Page 40 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 40
The Gold Bug. Mar. 13. 1959 The Editor Speaks Do You Know The Easler Message? by Suaan Wheeler You're standing in section D-247 Dali's picture, you think to your- it - Socrates repeats it f01" you; of the noiseless marble-floored art self. That must mean that there Bach plays it on his organ; even gallery, hardly believing what you is something more to fear in life your partly-dissected frog in biolo- see before you. There is only one than death. And the odd part is f!Y lab reminds you of it. But the picture on that wall opposite you- that you can't forget that thought important question is, will you keep it's Salvador Dalt's "Sacrament of -you can't escape its implications this recurrent thought, this clasai- the Last Supper." But it doesn't .. There must be something more cal Easter message, with you, not look at all like those paintings in to fear in life than death . only for this springtime, but the other galleries-Raphael's or Now, when you go into your through all the seasons of your Manet's. daily college classes, you think of life? You see a dean-shaven man sit- ting at a long table that is spread with a clean white cloth, and on Around The Rooms the table before this youthful per, son is a glass of wine and a loaf of bread, Other people are sitting around the The Girls ... The Guys ... pieces. two into broken table, too - twelve of them - but their heads are bowed -low ; the by Dotty by Peanut center figure's is not. As your eyes return to his face, they follow Well, well, there certainly are No one can tell what one may ...PRisrDEItf Of MYCLASS, .srfAlc.HT ''AI< G.UDfs, A his 'pointing finger up to a large some strange things housed in find as he travels through the boys' twelve-sided figure above him and some of the girls' dormitory rooms. dorms. This reporter, under the .f~o A MONTH J08 wArT/lu .. FOR ME. IIlE~ TWO within it are a man's outstretched No one knows what evil will incur pretense of looking for broken WfU.S ~~fOR~ G-R.ADUA'TIO/04 MY ADIJlsr;R. TEl-I-5o arms, that touch the opposite sides when they set foot into one of these windows, found more than one eel- M~ fHAT vuE TO All V/{fORTIJNAfE t'VERS/(;HT I of the geometric design. feminine dens. Come with me for crrut room. NEEDED 1"00 Ho{!.~ CR.ED/TS IN PIIVSICAJ,.. E1'f)(.AflCll After you scan the complete pic- a brief representative journey of All kinds of interesting trinkets 10 CrR.A.DUATI.i. n ture, there in its simple brown one such room. can be found lying around boys' frame, you begin to think - this A few days ago, I was studying rooms. A charm bracelet had the was a' great improvement over is beautiful. And then you ask in one of said rooms and my con- inscription, wrong "Love here Mary Bye." the except Nothing and has poten- LEITERS previous initiations more improve- yourself - Oh? Why? You're no centruticn was continually being young man is going steady with an- tialities for interrupted by the presence even art critic, you know. But this time of a To The ment along these lines. and The period you're not at a loss for words-it's multitude of items grouped on a other girl. a sign, "A One room boasted bedside table. A coffee pot found proved constructive helpful looking this: what you're simply Your re- Bowl of Boh, 15 cents." EDITOR and yet still offered a challenge to at is a modern man's symbolic in- a resting place on top of a text porter investigated this thoroughly the pledge with all the elements of terpretation of thel teachings of book. A jar of Vicks VapoRub previous initiations. Jesus Christ and his Lord. That's and a bottle of nail-polish-remover and found it to be a nasty rumor. Sincerely, why it's beautiful: those twelve held bright heads up above the ash- In a room just upstairs was a To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: Luther Martin, President men around the table, they're his try filled with cigarettes of all de- month's supply of GI-Laundry wn- During the recent second semes- Pi Alpha Alpha Fraternity disciples; you can't see their faces scriptions. A roll of toilet paper tel' bags. I guess the "Dean bug" ter pledging period, Pi Alpha simply because they're not impor- unwound itself through everything hasn't! discovered this yet. Aneth- Alpha fraternity held a two week To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: tant to the idea in the picture. making the whole look like a be- Ell' room contained a parakeet Hell week instead of the tradition- I would like to extend congratu- What is important is that Christ is iated Christmas gift. Needles, named Guh, which is in trainng to alone. As this was the 'first time lations to the Freshman Class for at the center of the table, and that thread, Q-Tips, and callus pads be a falcon. Also found ... every- such an extension has ever been their fine presentation ()f the his arms reach out and touch all scattered themselves around the where. . PINUPS! carried out, we would like the stu- "Freshmen Frolic." It is my feel- sides of that dodecagon. In oth- alarm clock and over any uncovered Thanks to the ROTC depart- dents of WMC to know our pur- ing that the dance was a real suc- er words, right here in front of areas of the table top. ment, many rooms had a new eddl- poses and their results. cess and also a representation of you is a declaration of faith, ap- This table started me thinking- tion to their library entitled, The The reasons for such an exten- the spirit of the Freshman Class. plied to our twentieth century not too coherently=-but enough to Infantry, A Call to Courcce, by the sion are several. During the first I think a hand might also be ex- mode of living, and yet not losing cause me to examine more closely Department of the Army. (Your semester of this year the faculty, tended to the "Skyliners," the new- the slightest shade of meaning. some rooms I had previously reporter has had the misfortune of in the light of little IFC progress ly-formed campus band, which pro- Now you ask yourself - Why can't thought ordinary. Did I say or- being a part of this fine program, in revamping HeJl week, issued an vided music at the dance. Never everyone do as much with his dinary? At first thought, one may but thinks it should be named, A. order which stated that all fra- before have I heard a band obtain faith? The circle of men around think my first example an isolated Call for Tired Feet). Many other ternity initiation activities will be such a "sound" at their first ap- that table extends its circumfer- one. However, I found this table bits of propaganda were also sup- excluded from classrooms and the pearance. The band might well be ence outside th epieture to make and similarly adorned bulletin plied by the ROTC department. library. This order was rescinded kept in mind by organizations you feel that you're actually sit- boards to be the rule, rather than Suspended from a light bulb by until June by the assurance that planning! mixers in the future. ting there, too. And aren't you? .the exception. a hangman's noose was a bottle of IFC action on Hell week would Sincerely, Aren't you the person who has al- I wonder if there could be some Vat 69. Near this display was a take place. To date nothing has Wayne Conrad ready decided that life isn't merely mistake in the calendar this year, !;-ign directing the way towards been decided upon. By having a for upon entering one room, I bub has immeasurable two week. pledging period we were ,to the Editor of the GOLDBUG: a bad joke, within? Well then, do found a sign about 2 feet high and Waynesboro, sign Pa. was In an adjacent room saying, seen a meaning able to eliminate all costuming and The Wesleyans have recently re- something with that decision; take r-unning the entire length of the "Methodist Church, 1 mile." still retain an effective pledging eelved a letter from Margaret something away from this art gal- room. Only a few weeks before Your reporter was taken aback period. By learning a little each Whitfield, a graduate of the elasa lery that will make your own hu- Easter, this sign bears the golden night, the pledges were able to of '58. Margaret is now serving man search a more satisfying one. greeting, "MERRY CHRIST· by a plaque reading-"\Vatch out In kangaroos." low-leaping for learn about the fraternity and its as a missionary to Japan with the So you follow your own advice "IAS." that same room was, "KROW- traditions more effectively and ac- Board of Missions of the Method- for once, and as you walk slowly These are only a few of the cur- (read I" tually have time to learn more. ist Church. In her letter Margaret away from this picture and out the ious collections in girls' rooms; EMOH ETAH sums up your back- re- This wards). The pressure was less with the said that her work is very reward- gallery doors, onto the busy side- some I have omitted because they feelings, also. Just down- overall feeling that academics suf- ing, but at the eame time disheart- walks of Constitution Avenue, would never pass the censors. porter's was a poster stating, "WE stairs fered little or none as compared ening because of the poverty of the you're greeted by the newness of However, a little imagination is all DO NOT ALLOW ALCOHOI.IC with a ,one week period when Japanese peasant with whom she spring all around you. It's so that is necessary to complete the ON studies are often given up com- works. She went on to say that much like the re-birth explained in pictur-e of this girl's room. BEVERAGES fellow THIS CAM- have must This PUSl" pletely. Under this system, con- there was a special need for cloth siderable time was also available ing among both the children and b-een an abstainer. Hanging next for constructive work in and on the adults. to it, however, was a sign adver-tia, ing Shaefer Beer. Maybe this fel- clubroom itself. Two or three The Wesleyans feel that per- meetings were held thus elminating haps the student body would like From The Horse's Mouth low isn't a total abstainer after all. meetings ....every night. In addi- to take an active part in assisting Then just as the tour was about The wes- tion, a one week pledge period can Murgaret in her work. "I greet you at the dawn of a new career ... " Emerson sent these completed, yours truly poked his he as hard on the members as on leyans would like to designate congratulatory words to Walt Whitman, when he published his now fam- head through an open door, only to the pledges. Going to meetings April first and second "Clothes for ous LeaveB of GI·asS. At this time I am greeting you-all of you cur- find a near-sighted pheasant glar- every night and making sure the Japan" days. The drive is being ious seekers after knowledge (whether it be academic or not)-and no ing back at him. This, however, pledges are doing what they are scheduled immediately aft e 1" one is congratulating me. But I must find something more to say, since was not the same door that had supposed to takes quite a lot of Spring vacation so students may the title implies that this column is going to contain something w? been mortally wounded with shot. time. bring back from home all out- while. All I ask from you is a little support. Please do some excttmg 15Unbullets. To conclude this new pledging grown, out-moded clothes (perhaps things that I can relate in future issues of the GOLDBUG. I will do my Over in another sectior., not too period, 8i new kind of Hell mission even those gawdy Christmas ties). best to give evervqne ample recognition for his memorable escapades. long ago, one room could boast a was tried and worked exeellently-c- Or> April first and second clothes Cushman motor scooter. This a constructive mission. For six will be collected at each end of the And dlm't feel neglected, just because ylnt ha1;en't had any' bad luck scooter is now extinct. The last hours our pledges sold ping pong dining hall in the evening between yet today. There is a long eveni11g ahead of you, and I'm certain it sign your reporter saw was pinned balls at 15ctothecitizensofWest- five and six o'clock. The Wesley- over a girl's picture. It read, minster. The financial results of ans ask the support of the student conld be loaded wUh mishaps if yon played your canw rfght. After all, "One Hour Parking, 2 A.M. to 3 this Monday, Bturted 1ny mieiortunee I was called upon. to when past this project were contributed to body in this venture. some aphorisms and witticisms to fill this space. Y01~ Bee, it conld A.M." ihe campus WUS fund. Yours sincerely, write .. happen to YOll. We feel that a Hell week as tried The Wes~eyans by Pi Alpha Alpha this semester Don't take it so hard, fellas; after all, the women on campus have, GOLD BUG •.. A Reminder ••• Ode To Spring We have just elected a president certain rigid rules to which they must respond, too, and why should you a little more all be any exception? At any rate, you might find that accumulating in a quiet room just could be beneficial towards studying Vacation to head our Student Government in some quality points. year. the coming academic Now that he is in office we must remem- HeaTticst COligratulati01Ul to all who took ,just a jew minuteS" of thei-r Barbara Holland ber that our obligation to him has precious time to fill ont a ballot for the SGA electimt. Since, sooner 01: just begun. Remember to support later, in this rushing and: bustling society of Intrs, we will all "come 0.1 I'm tired of your classics, the president and cabinet by inter. Member realists and romantics, e~t and ""'service to insure the sue· age," now is a good time to put into practice the principles of delIWCTa
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