Page 45 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 45
The Gold Bug, Apr. 10, 1959 High On The Hill Tri-Beta To Invite Old Traditions Revived Ioeres And Trabucco Fill Mrs. Frank Brooks of Beta As Spring Season Approaches The Alpha Mu Chapter Key Positions In Campus Life Beta Beta will be the host at a tea western Maryland College offere life. It is given in Alumni Hall The tea ~s Le- on April 21, 1959. ing given in honor of Mrs. Frank a great many extra-curricular ac and is a humorous and enjoyable by Patricia Cooper - by Albert T. Dawkins, Jr. G. Brooks, the national secretary tivities as well as academic l.d- opening- to the May Day cctiv-tics. From out of the dorm in a cloud Guess who is the newest Arneri- vf 'I'r-i-Beta, and is being held in vantages to her students. As the The Lantern Chain is a cere- of dust with the speed of light can citizen on our campus? You McDaniel Lounge. spring season comes again to the mony in which only the freshmen comes the hardy J oanne Trabucco' eli,,·'! know? It's none other than lIIanfrer. J oeres, president of the "Hill" and the seniors await their and senior women pereicipate 'H:- old and loved graduation, many -all ready for another day on the Manfred Klaus Joeres. fI':l first local society, comments that, the traditions become a part of the t.ively and is presented at night on "Hill." The Lone Ranger has made his appearance in this coun- caorpus is honor-ed to have such a campus life. Hoffn Field. Contrasted with the nothing on this little gal, who is try in 1953, arriving from Stutt- dis cing'uishcd guest. The local darkness, the lanterns which the forever bustling from one activity chapter has made many plans in- The first traditional event is the freshmen carry give an impressive or class to another. Like our cluding the mailing of invitations procession of senior women glow to the ceremony. After an friend, the Masked Man, she's at. to each WMC faculty member as through the women's dormitories; exchange of class songs the girls ways ready to lend a hand where Fell as to chapters on the cumpuse» it is held the night before ~fenbr proceed to McDaniel Lounge where her talents and efforts are needed. of five near-by schools. Investiture. For the procession, refreshments are served. Almost from her first arrival, Mrs. Brooks Is Pennsylvanian the seniors are dressed in their The Rose Cup Coremony, held in "Jo" managed to find time in her Mrs. Brooks was born in Pitts- caps and gowns and process in a Robinson Gardens, contains skits busy schedule to participate in 11. b"rg!"",.Pennsylvania, and received single file through both dormitories characterizing the seniors. The "few" activities. An English-ed- her A.B. degree from Mount Hcl- singing and holding lighted can- senior girls then form a circle ucation major, she loaned her yoke College; her A.M. from the dles. They present an awesome while the junior vice-president journalistic genius to the GOLD University of Oklahoma. She has ~.ight to the underclassmen who passes a loving cup, permitting Bun for four years, working from been honored by the follo'-~ing in- look forward to the time when they each girl to drink from it while be- reporter to front page editor. The r.t.itut.ions : L.H.D. Cornell College, will take part in their senior pro- ing serenaded by the juniors. Af- Aloha and Contrast have profited L.L.D. LaGrange College, Litt.D. cession. ter which, the junior class secre- from her talents, as well as the Illinois Wesleyan College, and The Junior-Senior Prom, pre- tary hands each senior a red rose. band, the FTA, the Newman Club, L.H.D. American University. sented by the juniors in honor of 'I'hese are just a few of the tra- and a host of other organizations. Aside from being a world travel, the departing seniors, is another ditions and sentimental ceremonies The Sigmas have found her a will- er, the author of a book, and a pro- occasion anxiously awaited by the which make up a part of campus ing worker and elected her vice- fessor of English at Oklahoma City student body, and, of course, )t too life. Everyone is welcome to take president. Her freshmen udviseea University and Cornell College, has a tradition. The juniors us- part in these ceremonies and it is will remember her friendly smile Mrs. Brooks has held many other ually have, as part of the decor, hoped that this article not only and wise advice as she served on positions of responsibility. These an arch through which, at inter- helps acquaint students with some thE: F AC. Perhaps her greatest are listed rather categorically; mlsaiun, the seniors nnd choir dates of our traditions but gives a deeper president, Woman's Division of pass. The tradition is that the meaning to college life on the Christian Service of The Methodist couple must kiss as they pass un- "Hill." Church; member of General Board, der the arch. After the last couple gart, Germany (the/ole' country). National Council of Churches of has passed through the arch, the orchestra plays a special dance for Since that time, all who hav~ had Christ in U.S.A.; speaker and dele- the ~enior3 and tlleir' d!:\t.:J~. Tllis KEN McCAULEY the pleasure of knowing him wi!1 gate, World Methodist Coullcil, Ox- is probably the only d}'.nceafwhioh 1951; World Coun- ford, England, never forget him. He is known everyone enjoys the intermission Representing nct only for his pleasant congenial dl of Churches, 1954; and she is more than the dance its_elf. _ manner and personality hut also currently a member of the Stata Tile. Junior Follies takes a pla<;e LAUNDROMAT Board of Regents of the Ur..iversity for his ability to get things done. among the most enjoyab!-2 "vents First and foremost, Manfred is of Iowa. in ~pring activities. This is a pJfi.y 5 LOCUST STREET a:l outstanding student. His ques- Traveled Widely given by the Junior Clas~ to the DAILY -7 :30·5:00 tioning, exacting, and analytical A~ mentioned pTeviously Mr;;. entire studont body and faculty on mind is evidenced by his major- Brooks is a world traveler. In the Friday night preceding May Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon that being pre-medical. He has 1930, during her first trip to Day weekend. Tho play is writ.- TI lden 8-8677 always maintained a very credit- Europe, she did some study at ten, directed, and acted out hy· Delivery abie scholastic record and was re- Cambridge University. She made members of the Junior Class and is Free To College Service cently accepted to the Universi';y other visits to Europe in 1950, preSf'nted as a satire on college of Maryland and George Washing_ 1951, and 1955. She visited Japan ton University Schools of Medi- and Korea in 1947 and North Afri- cine. He was elected to Bets. Be~a (.a in 1950. She has traVf'Jed ex- Beta national honorary society tensively in North and Central TOM MILLER erving as the !:fou[J's CAMPUS AGENT Joanne Trabucco president. Laundry for the thrill came last spring when she The rich collegiate Hfe of You've tried the rest and Modern G. I. Laundry was tapped as a Trumpete:r, the "Sehultz," as some of his closer Now try the best. Dry Cleaning friends call him, has been sprinkl~ high.cst honor WMC bestows upon wit.h numerous extraCllrriculRr and Cleaners a girl.- Certainly no girl deserved Delicious LAUNDRY ROOM Ho joined the Delta Pi it more. Her selection to WJw'$ functions. social fratemity and this LOCATED IN OLD MAIN 223 E. Green St. Alpha lV/w from Western Maryland sur- year has filled the vice-presidentip.l Foods Tilden 8-6670 prised no one. chair. During his junior year, the We Give Despite her active social life, S&H Green Stamps All Laundry and Dry Joanne still manages to reserve IF'C and the ROA witnes$ed his AT Cleaning Work Guaranteed enough enE;;gy to get her work talents. He was elected to the SGA cabinet by his class last year, done and join the gang at Baugh_ has served on the FAC, al'!.d was Griffin's Follies, in the Junior participated er's nearly every night at 9 :30. Her favorite pastime, when she's llOt knitting, ironing, visiting, invited to attend the first annual stud;ying, talking, or working, is Student Leadership Cou!'!~il fall. "happy-nappy time" every after- Perhaps this individual's most noon. Plans for next year center nbout outstanding contribution in the It PaYI To LOOk Well civic field came last year wah the "meeting the needs of youth" and {'stablishment of the Judicial maybe a little foreign car. Prine!) Board. Manfred was one of the Georges County is indeed fortunate to havo such a "dedicated" teacher key tigt;res involved in this step to- He was to educate its students for citizen_ vJluds an honor system. first chair- Avenue Barher Shop elected as the board's ship. But after teaching, who man, only to be re-elected fOf a knows? Maybe a career in Rome Qr :l husband in the good old USA. second tenn during the current Where The Students Go year. Whatever her plans, ono may b~ surl:; that she'll be a real success. It is to a true friend, an hone_it 85 Penmylvania Avenue With such spirit and detennina_ student, and a conscienti(lus lead- cr that we hUmbly pay tribute tion, she can't fail. Even tIle Lone ar; Ranger couldn't match her achiev~- being "High on the Hill." ment of being "High on the Hill.'· Compliments of Baugher's Restaurant J. R. EVERHART JUST OFF THE CAMPUS COLLEGE BARBER J At the Forks FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes OPEN EVERY DAY Weekday Shows 7 and 9 pm Sunday Matinees 2 and 4 pm Evenings 9 pm Continuous Shows from 2 pm on Madison Saturday and Holidays WHERE WILL YOU TEACH? Fri., Sat. Apr. 10·11 The Montgomery County Education Association is cur- "LONELY HEARTS" Yea, up and down ad alley you'll find the Montgomery Clift Robert Ryan rently recruiting for next year_ Salaries and benefits smartest account execs call for Coke~during Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. are so good, you should hear what we have to offer. important meetings. The cold crisp taste, Apr. 12-13-14-15 the real refreshment of Coca-Cola "THE HANGING TREE" If your qua1ifications are acceptable, this may be your the client ordered. Gary Cooper Maria Schell opportunity. Write to: are just what and take a look into the So up periscope Thurs., Fri., Sat. Apr. 16-17·18 situation. Ad men of the future!-start "STRANGER IN MY ARMS" Montgomery County June Allyson Jeff Chandler yOur training now-climb into a gray flannel Education Association, Inc. suit and relax with a Coke! Sun., M.~BilcitORC1fID.:9-20-21 Professional Building BE REALLY REFRESHED •.. HAVE A COKE! Sophia Loren Anthony Quinn 26 East Montgomery Avenue Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. RockviHe, Maryland Boliled under authority of The COCQ·Colo Company by Apr. 22.23_24_25 "THE SOUND AND THE FURY" Yul Brynner Joanne Woodward WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BO'ITLING CO.. INC.
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