Page 51 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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Curtain Nears As Players Plan The Winter's Tale A blend of gaiety and wistful- day since a Shakespearean produc- ness, tragedy touched with comedy, tion has been staged by the College comedy touched with sadness are Dramatic Art Department. In all found in The Winter's Tale. 1953 the Players presented Twelfth The drama will be presented by the Nigh·t. Admission is free for stu- College Players, May 29, 1959, ill dents and faculty, and it is hoped Alumni HaJI as the annual Com- that many will attend this Com- New -FAC Advisors mencement production This Shake- mencement Week function. Play. the is under spearean To Welcome Frosh direction of Miss Esther Smith, in- and in- Senior Class Members art structor of dramatic Spreading the welcome mat for volves a cast c-.ftwenty-nine stu- the incoming freshmen next fall dents, some of whom portray more Face Active Schedule will be the new members of the than one character. Freshman Advisory Council, re- They are Camillo, Clarence Kay- With only seventeen days to go, cently chosen from next year's sen- lor; Poltxenes, Allen Worn; Leon- the Class of 1959 is already being ior class. The group will cooper- tes, Luther Martin; Hermione, Pa- swept up by the whirl of com- ate with the Deans and the SGA in tricia Cooper; Emilia, Karen Hel- mencement activities. Last eve- helping the new students become big; Paulina, Mersbe Reifsnyder; ning President and Mrs. Lowell acquainted with WMC, its life and Antigonus, Stephen Callender; Ensorv held" a formal reception for traditions, and assisting in other Perdita, Patricia Schaefer; Mop- the seniors at their- home. ways to aid their adjustment to the sa, Patricia Garcia; Shepherd, Al- campus. bert Dawkins, Jr.; and Shepherd- Senior Picnic To Be Held W omen chosen to serve on the esses, Melba Nelms, Joanne 'I'ra- Taking a break for final exami- Council are: Jessie Bezaeghin, Pa- bucco, and Dorothy Mathias. nations which last from May 16, tricia Blair, Phyllis Cassetta, Carol The characters and cast also in- until May 27, for the prospective Dixon, Mary Lou Eaton, Judith clude Time, James Goldring; Arch- graduates, the festivities will re- Ellis, Mary Harrison, Karol Kal- idamus, Theodore Kinter; Mamil- sume on Thursday, May 28, with loway, Mina Kirby, Patricia Kur- Iius, David Nuss; Anne, Elma the annual senior picnic. This all- die, Judith Long, Glenda Luttreil, Koons; Angelo, Thomas Ward; day party will be held at Frock's Mary Jo Smith, Sue Warren, Pa- Gaoler, Robert Harris; FlorizcJ, and is open to all seniors and their tricia Welk, Harriet Whitmore James Gibson; Servant, Roderick dates with a promise of food, en- and J can Wood. Ryon; Cleomenes, Thomas Hayes; tertainment, aud swimming. Advisors to the freshmen men Mariner, Charles Pugh; Clown, Friday night the Dramatic Art will be: Powell Anderson, Joseph Charles Bernstein; Autolycus, Al- department will present the Com- Bender, Larry Cain, Allan Dwor- bert Brown; and Dorcas, Sandra mencement Play for the seniors, kin, James Gibson, Ronald Har- Reed. their parents and guests. This mon, Clark Kirkman, Don Lowe, The Winte'!"'/) Tale comes from year's production will be Shake- Stephen Margolis, Lloyd Mussel- Shakespeare's later and more re- speare's The Winter's Tale. man, Birge Reichard, Roderick laxed period when he wrote Cymbe- Student Union To Be Dedicated Ryon, Douglas Smith, and James line and The Tempest. Indeed, the Worden. Sue Warren and Birge production is a dramatic yarn told The graduates are looking for- Reichard will serve as co-chairmen against the background of some of ward to realizing the dream of the Miss Mary Cay McCormick, Editor 01 the 1960 ALOHA, is a.smted for the group. These student ad- man's deepest convictions. The Student Union building which will by lIfr. Powell A1!derson, new business manager, e.a they C11ter the Stu- visors, chosen on the basis of schol- play is conceived in contrasts -- be dedicated on Saturday after- dC11t Union building on way to the ALOHA office. astic and extracurricular achieve- the opposition between age and noon. Having been "in" on the ments, will attempt to help their youth, cruelty and goodness, and plans for several years, this class Miss McCormick And Mr. Anderson advisees with the more life personal jealousy and and faith. The symbols will finally see the finished product. will be on Sunday Baccalaureate during employed are the eternal ones of problems of campus spring Shakespeare winter. service starting with the worship Named To Lead 1960 Alobo Staff their first year at WMC. . keeps reminding the audience that a at 10:30 am in Memorial Chapel, witnessing are Dr. A. B. Coe, celebrating the fifti_ they a play - The "Lale" defies time and Later space will deliver the sermon. Two persons in the Class of 1960 the President's Review, a Dis- Parade Honors "tale." and prcbability. It is a eth anniversary of his graduation, in seem to be busier than others, late- tinguished Military Student. Prior story such as might have been the afternoon, at 3:30 pm the Col- ly. These two are Miss Mary Cay to this, Bob, as he is known to his Junior Cadets often told to while away a winter'S lege Choir wll present Schubert's McCormick, of Laurel, Maryland, friends, was named a member of evening. "A sad Tale's best fOT Mass in F Minor as directed by and Mr. Powell Anderson, of the Freshman Advisory Council. The President's Review on Tues- winter," the young prince Mamil- Professor Alfred deLong. The Washington, D. C. In a class elec- For three years, Bob has been a day, May 12, 1959, recognized six lius tells his mother, Queen Her- Mu,sB will feature several soloists tion, Miss Mecorrmcx won out over member of the tennis team and is prospective senior students for mione. One of Shakespeare's tech- and Esther Upperco at the organ. two candidates to be named editor now number one seeded. Former- their achievement in military sci- niques in this drama is the use of of the 1960 ALOHA. Mr. Ander- ly, Mr. Andersen served as circula- ence and tactics. the character "Father Time" to il- Former Senator To Speak son secured the business manager's tion manager of the GOLDBUGand An annual parade, the Presi- lustrate the wide span of time dur- Monday, June first is Graduation post in the same election. in his sophomore year pledged dent's Review is reserved for the ing which the action takes place. Day, with the presentation of com- Miss McCormick fills her new Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity of designation of Distinguished Mili- The staging for The Winter's missions to senior ROTC students position with a background of ex- which he was recently elected sec- tary Students. This designation is Ta./e consists of an attractive unit starting the ceremonies for the perience. Active in the journalis- retary. The fraternity intramural based on ncudemic proficiency, set which has been designed by Mr. day. This will take place in Mc- tic realm, Miss McCormick is pres- program also claims much of Bob's leadership potential, and military William L. Tribby who is in charge Daniel Lounge at 9 :00 am. The ently serving as co-news editor of time. prowess. of technical production. The Commencement Exercise will begin the GOLD BUG. Other activi ties Miss McCormick and Mr. Ander- Designated on Tuesday were Mr. drama will be presented on the at 10:00 am in Alumni Hall. which the new editor claims arc son expect to name their editorial Powell Anderson of Washington, twenty-eighth of the month for Former Senate Majority Leader former program chairman of the and business staffs in the fall of D. C.; Mr. Cleveland Bateman of high school students in the area Scott W. Lucas will address the Future Teachers of America; mem- the year. Negotiations for con- Finksburg, Maryland; Mr. Joseph and for those who cannot attend seniors and guests. By noon, the bership in Beta Beta Beta; sopho- tracts and several meetings have Bender of westminster, Maryland; the performance of the following activities will have come to an end more pledge to Phi Alpha Mu so- already been held by the 1960 Mr. Robert Cole of Middletown, evening. The May 29 performance as passersby notice the big zero on rority; membership in the Newman ALOHA leaders. Maryland; Mr. Lloyd Musselman will mark a six year period to the the bulletin board. Club; and a participant in the Jun- of Baltimore, Maryland; and Mr. Mr. Anderson, the new business Departing Class ior Follies. Douglas Smith of Oakland, Mary- Greek Letter Organizations This designation manager, has a host of activities. land. affords each of designated on Tuesday, May 12, at Taps Trumpeters the students a right to a regular Elect Officers For Next Year was Mr. Anderson More recently, army commission upon their June, 1960, graduation. Also these stu- Miss Phyllis Cassetta, Baltimore, The election for first semester Student Union Center Maryland; Miss Donna King, Reis- dents should be representative of the of officers of the Greek letter organi- Scott; alumni secretary, Gail Drake; and sunshine chairman, Jo- training quality the and terstown, Maryland; Miss Mary Western Maryland BatalJion. zations on campus have been held anne Lamb. Named-For WM Trustee Cay McCormick, Laurel, Mary- EI day, In a Bu.tallion parade on Thurs- recently. Delta Sigma Kappa Elected Alpha Gamma Tau Gamma Miss Sue Warren, land; and lead Alpha to 7, 1959, Mr. George May Saturday, May 30, 1959, is the Paso, Texas; have been selected as Thomas of Mount Airy, Maryland, Automatically ass u min g her Tau next semester is Allan Dwork- date which has been set for the ded- Trumpeters for the academic year and Mr. Samuel Cook of Baltimore, duties as president of Delta Sigma in. The officers which will work ication of the new student union 1959-60. The tapping of the pros- Maryland, senior ROTC students Kappa is Mary Harrison, this se- with him are: vice-president, Clark building on the Western Maryland pective senior women took place in were also named Distinguished mester's vice-president, Serving Kirkman; secretary, Powell An- College campus. Thls will be in a ceremony, yesterday, May 14, Military Students. These students with her will be: vice-president, derson; treasurer, Ronald Har- connection with the Commence- 1959.. on the President's lawn. were named in addition to the five Harriet Whitmore; secretary, mon; chaplain, Charles Mitchell; ment Week activities. Basis for Tapping seniors designated last May. Elizabeth Newell; treasurer, Doris sergeant-at-arms, Robert Brown- At this time ihe building will be The ceremony designates those Both Mr. Thomas and Mr. Cook Miles; chaplain, Sandra Eastwood; ing; social chairmen, Albert Ward named the Winslow Student Cen- women students who have earned received their designation by virtue and sergeant at arms, Susan and Jack Watson; and correspond- ter in honor of Mr. William R. by virtue of their academic en- of their summer camp perform- Wheeler. ing secretary, Robert Johnson. Delta Pi Alpha Winslow. From Washington, D. deavor, extra-curricular activity, ance. Presently, Mr. Thomas is Iota Gamma Chi C., Mr. Winslow is a member of the and character rating, the right to "C" Company commander, while Elected president of Iota Gam- The elections of Delta Pi Alpha Board of Trustees and a member wear the coveted symbol of a West- Mr. Cook is "B" Company com- ma Chi is Jessie Bazzeghin. Assist- resulted in the election of Joseph of the Building and Grounds Com- ern Maryland Trumpeter. mander. ing her will be: vice-president, Bender to the office of president. vice-president, the final review Long; mittee of the Board. Forming as a class, the junior the Yesterday, academic year was of Judith treasurer, secretary, Judith Also, elected were: secretary, James Tye; Judith Kerr; Robert present Cole; The three floor building gives women clad in white outfits, pa- held. Parading past the prospec- Brown; treasurer, Fred Dilkes; the effect of being a split level by raded from the dormitory to the tive graduating ROTC students, chaplain, Mary Jo Smith; and cor- chaplain, William Bruce; sergeant- having the main entrance located center of the ceremony. Gathering the junior class marched the Batal- responding secretary, Karol Kallc- at-arms, Donald Rembert; social midway between the second and in a circle, the present Trumpeters, way. chairman, Jack Fringer; and cor- third floors. There are rooms lo- Miss Joanne Fflbey, Miss Karen lion in review. cadets will officailly Phi Alpha Mu responding secretary, Charles Le- The junior cated on the top floor for offices of Helbig, Miss Sherry Phelps, Miss assume their duties as leaders of Next semester Phi Alpha Mu Few. Robinson, Joan and Miss Joanne student publications, Student Gov- the ROTC batallion upon their re- will be under the guidance of Phyl- Gamma Beta Chi ernment Association, and Student Trabucco prepared for the actual turn in the fall of the year. The lis Cassetta. Other Phi Alph offi- James Gibson will serve in the Christian Assodation. Recreation tapping ceremony. new appointments will be based cers include: vice_president, Bever- capacity of president of Gamma Beatrix Winters; seeertary, ly rooms as well as student and facul- Objectives Presented upon academic achievement in both Beta Chi for the first semester of ty lounges are also located on this Acting as spokesman, Miss Tra- military subject!'. and regular col- Gill; assistant treasurer, Joa!"! next year. Others elected: vice- floor. The lounges have built-in bucco, presented the objectives of Lawyer; chaplain, Esther Upper- president, Roderick Ryon; secre- In addition per- fireplaces and are furnished in the Trumpeters. Following this, lege curriculum. summer camp is co; sergeant-at-arms, Patricia tary, Theodore Kinter; treasurer, formance at Carol Danish Modern. the junior women were tapped. As strongly considered. Welk; alumni social secretary, men, Lleyd Musselman; chaplain, John c h air Luckemeier; The bookstore, which will be self the actual robing finished, Mr. Rob- Karrer; sergeant-at-arms, Karl service, and the post office are 10' ert Johnson, sang the Lord's Pra.y- Mernette Houk and Arlene Mac Silex; and social chairman, James cated on the ground floor. This Vicker; and sunshine chairman, Goldring. level also includes a Grille section Amidst elutions, tears and Beta Beta Elects Ingrid Ewertz. Pi Alpha Alpha Sigma Sigma Tau equipped with a modern stainless well-wishes, the ceremony was Pi Alpha Alpha elected Douglas steel kitchen. Immediately adjoin- concluded with the singing of the Sigma Sigma Tau elected Jean Smith to serve as president of their ing this is a table area which will Alma Mater. Being a Trumpeter;" President: Marvin Goldstein Roberts as president for the corn- fraternity. His officers include seat 100 and allow room for danc- is a coveted college woman award, Vice President: Paul Hughes ing semester. vice-president, Donald Hester; sec- Sigma Other ing. to which there is no definite num- Secretary: Marcia Wilson vice-president, Joan officers include; retaries, Alan Katz and LaVern secre- Wood; The new st'ldent union is fully ber selected. Dr. Isabel !sanogle, Treasurer: Toni Steinacker air conditioned and this equipment Trumpeter sponsor, and the pres- Historian: Arleen MacVicker tary, Charlotte Prevost; treasurer, Johnson; treasurer, chaplain, Cleveland Donald Bateman; and along with the heating equipment ent 1959 leaders selected the suc- Mina Kirby; chaplain, Dorothy is located on a lower level. Holland; sergeant-at-arms, Sylvia Lowe.
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