Page 39 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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Curtain Of Junior Plays To Rise On "Family" Theme Tonight at 8:1b pm the curtains in Alumni Hall will rise for the annual presentation of the Junior Plays, Miss Esther, Smith of the Dramatic Art Depar-tment is di- recting the three one-act. plays; the sets were designed by 1\11'. William Student Leadership Conference 'I'ribby. with which families All three plays involve situations and problems Evaluates School Year Progress are faced. The Prichard to be pre- first Eaton's sented is Walter Gro,nd1l!a Oldstyle with a cast in- by Katherine Bond: one proposal. Granted, such pro- three-hour rehash of progress fOI' cluding Esther Upperco, Mina Kir- gr-ams leave much to be desired in the formulation of ideas for next by, Dorothy Glotfelty, Char-les The members who attended the scheduling, etc., but it is the aim of Pugh, Charles Bernstein, and Bee- Student Leadership Conference the newly-formed Intellectual Tone J'ear's conference, but the meeting n-ix Gill. The plot involves a fam- last fall and some of the future Committee to atrive for fur-ther adjourned on an optimistic note. ily's attempt to exist without the leaders of western Maryland met improvement. Alpha Gamma Tau Dean Howery, with help, arranged bnllast of strong parental control. meal in the Presi- for a special on Saturday afternoon, March 7, also sponsored a speaker, another Because of their parents- energetic to evaluate the progress made dur- step in the t-ight direction. dent's dining room as a reward for devotion to outside activities, their ing the year and to suggest im- Student representation on the all the progress made. teenage children have no one to provements for next year's confer- Assembly Committee is' still in the whom they can take their prob- ence. The purpose of the fall embryonic stage, but progress is in lems. It is at this' point that meeting was to establish definite the imminent future. Open Lett~ Grand~rm Oldstyle "takes over." proposals directed toward the theme, "Helping The Hill." Calendar Ccntralized Nor-man. W. DaV'is, Theatre Month Celebrated Mr. Willia-rn T1'ibby, desiuner Difficulties posed by the lack of Improvement Seen a central calendar should be alle- SGA President-Elect The second presentation is a It was chos- WM WomenMay The consensus of opinion re- viated somewhat niter spring re- III a ca1npus election, yesterday, symbolic tragedy, The Intrude?' by volved around the idea that the cess when the new administration Norman lV. Dallis, /)y a clear 1Il~- Maurice Maeterltnek. Month Vie For Awards conference was successful, for building is opened. With the four ]ority, was elected to the position en as Western Maryland's part of while action may have been taken deans' offices in one location, sched- (./ President of the Student Gov- the International Theatre in several areas in due time, the uling should be less of a chore. A e-rllment Association. The GOLD of Celebrations. The members of DUring the months of February awareness of these problems would ccpy of the official calendar will be BUG gladly rctouee the foliowin_(J this cast include Shirley Ream, Jill and March, Reed and Barton Sil- not have been so acute without the posted in the Student Union Build- letter at the lIrgellce of the 1I.c1l1 Brown, Beatrix Gill, Thomas versmiths are conducting a "Silver discussions and consolidated efforts ing for easy reference. l"'eridcnt, War-d, Maurice Arsenault, Allen Opinion Competition" in which of the representative leaders. . The Men's Council has initiated Wortz, und Esther Upperco. In valuable scholarship awards total- The leaders agreed that there quiet hours on the men's dorms in To the Student'Body: the picture Mueterlinck gives of a ing $1050 are being offered to duly was definite improvement in the an effort to facilitate studying and This last week has been one of family in l!lth century Europe, the enrolled women college students. area of communication and general improve the men's marks. This excitement, work,and loss of sleep. audience sees the universal family First Grand Award is a $500 understanding. Motivation was action was suggested last fall as a I feci the student body. showed of mankind. The play involves a cash scholarship; Second Grand an important by-product coming necessity with the higher stand. keen interest and enthusiasm in blfnd grandfather who senses the Award is a ~250 scholarship, and from the combined efforts. N eces- ards imposed by the administ.i-a, the Student Government election. presence of death in his home and Third, Fourth and Fifth awards sar-ily, this was an experiment ttion. I sincerely hope that this feeling a fecling of. growing apprehension arc $100 scholarships. In addition whose paths were not without ob- Increased student par-ticipatlon will continue in' the support of on the part of the family. ther-e wilf-oe 100 other awards with stacles. in chapel is evidence of .prcgress in your Student Government. The Comedy Presented winners having the option of re- In reviewing the list of proposals another area of campus life. high percentage of voters at the made in the fall, it was found that., polls and untiring support for your The third and final one-act play ~:~:i~r a s!~~ ~~Vi~fe~'l~~ndsir~el~ in most cases, definite action had Radio Station Considered candidates, showed your strong de- been taken by appropriate organi- s-ire to exert your power as a voter ~~ut;,: I~~e~i~~n,~l'i~(it~~en~Vjl~~~ china, and crystal with a retail zations. Imi~~s:i.!~ro~f ;:~nf:C!:~~ie~~e :e~~ and campus citizen. s~:'Y i:1Vol~~s a rur,al. family an.d va~~et~~ ~~ll~~~i~~~~fo:4~~mpeti_ One area of concern was the ~on to refuse funds fOI' a campus I am glad of this chance to ex- in€Jr slmphClty o! iJVlll~. ClaS~IC....tion" an entrant is asked to name overload of responsibility placed radio station, more investigation pl'ess my "thanks." 1 realize that truths of the family are Illustrated her favorite china, silver and crys- - upon the deans and President En- will be done. It was felt that a to many, who have been so vital in and the audience sees the fun and tal patterns. Then, in her own SOl.. It was mentioned that the as- radio station would be a definite my campaign, that "thanks" seems joy found in solitude by members words, she must tell why she has li'lgnment of class sponsors has asset toward effective communica- inadequate. May I take this open of the family. Miss Patricia chosen them. Entrics will be helped to alleviate this, and that tion if planned well. opportunity to eXj,ress, however, Schaefer has the starring rol~ and jlldged on the basis of interesting any more specific proposals have Action is still in process on two my extreme appreciation to all who other members of the cast include opinions rather than literary. tech- been tabled indefinitely. of the proposals: (1) the shorten- have sacrificed their time and ef- Robf!rt Harris, Sharon Board, niques. Closing date is March 31, ing or eliminating of classes on fort to make my ambition of vic- James Gibson, Jonathan David, Minimum Al'erage Established Homecoming and May Day, and tory a reality. and Theodore Kinter. 1959. The Intersorority and Interfra- (~) the continuance of Hell Week I reaffirm my pla:form which I The three plays constitute the Those interested in entering the ternity councils. found it feasible with specific modifications as es- stressed on Monday. Many of you t_hird major presentation of the >:onte"t should contact Barbara Heflin in Blanche Ward dormitory to establish a minimum scholastic tablished by the Intersorority and who _may attend the forthcoming Dramatic Art Department this for further details and rules. average for students to be eligible Interfraternity councils. Student Leadorship Conference year. Admission is free and the Last year Eileen Ditman, for membership. Sueh action is in The Student leaders decided to should bear in mind it is the prem- entire student body is inl'ited for ior here at Western Maryland, a sen- was keeping with the idea of elevating drop any further action directed ise on which your SGA will run. the evening. the intellectual tone of the campus. toward having the male students It is my earnest desire and wish the recipient of such a scholarship. \Vomen may be no more than six \!lear a shirt and tie to the evening to serve ail the students not one but you, the student body. "United Nations" Slated pcints behind; mcn, no more t.han meal. The matter was to be left type, one fraternity, one class, one ten points. to the discretion of the fraternities faction, The faculty seminal' discussions or the indvidual's sense of taste. This election has caused many to on Africa were an outgrowth of Little time remained after a think about their Student Govern- As Military Ball Theme lllbnt and I hope to understand it Miss Jean Jeffrey, Sophomore, bettel". May we now form a unit- sume an air of international flavor militaq from a.ny student may_ be On Mal,ch 20, Gill Gym will a\- Tickets' course. so that the SGA may ing force, in th'c obtained serve yon in the best possible way. Captures "Best Dressed" Title' Sincerely, as the "United Nations" has been junior and senior military classes, as the theme of the com- designated pel' at ,the nominal fee 9f $2.50 Norman W. Davis ing' Military understanding need for better Ball. The present be- couple. Bal~ is one of the The Military Miss Jean Jeffrey has been se- iween the differcnt countries. of the high spots in the social activities lected to represent Western Mary- "W ere You There" world deems this a very appropri- on campus-DON'T MISS IT! land College in Glamour Maga- ate reminder of the critical world zine's third annual "10 Best Is Easter Drama situation. Dressed College Girls in America Recitals Planned For the second consecutive year, at the Ball will be the Featured Contest." the Student Christian Association l'eturn of the Second Army Kiltie Chosen by ballot on March 2, will present an Easter drama. Band. Those who attended last By Music Majors 1959, Jean was among ten candi- 'rhis year's performance is under yeur's dance \vill l'emember that dates nominated for the honor. the capable reign of James Gibson the performance of t.his Bagpipe This evening, Friday, March 13, This is the second year in succes- and Clarence T(aylor, co-directors. ensemble was olle of the highlights ]959, at 7:00 pm in Levine Mu~ic sion that Miss Jeffrey has been Both of these individuals have ex· of the evening. Hall, the last of the senior music nominated as one of the Ten Best cellent qualifications for the posi- Also, the crowning of the "Queen recitals will be given. Evelyn Dressed Girls on Campus. This tion of director, Each has to hi:; of the Ball" will be featured. The Todd, piano, and Donald D'Angelo, year, however, her taste in clothes credit several semesters of work i'n trumpet, will combine to give a has been recognized as she ad- dlamatic' art, which includes per- queen is selected from the spon- joint program. sors of the vurious units within the vances to national competition. fOl'mances in many productions. Battalion, These sponsors are Miss Todd, first on the program, Jean is a member of the sopho_ Such directorship will be an asset Sue Warren, Staff; Lynn Sterling, will include in her performance two more class majoring in English ,ed- to the production. Br.nd; Melba Lou Nelms, "A" ~elections by Bela Bartok, Valse ucation with plans for teaching af- "Were You There?" a dramatic Company; Sue Cossabone, "B" Dance, and two by Fred- ter graduation. Returning this religious service will be presented Company, Shirley Ream, 'Ie" Com- and Real' Prelude No. (j and Nic Chopin, fall from her home in Westwood, 011Wednesday, March 18, 1959, at pany; and Kay Mitchell, Honor No.lO. New Jersey where she workcd in , 7 :00 pm in Baker Chapel. Writ- Guard. The voting for the Qucell a college dress shop, Jean pledged ten by Edith K, Willis and Edith is among the members of the She will also render Sonata in A Phi Alpha Mu sorority. Ellsworth, the presentation deals ROTC detachment. ,Hojor by Domenico Sc~rlatti Sonata and Van Beethoven's Ludwig In' accordance with the rules with the testimony of key figures The Delonaires will provide the No. 10, Opus £4. Jean was photographed on campus at the time of the crucifixion. music for the edification of thosc Evie is a public school music in three outfits, namely a typical The drama is an interpretation attending. Other features are on-campus outfit, an off-campus from the New Testament and de- favors provided for each couple llS major in piano from Washington, outfit, and a date dress (full or siTes to make "more real and vivid a souvenir and the chance for the D. C. Her activities on the Hill in Sigma Sig- cccktail length). for our own day these events in the girls to see their favorite lads in include membership the College Choir ma Tau sorority, Upon receipt of the participat- life of Jesus Christ." their spic and span "O.D.'s" 01' ing colleges' nominees, a panel of Those in attendance will see such modern army greens. and the Women's Glee Club. Glamour editors will begin choos- personalities as Judas, Peter, Si- The dance is semi-formal and Also in line with her major is ing the ten girls which they feel mon, Pontius Pilate, Caiphais, and begins at 8:45 with a receiving line her membership in Delta Omicron, best fit Glamour's stated qualifi!!a- the Centurion portrayed. Adding for the students in the advanced the national honorary music fra- tions. Judging is based on the ten to the prevailing atmosphere will ternity which has a local chapter specific points which were also the bc special lighting and narration. here at WMC. of the pro- The second portion criteria for lo.:al selection. A chorus consisting of six males ARGONAUT gram, presented by Donald D'An- will provide special choral music. Quoting in part from the entry blank submitted by the GOLDBUG The cast for the play is, as was BANQUET I gelo, will include S(, /01' T?'lI.m- Maurice and Emmanuel by lJet last year, entirely from the fresh- may serve to illustrate why she , mun class. Th'ose who will par- Clarence D. Long, econom- Sonata lor Trumpet by Kent Ken- was so voted the honor by the stu- ticipate in the drama include ics professor at Johns Hop- nen. dent body. JlIiss Jean Jeffrey kins University and a former 'rhomas Hayes, Carl Sb'ein, RDb- Outside of Don's musical activi- "Jean stands out on 'Campus ble phase cf ~-ood grooming, Jean ert Wolf, Downey Price, Thomas candidate for the United ties, which include membership in Hill' among the women with her is abol'e reproach. With ease and Muhlfeldel', Donald Rabush, and States Senate, will be the the Band since his freshman year, fine taste in clothes, as well as assurance she dresses appropriate- Harry Rumberger. speaker at the traditional he is a member of Alpha Gamma with her pixie-like charm. She ex- !y for every occasion and never has It is the hope of the SCA that Argonaut Banquet. Tau fraternity. emplifies without question the ten t.he appearance that her clothes or this will establish itself as a tradi- It will be held on April 6, Don is from Baltimore, Mary- qualifying points necessary for the her personality are forced, but tion which will grow to hal'e sig- 1959, at Frocks. land, and plans to go to graduate best dressed girl. In every possi- simply her natural and fresh self." nificance in the Hill's activities. scbool and major in music theory.
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