Page 47 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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~~Yi11if::~SjJfinj(lrge.."L f7 J 13 School Awaits Ine bDIrI ,,~~~~~~t I.'JI 1959 May Day it; 11. of planrring In final stages activities schedule of varied Lusy mosphere of good will as the soph- for the annual May Day celebra- omore class initiates its Japanese WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND tion on Saturday, May 2, 1959, with its theme as "A Tribute to Spring." ~:~~kt~~'pr~j':t~~~~\:::\v~~d:~~ Vol.36, No. 12 April 24, 1959' Highlighting the day's events intended purpose of r-aising- money will be the traditional crowning of to help students ill Japanese Queen Leanne Manning by Presi- schools. The project pr-oved VCl'Y dent Lowell S. Ensor. She will be successful and the class was able attended by a court of twelve. to send over one hundred dollars to r Representing the senior class the students. will be Miss Nancy JOIICS,duchess, Profits Support School and Miss Shirley Ream and Miss This year the project is to be re- Ruth Ann Wilson, attendants. pcated with the profits gain!?; to Miss Beverley Cox will be in at- Chinzei Gakuin, a mission-support- tendunce as junior duchess with ed junior and senior high school in :i\n~s Phyllis Cassetta and Miss Sue Cossabone as the attendants. Isahayn, Japan. The money is to be used for one of several purposes The sophomore class will be rep- -to cover the cost 0,"' a combina- resented by Miss Nancy Smith, tion gymnasium and auditorinm duchess, and the two attendants, recently erected, to provide the Miss Rhea Ireland and Miss Jean twenty-five dollars necessary to Jeffrey. As freshman duchess keep one student in school for a will be Miss Melania Stange, and year, or to buy new equipment es- her attendants will be Miss Helen sential in the employment of new Buehm and Miss Mildred Dickey. educational techniques. Hcralding the entrance of the The weekend activities get un- beauty court at 2 pm will be rresh- derway with a softball gaJ:~lLe- men Diana Calvert and Jane Wil , sophomore boys vs sophomore girls liams. A group of 12 freshmen -c-on Friday afternoon. It is rum- women will honor thc court with ored that the girls have the better the customary May Pclc Dance UlJ- teum so if you do not mind seeing der the direction of Ing rid Ewer tz. the fairer sex win, come out and The flower girl will be Donna join the fun. Pugh and the crown bearer, David Nuss. Box Supper Held On Friday evening a box supper Previous to the crowning cere- will be held at a parade is to be held in Harvey Stone Park. mouy the floats transport- 1 pm, including The girls are packing the lunches ing the May Courts of each class and are wrapping them up to at- and the individual entries by the tract the eyes of all the hungry various campus organizations, so- males. The boxes will be auctioned rorities, and Fraternities. There off and the boy maklng the highest will also be exhibits constructed bid will have supper- with the girl throughout the "Hill" competing who packed the box. for prizes awarded by the Student Saturday has been get aside as 1959 }lfay Day Court-Standiny I to ,.: h-ela1!d, R.; JejJl·ey, J.,. C08sabone, S.; Wilson, R.; Ream, S,; CM· Government Association. clean-up day and for thc reason- eetta, P.; Dickey, M.; Buehm, H.; Seated I to r: Smith, N.,· Jones, N.; Manning, L.; Cox, B.; and Strange, L. At 3 pm a variety of three activ- able sum of fifty cents ($.50), the ities will be in progress for the en- sophomore girls are cleaning any Follies----------------- _ dormitory rocm-c-bcys or gil·rS. joyment of students and guests on Western College the Maryland The cleaning consists of mopping, Activities Fill College Calendar campus. A regularly scheduled dusting, shaking rugs, and general with Uni- straightening, and there is no tennis match begin Catholic time. t.hie will vcrsitv at doubt that dorms are in need of a --------------------------Highlighted spring housecleaning. So, boys, by Dunster Poe The Green Terror baseball team tnke those pictures off your walls, Hey, buddy, got a minute? I I don't care what it says on this will face a spirited Alumni team on the diamond, under the organi- put away your famlluil, and help want to talk to you about my Fol- little ticket. I'm not going to walk the sophomore class by letting the lies ticket. on the grass. For one thing, I zati0!1 of l\!r. Philip (';hrig, public girls clean your rooms. Why Keep On the Grass, huh.? CALENDAR might get grass stain on my Joe relatIons dIrector. I mean, I understand the j\fay first College low-cut sneakers. And for Also at this time, from 3 pm to Fireside Concludes and the 8:15 pm, and I see all too April 27 another, you woulrln't find any fnc- 5 :30 pm, Open House ,,,ill he held The weekend will be drawn to a readily the 75 cents donation. Band Concert .-\lumni Hali ulty members walking- on the grass. at the four fraternit}T rooms and close on Sunday evening by a fire- Yeah, and I know about the Class 11:30 Not our faculty members. What in Robinson Gard(l)1s for the so- side in McDaniel Lounge. It is of 1960 but why Keep On the May 6 do you mean if I think the faculty rorities on campus. hoped that many will choose to at- Grass? ROTC Tactical Exercise:; is so pure wait 'til F:dday night at tend this program which sh0uld l~n't it supposed '[.0 be Keep OFF 5-8 pm the Junior Follies? Listen, you'll Terminating the Western MalY- prove a very appropriate ending the Gmss? You don't want people May 7 never get me to believe that our land May Day will be the "Hollr.lld to our goodwill effort on the "Hill." walking around on the fresh ten- Lantern Chain 8 pm faculty will be caught walking on Holiday" dance sponsored by Delta It will revolve around a Japanese der grass, do you ? You got a 1\fay 8 the grass. Pi Alpha fraternity under the gen- theme but definite phlns have not gripe against Westminster Con- Graduate Records 13:45 SHE DOES WHA'l'1 Well, eral chairmanship of Hobert Cole, yet been disclosed, crete Company, 01· somethin'? pm grass or no grass, she couldn't do from 8:30 pm to midnight. Music Although this wcel:end is an un- That's just not the American way, May 9 that; Right on.the Stage? You will be by the Starlit~ S,erenad(lrs . dcrtaking llrimarily of the sopho_ buddy. You better send the ticket.<; Band Concert Aiumni Hall don't mean it! You don't think and the dress is preferrcd formal. morc class, the cooperation of the back and have them corrected. 8:15 pm there is any danger of the police As a conclusion to the May Day entire student body is needed to 'What do mean the tickeh are all raiding it, do you? Well, that's make it a success. Help make the right? You think I'm dumb or May 12 reassuring. I mcan the way you we",kend activities, the Girls' Glee W AA Picnic 5: 30 pm hopes and future plans of OUI' fel- somethin'? I know a I,eep off lhe botched up this ticket deal I Club will pl·esent a musical pro~ lowmen a reality and juin the soph- grRs£ sign when I see onc and May 14 couldn't be more surprised at any- !,:ram in Baker Memorial Chapel :It Olnores in spreading good will from that's a keep off the gra~s sign if I Rose Cup 4 pm thing that happened on Friday 7:15 pm. Miss Margaret Wappler the students in th~ United States ('ver saw one even if it does say Trumpeters 6:45 pm night at the Class of 1960's Follies, "ill dircct the chorus. to those less fortunate in Japan. Keep On the Grass. Various Organizations Hold Campus-Wide Elections Contrast Unable To Publish Issue; To Fill Expired Terms Of June Graduating Class Mary Harrison Named New Editor II"! the spring u young man' be (·oming year are elected in the in this type of job, as she wa~ a ml',etings. sustain, but the studE:nt body's re- a public sorvice. Tb~ service it spring in order that they may have dorm council representative in her SeA Decides Tie sponse seemed prOInisi'~g. Many intends to perform is the publica- time to become accustomed to their junior year. On Friday, Esther Upperco was comments were made to the staff tion of creative writing by Western rluties before the beginning uf the She has also been a member ()f concerning the oppurtunities for .Maryland College stlld~nts. It is fall ~emester. This jl!"(lcedure in- the \Vomen's Council ar.d repre- c-Iected vice_president; Lor en a freedom of expression a~ld creative hoped that there are enough and \,,rayne Con- cludes elections for Future Teach_ sented Phi Alpha Mu un the Inter- Stonc, secretary; On thr.t day for writing which CON'[,kAST afford- thoughtful and imaginative stu- rad, treasurer. el·S of America, Student Christian sorority Council. She has served the first time in an elecLion of this ed the campus. dents on the campus to aliow CON- Association, and women's dormi~ as a Porn-Porn girl, and as a mem- Because the cry for self-expres- TRAST to fulfill it.">; promise. tory councils. ber of the Student Government, kind, there was a tie for president. a sion is one of the strongest of c(ll- In the recent CONTHAST ciec- Due to this unusual occurrence, FTA Elects the FTA, and the Cullcge Players. SHand election was tt:heduled for lege cheers, CONTRAST had ex- tion Mary Harrison became the Thomas Ward, a member of Pi Rebecca Reynolds will assist the following Monday when there pectations of good, sincere, and in- ll~W editor. Mary and her staff Alpha Alpha fraternity, who hails Sharon in the position uf fire war_ was a run-off between John Long teresting material \\Titten by stu- are eager to make CONTRAST from Marion Station, i'lIarylawI, den. The senior, jUr,ior, and soph- and Don Lowe. John was elected dent~, who thought about things. vital and successful, but the real has been elected presid(mt of the omore classes electe:! Sandra East- to I,ead the religious Ol'ganization. The great expectations never ma- impetus must come from the cam- WMC chapter uf national FTA, of wood, Joan Lawyer, and Juanit.a During his three :v~ars at WMC, t("riaiized, though it is hard to de~ pus. If there are any questions or which he became a member in his Heil respcctively to represent them John has been activ~ in many ex- cide why. Perhaps no one valued suggestions for making the maga- sophomore year. Tom has been a on the dorm council. A freshman tra·curricular acth·itics inclnding his opinions enough to write them zine an important pal"t of college, member of French Club since his representative will be elected next the College Choir, intramural down for others to share. At any any member of the ~taff will be freshman year when he also joined year. sports, varsity baskettall, interfra- rate, the majority of people who glad to receive thcm. the International Relations Ciulo. In a similar meeting the girb in tf:;rnity athletic council, and tennis could write did not. Some students This "Black and ·White" has also McDaniel Hall selected Margaret temn, of which he is tile manager. did submit copy and it was care- Sllllg in the Men's Glee Club. Kceler to be hou~e president. He has represented his donn sc"c- fully read, evaluated, and much SGA Elections Since he is an English major with Margie, as she is ('allet! by her tion on the SGA and works as the was printed. Every issue which a minor in dramatic urt, he ha3 put friends, is a Lai:in-E~glish Edu.:a- r.irculation managel' of the GOLD was printed brought iorth com- At a recent SGA meeting, his acting ability to use as a mem- tion major from Baltimore, Mary- BuG. ments from every point on the con- Miss Rhea Ireland and !lfr. ber of the College Players. As a land. Since his freshman ~·ear, he has tinuum from good to bad. Fred Dilkes were elected to result he was given the lead in one While at WMC she has been ac- been a member of thc MSM and When the staff "f this year'3 two year termc; on the ,Judi- of the class plays, "'fhe Intruder," tive in Sigma Sigma Tdu sorority, SeA. In his sophomore year, this CONTRAST began the process for cial Board. Eiected at the this year, and is now participating French Club, Classics Club, SCA, "Gamma Bet" became a member of jJl"inting the 1959 Spring Issue, t!1e same time were Mr. James in the Junior Follies. LSA, and has served a~ an alter- the SCA Cabinet, and hus attenrled recognition of CONTHAST had Thomas, treasurcr: and Miss Assisting Tom will be Patricia nate representative to the SGA for several religious conferences rer~ apparently turned tu apathy. Sur- Carol Di:xon, secretary. Wcjk, vice-president; Harriet one year. Fire warden!: for Mc- taining to this position. prisingly, it was not a matter of·
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