Page 53 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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The Gold Bug, May 15. 1959 DATELINE: GRILLE "On The Beach By The Sea?" The Inside Story Of Our College 59's SCA Holds and The sun roof of McDaniel Grille Is Finally Revealed Final Service the back lawn of Blanche Ward interruptions for a mass compari- son to see how each girl is prog- "These last weeks of echecl have are the centers of activity now that ressing in the race for the tan. spring has brought the warm rays Here begins a brief description trnr now has Summer School Cat- found the Student Christian Asso- of the sun. A sun tan seems to be Is There a Limit! of the various happening-s in our alogues) you will have to wait 'til ciation with many activities," said a necessity that every girl is eager- There is a certain Blanche college grille, to refresh the minds September to get to use the build- Al Spicer, retiring SCA president. ly trying to acqu'ire-c-perhaps to warder who appears to have a of thc students who board there, as ing. Having seen the new grilw, On ~unday evening, May 17, be different (1) or merely to com- darker tan than any of her friend~. well as those who con;n and go. 1 can say that it will be the great- there WIllbe no chapel service. In- pliment a spring wardrobe. When she approached the lawn one Perhaps none of this will thrill or est of improvements. Not only stead, there will be a Communion Let's see what one of these typi- day last week, she was sarcastical- chill but the headline is an atten- will the gnlw be larger and more Service at the amphitheater at cal sun bathers does on a reason- ly warned that the beach was seg- tion-getter and it rhymes with spacious, but from the windows 6 :00 pm with Dr. Charles Crain ably warm, sunny day. She de- regated. The envious girls are grille, which is the main subject of there is a view. That alone will and Dr. Reuben Holthaus serving. cides that she must spend at least working hard to surpass this girl's the following. be a great improvement over the The speaker for the evening will be three or four hours on one of the title of being the "tannest," and There always seems to be an present one. For those who get retiri!lg .SCA president, Al Spicer, "western Maryland beaches," so are using various methods in their overflow of people from the dining mail (lucky people), the post office who lllvltes aU students to attend. out goes half the contents of her attempts. Many girls equip them- hall that wander into the grille, es- boxes cover one end uf the grille, room, including a blanket, pillow, selves with a coke bottle filled with peciallyon Friday. A coed doesn't allowing a searcher-for-mail to get portable radio, writing paper, box salt water, which, supposedly, has- dare to leave her seat without plac- to his box whenever he wants to do of crackers, deck of cards, sun tan tens a tan. Occasionally, a helpful iug her chair in the hands of a so. See, there are better things in lotion, knitting, and half a dozen good friend, because the very sec- the future. books. Unfortunately, the text- ~:~e~s~pr~~~e~al~:;~;hont::e :~~ ond a person is out of the chair, Now that I am being crowded books get last consideration, and spray is tortuous, they are willing three people have their hands OIl into the margin, I shall call it when finally opened, it is time to to withstand any discomfort if it it. On a past Friday, not very "quits," on this first attempt to in- apply more sun tan lotion, have a promotes a tan. long ago, people weren't the only form you of the g1'i!l,j'S activities. cuke, or join in a hand of bridge. thing that filled the gtille. Some- There are so many interesting and She sprawls out 011 the blanket, Some Won't Tan one's itchy little fingers had. turned funny things that happen there carefully observing her watch to In many instances, getting a tan up the volume of the juke box (or that I cannot write about; mainly make sure that exactly one hour is is not possible, in spite of the nu- to the elite, - an automatic coin because the censors won't let me. used for a tan on her face and legs, merous techniques a girl wfll try to One final thing that might be of while the following hour is devoted obtain one. These "non-tanners," ~~a~v~~e~n~~~t;~~{:th;ra~n;O:~l~ interest is the surprising number to her back. There are frequent realizing that their skin will not roll music didn't help matters any. -::ofpeople who hate to see Coke bot- tolerate the powerful sun, still in- Since there are speakers at each tles stacked one-on-top of the other. sist upon being a part of the beach end of the grille-"Stereo, here we The editor appreciates all ere- Ex-Congressman crowd. Thcy burn, peel, and blls- come!" Even the ladies behind the ntlve work that is mailed to the ter, and two dRYSlater regret thAt liar, excuse me, "counter" were GOLD BUG and should like to en- they ever sat in the sun. Instead complaining. To quote cue passer- courage more readers to contribute. Named Speaker of improving their appearance, by, "Man, that is-s-s-a piercing." By sending in the type of article they walk around campus looking One thing that doesn't help the that interests you, the copy can be The eighty-ninth commencement like steamed lobsters. They com- appearance of our !w'.lle is the more varied and more pleasing to exercises of 'Western Maryland plain because they can not move, markings on the tables. By stroll- the reading public. Al Spicer, Retiring Pre8ident College will be held in Alumni Hall due to tender skin which has been ing through the grille and casually Past activities of SCA include on June I, 19511,at 10:00 am. The adversely affected by the sun. anything. New Admin Receives glancing at the table tops, the spec- the Installation Service held on principal speaker will be Mr. Scott Getting a tan has resulted in a tator can find almost Sunday, May 10, at 6:00 pm in W. Lucas, ex-U.S. Senator from highly competitive contest where On a recent tour were found: Favorable Comments Baker Chapel. Those serving in Illinois. every gi.r1 is struggling to be a scores from several cat-d games, SCA for the school year 1959-60 few tones darker. Wouldn't it be Mr. Lucas received his B.L. de- one calculus problem (wron;:;), As many already know, especial- will be John Long, president; gree from Illinois Wesleyan Uni- much easier if everyone could keep several pictures of girls (not bad ly those who have lear-ned through Esther Upperco, vice-president; versity in 1914 and was admitted her soft, creamy skin which she has either-the girls, that. is), various exper-ience, Elderdice Hall has been Lorena Stone, secretary; and accepted all winter long? modern art pictures, directions on opened and is now in use. The Wayne Conrad, treasurer. Retir- to the bar in 1915. the As the repre- Illinois 20th sentative from how to get to the house of "what. building, heretofore, housed the ing president, Al Spicer, said at the District, he was a member of the E:ver_her_name-is," and just plain seminary students, but upon their service, "Many thanks to everyone Dr. Isanogle to Make messy marks. If this practice is moving to American University, it who has contributed to the SCA 74th and 75th Congresses from stopped now, when the new grille has been converted into a combina- this year; especially do I'wish to 1935-39. Arctic Expedition is opened in the new Student, Un- rion of administrative offices, and express my appreciation to the re- He was elected to the U.S. Sen- ion Building, the new tables can be other general offices from ROTC to tiring officers, Ann Kinney, Tom ate on November 8, 1938, for a In early August, Dr. Isabel T. kept clean and new. (That is, if the deans. term ending January 3, 1945, and Isanogle, wiJ1 embark on an ex- we get new tables, and I am sure The change was uffici;..Uyin ef- Kaylor, and Jim Gibson." was re-elected in November, 1944. pedition into the Arctic. As a A planning program was held on we will.) fect when the student body re- the first floor of Baker Memorial In January, 1!l47, Mr. Lucas was member of the Ecological Society ''''hile speaking of the Student turned from spring \'acation, but Chapel on Wednesday, May 13, at elected minority whip of the Sen- of America, Dr. lsanogle and other Ullion Bulding, it has come to these sev{:ral students have bllen known 6:45 pm to discuss and to prepare ate. Two years later, in January, biologists have chosen to take this tender little ears, and from. a very to wait for hours-yes hours!-for for the coming school year in SCA. 1949, he was clected the majority trip. The expedition' will leave good source that the building will De~n David or Dean Howery either Newly-elected president, John Long leader of the Senate. from Churchill, Canada, and will not open for-Use uilfii June. This in Albert Norman- Ward Hall or expressed his anticipation of the Serving as chairman of the Mid- be conducted into parts of the means that unless you att.end sum- in Old Main. 1959-60 school year and bigger and western RegIOnal Headquarters of Arctic Circle where there are no mer school (by-the-wa:/, the Regis- This new arrangemcut seems to better plans fol' the SCA. the Democratic National Commit- permanent settlements. It will be International the be much more convenient for all tee in 1940, he was suggested for held prior Congress, which is being to Botanical nomination in the Vice-Presidential SGA Sponsors those involved in the change inC'.lud- SCA Selects 1944. held in MOlltreal this year. Dr. ing the students. first ileor The plans to return Isanogle Mr. Lucas also served as one of to West- now contains the offices of the Reg- "Outdoor Dance" it;trar, Treasurer, Admissions King And rye the three members the United States minster in mid-September. of the delega- tion representing Counselor and the PI'esi
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