Page 54 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 54
" The Gold Bug. May 15. 1959 SIDElIGHTS •••••• Harmon Named Terror Soccer Coach By John Weagly son, Maryland, has been appointed tel' forward '5G-'57). He led the of calisthenics." Halfback Ted Kin- S. Dennis Harmon, Jr., of Garri- position (season and ter summed up the thoughts '54-'55 of the coach of the college soccer team, WMC team to the Mason-Dixon players when he said, "Denny is President Lowell S. Ensor an- Conference championships during the best possible replacement for nounced on Ti[ay 2, 1959. the '55-'56 campaig-n. Since grad- Coach Uhrig." To close this column for the year, I would like to write a few words Mr. Harmon, a 1957 graduate uation, Mr. Harmon has been in of congratulation to several of our varsity athletes. First, tennis player and a soccer star while in college, the army and was working for an With a new coach and prospects Phil Brohawn deserves to be singled out for his outstanding performance will take over direction of the insurance firm. He received a re- of a superior team, the fall athletic season bright. appears Denny on the tennis courts this season. Phil won sixteen consecutive matches to WMC team from Philip E. Uhrig, serve commission at graduation. Harmon will be an excellent person compile an undefeated record. Next, Bob Cuthrell of the WMC track his former coach. He wilt be a The naming of the new coach team furnished Terror fans with exhibitions of beauty and ability seldom graduate assistant in the athletic was received enthusiastically by to guide the squad through the sea- seen on this campus in the pole vault. Finally, Jim Lewis is to be singled department, coaching soccer and members of the varsity soccer out for his record-breaking performances in the high jump. These per- golf and helping in the intra-mural squad. John Karrer, co-captain of formers helped make cheering come a bit easier at the Western Maryland program under Ronald Jones. Mr. the team for the coming or "Den- Indianapolis 500 season, sporting events. As a final note, Delta Pi Alpha fraternity is to be con- Harmon is planning graduate work stated that Mr. Harmon, gratulated on recapturing the Intramural Cup from Alpha Gamma Tau. in the education department. ny" as he is more popularly known, Drop in again next year when "Sidelights" becomes "Sports View." Mrs. Samuel D. Harmon of Garri- will make a fundamentals coach. of "He unique May Amer-ican sporting events 30th one of the most On The new coach, son of Mr. and good knows the the Spring Football Practice son, was a business administration He game and will be able to handle the will take place-the Indianapolis This race. automobile 500 mile majui- at Western Goalie Lloyd Mussel- boys well." Maryland. race is unique in that the cars are man is looking forward to serving played soccer, basketball, and base- Ends With Full Scrimmage ball. The new coach is a member him since he showed fine leadership especially built racing the at $30,000. 2% for mile track at costs starting as team captaiu. of Gamma Beta Chi social frater- Jim Gibson, re- His last three years at col- membering In European nity. the empha- dur- his performances and turning, In a concerted effort to place be- considered a successful venture. lege he was captain of the soccer ing his playing days, believes the sis is on braking, Indianapolis cars gear-shifting. fore the students of Western Two outstanding new prospects team and was twice named to the school made an excellent choice, but are built for one thing only-speed. added, "1 hope he's not gung-ho on Soccer Squad at cen- All-American Maryland College the caliber of were discovered and trained for Last year the World's champion football squad they deserve, Coach possible future service to the team. sports car driver, Juan Manuel Robert Waldorf has recently con- They are quarterback Tony Wiles Tennis Squat! Finishes Fangio of Argentina, frequented cluded his second spring footbail and halfback Bob Shanks. Also, the Brickyard and attempted to practice. The purpose of these Jack Fringer, Bill Rinehart, Bob qualify for the race. The Ameri- practices is to acquaint new pros- Warfield, Tim Hudgins, John Mc- Another Winning Season can speedsters made him bow hum- pects with the Waldorf methods Kenna, and Bill Deaner showed bly as they coasted by him. Inci- and theories on football and to cov- significant improvement at the end dentally, an American, Iron Mike er much of the preliminary ground- of the training sessions. On Thursday, May 7, the West- over the Mounts, avenging an earli- Magill, later qualified the same cal' work normally delayed until the It is hoped that these spring ern Maryland College tennis team er personal defeat to the same op- Fangio could not get to move. regular fall practice sessions. It practice periods will provide part ended a successful season by de- ponent. Larry Langfeldt combined Last year's winner averaged 133 is hoped that through these spring of the answer to the WMC football feating Mt. St. Mary's 9 to 0 on with Bruce Lee to win the number m.p.h. despite much time lost in a training sessions an improved problem. A team with spirit and the home courts. This final con- two doubles match, replacing Jon style of play and greater team or- determination, guided by the coach- test brought their season's record Myers. twenty-seven car first lap fatal In hit ganization can be created. ing of Mr. Waldorf, should be the to a very commendable ten win, five On Wednesday, May 6, the crack-up. of slightly order less to than top speeds 200 The twenty day practice con- consequence of this practice period loss, and one tie mark. WMC squad lost all chance of win- m.p.h., the engines must be in per- sisted mainly of instruction in fun- and should forecast a promising Number one player Bob Ander- ning the Northern Division of the fect condition. All are four cylin- damentals and basic play patterns. season to come. son led the 'I'errors to their victory Mason-Dixon Conference when der German-made engines built by At the end of the session a final they were defeated by Johns Hop- Offenhauser except for the jinxed game-style scrimmage was held. Baseball Season Closes kins 7 tq 2 on the Terrors' home Nevi Special, which is the only The White Team consisted of the court. Only Phil Brohawn was V-8. The Novi driven by Paul following: LE Tim Hudgins; LT able to win at singles, while the Russo is by far the fastest of the RE Ken Gill; With Optimistic Outlook Joe Bender; LG Fred Burgee; C number one doubles combination of thirty-three, but mechanically it Jack Fringer; RG Carroll Giese; Anderson and Myers accounted for can't withstand the rugged beating RT Bill Rinehart; the other win. This victory gave of the race. LHB Dick Carter; FB Don Hob- Hopkins the Northern Division art; QB Tony Wiles; and RHB Western Maryland College's Terrors posted a 3-2-1 won-loss to- title. The Tenors had previously Good bets for this year are Jim Bob Shanks. The White team baseball team closed its 1959 season tal during the Easter vacation, the been defeated by the Blue Jays by Rathman, "fastest man on wheels," with a 100 mile ave-rage of 170 slaughtered the Red team during Saturday, May 9, by defeating Learn managed only a 3-9 record in an identical 7-2 score. the scrimmage. Johns Hopkins, 12 to 11. This Mason-Dixon play and fifth place Junior Bob Anderson led this m.p.h., and Tony Bettenhausen, The spring training session was brought their season's record to a in the seven club Northern Divi- year's squad, as he maintained a 1958 National Champion and twelve year Indy veteran. sion. four win and eleven disappointing Clower Thinclads loss mark. Safeties Insure Win facing Pugh was his pitchers' cost- ten win and six loss record in the problem the main Consistently, difficult number one position. Jim Worden captain Lee and Bruce lack Drop Final Meet run After fourth blasting out a big eight ly time the Terrors control. Time after also had fine records. Special For a treat., of got into jams re- mention should be given to fresh- During exam time, inning, the visiting from sulting Green Terrors managed to hold on lead-off batter. walking an inning's man Phil Brohawn, who was unde- Come to Benny's. If next year's ag- Coach Dick Clower's track team for a 12-11 'win over the Blue Juvs feated during the entire season. It's the place to dine. closed their season on Saturday, in the season's final last Saturday. gregation is to do better, the WMC His record was sixteen wins and moundsmen must improve consid- May 9, by losing to Catholic Uni- Don Dewey ond Dave Sullivan erably on their control. no defeats. Professor Frank H. skill in coaching displayed Hurt versity 48 to 73. This gave the each collected three safeties W pace guiding this young team to a win- BtmHIf'1£ team a season's record of one win the 12-hit Western Maryland at- Pugh men Merit Fame and four defeats, their only victory tack. Clark Kirkman and Bob Several individuals stood out ning season and a second place fin- ish in the Northern Division of the being over Washington College. Schmid shared the mound chore as during the course of the season, Mason-Dixon. The tennis team Kiichen On Saturday, May 9, the squad the Pugh nine closed out its season particularly at the plate. Al Stew- once again maintained its winning traveled to Catholic University on a promising note. art blasted away at a healthy .400 way. 'kJ~,Md. only to meet defeat. Highlights On May 7 the Terrors bowed to M-D clip to lead the club in bat- for the Terrors were Bob Cuthrell's Mt. St. Mary's 20 to 12 on thc ting. Dave Sullivan finished at a 12'6" pole vault victory and Jim WMC home field. Earlier in the .30Gpace, was first in RBI with an Compliments of TIlden 8-7830 Lewis' winning of the high jump week Western Maryland was de- overall total of 22, and swatted six even though he was handicapped feated by' Catholic U. 8 to 3 at triples. Skippy Brown swiped a J. R. EVERHART Our New Addition by a sprained ankle. Unfortunate- Catholic University. total of 15 bases from the opposi- The Colonial ly for the Terrors, this was the last tion and scored 24 runs to lead in COLLEGE BARBER Dining Room meet for the C.U. seniors, so many Alumni Defeats Terrors those departments. At the Forks track records were broken during May Day, Saturday, May 2, rea- their farewell performance. tured the Varsity-Alumni encount- The Clower thinclads won their er. The WMC varsity managed to only meet of the season on Tues- edge out the Jim Beyer-coached LECKRON TOM MILLER day, May 5, when they defeated Alumni ten to nine. Al Stewart's CAMPUS AGENT Hamilton House Washington College 67lh to 53% three hits and two each by Pusey GULF SERVICE for the on the WMC track. Highlight of and Cole led the Pughmen's of- Gifts for the meet was the 12'10" pole vault fense. The Alumni's lineup fea- W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. Modern G. I. Laundry by Cuthrell. Since this was done tured such familiar faces as Buzz All Occasions on his fourth jump, the record is Lambert, Al Miller, Denny Har- westminster, Md. and Cleaners unofficial. Also victors in the meet mon, John Kaufman, Charley Norcross Cards were Lloyd Musselman in the 880, White, End Ron Jones. TI8·9781 223 E. Green St. Bob Vaughn in the 440, and Jim Four wins and eleven losses- TIlden 8-6670 Lewis in the high jump. Special this was the somewhat disappoint- Now giving 92 East Main St. mention is due Skip Brown who ing final overall record of Coach S&H Green Stamps All Laundry and Dry Opposite Post Office scored eight points for the victors, Pugh's team. After a promising Cleaning Work Guaranteed winning the 220 and finishing sec- trip through the South in which the ond in the 100 yard dash. On Saturday, May 16, the Mas- - on-Ifixon championships will be (]Q/I/I,o/J
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