Page 41 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 41
The Gold Bug, Mar. 13. 1959 High On The Hill SAIL AND SEE •.•. Cooper And Lewis Head so YOU WANT TO GO TO EUROPE .... SAIL AND SEE Frosh Advisory Council Europe, so let's assume you've got- giving you their frank views on road" you'll lodging while the Youth to go to As for Of course the "on you want most any subject from German re- find that ten a way over, have finished your unification to American comic Hostels, which are exclusively for by DO'IW.ld Dewey by Joanne Trabucco job, and now want to flit about str-ips. students and young people, will Europe a few weeks before return- Hospitality! _ Like the ante- serve your needs well. I had Though now a resident of the Meet Pat Cooper ~ one of the ing to your grinding student exist- bellum south never -knew ! Over heard of Youth Hostels vaguely, city of Baltimore, this week's per- most outstanding students and ence in the States. 75% of my rides stopped and and had expected to find the accom- sonality has been for many years most respected members of the bought me beer or wine, and many modations quite primitive-I could In Europe not only is it proper, a frequent inhabitant of the town class of 1959. For three and a but even encouraged, for students, did much more. One couple, with not have been more mistaken. The of Westminster. Two factors half years Pat has devoted her including girls, to hitch-hike. The whom I rode from Luxemburg t.o Hostels are usually ultra-modern made Westminster his habitat. time, effort, and suggestions to first European newspaper I saw Brussels, in addition to the usual brick and glass structures which The first being education at the lo- Western Maryland and the result had a photo-feature article show- stops along the way, had me to din- arc run on a non-pr-ofit dormitory cal high school, and now at West- haa been an enviable record. ing the proper way for girls to ner twice and took me on two tours basis and afford a night's lodging ern Maryland College. Factor A F'rench-English-education ma- hitch-hike. Of course there are a of the city in their car'. This was for 20 to 30 cents. Also, most of jor, Pat has done exceedingly well few fundamentals to be mastered. practically duplicated in Spain. A the Hostels furnish substantial in each department. The student First you need a cardboard sign young American living in Spain meals at reasonable prices. In body will remember her fine per- with the word "student" (which is and his Russian-born side-kick France and Spain, however, it's formance with the College Players (both of whom were active black usually wiser to forsake the hostels on it printed in various productions. international), Next, attach a small in marketeers) took me all the way in most cities for pensions or reei- large letters. Many campus activities such as from the French border to Madrid denctes. In Spain, probably the LSA, the.FTA, and the Argonauts American flag and a detachable in their topless 1934 Auburn tour- least expensive country in Europe, have claimed her time. She has sign- stating This, your destination for ing car, stopping along the way at I had goo-droom and three meals a with my the along day. been on the Literary Board of the all the best restaurants and not al- day for only $1.80. In France, Contrast since the first issue. pleading and extended thumb, and lowing me to pay a single peseta! other than pensions, a good place Zoom! .. I wound up in Madrid This year, Pat has been especially from Copenhagen, via Hamburg, 10 stay is in a "routier," an Inn busy. She is co-chairman of the Meals No Problem pr-imar-ily for truck drivers marked Frankfurt, Freshman Advisory Council, pres- Par-is, Chartres, Luxemburg, Brussels, Meals are no problem at all while by the sign of a white tire. Bordeaux, Biaritz, ident of Le Oercte Francais, copy San Sebastian, and Bargas ... ali hitch-hiking'. As a young Nor- editor of the Aloha, secretary of wegian student explained to me, Challenge Is Offered And Sigma Sigma Tau, and was selected in a leisurely three weeks. has a "Just carry a loaf of bread, a piece So I challenge you, too, to for- more, the American what's to represent Western Maryland in double advantage here, for not only of cheese, a jar of jam, and have sake that summer camp counsel- HNw's Who. lunch on the steps of any conven- ing, or door-to-door selling, or Hfe, do most Europeans like to help ient cathedral." It's also wise to Americans for a change, or just carry a small plastic flask which guarding at the club pool! Secur- practice their English, but also you can use for milk, or in France itr to the wind! You owe it to more and more Americans tour have filled very inexpensively with yourself - Europe and adventure Europe by car each year, so the wine, white red, at any inn are awaiting you. American student benefits in hitch- along the way. 01" {c) 1958 Pan Collegiate Features hiking from the strong camarade- rie which develops among Ameri- cans abroad. KEN McCAULEY number two was one of a much Grassroots Method Rasinsky's Pharmacy more personal nature, a petite, This "grassroots" way is again Representing pleasing, former biology major now ideal for the student. Though doing graduate study in Philadel- most of your rides will speak Eng- LAUNDROMAT "Reliable Prescriptions" phia, Pennsylvania. lish, if you speak a foreign lan- 5 LOCUST STREET It is with pride the GOLD BUG guage this will give you ample op- Drugs and honors James Irvin Lewis as portunity to polish up. Too, by DAILY -7:30·5:00 Everyday Needs "High on the Hili." A rather tall, traveling in this way you have Closed Wed. 12:00 well-developed, collegiate dressing, practically a private guided tour, Noon 30 W. Main St. individual with short, light hair, fer roost Europeans with whom you TIlden 8·8677 Westminster, Md. , ~~i~~ssuc~::~ has been sprinkled ride are quite familiar with Free Delivery Service 8-7100 the local history, and proud and Tilden As a freshman in the fall of eager to relate it to you, as well as To College H'55, "Nuttay," as Jim is better known, reported for football prac- tice. Now, four years later, the athletic career of this young end Patricia Cooper Heagy'. Sport Shop What's New iu the Bookstore???- comes to a halt. However, due Usually presenting a calm, cool, recognition was received as his and collected front to the general 16 W. Main Commemorative Plates teammates voted him the Most .TIlden 8-5515 of Valuable Player in the Johns Hop- student body, Pat has been known A Complete Sports Line "OLD MAIN" to become flustered at times, es- kins game. Jim also, in his four years on pecially when finding an unexpect- or $2.50 Limited supply cd goldfish in her bath water ihe football squad, led the revolt when a certain young man calls for Jew-cut. shoes. This un- TOM MILLER Need an unlined jacket for spring wear j doubtedly led to his success in from Gettysburg. "On my golly" Your Bookstore has zippered poplin models and expression is a characteristic catching that pass in his senior CAMPUS AGENT in natural, tan, green and maize with W.M.C. seal year. can be heard quite frequently when for the $5.00 she is confronted with an ironing However, athletics is but one phase in the varied and "bustlin" board which insists on collapsing Modem G. I. Laundry life of our personality. As a cadet or with friends who tease her. in the Advanced ROTC course, Jim June 20 is the biggest day in her and Cleaners has earned the position of Bat- future for she will be married then talion Commander. Cadet Lt. Col. to Mr. Rodney Gatzke. Pat has 223 E. Green St. Lewis was likewise, earlier this been counting the days to this TIlden 8-6670 year, designated a Distinguished event since 1,004 and as of today All Laundry and Dry Military Student, as well as being there are just 100 to go. Next Cleaning Work Guaranteed elected President of the Reserve year' she will be teaching in either Officers Association. Though be- Gettysburg or in Carroll County. ing accorded the privilege of a Pat's high ideals and fine char- Regular Army commission, Jim has acter have made many friends fa.' threatened desertion if he receives her during her time here. She is an active duty assignment of more one of the most deserving to be se- than six months. Iected as High on the Hill. Now, let's take a 'glance at the extra-curricular activities which Weekday Shows 7 and 9 pm aided Jim in being selected "Who's Sunday Matinees 2 and 4 pm Who Among American Colleges Patronize Our Advertisers Evenings 9 pm and Universities." Jim is a mem- Continuous Shows from 2 pm on Saturday and Holidays ber of Alpha Gamma Tau Frater- nity, current head of the Freshman It Pay. To Leek Well Advisory Council, participant in Fri., Sa~;Up PERISCOp~:!r. 13-14 the Aloha, and a member of both James Garner Edmond O'Brien Student Leaders Conferences. Vilit The When not busy filling campus Sun., Mon., Tue. Mar. 15·16-17 obligations, Jim may be found at Aveuue Barber Shop "THE OLD MAN his desk, surrounded by his "seem- AND THE SEA" ingly enlivened yellow walls," and Techrricolor Hi-Pi blaring, as he diligently at- Where The Students Go Spencer Tracy tempts to solve the next problem in the Price obstacle series. Wed., Thur. Mar. 18-19 "HOME BEFORE DARK" As a person, I feel Jim is now 85 Penmylvania Avenue Jean Simmons Dana O'herilhy 'receiving- credit that has been lay- ing marked "past-due." As a Fri., Sat. Mar. 20-21 roommate and a teammate I know "NEVER STEAL the efforts that he has put into ANYTHING SMALL" those things which he desires to ac- James Cagney Shirley Jones complish. Jim has constantly con- Junior Year ··00«" , , · ·"" .. ·,·"'0".. '••0 0 < . tributed his energies to campus ac- Sun., Mon., Tue. Mar. 29-30-31 REMARKABLE "THE tivities and his· contributions hiwe in MR. PENNYPACKER" Prom trotter been of a worthwhile and concrete Clifton Webb Dorothy McGuire nature. New York Wed., Thur. Apr. 1-2 "THE DOCTORS DILEMMA" Leslie Caron Dick Bogorde An unUlualone-year She's. the queen of the campus, and of You've tried the rest Technicolor course she favors you know what ..• c;01/ege progrQrn Now try the best. the cold crisp taste of Coca-Cola. She knows that anytime, everywhere, Coke is Delicious Wrile/or the real refreshment. We don't say that • Foods brcchurelo' the secret of her success is Coca-Cola • •• but it helps! AT DeanF.H.McClos~.y Fri., Sat. "NORTHWEST Mar. 13-14 W.sblnllonSqure Gary Cooper Madeline Carroll 'J,E REALLY REFRESHED_ •. HAVE A COKEI MOUNTED POLICE" Griffin's NewYarkUnlversllJ, Fri., Sat. Mar. 20-21 Bottled under authority of The Coca-Colo Compony by Collell New Yor~ 3, N.Y. PACIFIC" "UNION Gary Cooper WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA nOTTLING CO.• INC.
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