for yourself. editorials and assorted pieces of other's of his contacts; his appear- TO EVALUATE THE CANDI_ Bewildered come mail is the economy-sized ash tray, general. for the Contj·".st souls office or anceat meetings and public gath- DATE'S CHARACTER AND looking usually full of stubs and empty misers come to bon-ow the tele- Compliments of erings; his ability to express him- ABILITIES. aspirin bottles. Older staff mem- phone. Somehow at 11; 14% each bers will recall the presence of the group manages to collect its own J. R. EVERHART bed moved in by an ex-sports edi- pile of information to finish it in tor whereon he could relax and get the donn, promising 1"0 bring it to COLLEGE BARBER his inspiration, but tile next more breakfast. At the Forks business-like editor had it removed. Thur~ay night brings much of The third room of the suite is the bathroom accessible by either Choir Auditions COLLEGE Tryouts for the College Choir for next year's upper- GIRLS... classmen will be held in r .e- vine Hall on Monday and Wednesday evenings, April 27 and 29, beginning at 6:45. These audit.ions will enable the upperclassmen to have a chance for membership he- SHORTHAND and TYPING fore the influx of freshmen in the fall. If the times are Lean:r. to typewrtte conege papers, and to take shorthand inconvenient, s pee i a 1 ar- notes In lectures and ....hen reading, or as a researcher. rangements may be made Earn better of time uatng through Prof. deLong. No typJtJg and grades in college and save hours emplo)'ment at part_time Ilhorthand. Secure exceptional musical ability college or earn duriIlg vacation& required! You can complete the COnege Edltion of SlmpUJl.ed Gregg Shorthand. learn to take d1etatfon 80 w.p.m.. and in typewriting acquke a &peed. of to w.p.m. e~'1k~ 'k/~, M
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