Page 50 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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4, The Gold Bug, Apr. 24, 1959 SIDELIGHTS •••••• Pugllmen Suller Green Terror Tennis Tearn By Jolin Weagly Losing Streak Prevailing Over Opposition Having reached the half-way emerged the victor after a grueling point in a season which originally three set match in which the final promised considerable success, set score was 9-7. Wonderful moments in sports. You've heard many of these stories Coach Dick Pugh's Green Terror Defeats Noted before, I'm sure. There was the cool October afternoon in 1938 when rdne carries a disappointing 1-6 On Saturday., April 18, the a young pitcher named Bob Feller was throwing bullets instead of base- regular game record. At times the Green Terrors traveled to Amen. balls. As the day and game drew to an end, Rapid Robert had struck team has shown signs of finally can University and ausorbed their out 18 men, thus establishing a modern major league record for strike- jelling into a solid club, despite the first Mason-Dixon Conference de- outs. Ironically, Feller was the losing pitcher in the game. poor overall record. Against pow- feat, bowing to a strong host team There are many tales of the great Babe Ruth. The Babe was erful Gettysburg the Terrors went 6-8. Victors for the Ter-ror six probably the greatest combination player and showman the game has down to a stubborn 5-2 defeat, wen' Jim worden, Br-oce Lee, and ever known. His record of sixty home runs in a single season is the most which, in view of the visitor-s' win- Phil Browhan. Bob Anderson was well-known and admired achievement in baseball history. Perhaps the ning record in tough competition, defeated in a hard-fought three set most dramatic point in his career came during the 1932 World Series. should have been more lopsided. match. The Chicago Cub fans were down on Babe. In the top of the fifth, the Time after time, opponents' runs On Friday, April 17, the team Babe stepped to the plate amid their jeers and catcalls. The first pitch can be traced to the lack of control dropped their first match of the was a perfect strike. Babe beat the ump to the gesture by holding his 0)1 the part of the Western Mar-y- season, losing a close 5-4 decision hand high and yelling "Strike one!" He repeated this on the second laud pitching staff. This appears to visiting Delaware University. pitch. Then, as the jeers grew louder, Ruth stepped out of the box and to be the key to future success if Profeeear Fmnk H. Hurt ill The closeness of this match is seen pointed to the flagpole in deep center. That is where the next pitch was it is to come in the season's second in his by the score and the fact that five year to go. The jeers turned to speechless silence when the pitch soared to llalf. 'lOW twenty-fourth Tennis of the nine contests lasted three as coach 0/ the WMC practically the exact spot in the center-field bleachers that Ruth had 'I'he Terrors started hitting too Teem; sets. indicated. A grinning Babe cruised triumphantly around the bases. late as the ninth inning rally fell Lee; Browhan Undefeated All wonderful moments in sports are not as dramatic as this, but short and enabled Wash- Tho winning-est team in western The Hurtmen are being led by do have an element all their 'Own. Johnny Nabors once lost nineteen ington College to take an 8-5 win Maryland College's history is at it captain Bruce Lee and freshman consecutive games while pitching for the Philadelphia Athletics. Bill on Tuesday, April 21. Pusey, a gain, The Green Terror tennis Phil Browhan, both of whom pos- Gray walked eight men in one inning. In track, A. Forrester ran the Stewart, and Brown puced the de- team, under the able direction of sess identical nine win and zero 100 yard dash in 14 seconds. This may not sound too impressive until Iayed Western Maryland attack Professor Frank B. Hurt, has com- loss records. Thus, at the half- you consider that he was running backwards at the time. John Finn also with two singles each. Outstand- piled a six win, two loss, and one way mark of the season the Ter., ran the 100 in 14 seconds, only he was running with both feet in a sack. ing was the excellent relief stint tie record, following their convlnc- rors still possess two undefeated WMC basketball fans can take heart in this little item-Kansas City turned in by burly Wal~ Mahan. ing 9-0 victory over Washington members. Jim Worden hal;: dropped edged the Ralnvlew A.C. by a 234 1:'0 2 score. Fairbury High shut out Behind the two hlt pitching of College last Tuesday. only one match, while number- one their opposition for five straight games. Not bad for baseball or foot- Dick Hawkins and NI)ITIl Kissner, Opposition Trounced player Bob Anderson has been de- ball, but astonishing for a basketball team. Gettysburg downed the Terrors 5-2 The Terror tennis men defeated feated only twice. Satur- en tbeir own diamond last Sports has its strange and humorous periods, too. George Cutshaw, day. Dave Sullivan's crisp three- Washington College in nne style on This Saturday, April 25, the former Brooklyn Dodger, once hit a hard ground ball to the outfield. bagger to right-center in the first April 21. Led by Bob Anderson, team has its most important match It rolled to the fence, struck the embankment-and rolled up and over for inning drove in one uf the two holder of the number one rosition to date. They tr-avel to Johns a homerun. This is the only ground ball that has ever been hit out of \VitiC tallies. The vieifing- Gettys- on the squad, the school's repre- Hopkins to take on the Northern a major league park. Casey Stengal tipped his hat and out flew a sentatives did not drop a match to Division leaders, whom the Terrors pigeon. CuccineUo refused to slide into third base because he was afraid burgers the had considerable difficulty their opposition. Anderson de- trail by only two points in overall of lefty Bob hitting fireballs he would break his cigars. Art Shires turned to the jeerers in the stands Schmidt, although they picked up feu ted his opponent 6·3, 6-3, to division standings. and shouted "GI()()()_!That's all right. Go ahead. I get excited, too, when bring his season's record to seven I see a great baIl-player!" three runs off him in the third. wins against only two defeats. KEN McCAULEY III a tense, nail-biting pitching Sports-c-it's a wonderful world. duel the Baltimore U. nine Notable victories were also regis- cdged out the Pughmen 15-14 in tered hy Bill Sitter, playing num- Representing match, ber three this and Larry Western Maryland College Golf Team ten innings on April li5. The con- Langfeldt, who held down the num- LAUNDROMAT different pitchers. saw test five ber six slot. . Boasts Winning Mason-Dixon Record three Bees and two Terrors, parade On the preceding day, Monday, 5 LOCUST STREET to the mound in an effort to halt the consistent fiow of runners April 20, the Terrors swamped DAILY -7:30·5:00 Out campus' least known team among the top four spots during around the bases. Altogether Loyola 8 to 1 on the WMC courts. features one of the school's best each match. Holter and Clark Western Maryland blasted 15 hits, The Hurtmen dropped only the Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon athletic records. The Western have been the medalists during the fcaturtng a 5-for-6 performance by number three singles match, as TI1den 8-8677 Maryland Golf Team is currently season's golf encounters thus far, Jack Baile. Langfeldt was filling in for Jon undefeated in Mason-Dixon Con- so actually a number one player is The Terrors bowed to Hampden, Meyers. Team captain Bruce Lee, Free Delivery Service To College ference play with a two win and impossible to choose. Sydney 5-2 on Friday, April 10. playing in the fourth position, no loss record, while they boast a Another strong point of the team This game featured Pcd Zimmer- three and one overall record. is the youth present. With only man's best pitching effort to date, The Terrors opened their season senior Andy Urguhart due to leave but lefty Billy Pierce emerged the Unusual Corsages with a victory over Loyola, but the squad, the future looks bright victor. Rasinsky's Pharmacy were defeated 15% to 21f., by F&M for this Terror squad. Their next WMC plays tomorrow April 25, for May Dance in their second match. They home match will be Monday, May at home. Their opponents will be bounced back with victories over 4, against Albright, after which Rutgers of South Jersey. On Wod., from "Reliable Prescriptions" Lycoming, 13 to 5, and Washing- they travel to Johns Hopkins on nesday, April 29, Johns Hopkins ton College, 6% to 2%. May 6 and the Masou-D'ixon tour- visits the campus for a baseball Stewart Dutterer Drugs and Leading the squad is the team ney at Hopkins on May 12. contest. Florist Everyday Needs captain Dave Clark with an unde- three and tied one in four matches. Coach Clower's Thinclads Campus Representatives 30 W. Main St. feated Clark has r-ecord. won John Holter has a two win and one Ted Kinter and Bob Bordon Westminster, Md. TIlden 8-7100 loss record, as does Don Shure. Still Seeking Initial Win Andy Urguhart, a seasoned team member, freshman Jim Arnet, Winless in its opening three edged out by visiting Johns Hop- Steve Margolis, George Becker, meets, coach Dick Clower's thm- kins 71% to 50% rm Saturdl'!.Y, Heagy's Sport Shop and Lew Johnston comprise the clad aggregation is off to a some- April 18. Bob Cuthrell set a new When you want other members of the squad. The wl18t dubious start. After losing school pole vault 'ltutldard as he 16 W. Main team is strong throughout the first to Mount St. Mary's 611·54 in the A special treat. upped his earlier mal·];: of 12 feet four positions with Urguhart, Ar_ season's opener, the Terrors drop_ to a 12 foot 6 inch recol"d. Senior TIlden 8-5515 Come to Benny's net, Clark, and Holter switching ped meets with Loyola of Balti_ Jim Lewis also entered the spot- A Complete Sports Line The place to eat. morc and rival Johns Hopkins. light as he set a \vAlC bigh jump Rifle Team However, there arc some bright record of 5'10%" in ~apturing the in the event. Vaughn TOM MILLER Presents Awards glimmers in the cloak of darkness, top spot in an excellent 02.7 timing CAMPUS AGENT perform- turned outstanding namely the Cuthrell. ances Bob of transfer The Western Maryland College Also deserving special notice are in winning the 440 and Lloyd Mus- for the selman took first in the 880 with a Rifl~ Team has honored many of ;;peedsters Bob Vaug'hn, Art Alp('or- 2.06.2 jaunt. its members with awards. At the stein, and Fred Dilkes, and high Modern G. I. Laundry 'kI~,Md. annual team banquet letters were jumper Jim Lewis. Undoubtedly, presented to the foilowiug: Larry the team has been greatly weak- and Cleaners Cain, Steve Hatton, Bill Kerbin, ened by the absence of sprinter Ralph's TIlden 8-7830 Bob Leavey, Dave Mathews, Ken Ge(\rge Becker, who was spiked se- Crown Service 223 E. Green St. :McCauley, Charles Mitchell, Ken verpJy in the Mount's clash. TIlden 8-6670 Our New Addition Nickoles, Bob Otto, Ron Poore, Ric A fast closing fini~h was not Penna. & Hersh Aves. All Lanndry and Dry The Colonial Reichard, Jan·Siehler, non Sindy, enough to overcome an early Blue Westminster,Md. Dining Room and Charles Pugh. Freshmen Jay lead, as the THrors were Phone TI 8-8352 Cleaning Work Guaranteed nmnerals were won by Alperstein, Helman, and Willis. At the Awards Assembly held in Alumni Hall the followillg presen_ Hamilton House LECKRON What's New in the Bookstore?? tations were made: Trophy for High Team Average to Ken Nicko- GULF SERVICE • "Chapel Leaves" _ from the walls of Baker les with an average of 278.2; High Gifts for Chapel - preserved in copper. Freshmen Average Trophy to Steve W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. Distinctive, handcrafted pins, Hatton, whose average was 268.7; All Occasions earrings and cufflinks for Handicap Trophy w Charles ·Westminster, Md. keepsakes or gift-giving. Mitchell. Awards for high team Norcross Cards TI8-9781 • A $1.00 Cigarette box for 10 cents!_ Only one of the score during the months vf Novem- many "Treasures" we have ber through March were won by 92 East Main St. placed on sale prior to Moving Day. Ken Nickoles, while similar awards Now giving • Bibs for his/her Nibs! _ 75c Terrycloth with for high freshmen average wero Opposite Post Office S&H Green Stamps Western Maryland imprint! won by Jan Siehler. 8:30 am to 4 pm THE BOOKSTORE It Pay. To Look Well You've tried the rest Now try the best. Westminster Baugher's Restaurant The Delicious Laundry JUST OFF THE CAMPUS and Avenue Barber Shop Foods Dry Cleaning FOR A MEAL OR SNACK AT LAUNDRY ROOM Where The Students Go LOCATED IN OLD MAIN Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes Griffin's . We Give 85 Penmylvania Avenue S&H Green Stamps OPEN EVERY DAY
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