Page 48 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 48
2 The Gold Bug, Apr. 24, 1959 Why May Day Classes? Origins Of The May Day ·Fete As May Day approaches the the case, Some professors dismiss topic of Saturday classes on May "lass early or even call it off. Day and Homecoming once again Those brave souls thai; continue, do by Ba,rbar(1,HOI'st Even the activities on the "Hill" among the flowers, and bring away IS brought to discussion. Although so with stiff competition. They "Hail! sacred thou to sacred joy, have their origin in. some former samples of them; the more sordid- to some individuals this topic may battle noise from tractors, the con- To mirth and wine, sweet first of practice. ly drudging the life, the more appear press worn, it is neverthe- fusion of preparation for the big May! The Romans acknowledged the hearty with relish for this one day less one that needs more careful event, and the general restlessness, To sports which no grave cares feeling of the time in their Ploralta of communion with things pure consideration before it is tabled. What solutions are there? .\.5 alloy, or Floral Games, which lasted and beautiful." Everyone is aware of the eitua- any good ROTC member knows The sprightly dance, the festive through the last days of April, so Among the Celtic population of t.ion. On these two days there is the cause of a problem must be dis- play!" that nations tracing their ances-try Europe, as well as among the so much activity that few students covered before any kind of solu- to early Rome have settled upon peasantry of Ireland such doings (faculty could also be included) ac- tion can be determined. In this Nature makes such an outbreak the first of Mayas a special time were kept up and festivals held \ compiish very much in the class- case, one of the major facts to be into beauty at the end of April and for fetes of a similar nature, even though their basis may not be room. Most students £tay up the considered is that a certain number the beginning of M2Y, that it is no "With ancients and moderns alike identified with the Roman celebra- greater part of the night working of' classes must be attended each wonder she excites such a joyful it was one inatinctlvo rush to the tions, on floats, displays or the dance. semester. This being the case, and admiring feeling in every hu- fields, to revel in the bloom which Going back several generations The few that do get out of bed for there appear several workable so- man breast, Since the very earli- was newly presented on the mead- in England, the observer finds the class usually continue their sleep in Iutions. est times, the traditional observ, ows and the trees; the more clty- fullest development of May Day the classroom. Many cut classes One very simple method would be ance of May Day festivities has pent the population, the more observances. In the sixteenth cen- to work on these projects. to simply extend the school year. been celebrated ill some way. eager apparently the desire to get tury the humbler classes set out The above may make the picture This has immediate repercussions. early in the morning to gather appear very one-sided. This is not In the first place the college vp- flowers and hawthorn branches erutes on a very limited budget and which they carried home to deco- rate every door and window in the any extension would entail in- From 'he Horses Mouth village. This ceremony, accompa- LETTER creased costs for the students, FUTURE EVENTS nied by all possible signs of joy Secondly there are immeciiately fol- <}f as TO THE lowing graduation, conrerences The heading of this section naturally gives the impresaion that this and merriment, was spoken "bringing or a-Maying" "going that could not be re-scheduled. of things to come. But in regard to the matter EDITOR ened semester possibility is a short- is an account Japanese weekend, let it suffice to say (as the future 'Of the home the May," when the name of Another May was given to the hawthorn sophomores' per- break in February, Since some students remain on fect tense would put it) that the activities will have begun by the time bloom. The lads and lasses danced and sang together until it was time campus and the dining hall is open the GOLD BUG appears on news stands (whether that be a desk top or To the Editor of the GOLD BUG: waste basket bottom-remember that' old democratic freedom 'Of the to crown the fairest maid of the this would have less complications village as the "Queen of the May." "There is never anything to do than a longer school year, The press). Enough dilly-dallying, now to the point. It's a good cause Not content with such garland- on week-ends," "This is the dead- fact that Christmas Vacation has sponsored by a good class and they'll do a good job. But please put ing of their homes, these merry est campus" or "why don't we ever recently ended is another consider- under lock and key any old love letters that you wouldn't want your have big week-ends like other ution in favor of th:s method, present steady to discover, while she's dusting out your desk drawers people of the old days had a fixed pole in every town, on which they schools" are complaints often ,\. third possibility is the short- 'Or searching for secret compartments in your closet. suspended wreaths of rlowers each heard in circulation among stu- cuing of the exam period one day dents on the "Hill." each semester, Since the 'exam Jlfay Da,y is ra,pidly rLPP"'oaching, so don't take time to look blUlk May mor-ning, and around which The th~y danced nearly all day. Various groups have sponsored period has been recently extended a,nd see where the days of April have gone-ju8t look to the future. 1 Maypole had its equal -!>lace with, projects to provide some different thh may be one of the better dm~'t..suppose anyone haing Editors _~_._ Barbar .. Wolozln L ..mb Joanne Well, you do have quite a problem, I believe you have a right to BUSINESS STAFF date as many girls as you wish, until yoou find the one. But. you only Advertising M..n ..ger ~_ WHlisrn Kerbin find out oncel Do things have to get serious everytime? Wait! Circulation John Long Sandra Advisor B. Hovey "'WELL, J ORoPPEV 7HAT (OuRSE. II M.M. Exchange ~. __ Dr, Rlehard Eutwood Bye, Bye
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