Page 42 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 42
The Gold Bug, Mar. 13, 1959 Spring Sports Program Ha$ Optimistic Outlook Track Team Faces Also entering and Tom Muhlfelder; are 440 yard run, having done- a 52.5 Mr. Hurt Speaks to assess the new material, it ap- into the picture Dick Garrett Rebuilding Task 880 Is Strong .n high school. Promising to give On Tennis Team pears that there are several pros- him much competition are return- pects who can fit acceptably into The 880 yard run figures to be ing- speedsters .George Becker and the vacant places. Among those Track coach Richard Clower is fairly strong for the Terrors with Bob Vaughn plus newcomer Sam who have shown promise are Ron- faced with a ponderous problem-c. Wayne Conrad, Roy Kennedy, and Corbin. The following letter is from Pro. nie Harmon, Larry Langfeldt, to 'find someone to take up the Tom Hayes. Conrad ran a 2 :09 The broad jump future and revolves ressor Frank B. Hurt, coach of the Dave Martin, Bill Sitter, and Phil Western Dn usch; Asay, Bob Maryland College Tennis slack in the thin-clad fortunes last year and may better this around Browhan. created by the graduation of John mark. Hayes, a freshman from Johnson with the top position still Team. In the' letter Professor With a strong schedule com- Hor-t last June. During his career Northwestern High, has done a In doubt. Likewise the sprint pic- Hurt reviews the prospects for the posed of institutions in the Ma80n- at Western Maryland, the versatile 2:13 timing. Kennedy will exper- ture is still cloudy. Fred DUkes, coming tennis season. As coach of Dixon and Middle Atlantic Confer- Hort did just about everything in ience his first season in this par-tic- Johnson and Becker are, as of now, the team for the past twenty-three ences, the team will face hard com- the track book. His absence will ular race. the outstanding candidates. years, the Professor has compiled petition. The lack of experience be deeply felt. Three new men, in addition to Cuthreil Tops an enviable record. His tennis will be our most serious handicap, holdover Ray Asay, brighten t.he Due to the transfer of Bob Cuth- squads have won over 65% of their but it is hoped that a representa- outlook of the hurdles.' They are rell, the pole vaulting event ap- contests during this period. This tive team can be arranged. Jim Lewis, Carroll Giese, and Art pears extremely strong. The for- includes only two losing seasons Alperstein. Last year Asay ran mer Delaware State star has during his tenure as coach. Bob Anderson will play in the one position. a 30 second timing in the low cleared ur.i to 12' 6" in competition The following is the text of his number Lee, Jon singles and Jim Myers Bruce hurdles for his best effort and may and hopes to raise the bar further letter: be pushed by any of the three new this season. Also out for the pole To the Editor- of the GOLDBUG: Worden will give strength to other prospects. vault are Herb Helman and Dilkes. star-ting 'positions. The remaining to positions will be filled according In looki~g forward to the tennis Field Events Not.ed Rounding out the list of events season this spring, we shall miss the ability of the new material. With five men out for the shot is the high jump, in which Jim the graduated member-a of the Ever-y candidate will have an op- put, the picture is still somewhat Lewis shows promise. Two years varsity team. Witlr the departure portunity to compete for singles muddled. The .leading candidates ago he cleared 5' 6" and may be of Wray Mowbr-ay, Jon Gunderson, and doubles positions. are George Wellings, who formerly capable of doing better now. and Bob Passerello, this year's The team will be under the cap- represented the Baltimore Olympic George Becker, who did a 5' 4" last team will be considerably less taincy of Bruce Lee and the man- Club in this event, Char-les Run- season, and Helman may give Lew, strong than that of Jast season. agerial ability of the redoubtable Ides, and freshmen Angie Bacas, is some hot competition. However, there is a returning neu- Tom Kaylor. Mor-t Spinal, and Arthur Bloom- Out of the approximately 25 deus of Bruce Lee, Bob Anderson, enthall. man squad, Coach Clower has to Jon Myers, 'and Jim Worden Sincerely, One of the strongest events fOJ find a winning combination, a task around whom to build. Frank Hurt, Tennis Coach the Terrors will be the discus. in which WMC fans hope he will While it is early ill the season Coach Clower Larry Hemphill is expected to pos- he successful. March 11, 1959 sibly reach the 125 foot mark this However, this year's Terror team season and is the man to beat. is relatively young and has the po- Also going out for the discus throw l tentiality to capture a winning are all of the shot put prospects in Flowers for AUOccasions Baugher's Restaurant season. A host of freshmen have addition to Bob Cuthrell. Designed Especially come out and greatly bolstered the Freshman Mike Dausch is rea- WMC hopes, although there is still son for hope in the already rough For You JUST OFF THE CAMPUS a great deal of work to be done. Returning to the mile run is DUTTERER '5 FOR A MEAL OR SNACK former City athlete Lloyd Mussel- CompJirnents of man, who holds the school record in the event with the time of 4 :39. J. R. 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