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Vol. 36, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND April 10, 1859 Miss Leanne Manning To Reign Over May Day Fete IFC Plans Active Weekend Nancy Jones Captures Senior Duchess Crown; With Party, Concert Prom Cox, Smith, Stange Win UndercIass Titles May Day Queen for 1858-Miss Leanne Manning. In a Today, another first at Western by the Interfraternity Council, it poll of the student body, Tuesday, April 7, 1959, Miss Manning Maryland bog-ins. The Interfra- is .hc hope of those persons in- was selected as queen of the forthcoming Western Maryland ternity Council is sponsoring au volved in the programing of this May Day. Inter-fraternity Weekend on "weekend" that ,the student body April 10-11, H159. Included in the will suppor-t it with its active pa r- Not a newcomer to the beauty courts, Leanne was a mem- plans are a fraternity party, 1\ ticipation. ber of the 1956 Homecoming court and last year was Junior jazz concert and the. .Iunior-Serrior Duchess to the May Day court. Hailing from Silver Spring, Prom. Follies Readied Maryland, Leanne is a sociology-psychology major preparing A fraternity party, which is for social work. Pledging Phi Alpha Mu sorority in her sopho- sponsored by the IFC, will be held more year, Miss Manning was secretary last semester. Le- Valley Volunteer By Class Of 1960 at the Pleasant anne has also displayed her talents a a Pom-Pom girl and Fire Department Hall, on Friday, GOLD BUG reporter. April 10, from 7:30 pm to 10:45 The annual extravaganza pro- Elected Senior Duchess to this year's court was Miss pm. Music will be furnished b:1 duced completely by members of Nancy Jones. This triumph marks Miss Jones' second May the Skylincrs orchestra, who made the Junior Class will be presented their first appearance at the Fresh- Friday, May 1, 1959, in Alumni Dny appearance, having also ap- man Frolic. Hall. peared on the 1958 court. Major- classmates as Junior Duchess. Miss in ing English-education, Highlighting the weekend will be A music committee for the Fol- Jones is a native of Oakland, Miss Cox was also seen en the 1958 the jazz concert to be held in lies is headed by Carol Dixon and j\'laryland. A member of Sigma May Day court and was a ROTC Esther Upperco. Beverly Winters Alumni Hall, on Saturday, April will direct the scenery production. Sigma Tau sorority and an educa- sp0:1S0r in her freshman year. 11, from 2 :00 pm until 4 :00 pm. tion student, Miss J ones also claims An English-education major, The music will be provided by Gene The many intricate dance steps membership in the Future Teach- Beverley claims membership in the Franklin and his Pier Five Jazz will be taught by Helen George and ers or America. honorary academic fraternity on Sharon Board. Costuming will be Band. "The Pier Five Jazz Band campus, the Argonauts. Miss Cox and make- is one of the finest jazz bands on handled by Sue Hunter on faces" by Senior Attendants accepted the invitation of Phi up will be "smeared the eastern coast," it has been Serving as senior attendants will Alpha Mu sorority in her sopho- quoted. They have appeared at Beat rix Gill. be Miss Ruth Ann Wilson and more year. Formerly, Miss Cox the Lyric Theatre in the Black Tie In charge of "ballyhooing" the Miss Shirley Ream. was a member of the College Choir, Miss Leanne lIfanning, J.azz Concert. big production is Joan Wood, while In the 1958 May Day, Miss Wil- Erench Club, and the F AC. 1959 May Day Queen Jay Grayson of WEAL, Balti- John Long is distributing, for a son was also found to he an at- To attend Miss Cox, the Class of more, will be featured as the mas- nominal fee, the tickets. The four tendant to that court. Claiming 1960 selected Miss Sue Ccssabcne was also a nominee for campus "Best Dressed." ter of ceremonies. Miss Peg Kern volume guide to the Follies' jokes Conowingo, Maryland, as her and Miss Phyllis Cassetta. (better known as the program) Elected as Class of 1962 attend- will be the vocalist featured with being compiled by Harriet Whit- is home, Ruth Ann is a home eco- Miss Cassetta of Baltimore, ants were Miss Mildred Ann Dick- the band. Miss Kern is a Sophie nomics-education major. A sopho- Maryland, is a newcomer to the Tucker type singer who specializes more. more Sigma pledge, Miss Wilson beauty courts. Making her first er and Miss Helen Buehm. Miss in southern ballads. Production difficulties will be also participated in the Future appearance, Phyllis is a home-eco- Dickey graduated from the Calvin Coolidge High School in her home Concluding the weekend calen- the particular headache of "Count- Teacher-s and the Home Economics nomics-edueation major, who holds in Washington, D.C. A music-ed- dar will be the Junior-Senior down" Harris in his starring role Club. membership in FTA, FAC, and ucut.ion major, "Mil" has been The job of cor- RS stage manager. Prom. The dance will be held in ralling the line orongatory, the 46 Being selected to a beauty court Phi Alpha Mu sorority. Last awarded scholarships from 'Vest- e-n Gym from 9:00 pm to 12:00 is not "unusual" to Miss Ream. week she was re-elected unani- ern Maryland College and the pm. Music will be supplied by the geese end the 1929 Hupmobile, ail Shirley possesses a host of beauty mously as secretary for the Class Methodist Church. Since comirg essential to the plot, will fall to J.!!S Michener Orchestra. "Sayon- honors. Appeal·jng- on both the of 1960. to t.b e "Hill," Miss Dickey has par- ara" has been selected as the dance Thomas Ward, who is in charge of 1<:157and 1958 Homecoming courts, Miss Sue Coesabone most re- ticipated in the Student Christian properties. who man The will theme. make it possible to see the Follies Miss Ream also placed second in cently was elected Queen of the Association, Girls' Glee Club, and Given by the Junior Class in hon- the "Miss Carroll County" contest Military Ball from a host of six the MSM. or of the Class of 1\'159t he dance will bo Wayne Crockett, who is in this past summer. Presently she candidates. Other beauty honors Miss Helen Buehm, selected as- charge of lighting. is open to all students of the cam- Coordination of expenses and er. is serving as ROTC sponsor of "C" of Miss Cossabone include partici- pus. Tickets can be purchased Company. pation on the 1957 Homecoming the other class attendant, is from from members of the Junior Class. fort comes under the department An English-education major, COUlt end the 1958 May Day court. Bethesda, Maryland. C has Attending e H i g h Bethesda-Chevy Thc prom is under the general of John Weagly, business manager. Shirley is from Oakland, Mary- Likewise, Sue has served as a Bat- direction of Donna King and Tom Secr eta ry to the Follies committee, land. A member of Sigma Sigma talion sponsor since her Septem- School, Helen is now a home eco- at the College. By nomics major Albertson, co-chairmen. Commit- who is reported to have typed her Tau sorority, Shirley is also a ber. 1956, enrollment. virtue of her major, Miss Buchm tee chairmen include: decorations, fingers to the bone, is Patricia member of the French Club, FTA, Now an English-education ma- ill the Homo J ames Thomas; refreshments, Blair. The Class of 1960 Follies and the College Players. jor, Sue is a resident of Woodbury, holds membership Like Mi~s Dick- Economtcc Club. Phyllis Cassetta; tickets, Sue WaJ·- are being written by Robert Bcr- New Jersey. Planning to teach on ren ; publicity, Joan Wood and den and Mary Harrison. The pro- Junior Court the secondary school level, Sue ey, Miss Buehm is a College schol- arship holder. Richard Grubb. duction will be under the direction Miss Beverley Cox of La Plata, is active in FTA, FAC, cheerlead- The Interfraternity Council of Mary Harrison. Maryland, was selected by her ing, and Phil Alpha Mu sorority. To the 1959 May Day Que~n, chose the weekend of the J unior- Miss Leanne Manning, and her Senior Prom as an idea to have Classes Select New Officers Sophomore Court court, the GOLDBUGoffers r-ongrnt- more meaningful weekends. It is Representing the Sophomore ulaticns. hoped that this weekend will be a Crase by virtue of election as Duch- stepping stone to more "big" week- In Recent "Hill" Elections ess will be Miss Nancy Smith. A ends in the future. This possibly participant in the 1958 May Day could lead to the appearance of court, Miss Smith comes from Silo Open Letter "big" name bands on campus. "All members of the freshman Phyllis Cassetta, secretar!,; Lloyd vel' Spring, Maryland. These "big" weekends serve to class will meet in Alumni Hall to- Musselman, treasurer: Don Lowe, Last semester Nancy pledged To the Student Body: bring more off-campus people to night after dinner for the purpose male SGA representative; ane Sil,'TIla Sigma Tau wroTit~-. Her Tuesday's May Queen-C'lflstitu_ the college and work as a means of cj('rting class officers for the Carol Dixon, female SGA reprC'- activities have included member- tional Amendment balloting was for good publicity. More "big on- roming year." This announcement ~elltative. ship in the College Choir and extremely unsuccessful in that less campus" weekends will mean bet- made all freshmen sit up and take The newly elected pres!dent c-f cheerleading. Mi~s Smith'& major than sixty per cent of the ';)'Iortarboard, fhomas. Jim, who hails from president; Lorena Stone, secre- intramural sports program. She symbolic of the class' prospective Clinton, Maryland, is a sociology tary; Kenneth Gill, treasurer; was a member of the varsity bas- graduation. ma~or, who intends to make public Donald Rembert and Rhea Ircland. ketball team also. ?ou about your Some special features of the an- relations his career. SGA representatives. Miss Jeffrey more recently was or your patriotic nual service will include the formal Since his freshman year he has William Sitter, from Cnmber· selected in a campus-wide election wish to state my di"'P£odnt.n"t procession of the choir, the senior been a member of the Canterbury land, Maryland, has been chosen to as "Best Dressed" for Glwmom after such a vigorous class, and the faculty to the strains Clllb and became president of this lead the sophomore class. Al- magazine. Now her class has dential campaign and hotly of "A Mighty Fortress Is Our religious organization during his though Bill has only been I:.t WMC elected her as sophomore attendant ed class elections. Are we going God," and the address by the facul- junior year. This position auto- for one year, he has already par- to the 1959'May Day court. to he content with letting a repre- ty member whose name tradition_ matically made him a member of ti<:lpatcd in numerous extra-curric- An English_education major pre- sentative Student. Government de- ally remains secret until the given the cabinet of the Student Chris- ula'!" a=ttivit1es. His activities as paring for junior high school teriorate to the level of the cabinet moment. tian AssociatiQfl. fres1·man class president have in- teaching, Miss Jeffrey hails from doing everything, while the rest sit The ceremony also symbolizes In his sophomore year Jim was cluded working on the Christmas "'estwood, New Jersey. Last se- back and approve or comphin? the progress of the undergraduate co-chairman of the sophom,)re class project and the Freshman Frolic. mester Jean accepted the bid of The Student Government will be Phi Alpha Mu sorority. classes as they officially move up May Day float. During that year Interested in athletics, he plays what you make it! Idle complaints one noteh. he also pledged Delta Pi Alpha, of football and tennis. He can reg- Freshman Court and lack of interest will do little to Pfl:rt active an Taking for which he was elected chaplain help. ularly be found all mootings of the Each suc~essive Sunday evening, the first semester of this year. Miss Melania Stange of Balti. through voting and attending Bill the seniors will process in academ- This "Preacher" participates in SGA and Newman Club. Law more, Maryland, was the choice of meetings can help. I urge you to hopes to later attend Harvard ic costume in the chapel services, frflternity intramural sperts pro- School. her claSs as Freshman Duchess. think seriously about your respon· sitting in a section reserved for gram. Among the activities of his Lani, as her friends call her, is a sibility to yourself, the organiza- activities them at the front of the building. junior year is his work as the will Aiding Bill in dass vi('e-presi- graduate of Towson High School tions to which you belong, and your Heil, be Juanita This ceremony is the first in a chairman of the decorations com- dent; Judith Meredith, ">CCretary; and is presently-majoring in sociol- college. series of pre-graduation activities mittee for the Junior-Senior Prom Downey Price, treasurer; Joseph ogy. Having musical ability, Miss Sincerely, which pay tribute to the senior The. other officers of t.he class McDade and Maureen Filbey, SGA Stange performs. in the Gi:o:-ls'Glee Allen R. Gilmore class. an, Mary Harrison, vice~president; representatives. Club and the College Choir. Lani SGA President
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