Page 44 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 44
The Gold Bug, Apr. 10, 1959 The Editor Speaks Audience Acclaims Shakespeare Play To The Class Of '59 ..• Last Saturday [rom Catholic Players evening, Uni- lneorporated, May College Ties IJcrsity, brought to the We8tern William campU8 Maryland Shake- Night. Feeling Ne'er Be Broken SjJeare's Twelfth to be of pwrtieular the prescntati.on a mem- »oee, the GOLDBUGinvited body to present: To the Senior Class: Time will pass quickly - May ber of the stl«ient Following is the a candid view ... During the next few remaining_ Day, Lantern Chain, Rose Cup, the )cview by Miss Judith Ellis. weeks you will, as seniors, take Senior Reception and banquets Saturday night the students and part in the traditional whirlwind will soon be only traditional cere- faculty were lightly entertained' by of activities which end with grad- mentes of the past. Graduation a splendid portrayal of Shake- uation. You have reached _ the ~~~kfo:lly~rs~~o~.lmi~ation of speare's Twelfth Night. point in college where you reltn, I had two reasons for originally quish your leaderah'ip duties and Yours is a class of which to be going, curiosity and this remark settle back to witness, for the last proud. You have succeeded not time, spring on the "Hill." Many only academically, but as campus ~~~'?;ot~~~yS~=~~:~e;:: ;:;:f;~~; have been anxiously counting the leaders' and citizens. You have will be your own funeral." I days until June 1, 1959, but for the acted as an ideal to those who have therefore had no legal excuse and majority of you, there begins to followed you. May the college ties so I spent two hours in Alumni appear that look of sadness which which you have formed n'er be HaiL '.ACI!'WAIU)~, eut: comes from the thougljt of depart- broken. I don't feel that a minute of the "WEL1., , TUINK Yalli WfARIN" If ing from the place which, for four Sincerely, time was wasted. The acting was L.i.AVE 11" 111AT WAY-If set, OF svMit)l..rziS years, has been your home. Stop A. Donna King extremely well done. Every merrr; YM 'N1IRi "-HOi-AST" CAREER.H to enjoy these last weeks in which bel' of the cast captured the essence you will be together as a class. How Big Are We? of Shakespeare's original charec, It seems impossible that on Men, ters. The actors' mutual under- adVICE ... This ~s the big are we? How day, April 13, you will wear your question that should be conSIdered Handing of the play's context was by Myrtle Mirzendorf gowns and mortarboards for the by most students. It is a question sus.tai ned throughout tho:" entire Hi! I'm back! Heh ! Heh! YOU'd better watch your actions now first. time and, as in past years, you performance. Their genuine en- because is you don't, they'll be right HERE. And if you'd like to see students, with will walk into the Investiture Serv- that deals faculty, other with the thusiasm, obvious sincerity and some of your comrades' hidden secrets here too, just write to me clo with' the and ice singing the glorious strains of world outside Western Maryland. spirit of cooperation rendered the Myrtle, Box 123 (which is one of the Editors'). "A Mighty Fortress is Our God." audience a more valid interp reta- One pert little senior won't change her last initial at all when she This list could ~sily be continued As your class president steps for- but these three probably rank tion of Shakespeare's delightful walks down the aisle. Speaking of changes, her life will be changed rather ward to be formally capped and among the most apparent in our comedy. quickly-marriage in late August. (All the girls have been pinned for gowned by Dr. Lowell Ensor, I You couldn't help but enjoy some 10 years chew on their lesson plans.) dare say that then- you ·will realize present situation. of the characters. For instance, Fourth floor B\V wants another "towel show," I hear. How big are we beyond Western even more fully that college days Maryland? There is the need to the portrayal of Malvclic would arc drawing to a close. go past these "ivy covered walls" have given Laurence Olivier stiff DeaTMyrtle, and see the other side. A large competition. And no one will for- I used to be fai1'ly well acquainted 'with this fine piece of journalis-m number of students upon entering get Sir Andrew Ag'uecheek, along and knMIJ how well you could solve problems, 80 I come to YOlt now. I eX-Btudents. two just 'oI.ith LETTER college shut the door behind them the with the clown who never allowed am correepondinp rather frequently of the fine Ckuss of '60. This OM "h.otter a dull moment. from remove themselves and graduated and one was a member Tile brilliant costumes were else up soon- bU$i1wss. Hal/8 coming To The world for four years. They then an added attraction. The scenery than a stone" characte1'. might mean actually ask me to get him a date. remove the cover only when it is I invite should him; if not, he might EDITOR time to seek a life after college. was plain but cleverly put to use. (How revoltrll.g!) My new eycs just can't see. my way through- thi8. very was Everything vivid and How big are we in our relation- ships with the faculty and admin- without knowing anything about Dear Meow, MEOW stratton? This is a problem that the play one could easily compt-e, To the Editor of the GOIJ) BUG: has been much labored by SGA and hend its eVubli.bed November. Feb- • play, J.B., O~toher. ment through your Student Activity Fund. The Shakespearean play cient book of Job. J.B. is not a rn- a fine, young and risng actor, Pat April: and monthl,. du ... Mr. Hingle has also ap_ Hingle. 'J'welfth Night would have been greeted with a stronger response if ccn~truction of the Book of Job peared in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, people had only taken the opportunit.y to gain a little culture--yes, 'lhe play is put in motion by two and William Inge's The Dark at ; doesn't everyone have room for improvement? broke,n-down actors who, believe the Top of the Stairs. Recently Member themselves that the play is the Mr. Hingle was injured in a most Associated Collegiate Press Senior Investiture on Monday, .4pn! 1$, Bill Achenboch will B,.f)/r of Job and that one ef them misfortunate accident and has the Class of 1959 in asymbolic ceremony in Baker Me- is acting God and the other Satan. !iness address, bears little rela- claimed as one of the great· and Business Editor Don't waste your'afternoon brooding over >l._pileof books and trying ti(·!:. perhaps, to that ancient owner new Shakespearean actors of this EDITORIAL STAFF to make musical sense out of a static WTTR or WCAO radio station. of camels and oxen and sheep. He day. During the last threc sum- Mana"ing Editors Editor . ._ ..__ ._._._ Donn .. Kinll Ne",. M..ry Cay MoCormlok Cbarl"" Beat feet over to Alumni Hall to join in a moving jazz session by the is not particularly a devout man mers he has been a leading actor Future Editor _._.._ ._._ .. Bubara Horst PUlI'b Pier Five Jazz Group. ~t's e:en ~tter ~han ~tereo _ it's for r.-al! But he is, at the beginning of the of the Shakespeare Festiv:u Com- A."i.tant Feature Editor_Jane Ern.her"er ._ \Jir:y, prusperous, powerful, pos- pany at Stratford, Ontario, play_ NeWll Feature News Editor Editors Sue Warren Aaoistant Feature Congratulations to all newly elected class officers, and to all th.olle ses."ed of n lovely wife, fine chil- ing in Henry V, and in Twelfth Maur""n Filhey King lovely young ladies wh.o have been elected to the 1959 May CouTi. ,in,n; everything the heart of man ,Viul>t. This was seen in Alumni Sport. Editor _._. __ .__ ._ Jobn Judy Wea"ly This year has been an active and P'T'oBpero1J.son~ for all four classes and can desirE. He is aw~re, as he Hall on Friday, April ,~; it was COllYEditors _ _ _. . Joa.n Wood Sarab ne~t yea,. should be the same. Sup]>.Qrt at the [eMt mu.8t come b'om, the could hardly help being, that God then presented by the Catholic Uni- Assistant Copy Editors Carolyn Bowen Kajdi student body if they e~peet their olfieers to lead them. hM made for him a life of happi_ versity Players. Barbara Wa.lker n!;~~ and protection for both him Raymond Massey Stars Typing Editor •..... _. Barbara Wolo~in self and his family. He is one of Mr. Zuss, God, the other broken_ Joanne Lamb Special offer. .. Second-hand Japa.!lese-English dictionaries will those vastly successful businessmen down actor, is played by the dis- BUSINESS STAFF go on sale in the bookstore early Saturday morning at reasonable rates. who, having everything, believes as tinguished star of the theatre, Mr. Advertioing __ Manager .~ .__ . WllliKm Kerbln Cinl,dation .__ .John Long In order to converse with your date and the chaperones at the prom later a matter of course that h,' has ti'~ Raymond Massey. He has been Exchange __.__.._. Sand"" E... twood that evening, you may find one handy. "Sayonara." rIght to everything. acting, directing. producing, mak- Advisor ._ Dr. Ricbard B. Hov"y
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