Page 38 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 38
4 The Gold Bug, Feb. 27, 1959 Preachers Capture Terrorettes Varsity Adds SIDELIGHTS. Intramural Title by JOHN WEAGLY Delta Pi Alpha captured the I~- To Impressive Record t.ramurul Basketball League title. During the past week the girls' varsity squad. The junior varsity 'l'he Preachers successfully met all varsity lengthened their victory also triumphed easily led by the Congratulations Preachers all challengers in the league during string to four, while the junior play of Mel Wagner and Joannie The their drive toward the crown. Bachelor-s and the Huggers fur- varsity triumphed twice in two Wood. Wood, possessor of a good Delta Pi Alpha is to be congratulated f;;r their impressive showing nished the chief threats during the contests. Jump shot, rebounded outstanding- in the Intramural Basketball League. The Preachers, possessors of an season. On. Saturday afternoon a large ly to aid in the acquisition of many outstanding thirteen win and one loss record, captured first place in the Delta Pi Alpha clinched the title squad of spirited rooters saw the points. Freshman Diane Gardncr team standings. The Preachers played fine ball throughout the season. by defeating Alpha Gamma Tau g-ir-ls" squad defeat Mt. St. Joseph's and _sophomore Barbara Horst They were able to rise to the occasion at each opportunity, particularly twice during the season. Both College of Emmitsburg in a return spearheaded the defense. in their two games against AlphaHamma Tau. These games were won games were exciting with the match. This time the score was . With these wins under their belt by a combined total of only seven pouits. The two well deserved vic- Preachers' largest margin of vic- not as close, as the girls won handi- the girls' team met with Villa Julie tories guaranteed them the title tory being four points. The Bach- ly 50 to 34. St. Joe seemed lost in Junior College, to handily add an- The Preachers were led by the fine all-around play of Can 011 Giese. elm's, defending champions, never the length of Blanche Ward Gym, other'victory: 64-45. The experi- Giese, selected as the most valuable player in the league, was outstanding managed to catch the high-scoring and most of their shots feU short enced seniors on the Terrorette both on offense and defense. Also contributing valuable play to the at- men of the Purple and Gold. into the waiting arms of Betty squad far outclassed the younger tack of Delta Pi Alpha were George Becker and Ken Gill. Coach Fred Reid. Again the tricky trio of DUkes should also be recognized for his fine coaching of the team and The Preachers were led by Car- Clemmitt, Voshell, and Etzler far ~~~l~o;~~~d~i~~~ b;h~~vg~~ ~~~ / also his play during the final stages of the season. This marks the sec- rol! Giese and Ken Gill, their two outclassed their opponents. A nne Voshell build an ever increas- ond consecutive year that Fred has coached the intramural championship lending scorers. Also prominent in During the week the girls enter- ing lead. Outstanding payer of team. That's quite a record for a sophomore! the potent attack were Walt Ma- tained Mt. St. Agnes College of the game was Norma Lee Etzler. The Preachers' victory in the basketball race places them in a tie han, George Becker, and Coach Baltimore in u two-game contest. Though she is the smallest player with Alpha Gamma Tau for the possession of the Fraternity Cup. Each Fred Dilkes. Fred was outstand- The varsity triumphed in a close on the squad, she led the team in fraternity now has seven points toward the Cup. Gamma Beta Chi is ing both on and off the court dur- battle as St. Agnes' excellent rebounds, outclassing- her much third with four points. With volleyball and softball championships still ing the season. Bob Cole also con- guarding by both the forwards and taller opponents. In the junior at stake, the Cup winner is still very much in doubt. The race should tributed to many early victories be- the guards slowed the 'I'errorettes varsity game the consistent play of prove to be interesting, fore advancing to the varsity. Jane Ernsberger and rebounding for two quarters. But with the ot: Rhea Ireland added punch to a WMC's Top Basketballer Alpha Runners-up Noted onset of the third quarter the girls team which far outclassed their found holes in the defense and be- Gamma Tau finished sec- ter teamwork in this game, a sign First a quick fake, then a fast jump shot - two more points for ond in league pIMY,possessing an gan to build a lead which led to foes. The squad showed much bet- Surprise victory. of game the Western Maryland College. And two more points for Dave Martin. eleven win and three loss record. came when Carol Latham, a fresh- of a good future. The Bachelors ball played strong This little scene will be familiar to all who followed the trials of our man, exhibited outstanding play Also in the girls' sports area, the Tenor basketball team. Among the ten men on the court, number 40 throughout the season, but were un- which well proved her place on the intramural badminton tournament towered often like a giant over the proceedings. It has been several able to overhaul the Preachers. is underway, though as yet not years since the WMC fans have seen a player with such a deft touch and Leading the Blue and White attack enough play has gone by to see Bob Lewis. Future Promising ability at accomplishing the object of the game-propelling the reftuent were All-Stars and Jim Anderson, who the favorites are. Anne Vo- Clark Kirkman, spheroid through the circular aperature suspended in the celestial at- shell, Joan Wood and Judy Tye are who For Hoopsters mosphere far above the engrained timbers of the rectangular jousting Lewis, Don Dewey, and Roy Ken- defending their respective class field. {whewl) (That is the best sentence that has been published in nedy are first string players championships while Joan Wood is this column this year.) will be lost through graduation. defending school champion. Spir- Often when the team was as helpless as a Iully loaded blowgun war- Coach Dave Edington, selected to One win and seventeen losses: ..;0 ited play is. expected to ensue. rior suffering from hiccups, Dave's consistent scoring rallied the team coach the All-Star team, will also ends one of the poorest seasons in and gave ~he fans new hope. Recognizable always by his ready smile, g-raduate thie spring after 'serving the history of Western Maryland On the surface College basketball. Dave consistently plagued the opposition. This was realized by Johns as the very capable leader of the extremely difficult to win. Re- Hopkins' basketball team, for they geared their entire defense to stop Bachelors. the 1959 campaign showed very building is an essential part of one man. Uniortunatcly, it worked. The Huggers, usually known for little to rave about, but a close look every sport. The Terrors are at a On behalf of the Terror fans, I may say with assurance that it has their colorful play, also did some into the inner feelings of the play- point now where their rebuilding been a pleasure to watch Dave's play throughout the season. It was serious work. As a result, they CI'S will reveal that all is not lust program has just about been com- downfall. in the Terror also encouraging to view the final gamcs of the season, for as the sched- finished third iii. league competi- pleted and they are ready to show ule progressed, the team matured and showed promise of better things tion. Led by the league's leading For one thing, the student body the program's results. for the future. Spearheaded by the play of Dave Martin, basketball at scorer, Tony Wiles, the Huggers has shown that fighting- Terror Youth is the key to the program Western Maryland has a decidedly b"n,;,·gh~'~"~f~u'~u~,,~.===== were the hottest team in the field spir-it and loyalty is still present in and the addition of such freshmen at the season's close. Their skilled the hearts of every member of the as Dave Martin, who averaged The team knows, that Rifle Team Record Art Alperstein, Herbert In order to play enabled the quint to win seven college. of wins to start next sea- a 18.2, and Skip Brown, Annapolis Helman, of their last eight games, including couple should make for high school star, Don Hollinger. and Shows Progress qualify a standard of 250 on several a victory over the Preachers. This son's campaign will arouse the sup- great improvement in the progress for the team, they had to In fact the team only loss of the was the Preachers port of everyone. citheteam. attain spirit stages of and Jack Baile provided the added shown during For the first time in its history, practice sessions. Although the season. Freshmen Tom Watson is proud of the the latter that was now There is nothing and anyone can do see. but wait There the Western Maryland Rifle Team freshmen may not see too much ac- punch fOI"the Huggers. this year's season. Even when it doesn't appear to be any hitch in will compete on a country-wide lev, tual competition, they constitute Gamma Bet Chi, suffering from was apparent that the team would the Terror program, and jf the the basic cc,re of the squad. el in the National Collegiate Inter- inconsistency, finished in fourth not win many games the students team fails to win next season then Scholastic Indoor Rifle Matches to place to round out the first division. still came out to support their there is something wrong that is be held during the second week of IMatmen Are Defeated I Led by soccer standouts Ted Kin- squad. Every member of the Ter- not presently obvious to anyone. • March. ter, Lloyd Musselman, Bruce Lee, ror quint is thankful fQr this. The team wants to win, the coach The right to this competition was Jim Gibson, and Norman Davis, the The second factor concemlng the wants to win, the students want to 1\ result of the Green Terrors plac- WIth the annual Mason-Dixon Gamma Bets provided stiff compe- feelings of the team is the fact that win, so let's all remove any thought ing in the high eighteen univer si- Tournament at Galludet College tition for the other members of the every member of the squad will re- of defeat from our minds and ac- ties, colleges, and junior colleges in only a week away, the Terror wres- league. turn to service again next winter. cept the thought of winning. tling- squad iaces a tough card of the Second Army area. They will All-Stars Chosen They all worked hard this season, also be shooting agai nat the high competition. In dane by the league's gaining- valuable -exper-ience, and The mat-men have experienced three essentially military schools rough year, capped by a recent n teams and coaches, Carroll Giese when the team reunites for the and the high four teams from the was selected as the most valuable 1960 season, marked improvement LECKRON National Defense Cadet Corps shutout. at the hands of Lycoming. is player in the Intramural League. .~hould be evident in every member However, an encouraging factor Schools. Thus the total number of that for the first time in many sea- Tony Wiles placed second in the of the squad. GULF SERVICE teams participating from the Sec- balloting. The top twelve players There will be no real problems ond Army area is brought to twen- sons Western Maryland will enter of the league as determined by this to deal with except winning ball ty-five. a full team in the tournament. poll are as follows: Carroll Giese games. The squad is now thor- W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. Last year \\'MC fired a 2631 for According to the head mentor the and Ken Gill, Preachers; Bob An- oughly versed in every aspect of Westminster. Md. ten men in the prone, kneeling and league's two big giants-host Gal- derson, Jim Lewis, and Clark Kirk- coach Dick Clower'S system. standing positions, which did not ludet and the University of Balti- man, Bachelors; Tony Wiles and Every team at one time finds it T18-9781 enable it to' advance to the Nat.ion, more-are expected to dominate the Juck Baile, Huggers; Ted Kinter, Mchlhen, ars. This year, however, the Ter- event. are Only given Price good and chances to Gamma Bets; Jim MeLea, Ids; Complete Motor Service rich rors scored a 2691 in the qualifica- Jerry Hite and Doc Richards, Heagy's Sport Shop Brakes Relined tion round and earned the right to place high in their respective l~reshmen "A"; Phil Brohann, further competition. classes out of the eighteen-man Freshmen "B." 16 W. Main WMCsquad. Another event the riflemen are TIlden 8·5515 pointing for is the Handicap Tro- On ThUrsday, February 19, the Final St~ndings A Complete Sports Line phy Match to be held during the Green Terrors put forth their best Team Won Co" ea.JVWJl cJhea.iJu ,"ffort in an 18-18 tie with visiting third weel( of March. Open solely J. 'Preachers 13 1 to WM shooters, the match will re- Loyola. Price started the WM 2. Bachelors 11 3 'k/~,M~ .olve around self-competition for sCQring with a pin. Ward (147) 3. Huggers 9 5 trophies and medals. registered a narrow 2-0 decision, 4. Gamma Bets 7 7 KEN McCAULEY Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. This afternoon they played host followed by pins by Berman (157), 5. Freshmen "A" 6 8 .....Rep.resenting Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. 18-10 Leading to Potomac State's riflemell, who and Street (167). left and seeing 6. Id, 5 9 Evenings 9 p.m. with two matches 11l'e staying here overnight. The 'i. Freshmen "B" 5 9 LAUNDROMAT Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on visitors are headed by Robert Gos- their first victory the Mohlhenrich_ 8. Black and Whites 0 14 Saturday and Holidays nell, a former WM student who has men were overhauled and had to 5 LOCUST STREET fired up to 293 out of a possible 300 settle for ll.tie. DAILY -7:30·5:00 Fri., Sat. Feb. 27.28 points. In their two previous matches, "THE PERFECT FURLOUGH" With recent victories ovcr aggr~_ t.he grapplers suffered losses to Flowers for All Occasions Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon Tony Curtis Janet Leigh gations from Gettysburg and Loy- Bdtimore and Dickinson. The Designed Especially TIlden 8-8677 Sun., Mon., Tues., \Ved. cia Colleges, the Coyner-coached Bees won by a 28-7 decision with a March 1-2-3-4 ~<:!uadbrought its season's over-all tie by Street and a forfeit account_ For You Free Delivery Service "AUNTIE MAME" record to 5-5. Led by Captain ing for the Terrors' only points. To College Rosalind Russell Forrest Tucker Ken Nicholes' 287 firing, they Against Dickinson, Mohlhcnrich's duwned visiting Loyola 1390-1345 pin over Jones was the hright spot DUTTERER'S Thurs., Fri., Sat. March 5-6-7 "I WANT TO LIVE" on February 20. A week earlier il' a 27-5 defeat. Susan Hayward Theodore Bikel Last Monday Lycom- powerful the Terrors handed Gettysburg a ing stopped the visiting Terrors 36- 114 Pennsylvania Ave. If you want to get fairly close 1385-1372 defeat. Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., U. This was not too great a sur_ A meal that's neat, March 8-9-10-11 prise as the Warriors arc the lead- TIlden 8·9350 Eat at Benny's, 'll1e~X~~~d~~; ~~~vSj~:s~:en~;n:K ing contenders ior the Middle At- "BELL. BOOK AND CANDLE" Willis, Dave Eckman, John DeMott, lantic Tournament. It can't be beat James Stewart Kim Novak Thursday March 12 TOM MILLER You've tried the rest BUUUf'rL "BICYCLE THIEF" Cartoon and News CAMPUS AGENT Now try the best. Westminster for the Laundry K~ and Modern G. I. Laundry Delicious Dry Cleaning 'k/~,Md. and Cleaners Foods TIlden 8-7830 Fri., Sat. Feb. 27-28 ROOM LAUNDRY (Double Feature) 223 E. Green St. AT LOCATED IN OLD MAIN "TOKYO AFTER DARK" TIlden 8-6670 Our New Addition --also- We Give All Laundry and Dry S&H Green Stamps The Colonial "THE YOUNG CAPTIVES" Cleaning Work Guaranteed Dining Room Fri., Sat., Sun. March 6-7-8 "THE DEFIANT ONES" Tony Curtis Sidney Poiti"er
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