Page 46 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 46
4 The Gold Bug, Apr. 10, 1959 SIDELIGHTS. Green Terror Baseball Squad by JOHN WEAGLY Invades South Successfully Once again, it's practically ev- blood into springtime action. erybody's favorite time of year- Right here even at this moment a Springtime. Its not-50-ugly houd small riot is taking place that is h~~ cleared .away the dismal chill !'lighCy reminiscent of the fighting of winter and cast a warm, color- in Ireland during their revolution. ful glow over the scene. Winter To tennis players spring ie the nDW seems long ago and far away. time for matches and loving cups. Springtime is many things to However, one campus group is con. many people. To the more roman. templating a Hating Cup competi- tic in temperament it is the most tion. Feeling that the winner re- wonderful of seasons. More' fra- calves far-and-away too much pub- ternity pins will find new posses- licity, cups, and other awards, this sora during the spring than during group has decided to recognize and oll the othez- calendar changes. To honor that unsung hero without some spring is time for poetry_ whose untiring lack of effort those romantic poetry, sent.imental poet- victories would not be possible- ry-the list goea on. To the the loser. Because the winner is sportsman, ea well as to many oth- always presented with a loving ers, spring is a time of rebirth and t:UP, in this competition the loser new beginnings. As the most fam- will become the proud (?) posses- ous and long-winded poet in the sor of the Hating Cup. It will be world, Mr. Anonymous, once said: his right and privilege to possess "Spring is sprung, the grass is rizz. this cup uptil - heaven forbid _ he J wonder where the flowers is?" wins a match. Then his fortunate Springbime is sportstime. Base- opponent becomes the possessor. ball, golf, track, tennis, fishing, la , One rule followed rather closely is crosee-c-meny types of sport are that the owner of the Cup does not born in cprmg. have to reveal its ownership until Springtime to many, particular- he has played and defeated -ancther ly the college sports fan, .ls a time opponent. This makes for great for clowning around and wierd excitement and spirit during the ideas. Telephone booth contests, presentation ceremony. f'rizbeea, goldfish gulping, and var- Such is spring. Let's be glad ious other activities stir winter's it's here. Spring Football Practice A tpyical view of the action that is ureseut at every Western Maryland College 7wme baseball game. Fer the first time in history the i'iy then brought him in with the ond game. The husky Mahan Present On Campus Scene Western Maryland baseball team Terrors' first a rally as he singled threw no-hit ball for 4 2/3 innings again, run. Once went on a six game expedition tour until the hosts reached him for two Brown started through four Southern colleges to lead off the ninth frame. Arter bingles. Reliever Schmid was Western Maryland's head foot- will probably start rough contact during tho Spring Vacation, March the promising shortstop had been equally effective as he gave up only ball coach, Bob Waldorf, is taking work this week. 21·27. The trip came as a result forced by Bob Cole, Sullivan sin- two hits during the last four advantage of the 20 day Spring Assisting Coach Waldorf are of lest year's miserable pre-season gled and .Iack Baile walked to load frames. The game W[15 a 1-0 practice period allowed by the Dick Pugh coaching the backfield weather in which the Terror nine the sacks. Doc Richards followed pitcher's dud going into the eighth NCAA. Starting on March 31, was able to get in only one day of with a clutch two run single to when the Tenors erupted for six twenty-four players came out for and Ronnie Jones, line coach. outdoor practice before the open- knot the contest In a 3·3 tie. This runs. Pusey's bases-loaded three Pugh is also coach of the baseball the squad. Many of the regulars, team. Waldorf hopes that the size ing game. All in all, the expert- situation forced the game into ex- run double highlighted the out- of course, are involved in Spring of the squad can be maintained or ment was successful as the Pugh- tra innings before being' called at burst. Cole blasted two doubles to sports and are not available for possibly increased. The pr-actice men posted a promising 3-2-1 rec- the end of the eleventh because of pace western Maryland's 11 hit Spring practice. ord. darkness. attack. periods are scheduled in the eve. Newcomers Present ning after an early dinner. This Traveling in three cars, the fif- Paul Zimmer-man, Clark Kirk- -WMC 8 - Erekine 12: After two was supposed to straight over teen man squad man, and wins Robert Some promising newccmei-s to enables both coaches and personnel arrive in midafternoon on Sutur- f'lr the Terror nine. Schmid worked the Terrors' dream \V. Carolina, was rudely Hank O'Dan, lhe squad include juniors Tony to be present at the same time, day, March 21 at Belmont Abbey, iels and player-coach Tom Harkey shattered by a 12-3 loss to Erskine Wiles and Ron S'indy, and sopho- without interfering with claus North Carolina. However one ear shared the mound toil for the op- College. AlI the host's runs came more Bob Browning. ",Viles has schedules. Thus far, the 'Vestern managed to get lost as expected, position. during the first four frames as be()n very active in intramural Maryland coaching staff is very first arriving at a mysteriously Abbey 5: Fo!- during the l.ast five i~nings Don and played high school satisfied with the progress of the TV.M(; 2 _ Belmont squad. at Charlotte Hall. He ~::~e~to;p~~~f:~t~~~n~a~l::~e~~~ ~~:i~!I!;~~t~~:!O~~as~:r~ut! ~i_~ ~;:~€'~oP~e~lt~~d ;:;:. tl~k:;e:.~ Western Maryland from "'"1".','''''''''' Junior College. Track Team Loses Girls College, where no one an- victory over the Pughmcn on Dick Enghsh went all the way III Cumberland, swered the door. Finally in the 'Mareh 22. The hosts rocked start- to~sing the neat six-hitter. Guilford ruin and after midnight, the stra-g_ er Don Dewey and reliever S:Rebounding Walt Wille - fJ Opening Meet glers. reached their long awaited while mound a total of 12 singles from the Erskine defeat, the> Ter- for Mahan destination. I'ors downed Johnny opponent College 6-3 Guilford The Western Maryland College At Erskine College, which is 10- ~;a~~n~Vb~~~n~h:i~~~!:~;l'6~~\~~~~~n~e~~~entun~~~~f~; a~~;:;ia:~~ track team opened its season last Saturday against Mount St. Mary's ~~:;~li~c~: 6~:;';;:~~~t~U~~!=' naile, an error, -and a sacrifice fly ~t~;;~a:,i~~:gpuo:eyi:n;;i~leCI:~~ on Hoffa Field, lOSing by a score Lettermen Return of 68-54 despite the efforts of Bob lina, Coach Pugh and boys were ~~e ~~cht~re~~'t~: ~~~~~~: is:°~~~ single, and Skip Brown's two The squad is led by co·captains Cuthrell who set a new pole vault fvi::~e:h:u~~v~~~: ~!;:~l~~~.gon second inning. TIle other run :~~b~e~n~n~e s~~~~~~ w~nd_~e;o~~ Fred Burgee at left guard and Joe record for this campus. It was at West Carolina College ~~~:a~: ~n~es~!~e?sfsaact~X~: ~~ ~~ Guilford was rained out on the fol- Bender at right tackle. Among Cuthrell, a junior from Dover, the returning lettermen on the Delaware, vaulted 12 feet to take ~~:.~~:~~d ~~o~:nc:~j?l;e!dd~~i~i~ the seventh frame. 10~~cg ;~~'~rs have started slowly spring squad are ends Jack Fring- firs~ place in that event, breaking er and Ken Gill, and backs John the school record established last ;~s;~ti~~~~gi:':~t~:~;,l~etShe ~i~i: 1'~~:Cr~n~:; ~~{:I~~~Jh:itS~~r~~; ~~~'!:I~he~~.erc~~;~l~; o~:a~~~~ a;:~ H.olter and Don Hobart. Waldorf year with a 10' 9" jump by Jim surrounding the town of Cullow_ first inning, the Western Maryland two defeats. May. hee, which occupies a position of aggregation capture
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