Page 52 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 52
2 The Gold Bug, May 15, 1959 FinalExams••• Why So Early? Recipe For Senior Strootlle In the American system tion. This year's exams such SucHolloway 2 feet of Larry Dowler's musical ability there is a constant emphasis as history are being given on "Stroodle" may be hard to make, height 1 foot ·jf Jim Cole's "line" upon the idea of fairness. the first day of the period. but not when attempted by our "do- Blend these together to get the 1 dab of Lou Schatt's art abil- There is a striving to achieve Some people may hold to the meattque" Dave Edington. Let's looks of Ed Lukemire. To this add: ity an equality by which all men theory that the week is con- eeo how the dish shapes up as Dave 1 "A" of Skip Dawkins' 3 cups of Bill Achenbach's will obtain, or at least be en- structed of six like days and goes by a n..w and different recipe. grades touchdowns of the athletic leadership qualities sparkle of Joe Shilling's eyes 3 A whole bowl of Dubes' "Bohem- titled to, equal treatment. the Sabbath. However, the 1 1 tbap. of John waghelsteln's pr-owess of Jim Lewis ianism" It appears that these basic five-day week has invaded smile 1 chuckle from Abdu Futaih's Add Bob Fothergill's girl and assumptions of equality and even the college campus, as 2 strands of Kumquat's hair sense of humor Larry Langfeldt's car. fairness have been violated in well as the business world, l'h hooks of Al Wortz's nose 1 pinch of Al Spicer's effici- Beat briskly for eight semesters to one of the most important This being the case it seems 6 suits of clothes from Stew cncy get Hal Tayler's personality. areas of student affairs. This unjust to begin exams on Sat- Dorweis 2 tsp. of Al Gilmore's respon- Helen Twining thinks Dave being the examination sched- urday no matter what the l'h muscles of Sloan Stewart's sibility needs a little help with his cooking. ule. schedule. build 2 notes of Don D'Angelo's She wants to use different ingredi- ents for her stroodle. Here at Western Maryland In addition to the early 1 sparkle of Norma Lee Etz- every person is supposedly start of exams many fresh- CAMI'U$ COMtbY Ier's eyes men have several that follow given an equal opportunity in in rapid succession. Surely it 2 lips from the smile of Millie all areas of campus activity. would be possible to have ex- Beutel Vaughn While this may be violated out 3 strands of Pat Schaefer's or of necessity in fraternal or ams that most freshmen are Evie Todd's hair similar organizations, t his required to take further apart. 1 hook of Nancy Jones' nose should not be the case where It is useless to continue cit- 6 dresses from Jean Leather. ing examples of this nature. academic achievement is con- Each student is entitled to an wood's wardrobe, 1 full portion of Donna Brown cerned. equal opportunity to do his Spaar's figure How can any student ade- Blend these together to get the best work. Realizing that it is quately review an entire se- impossible to construct a per- looks of Leanne Manning. Next, mester's work and take a add: three-hour comprehensive ex- fect exam schedule with no 1 "A" of Pat Cooper's grades amination when one day of conflicts; there are, to be sure, 2 kicks of Ann Clemmitt's ath- regular classes still remains? some adjustments that could letic ability In the past classes have ended have been made. In this case 1 chuckle from Winkie Rich- and a much needed reading a better-planned exam sched- mend's sense of humor 1 day has preceded the examine- ule would be to the advantage of ficiency pinch of Joanne Filbey's ef- of the greater percentage Phelp'a 2 tsp. Student Life? the student body. TLA sponsibility of Sherry Garcia's mu- re- 1'h bars of Patty During a recent assembly, the WMC A School sical ability .2 dabs of Angie Buchal's ar- Student Life Council was explained tistic talent some of the many topics of discus- Without A Flag "W"'fLt., r fiNALLY G-Of ···rUES€" A£~ fOR.. l-AST"" ship qualities quite clearly as to its composition, YO(JR -rESTS G-RAD&"P·,··OIl··· 3 cups of Kitty Bond's leader- and its purpose. Also at this time, .... WAlf A HIHllr6·· 1 sion were presented to the student Some weeks ago the flag pole $§NfS1"ER'5 CLASS.' ,. thusiasm bubble of Diane Deland's en- body. Students who were inter- 1 jigger of Bev Bosworth's vi- ested were asked to submit their rope was again cut. While these vaciousness application of qualifications to the words may at first seem to be out "Wanted" Rellections Add Karen Helbig'S Whitey and of date and press worn, a second Student Government by Monday, Robbie's car. May 4. Here was an opportunity glance will prove them to be con- for anyone to express his views, temporary. This is a watch-bird watching George J. Becker Beat vigorously for four years and come up with Joan Schaefer's per- gripes, and complaints. In a recent Student Government you. To Live By sonality. . Ten applications were received meeting the matter was discussed Surely this idea belongs back in and reviewed by the SGA. What in the light of the administration's elementary school, we think. But If ever a man to live, let him, Helen and Dave seem to have the does this indicate to you1 Person- refusal to replace the rope. Also does it? Recently (and more than If paths are thick, leave them, cooking situation well in hand. ally, I think it is highly indicative a group of alumni wish to present once) our library has reported that If ways are bad, and marshes wide, Both of their masterpieces promise that either this student body has the school with a new fifty star several copies of magazinrs and Do. then as I say: to be quite tasty, don't you think! lost sight of a desire to correct and flag. other periodicals have been missing For though man is, he will build the present into a worth- Most clear t.hinking students will when the time has come to have So then let him; while future or else that students agree that any person low enough them sent to the bindery. Maybe Then let him die. "BACKWARD, on this campus are afraid td take to perform such a deed has no this doesn't seem like a major gt-ipe the initiative to project their char- place here. In the light.of this it to most of us,, but let's consider the And Me TURN acter and qualified abilities. has been suggested by some that twofold implications. I refuse to believe that there are the rope is not being cut by an First of aU, it's very annoying, Hedon, Hedon, why hast thou for- only ten people on this campus who irate ROTC student, but by some- to both student and librarian, not saken me, BACKWARD" feel themselves qualified for mem- one from Westminster. . to be able to locate a magazine that Are you through; done; finished, bership on such a committee. May- With this in mind it would be is important in research areas Is my life thus void, by The Senior Trw be it is lack of interest, maybe wel l for the SGA to pay for the (The English JQUrnal, for in- Why must I wander, to look, and school spirit, but whatever it is-it replacing of the rope in hopes that stance). Try it yourself once, es- search, FRESHMAN needs some careful consideration. if .it is a college student he will pecially when the paper is soon And never find myself. This is a committee which 'can either stop or be caught. due ! But that's not all .. Inevitable speech to the girls. be used to a great advantage if It is a disgrace to WMC not to Second is the implication that Mourning Tat rules ... th'st college football you, the students, would be willing have the flag flying each day. The \r estern Maryland students may The mourning after, that dark, evil game (we beat Dickinson, 91-0) to give it a chance. It cannot exist student body should replace the he consciously taking these muter-i- day, ... origin of tdu. Pep Clu.b ... open without the student's viewpoint, rope and see that it remains intact al.~ from the library without sign- house at Murphy's ... /il'st frat When all is gloom, I swear, because this is as vital a part of as an obligation to the men that ing them out. A slightly stronger I swear, I monn, I curse, party . . . took to dri?lk .. the council as are the opinions of have given their lives in order that word for this is stealing. Needless /i?'st Xmas on "the Hill" ... snow- the faculty members. Both must the flag may fly each day. to say, we'd hate to see the char- But all is right, for pain is pure. ball battles.. high school renn- contribute in order to receive the TLA ions ... dinner with the Pres .... benefits of the council's discussions, ecterteuc of dishonesty added to WE EXPRESS THANKS /irecra.ck81·S ... "MIJ1"T"jJ 'Widow" even a small portion of the student proposals and recommendations. body. And if it's just a case of ... college exams. Maybe there has not been enough LETTER mere carelessness, then let's SImply Delta Pi Alpha expresses talk about this committee to stimu- think of the person who might need thanks to everyone who SOPHOMORE late your interest. May I state that TO THE helped to make thc decors- it is not a closed committee as these materials after we use them. tions for the May Day "Hol- "L01'ding it over" the ratg ... beat After all, the pcrson who really en- some of you may think. EDITOR joys reading will want other lleople land Holiday" a success. Dickinson agair.' ... excitcment of The Student Life Council offers "Hell Woek" .. Pom-J)Qm girls a unique educational experience to enjoy books, too, n'est-ce pas? got their start.. Tri Beta Re- and endeavor to anyone who puts T(, the Editor of the GOLDBUG: gw'lUtl Convent-ivn, 25th Anniversa_ forth the interest and desire to ry " panty raid when the lights of this col- evaluate pI'oblellls and college life. lege The 'women students selected their went Oltt - "l..../LD," too ... "The have recently I challenge you to develop an 'rom The Horses Mouth Old Pww T1"ee" ... "Elvis" scnt /0 interest in your college and put rooms for the following year, and, the dog pound. 1VJ11Crecognized forth the effort to see it grow in as a result, a controversial problem Warm breezes. . sunny skies ... whispering trees .. rising in Glamour ... more showers ... Where are next year's has arisen. all capacities. ADK neat guys of .America were still sophomores going to live1 When it temperatures ... monotone lectures.. stacks of homework - all here came time for the freshmen, num- make up a lasting remembrance. of .th~ spring semester on c.olJege hill. GOLD BUG _their rooms they were told that (l./!,mtion. Like Baine Yates' remark right and left which eertainly deserve AI JUNIOR Dickinson from football bering close to a hundred, to pick But .still things are happening Dropped that M was ymng to kidnap new.paper ot Western there were unly a handful of rooms SlJieel' and hold him as ransom ~or :- ~Si71g grade hI calculus. roster ... flu cpidemic ... Queen available. published Berni_monthly Ootober. Novemh
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